An everlasting barren land, under a golden altar, an uninvited guest is walking.

There is a huge barren altar in front of it. The altar looks very tall, full of 100 meters, and the long stairs continue to spread from low to high. It looks very spectacular and has a strong sense of history.

A breath of time came, and at this moment, standing on the steps and looking up, Adier seemed to see the scenes of the past.

A group of barbarians covered in animal skins worship here, build mountains and quarries, build the altar in front of it step by step, and then continue to expand it, gradually forming the current scale.

Step on …

Watching the past of time, Adier went forward step by step. At this moment, the will and the body gradually separated, and slowly integrated into the surroundings.

A little scarred blood appeared from all around the altar, with a little mottled mark on it, and a little thin soul power.

With the separation of Adier’s will, these blood all shined brightly, and the endless light shone, step by step manifesting the marks that belong to the past, and again manifesting in front of Adier.

The corpse of the god fell … the altar was built … the ten stars were established … the major events that occurred before the altar continued to emerge, each of them, each face was so clear and vivid, like The real past is usually lively and bright.

In it, a scene resonates with Adier.

A dim sunset, outside the barren altar, several people in purple robes with tears on their old faces, knelt under the golden coffin and kept scratching their heads.

A dull sound came out, a little crimson blood was left, and a unique mark of the city was engraved under the strength of the golden coffin, deeply imprinted on this altar.

A little Purple Qi is rising. When Adier’s will is separated, his body is slowly moving forward, and with the help of some kind of strength, he walks accurately and clearly towards the coffin in front.

In this process, the endless majesty is permeating around the altar, and a large number of strengths are reduced to chains to try to lock Adier’s body, but they are directly cancelled and resolved under the influence of Purple Qi.

By the time the final staircase was over, Adier was finally awake and looked up at the coffin in front of him.

Coming from the outside, the journey on this road was much smoother than Adier expected.

With the active awareness of blessing and assistance from the World consciousness, none of the expected dangers were encountered, allowing him to come to his eyes smoothly.

But at this step, the help of World consciousness is almost at its limit.

Standing in front of him, Adier can feel that as he gets closer to the golden coffin in front of him, behind him, the Strength of the World Consciousness is slowly twisting, and the little purple power on it is constantly consumed, just to resist There is some kind of oppression in the underworld.

The root of all this is not from other people, but from the golden coffin in front of them, or from the corpse that exists in it.

Thinking of this, Adier took a deep breath, then suddenly looked towards and took a step forward.

The Spirit force exploded at an instant, and under the thought of Adier, the golden coffin in front of it opened slowly, and the true content was about to be revealed.

Boom …

Slight vibrations continued to sound, as if something was felt, the whole altar was shaking, and the gods of Supreme began to recover, shaking the earth.

Supreme’s majesty is dissipating. At this moment, it totally broke out. The majesty and peerless horror of Supreme made Adier’s face change in an instant.

Hong long! !

With a soft beep, the golden coffin in front of him was completely opened.

With this scene, the former majesty disappeared directly, like an illusory hallucination.

“Hu ···”

Kneeling on the ground, Adier stroked his chest with his mouth, panting heavily, his eyes flickered with a little bit of fear.

“That horrible feeling …”

He half-knelt on the ground, carefully pondering the feeling of just before, still feeling a little incredible in his heart.

It’s just a breath, but Adier feels terrifying, like facing a complete World consciousness.

For just a moment, Adier seemed to feel that his Bloodline was about to collapse. If that breath quickly dissipated and disappeared, I am afraid he would be hurt immediately.

“However, this unique feeling …”

Came back to his senses from Fang Cai’s thriller, carefully recollecting the feeling of Fang Cai, Adier got up from where he seemed to be aware of: “Power of the soul …”

In the breath that had just passed by, Adier felt keenly that there was a familiar Strength, very similar to the power of the soul.

“The so-called corpse of God is the source of all soul power?”

Adier flashed this thought in his mind, then raised his head and looked at the corpse in front of him.

A piece of golden brilliance passed in front of me. At this moment, Adier seemed to see a golden World, which was filled with golden lines and slowly connected with countless people.

“No corpse?”

Looking at the Golden World projected in the coffin in front of him, Adier frowned, and then a gleam of purple flashed in his eyes.

In his in the depth of one’s soul, the imprint of purple’s power was triggered at this moment, using the source power of his body to consume, and blessing Strength on him, making him vain.

With this step, in his eyes, Golden’s World slowly disappeared, and a huge corpse gradually manifested.

It was a tall golden corpse, with five meters tall, and looked like a giant standing at first glance.

On this corpse, a little unique breath is being emitted, making this golden corpse look very out of the ordinary, like the dead bones of the gods, exuding a sacred and insultable charm.

But, on this golden corpse, a mutation is being created.

A little bit of black texture was densely covered on the corpse, and the whole corpse was stained with a little streaks, and it looked like it was rusty.

“this is···”

Looking at the corpse, Adier’s face suddenly became dignified.

The appearance of the corpse was not unexpected. After witnessing the memory of several deities, Adier was not surprised by the appearance of the corpse.

Just on the body of God, the little black markings made Adier scary.

It was an extremely scary texture. It carried a certain Strong Rule of Law, deeply engraved on this corpse, like a curse that cannot be removed, and slowly eroded the entire corpse.

“The corpse was still intact when it fell, but then corrupted. Was this corruption caused by the curse?”

Looking closely at the texture on the body of the god, Adier murmured.

How powerful is the corpse?

This is not clear to Adier, it just wants to be at least not weaker than the sixth order.

The curse on the corpse in front of you can’t bear the corpse, so I want to come to the same strength of at least six levels to damage the corpse.

In a way, this Strength that erodes the corpse, Adier is no stranger.

That is the power of calamity, the source of suffering, and the culprit for this world to become so.

The moment I saw the corpse and finally saw the black streaks, behind Adier, a little source of purple began to boil, and a warm current quickly poured into the body, as if urging something.

That was the urgency of World consciousness, the disappearance of things in front of impatient hope.

Feeling this, Adier frowned first, then tentatively stretched out his hand.

A bit of elemental light is blooming at this moment. Within a square inch of space, an invisible killing intent turns into a strong offensive, directly carrying Adier’s will and fiercely rushing in front.

Then, with a burst of light sound, the endless light that bloomed in front of me quickly faded to dimness, and even after the impact on the corpse, it caused no movement at all, but died in the invisible form and disappeared in place.

Moreover, in Adier’s feeling, after his click, the glory of the corpse in front of him was faintly flowing, and the Strength contained above was not weakened, but strengthened.

“Can’t ordinary methods weaken and destroy them?”

Feeling the change in the corpse, Adier’s face was a little dignified.

Devouring many demon gods, with his current strength, just one finger down is enough to injure Tier IV, but in the face of the god corpse in front of him, there are no traces.

This horrible defensive power is really frightening.

“I can only try …”

Looking at the tall golden bone in front of him, Adier murmured, a thought came to his mind.

Behind him, at the moment he raised this idea, a little source of purple blossomed suddenly, as if World consciousness was urging.

This reaction also predicts something to some extent.

“It looks like the right idea …”

Feeling the source of energy boiling on his body, Adier whispered to himself, then took a deep breath, stepped into the golden coffin in front of him.

He walked very carefully, looking carefully at the golden corpse in front of each step, for fear that something would happen to revive the corpse in it.

However, until he reached the coffin, the corpse in front of him did not change at all. Not only did he show no signs of recovery, but he became more and more dead.

If it were not for the natural phenomenon when the coffin was opened before, Adier almost thought that this corpse had no Strength.

“But it’s almost the same.”

Walking in the coffin, looking up at the tall and splendid corpse in front of him, Adier whispered: “The corpse fell and was eroded by the forces of calamity for countless years. After a long period of time, even if it had many Strength, There should be little left now. “

He thought so, standing in his place, staring at the tall bones in front of his eyes.

The bones in front of the eyes are five or six meters tall, and the whole body is upright. Some of them look like humans, but they are quite different. There are a lot of bones, and some bones are covered with fine golden scales.

On these remnants, although all Strength is about to be wiped out, through the keen sense of Spirit, Adier still felt a touch of majesty, making his Bloodline boil for it, acknowledge allegiance.

Obviously, the race of this corpse is very out of the ordinary, and its strength during his lifetime is even more horrible. Even if it fell for tens of thousands of years, only a breath of breath can still bring huge pressure to Adier.

Standing quietly in the coffin, after a long time, looking at the golden bone in front of him, Adier sighed slightly, then walked forward, a Bloodline seed slowly bloomed.

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