“But … that World …”

Standing still, remembering the previous picture in his mind, Adier gradually fell silent.

The brightness of purple shrouded again, and in his mind, the complex imprint exclusive to the power manifested again, slowly blooming, as if catching something.

It didn’t take long, with the flash of endless pictures, in Adier’s mind, a complex World coordinate began to manifest, slowly shining out the world’s brilliance, which Adier could see.

As the coordinates became apparent, a faint stream of information flowed out through the abilities on the coordinates, which made Adier instantly understand some of the messages.

“God World ···”

Adier muttered to himself, and instantly understood the name of this world.

Not surprisingly, this world is the world where the corpse of God lived. Its body is entwined with a lot of information about this world, even if its will is worn away, it will last.

Adier smelted the corpse, while smelting the corpse, he also received most of the body of the corpse, thus obtaining this coordinate.

This is a good windfall.

Although the exact situation is not known, from the perspective of the fallen corpses, this world is undoubtedly very high, which can accommodate at least six levels, and even a stronger existence.

Of this level of World, among the coordinates that Adier currently has, only the ancestor World can compare to it.

“It’s time to end.”

Converging the coordinates in his head, Adier turned around and began to feel his change.

After smelting the corpse, the power of Bloodline on him still exists. Although the strength is still at the fourth level, on the level of Bloodline, it has quietly reached the fifth level.

Standing on the ground, Adier can feel that with his breathing, the endless particles in the surrounding World are rapidly flowing, and a large number of elemental forces are rushing into his body, and nourishing every moment His body.

If it weren’t for his intentional control, I am afraid that just a little movement would be enough to cause a terrible storm of elements and cause a huge natural disaster.

At the end of the body’s origin, the seed of that Bloodline has been shattered and quietly integrated into the body.

This is a harbinger of the Bloodline journey reaching its limits. At the fifth level, the Seed of Bloodline automatically disappears, and is replaced by the birth of Bloodline’s will.

At this step, the Gudola Secret Scripture in the hands of Adier has reached a limit, and the road after the fifth order has been cut off.

After all, the Gudola Secret Scripture that he obtained at the beginning was only a snippet. It contained only five levels of content, and the content thereafter was completely blank.

However, even if it is fifth-order, when Gudola Secret Scripture was handed over to Adier’s Cadozer, I don’t expect Adier to really get through.

The more the Gudola Secret Scripture goes, the more mistakes it makes. It is even more horrible to reach the fifth level, and the hidden mistakes are simply frightening.

If it were not for this time, in this world, the World consciousness intervened actively, lowered the source of protection, and coupled with the will of the corpse of God has long been worn away, I am afraid there is no small danger.

Thinking of this, he looked towards behind him.

On his body, after smelting the corpse, most of the sorrowful Purple Qi that had previously covered him has disappeared, leaving only a thin layer of Purple Qi rising to cover him up.

In this Purple Qi, a faint purple light flickers, like a purple star, which is emitting the light of the Supreme World.

“this is?”

Looking at this purple star, Adier frowned, a little confused.

This purple star, which he possessed after his transformation, seems to contain the deep Strength of the World, faintly linked to World consciousness.

After thinking about it for a long time, after a long time, he shook the head, instead of delving into the deep meaning, but turned around and began to walk away.

Coming to this world for so long, it is also time to solve this world.


In the first year of the empire calendar, the Gluttonous King stepped out of the mist and established the Fax Empire under the auspices of Kumar and Aryan.

The next year, the King of Gluttony walked from the north, suppressing several huge kingdoms in a day.

At this point, the human nations were formally unified, and the Fax Empire ruled everything.

After twenty years of the empire, the king stepped out of Imperial Capital and entered the mist for several months. Then the mist began to dissipate, and the power of disaster began to disappear sharply.

At this point, World is completely calm.


Drop it drop it …

In the quiet courtyard, a light rain was slowly falling, a little rain fell from the sky, and slowly landed on the ground.

When the rain in the sky stopped and the sun rose again, a young man stepped out of the house, accompanied by several people, and slowly walked into the garden.

The sun on the horizon shone down and shone on the young man’s body. The young man ’s long silver hair was slightly brightened. A handsome face looked more kind in the sun. Unique temperament and a unique charm.

He was standing in the courtyard like this, and after a long time, he froze slightly.

“It’s over?”

He stunned God, then looked towards the front, the various pictures of another World in his mind came to mind, and at this moment overlapped with his memory, as if he had experienced it in person.

A bit of golden light fermented in the depths of his eyes, rose quickly, and disappeared quickly.

The experience of another World has not brought too many twists and turns to this world.

Adier’s avatar spent more than 800 years in that World, but in the Wizarding World, it was only a few decades.

For decades, there has been little change in the existence of Adier, but only a few goals set at the beginning, which are now nearing completion.

“Teacher, what’s wrong?”

Behind him, a young girl with long hair in a purple skirt opened her mouth gently and looked at Adier. A pair of pure black eyes were as beautiful as black gems.


Looking at the girl, Adier’s face softened and she looked at her quietly.

The girl’s age does not seem too big, but she looks very beautiful. She wears a purple dress and a long black hair flutters in the wind.

The most eye-catching thing is that the girl’s forehead has a purple crystal shining with pure light, accompanied by a heartfelt bloodline.

“So many years have passed, Solana, you have grown up.”

Looking at the girl, Adier was somewhat absent-minded, and remembered some past events of that year.

The girl in front of me is the daughter of Thor, the first student Solana of Adier.

After so many years, the baby of that year has finally grown up, and under the guidance of Adier for many years, he has become a powerful wizard.

“When I was young, I always wanted to grow up quickly, hoping to help you teacher.”

Walking on the road, the two chatted all the way, the girl lightly said with a smile: “But when I grow up, I also find that I still can’t do anything.”

“Teacher, you have done everything well …”

She sighed.

“As a teacher, anyone who can do it on their own will naturally not expect it to be left to the student.”

“This is the same if your parents are still there.”

Adier’s expression was soft. At this moment, he did not see the usual peace, but only made people feel kind.

“Say, what’s the matter?”

Walking all the way to the end of the garden, looking at the girl, he continued to speak, looking relaxed, as if seeing through everything.

“Teacher ···” The girl froze, then quickly responded, deliberately showing a cute angry expression: “Can’t I just come to see you?”

As she spoke, she secretly looked at Adier’s reaction as she spoke.

However, to her disappointment, Adier always had a smile on her face and just looked at her so quietly. Although she didn’t say anything, the look was smooth.

This reaction made her sigh, and shook the head a little helplessly, before she said her purpose: “I want to go to the tower and try to be promoted.”

“Have you considered it?” Adier nodded, and then said.

“Thinking about it.” Solana was also nodded, with determination on her face: “Level 3 Wizard, I have been preparing for this step for more than a decade, and it is time to take this step.”

Gently glanced at the girl and looked at her condition before Adier said: “Your accumulation is indeed almost the same. Now you are promoted and the success rate is above 70%.”

“Enough is enough.” Solana nodded: “” There are always risks in the path of promotion, and the success rate is already high enough. “

“Now that you think about it, go.”

On the road, Adier did not object, and then flicked his fingers, a silver mark flying and slowly falling on Solana’s body: “Be careful.”

“I understand.” Solana laughed: “I’m no longer a child.”

She looked at Adier in front of her, and said heartily.

After a while, footsteps came around, and Gloria came along.

Seeing this, Solana also made excuses to leave, leaving space for both Adier and Gloria.

“Is the thing ready?”

Watching the girl leave, Adier turned to Gloria.

More than a decade later, Gloria has not changed much. The whole person is full of intellectual beauty. The fair skin looks rosy under the sun, and it looks beautiful and attractive.

Being stared at by Adier, Gloria was nodded, his face looked a little hesitant: “It’s ready, but until now, the operation of Wizard Array is still unstable. If it is forcibly turned on, I am afraid there will be many problems …”

“No that many time to wait.”

Adier shook his head.

As the main force in repairing the Wizard Array, he couldn’t know the progress of repairing the Wizard Array.

For more than ten years, with the support of the huge computing power of the chip and the assistance of a number of wizards, he reluctantly restored the defective Wizard Array, but was unable to completely stabilize the Wizard Array, so it is extremely easy to appear during the transmission process. accident.

Sometimes the transmission is smooth, but sometimes it is unexpected. It is also possible to teleport a person here, but in the end only teleport a person.

This is also the limit that Adier can do at present. It takes a long time to completely stabilize the Wizard Array, and it is so long that even Adier is unwilling to wait.

“do not worry.”

Looking at Gloria, feeling the worry on her face, Adier whispered comfortably: “I have a solution.”

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