Inside the quiet tower, the wizard of each and everyone walked quietly, each and everyone walking in a hurry, looking very anxious.

The complex runes flickered all around the tower, and under the joint control of countless wizards, they slowly condensed into a complete Wizard Array.

In the middle of the tower, Adier stood quietly in the center, looking up at the moment, looking at the Wizard Array in front of him.

In his eyes, the original complicated Wizard Array rune began to flash quickly, and various elements on it fluttered and sloshed, rushing into Adier’s eyes, slowly returning to one point.

“The third transfer of Wizard Array is completed, and the current completion rate is 100% …”

In my mind, the sound of the chip machinery slowly sounded, and the state of the Wizard Array in front of me was thoroughly analyzed.

After a long time, Adier looked up and looked at the Wizard Array in front of him.

Compared with the past unfinished, the Wizard Array at the moment looks extraordinarily complex, beautiful and sophisticated, like a perfect work of art.

In all around, quietly looking at this Wizard Array, each and everyone in a wizard robe with a frantic face, looking at the Wizard Array in front of him is like looking at a peerless beauty.

“It’s so beautiful …”

Kolar was intoxicated, with deep intoxication on his face.

After more than ten years, he looked a lot older, standing at the center of the tower at this moment, looking very confused, like a person who hasn’t been away recently, with dark circles on his face.

Nevertheless, his Spirit was very excited, his eyes were red, and he looked excitedly at the completed Wizard Array in front of him.

“Kolar teacher ···”

Raising his head slightly, Adier said softly, “Turn on the Wizard Array.”

“Are you sure you want it?”

Kolar turned, looked at his most proud student, and sincerely persuaded: “Wizard Array is complete, but it has not been debugged yet. It is likely that there will be a lot of problems now.”

“It’s ok.”

Adier’s expression was calm, as if he was confident: “I have a solution.”

Kolar wanted to persuade him again, but saw Adier wave his hand: “No need to say anymore, open the Wizard Array.”

Seeing this, he sighed lightly, and finally silently walked aside and started to follow Adier’s instructions.

With an order, each and everyone Wizard Array was busy walking around all around, and the horrible Strength slowly gathered, gradually converging on a golden crystal stone in the center.

The surface of the crystal stone is golden. After a large amount of energy is activated, the above Dao Rune starts to flash, and the originally set program starts to start, gradually forming the door of space.

With the lightning surge of golden, a golden space door slowly condensed, with deep and unpredictable fluctuations, slowly appearing in front of Adier.

In front of the door of golden space, there are several tall meters. The thunderbolt filled with golden, there is a huge storm sweeping and it seems very unstable.

Looking at the golden door of space, Adier took a deep breath, and then, with the attention of countless wizards, began to slowly walk towards the door of space ahead.

Step on …

One step, two steps, three steps …

When Adier completely walked into the door of space, under the operation of the huge Strength, the entire silhouette of Adier began to disappear, completely disappeared from the tower.

“Transmission started, estimated transmission time, thirty seconds …”

Inside the huge high tower, the sound of the towering machinery was sounding, resounding in everyone’s heart.

At this moment, in this tall tower, all Wizard Arrays are staring at the door of the golden space in front of them, eyes are staring closely, wanting to know the final outcome of this transmission.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, four seconds …

Time, minutes, seconds, and seconds passed quickly. When the time reached the fifteenth second, the gate of the golden space in front of him began to show a little ripple, and the strength of it again waved.

“Not good! Array is starting to be unstable!”

Looking at this scene, Kolar was frightened and shouted into the distance quickly: “Increase the strength supply of Wizard Array, we cannot let Wizard Array collapse at this time !!”

“Yes!” In the distance, countless wizards were sweating and hurriedly walking up and down all around to stabilize the oscillating Wizard Array as much as possible.

And inside the Wizard Array.

“Is it still unstable?”

Inside the huge door of space, feeling the shock of the door of space, Adier sighed softly.

For the stability of transmitting Wizard Array, as a builder, Adier had long expected.

However, he did not expect that the Wizard Array would crash before the transfer process was half completed.

Fortunately, Adier has already prepared for this.

Gently waved, at this moment, in the depths of Adier’s origin, a faint purple mark began to emerge.

Crossing was quickly activated, and under the control of Adier’s will, it began to interfere with reality.

A little source of purple began to burn. In the vision of Adier, as the source burned, a long line of Purple Qi began to spread out on him, and began to slowly affect all around, causing A subtle effect.

Space, Element, Wizard Array, Coordinates … Various factors affecting Wizard Array are being affected quickly, interfered by a mighty force existing in the deep, slowly corrected, and the final result is what Adier wants Pushed away in that direction.

This is the use of World’s power, and it is also the basis of Adier’s courage to carry on the risk.

“Wizard Array has stabilized !!”

Outside, with the excited expression of the Wizard Array, the door of the space that was constantly undulating began to restore stability. The Wizard Array rune above flashed slowly to jointly build a complete Wizard Array picture.

When thirty seconds passed quickly, all the wizards at the scene couldn’t help relaxed. I felt a string in my heart was dropped, and the whole person was relaxed.

“Good luck, it was a success!”

Standing on the edge of the Wizard Array and looking at the door of the space that disappeared in front of him, Kolar finally relaxed, and a heart of rejoicing and fear arose.

“Yeah, good luck.” A few wizards on the side also continued to approve, with a look of fear on their faces.


“It burned 300,000 Boundary Energy!”

In the quiet and dim dark space, I felt the sharply reduced source force on my body, even if it was Adier’s constant force, at this time it could not help changing color.

For more than a decade in the Mason region, Adier has been extremely handy in manipulating the source.

Generally speaking, if it is a normal thing, Adier wants to achieve it through the combustion source, and it can only be tens of thousands of Boundary Energy.

Even with the deficient transmission of the Wizard Array, Adier only spent less than 50,000 Boundary Energy.

300,000 Boundary Energy, what is this concept?

This shows that if Adier does not have sufficient power on his body, he will directly transmit, I am afraid that even ten lives are not enough to die. Even if it does not die, there will be various accidents, sending Adier to other places.

Thinking of this, Adier couldn’t help but be afraid.

It didn’t take long, in front of the eyes, a slight wave began to appear, a little light quickly lit up in front of the eyes, breaking the dark space and tearing the space apart.

hiss! !

With the hissing of space, when Adier eyes opened again, the ground had become flat.

“Are you here?”

Standing quietly on a flat ground, Adier looked up and looked at the sky, then looked all around.

In front of me is a barren flat land, all around densely packed weeds growing tenaciously, a wild scene that looks deserted.

In Adier’s induction, there are no Spirit fluctuations of intelligent life within the square 1000 meters, only some low wild beast traces and breath.

Feeling this, he stepped out of the flat and walked directly in one direction.

Soon, half a month later.

Adier walked quietly in a bustling city.

The city in front of it is very busy, and the layout of the city is very neat, like a product of conscious planning.

In all around the city, lights are flashing, brightening the whole city.

Compared to many places that Adier has been to, this city is unique and full of modernity.

There are many high-rise buildings, cars driving on the road, beautiful girls in beautiful costumes, in small groups playing around, the whole looks like it is back to the world of the past.

This style of painting is completely different from the wizard Holy Land in Adier’s imagination, and the style of painting is extremely different.

On the road, Adier occasionally felt that in the entire city, there were many Spirit individuals that were beyond ordinary people. Although most of them were weak, there were some that were comparable to formal wizards.

“Individuals and groups are equal, exploration and application are parallel. Is this the Higher Domain?”

Adier thought silently as he watched the city in front of him and felt the atmosphere in the city.

For wizards exploring truth and mastering knowledge, many techniques are not difficult. Many technologies required for the development of productivity can be easily mastered by wizards and can do better than many experts,

What is really limited to development is, instead, the wizard’s own consciousness, as well as the various resistances caused by the individual strength being too large.

But judging from the current situation, it is clear that the wizards in this area have slowly realized the benefits of liberating mortals over a long period of time.

On the road, after a while, Adier walked into a library.

In the library, some of the latest newspapers and periodicals are quietly lined up, it seems not at all how many people read them.

Adier stepped forward and picked up a newspaper at will.

“… The latest news from southern Cresio, a large magic stone mine was recently discovered, and the content of magic stone in it can be mined for at least 50 years …”

“World Foreign News: The Emerald Tower recently announced the relevant information of the 37 World. It is suspected that it will start a large-scale development. Affected by this news, the relevant valuation of the Emerald Tower industry has started to rise rapidly, and relevant experts believe that …

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