“This painting style is really a bit out of harmony …”

Put down the latest newspaper in your hand, thinking about its content, Adier somewhat absent-minded.

“Hello, this big brother … Can I disturb you …”

At this moment, a little faint voice sounded beside me.

Adier looked back, beside him, a little girl was standing beside him, watching him timidly there.

Looking back at the girl, Adier lowered his head slightly, and a pair of silver eyes looked at the girl: “Is there anything wrong?”

It seems that because of Adier’s good attitude, the girl secretly raised her head, and a pair of pure eyes secretly looked at Adier: “Excuse me, are you a wizard?”

“Why do you ask?” Adier was a little surprised, but not angry, just watching the girl in front of her with interest, making the little girl’s complexion gradually turn red and red.

The little girl is about seven or eight years old. She is wearing a cute white skirt with a beautiful hair accessory on her head and a little teddy bear in her hand. She looks very cute.

Asked by Adier, she lowered her head, her hands kept turning, and there were circles, but she didn’t speak, and she was still talking.


Looking at the picture of the little girl, Adier laughed, then looked up, and seemed to feel something, and looked around.

Through the transparent glass wall, Adier saw that on the outside square stage, a black wildebeest was striding, and each step would leave one after another star-like sign on the ground, which looked very Beautiful, attracted many people to stay and observe.

Black’s wildebeests walked step by step. With the step by step, the eyes that had originally been black were slowly turning red, and some changes seemed to occur.

The audience below was obsessed with the beauty, and few people noticed it. Even if they noticed it, they just felt weird. There was still no response from the crowd.

boom! !

Suddenly, with a bang, a violent crackling came from a distance, and a huge yuan magnetic storm swept from the sky and quickly fell to the ground.

In the distance, the black wildebeest hissed, and his eyes turned red. This moment seemed to be alive, tearing a nearby boy.

“Aaaaaahhhh !!!”


The violent Yuan magnetic storm was oppressed downwards, and the wildebeests burned with black flames, raging among the crowd, and in the distance, several black silhouettes were skipped in the square, holding a large knife in their hands, and not talking, Directly hacked at the crowd in the square.

Their Strength is very strong, each of them is at least the equivalent of Great Knight. Under the turbulence of Life Energy, there is almost no obstacle to dealing with these civilians. Each person must have a separate body and flesh and blood.

“what’s the situation?”

Standing quietly in the library, looking at the scene in the distance, Adier frowned.

“There is also a terrorist attack in Higher Domain?” He raised the idea in amazement, but just saw outside the door, two men in black robe uniforms and blood-colored long knives rushed out from the outside, covering their vitality. It is stirring and spreading.

The people in the library were frightened and fled wildly. No one dared to stay in front of the two gangsters at this moment.

Except for Adier.

Entering the library, looking at Adier with the same expression in front of his eyes, there was no movement on his feet. The two gangsters were a little surprised, but then a smirk was raised on his face, and he walked towards Adier with a long knife.

Silver’s sword qi was so violent that it was cut off in a moment and split the two gangsters directly.

Standing still in the library, Adier expressionless waved his hands to suppress the two gangsters.

“It’s a wizard!”

“At least an official wizard?”

Shouts of surprise flashed around, belonging to the person who was sitting in the library before.

“It seems that the shaman status in this area is very high.”

Feeling the awe and excitement of the people around him, Adier secretly nodded, and then the silhouette flashed and walked outside.

He originally wanted to solve the gangsters, but when he went outside, the scene was under control.

At all around, some mechanical policemen with weaponry and alloy armour mobilized from all directions are besieging the gangsters.

The strength of these mechanical policemen is very strong. Although not at all is equipped with too many powerful weapons, only mechanical power and alloy body are not comparable to ordinary human flesh and blood, which is equivalent to at least one Knight.

Dozens of mechanical policemen besieged the gangsters for a short time, and temporarily controlled the scene to prevent the gangsters from raging to the rest of the place.

“Doctor! Is there a doctor!” There was a wave of calls in the distance, with wailing.

In the previous attacks, a large group of people were injured, and even many people had their limbs cut off, and the entire scene looked extremely miserable.

Flesh and blood flew across the square, a corpse was displayed on it, and many seriously injured people were struggling in it, constantly calling for help and mourning.

This scene made Adier, who was used to all kinds of high-intensity experiments, shook the head. He did not choose to leave at last, but turned away from the crowd and quickly moved forward: “I am a doctor.”

Listening to the voice, someone quickly turned around, but looked up towards Adier’s face, but then quickly dimmed.

“Get out of here, he’s a wizard!”

Around, there were people who had previously seen Adier’s shot, and at that moment they made a quick noise.


Hope immediately rose in the eyes of the people around, and one after another looked towards Adier.

“Please save my child!”

A young woman’s eyes were red, she was holding a little boy in her hand, and immediately heard Adier’s identity, she desperately turned away from the crowd and rushed towards Adier.

The boy in her arms had a huge wound on the chest, the flesh and blood on it was cut, the sternum was cut off, the internal organs were faintly visible, and the bleeding blood stained the woman’s entire shirt The smell smelled extremely bloody, so that people around kept retreating and could not bear to see the picture.

This tragic situation has been saved under normal circumstances. Even the best doctor can’t recover it in a short time.

Only powerful wizards can hope to save.

Thinking of this, everyone present looked towards Adier, with Greek wings in his eyes.

The faint silver shimmered, and poured into the boy with the power of Luna, which belongs to Adier alone, and turned into a new source of life, directly hanging the boy’s life.

The power of Luna is a powerful Strength that belongs exclusively to Moon Elf. Even in ancient times, it was also well-known. It is just a matter of treating a mortal person.

Under the influence of Luna’s power, the boy’s flesh and blood began to regenerate, and the originally damaged organs began to recover, wrapped in the power of Luna, to ensure that vitality was no longer lost.

After recovering the internal organs, peeling the broken bones and meat inside the body, and then rebuilding the broken bones with the power of Luna, Adier stopped moving, but let the boy mother take it away and send it to the rest Detection.

By doing this, all the original wounds on the boy were gone, but the clothing in front of his chest had a big opening, exposing the new skin inside.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the crowd were even more excited. Looking at Adier’s eyes, it was like seeing an Angel.

after an hour.

The day became more and more groggy, and he sent the last injured person away. He declined several of the injured person’s offer to invite him to be a guest. Adier took a step and walked down a certain street toward the front.

The city was brightly lit. After more than an hour, the gangsters had been completely taken down and detained by several mechanical policemen.

But in Adier’s sense, not only did the city not calm down, it became more dangerous.

“The central part of the city has a strong radiation response …”

As he walked, he murmured, looked up, and looked somewhere in the distance.

In that direction, a tall tower with a height of several hundred meters stands. At the moment, under the induction of Adier, there is a huge wave of mana rising. It seems that someone is fighting and killing inside.

The previous attacks on the square seemed to be only one of the means to attract attention. The real purpose was also in the wizarding tower.

After hesitating for a while, after wandering in place for a while, Adier did not move at last, but walked along a path towards the hotel where he was staying.

Entering the hotel, at the front desk of the hotel, saw Adier return safely, a girl gently relaxed: “You are finally back.”

“What’s wrong?” Adier looked up in confusion.

“Don’t you know?” Sitting at the front desk, the girl glanced at Adier in surprise. “Just now the whole city notified that a group of well-known blood wizards rushed to several nearby provinces and launched attacks in several cities at the same time.”

“Just one incident happened in the square. More than a dozen gangsters cut people directly with their knives. Several people have not been arrested.”

The girl talked endlessly, her arms gently stroking her chest when she was speaking, and she seemed to have a lingering fear.

“Relax, it’s okay for the time being.” Adier seemed to understand the panic of the girl, and at the same time he began to comfort and reminded: “Yes, if you are fine recently, don’t go out.”

“Ah?” The girl froze, and then nodded: “Surely, whoever dares to go out in a mess like this!”

“That’s good.” Laughed casually, Adier nodded, looked towards walking upstairs.

Behind him, the girl stared at his back stupidly, and then she returned to God a long time later.

The next day, when the sun was hanging high in the sky, a car stopped quietly outside the hotel where Adier stayed.

A tall, handsome young man walked outside Adier’s door and was about to knock.

“Please come in.” A gentle voice came from inside the room, leaving the young man’s hand that was about to knock on the door stuck in place.

The next moment, the black door opens automatically, revealing the scene inside.

Seeing this, the youth stepped in and went straight in.

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