Stepping into the door, the young man looked at all around.

The spacious room was delicately decorated. On a bed, a handsome young man in a white robe sat quietly there, and his long silver hair was very noticeable.

Seeing a teenager, the youth was nodded first, with a kind smile on his face: “Hello.”

“who are you?”

Adier got up from the bed, put down his hand, looked up at the young man in front of him, with some scrutiny in his eyes.

The youth looks pretty handsome, with a short, capable hair, wearing a black uniform with the wizard rune flashing on it, and it looks like a defensive Advanced Magic Transformed Item.

What most attracted Adier’s attention was that the Spirit wave on the other side was much stronger than ordinary people. It surpassed the formal wizard, and faintly reached the level of Peak, but at this time appeared a little weak.

“Let me introduce myself.”

With a decent smile on his face, he bowed slightly to Adier in a wizarding manner, looking polite and decent: “I’m the guard of the central tower, you can call me Nedwin.”

As he spoke, he secretly watched Adier’s reaction.

Opposite, listening to the words of the youth, Adier just gently nodded, and seemed to have no special response, as if hearing an ordinary little thing.

Adier came to this area only half a month ago, and even two days into the city. There is no concept at all about the so-called central tower and naturally there will be no special reaction.

But on the opposite side, secretly observing Adier’s reaction, Nedwin was secretly startled, and the smile on his face could not help being more humble.

“I thank you on behalf of the public last night. You saved a lot of people last night.”

“I wonder if you have time tonight.”

Nederman smiled and invited Adier: “Tonight there will be a banquet in the central square. If you have time, can you join me as a guest?”

“Thank you, I’m honored.” Adier nodded, after thinking about it, finally refused: “I have time tonight.”

“Then I would like to welcome you,” said Nevin, with a smile on his face. “A special driver will come to meet you after a while. Of course, you can also go to the banquet place if you want.”

Having said this, he then talked to Adier about the others.

From the obscure history to the question of Adier’s purpose of coming to this city, after almost all the questions he could ask, Nedwin hesitated to leave, leaving his face with reluctance.

Before leaving, while Adier turned his back on his kung fu, he looked up, and there were strange rays of light in his eyes.

A little vague Spirit power rose up in him, extremely vague, without even causing a little element fluctuation.

Then, in his eyes, the Adier in front of him started to change instantly.

Light, endless light.

The endless element of light rose above Adier, like the rising sun above the sky, and like the violent thunderbolt, which almost drowned people.

Looking at this scene, Nedwin only felt as if he had seen the most terrifying creature. The entire Spirit seemed to have fallen into the deepest sea, and was drowned by the waves of the waves in an instant, and could not find the edge of return.

Great horror! Great despair!

Nederman’s Spirit began to get lost, the colors in his eyes gradually disappeared, and his entire consciousness was close to the edge of paralysis.

Until, a gentle voice sounded in my ear.

“what happened?”

Hearing his voice, Ned Wen raised his head fiercely, unconsciously his back was completely wet, and his face looked extremely pale.

He looked up, just in front of him, Adier looked at him strangely: “Is there anything else?”

“No! It’s okay!”

Nedwin reluctantly smiled, forcibly suppressed the urge to escape in his heart, opened his trembling legs, and slowly walked outside.

“The nature of this horror, this vast Spirit power! Just a glance at it almost made me completely lost …”

Walking out of the room, dragging a somewhat weak body, thinking about the scene that he just saw, Nedwin was still a little scared so far: “At least a third-order Peak, or even a fourth-order wizard!”

“Such a person, even a central tower, is enough to hold a high vocation. What are you doing in this small city?”

“It’s a good technique just now.” At the other end, sitting on the big bed in the hotel, feeling the softness of the sheets, and watching the silhouette of Nedvin left, Adier only looked back.

The difference in strength between the two sides is too great. It is difficult to peek at a big wizard close to Level 2 Peak with the strength of the other side being less than Level 4 Wizard.

If it wasn’t for Adier’s temper, he would be able to let the other party understand why the flowers are so red.

“The strength is revealed. If the other party is interested, it should be more convenient in the future. In addition, the banquet tonight may also be an opportunity to contact this world’s top leaders.”

Sitting on the bed, Adier thought so.

When he came to Higher Domain, he did n’t at all what he was playing the pig to eat the tiger. Instead, he wanted to find some opportunities to actively reveal his strength and value, so as to connect with the forces of this world.

Last night, he worked so hard for part of the reason.

“In the next period of time, learn about the forces in this world as soon as possible.”

Adier got up, put on his robe, and looked towards him.

A few hours later, when the night was getting dark, in front of Adier, a gorgeous car stopped in front of him, and the driver inside stepped out respectfully and asked Adier to sit in.

This is the driver that Nedwin arranged to pick up and drop off.

Gently nodded, looking at the exclamation and admiration on the occasional faces of pedestrians around him. Although he didn’t know such things, Adier also faintly understood that this car is not ordinary.

It didn’t take long, it was just a moment, when the vehicle stopped quietly near a square, a silhouette of Nederman appeared around him.

“Welcome, my friend.”

With several servants, looking at Adier walking in the distance, Nedwin’s face showed a hearty smile, looking at Adier in front of him, and solemnly performed a serious etiquette.

“This is the Wizarding Ceremony for Central Academy. This boy is also a wizard?”

In the distance, those who expected to see this scene were surprised: “And, is it a higher-level wizard than Mr. Nedevin?”

There are different levels between wizards, and the etiquette is different between higher wizards and lower wizards.

At this moment, the etiquette performed by Nedwin to Adier is a kind of etiquette performed by the low wizard to the high wizard. layer.

Just this one detail saves Adier a lot of trouble.

Nedwin reflected into the banquet hall, and led by a servant, Adier sat in a position, and then looked around all around.

Unlike the rest of the place, in this banquet in front of them, all the guests who were seated were all wizards and Knights. Even the weakest of them had third-class apprenticeships.

This seems to be a subtle division of a class. Its own strength has not reached a certain level, and it is not qualified to enter this banquet.

With this in mind, Adier looked up and looked towards a certain distance.

In that direction, a young girl with a beautiful appearance and a seemingly 16-17 years smiles brightly on her face, and her big dark eyes are blinking at him, seeming to have a great interest in him.

In response to this, Adier smiled back, raised his wine glass, raised his face to the girl in the distance, and took a sip.

After Adier got into the seat, someone came to say hello to him from time to time. There were all kinds of people, but most of them were girls like girls.

Unfortunately, although it looks like a girl, as far as Adier’s own induction is concerned, the youngest one is probably more than 20 years old, and the oldest is almost a hundred years old, but still keeps the girly Appearance and appearance.

Regarding the greetings of these strangers, Adier one after another returned a gift. At this moment, it didn’t look like a rigorous wizard, but a decent and noble man.

“Is that the big wizard you found?”

Aside from the banquet hall, a woman stood next to Nederman, watching Adier’s performance in the distance, and looked at Nederman in amazement.

“No one has stipulated that a powerful wizard must be some rigid Old Antique, and there are also easy-going and easy-to-close people.”

Ned In Literature there is some helpless, looking at the guests who are constantly going to Adier in the distance, can not help but shook the head: “If these people know that they are in front of them, it is a big person who can wipe their entire family at will. Wizard, do n’t know if you dare to be so casual. ”

“Who knows? Maybe it will be more enthusiastic and not necessarily.”

The woman twitched her mouth and looked at the side. Nedwin said with a smile: “Don’t you plan that way? In order to flatter this great wizard, even her own Little Jin library was almost searched.”

“How can I let this opportunity go?” Nedwin laughed, not caring about the jokes of the girl next to her: “My elemental light has been condensed, and I can be promoted to Level 2 Wizard in just one step. If he can get the help of this great wizard, he may succeed. “

“This opportunity, if it were you, would you be willing to miss it?”

“Just take care of yourself.” The woman was nodded and stopped talking.

In the next song, he sent away a “young girl” who was at least two hundred years old, and Adier finally calmed down here.

At this time, as the banquet continued, distinguished guests of each and everyone began to come one after another, attracting the attention of the rest.

Coupled with Adier deliberately sitting in the corner, naturally fewer strangers came to talk.

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