Late at night, in front of a gorgeous and exquisite villa, a car stopped slowly and a silhouette emerged from it.

The villa in front of him looks exquisite, surrounded by a large number of grass and wood decoration, with the breeze blowing, a burst of flowers flowing quietly, drifting from a distance, can not help but relax, the whole body and mind become happy.

In the distance, the faint sound of the stream slowly flowed down, and as the fountain continued to drip, at first glance it looked like a slight rain.

Aside from the waitress who wanted to come forward, she walked alone in this luxurious villa. As the wind pulsated and blown, Adier’s mood gradually calmed down, and he began to think about the information obtained at night.

“The Hall of the Dead, Central Tower, Elemental Hall …”

A few simple names represent the most powerful forces in the entire Higher Domain.

Among them, the Central High Tower represents the Wizarding League of Higher Domain. It has independent forces and basic disks, but it also has the Strength of the remaining major forces, which nominally represents the entire Higher Domain.

The Hall of the Dead is a force composed of Undead. The core members are mostly the powerful Undead, and some wizards who leave the spirit after death.

The Elemental Hall is composed of many elemental races, with very few members, but each is extremely powerful.

These are the supreme powers in the name of Higher Domain. Each power is taken out individually, and it is a powerful power that suppresses one world and launches an expedition by itself.

In addition to these few supreme forces, there are also many other large and small forces.

elf, orc, magic beast, bloody … Almost every race is represented by at least one large force, occupying a certain position in the entire Higher Domain.

“With my fourth-tier strength, no matter which force you join, you will definitely be accepted, and even the most high-level forces will probably not refuse.”

Walking on the road, thinking about the information collected by Nederman, Adier thought alone: ​​”But it is easy to join, if you want to be the core of it, it is difficult to obtain the truly valuable resources and knowledge.”

Every power must have its own Strength, and no matter how good the outsiders are, they are not as good as the wizards they cultivate in terms of trust and loyalty.

This is both human and realistic.

If Adier doesn’t want to be marginalized and wants to get enough attention, then the few Xeon forces need not be considered.

Thinking of this, several names in my head began to be crossed out one by one, and one name slowly rose.

Emerald Tower.

This is a powerful force established by elf in the Higher Domain. It is named after the mother of the ancestor of the elf family, the emerald. It is most suitable for Adier on the innate Bloodline.

According to the information probed by Adier, the wizards in the Emerald Tower are mostly composed of wizards of the elf family, and many of the inheritance are also tailored for the elf family.

For Adier, this is undoubtedly the most suitable organization besides those Xeon Powers.

He is the pure blood of Moon Elf. He is the king of the elf clan in the heavens. Joining the Emerald Tower, a force composed entirely of Bloodline, he has a closer relationship in the heavens, and it is easier to gain trust.

Among many great forces, this is not the strongest, but it is the most suitable identity.

Walking down the wide path, Adier thought quietly, then looked up and looked at the momentary tree aside.

The huge golden tree looked a dozen meters tall. In the canopy, several black crows were standing inside. A pair of scarlet eyes were fixed on Adier’s body. It looked like a human eye, calm and calm. With some clarity, there was no turbidity in the wild beast.

Looking at the crow, after a while, Adier turned and walked towards his place without stopping.

After he left, a few tweets came from behind him, and several black crows fluttered their wings, flew towards all around, and changed places to continue to observe the Quartet.


“You want to leave?

In the quiet and comfortable room, Nedwin visited and just heard the news.


Adier wore a black wizard robe, nodded: “I’m going to the Emerald City.”

“Emerald City? Elf’s territory.”

Nederman reacted, hearing the news that Adier was leaving, and he lost his heart for a while, but he quickly said: “Just because the Wizard ’s Array in the city has not been closed, I still have cross-domain permissions available this year, which is convenient.”

“Thank you.” Adier thought for a while, and smiled at Nodded, without rejecting the other’s kindness.

During this time, he has explored the location of the Emerald Tower, which is located in the center of the Silver Realm, a few blocks away from the location of Adier.

If you rely on Adier alone, I am afraid that it will not take me a few years to get to where I am.

Sitting on a wooden chair, looking at Nedwin in front of him, after thinking about it, Adier gently, a little Spirit message poured into the other’s Spirit sea.

“These are some of my studies on the promotion of Level 2 wizards, and a secret method I have deduced, even if it is the reward in these months.”

Adier opened the mouth and said, and finally gave the other party a little benefit, without letting the other party work for nothing.

In these few times, Nederman sent various gifts in various ways, from all kinds of precious materials and equipment, to all kinds of beautiful maids and toys.

As a subordinate member of the Central Tower, Nederman also used his own authority to gather the data of the major wizarding organizations for Adier to enjoy.

The opponent is so hard, Adier naturally sees what the other person wants.

Quietly reviewing the extra messages in his mind, the smile on Nedwin ’s face was even better, and the feeling of loss in his heart disappeared instantly. He resisted the urge to look up the secret law, bowed to Adier and thanked: “Many thanks for your generosity, If you need anything in the future, please tell me. “

“I will.” Adier nodded: “Troubleshooting the transfer of the Wizard Array.”

“Please rest assured, this is just a trivial matter.” Nedwin’s face remained unchanged, and at this moment he was nodded, and his attitude became more respectful: “It takes two days to start and adjust the Wizard Array. After two days, you can use it directly. “

He patiently introduced Adier to the features and operation of transmitting the Wizard Array, and then resigned from Adier. He hurriedly left Adier’s room and seemed to be anxious to try the secret method given by Adier.

Seeing the other person hurried away, Adier thoughtfully: “It seems that even in the Higher Domain, the monopoly of advanced knowledge is still very serious.”

As a member of the Central Tower, Ned Wen, although only an expatriate member, does not even have a secret method to assist promotion. His Meditation Method is also very low. Although it belongs to the higher Meditation Method, it is obviously not suitable for him , So that the breath is very unstable.

This situation also explained a little to Adier. Even in the Higher Domain, the competition between wizards is very serious, and some precious knowledge and resources are still being furiously contested and even monopolized.

But Adier didn’t hesitate about this kind of thing, shook his head and sighed, then left the room and walked out.

The interior of the villa is equipped with a high-precision laboratory. Many of the equipment in the villa are unique to Higher Domain and suitable for many low-intensity experiments.

During this time, in order to do something, Adier often stayed in the laboratory.

Two days later.

Early in the morning, led by a black robe wizard, Adier slowly walked into the majestic tower.

This is the center of the city and a huge wizard tower, which is the most sophisticated and powerful place in the city.

Here, Adier walked into a spacious hall, where Nedwin was already waiting.

“You are here.”

Seeing Adier coming in, Nedwin nodded: “Wizard Array is ready. When do you want to start?”

“Just today.” After staying in the city for a few months, Adier said casually without further delay.

“Okay.” Nedwin opened the mouth and said, “Please walk into the center of the Wizard Array.”

Listening to Nederman’s words, Adier looked down at the Wizard Array in front of him.

The Wizard Array in front is similar in form to the transmitting Wizard Array that Adier once arranged, but it is very different, not only the structure is more complex and stable, but it also involves a lot of unknown knowledge, which gives Adier a glance It also seemed to have a sense of complexity.

At this moment, as the Wizard Array slowly opens, a golden door of space opens in front of the eyes, and it looks like an ordinary door without any slight instability.

“Chip, record parameters, record transmission data.”

Watching the Wizard Array start to run quietly, Adier didn’t speak, but just silently turned on the chip in his mind, trying to record the various parameters of the Wizard Array in front of him, ready to be used for inference.

After doing this, he walked into the door of space in front of him.

With the roar of the strength of space, and the surging of the power of huge elements, next moment, the huge golden space door flickered in place, and then with Adier’s silhouette, disappeared directly in place.

Drop it drop it …

There was a continuous sound of dripping sounds, which sounded a bit like raindrops falling to the ground, and a bit like the sound of a clock constantly repeating.

When all the voices finally disappeared, Adier eyes opened again, but found that he had come to a hall.

“Hello, welcome to the Emerald City … Before you travel, please register your personal information, if you are a wizard, please go to the exclusive channel …”

All around the hall, a soft female voice sounded, it seemed to be the broadcast here.

Adier looked up, all around.

In several Dao Sects all around the lobby, each and everyone silhouette kept appearing, and the body was accompanied by subtle waves of space, apparently all teleported.

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