“Hello sir.”

Standing on the transfer table, while Adier was looking at others, others were secretly looking at Adier.

In the hall where the Wizard Array is located, Adier stands farthest away, and belongs to a dedicated cross-domain corridor. This not only represents the longest distance transmitted by Adier, but also represents the unusual identity of Adier.

The ability to use cross-domain channels is itself a symbol of financial resources and status.

Plus, here is the Emerald City, the elf’s site.

Among the surrounding elf’s eyes, the appearance of Adier’s silver-haired silver eyes is extremely eye-catching, and it is impossible to not attract others’ attention.

A well-dressed elf girl with a soft smile on her face walked forward and stood in front of Adier: “Can I help you?”

“We provide a special car here, if you are here for the first time, we can also provide guides and guides for free …”

“Thank you, I need it.”

Is the service at Emerald City so attentive? Adier was a bit surprised, but since there was a free guide, he did not decline, and directly nodded to accept.

A short while later, an elf woman in a traditional silver robe came out from the outside to guide Adier in front.

By convention, a person transmitting through a Wizard Array must verify their identity.

Adier naturally did not have this kind of identification, but fortunately, the review of wizards in this place was more relaxed. After Adier revealed his identity as a wizard, he quickly passed the review.

Out of the hall, a tall tower greeted you.

The tall tower is very tall. Just by visual inspection, I am afraid that there are 1000 meters. The whole tall tower is full of an emerald luster, as if it was carved from a whole piece of emerald.

Compared to any towers Adier has seen in the past, the towers in front of them are even more stunning. The endless Profound Truth rune is depicted on them, and even a little induction can make Adier lose his mind.

“That is the Emerald Tower, which is both the gathering place for the elf wizards and the center of the Emerald City.”

The guide on the side smiled brightly and softly introduced to Adier the history of the tower, its rich heritage, and the stories that happened.

Once she opened her mouth, she couldn’t stop talking, and she didn’t have the usual elf restraint and quietness, which made Adier a little surprised.

“The tower is said to be divided into one hundred 73 floors. The bottom ten floors are free for sightseeing. If you are interested, I can take you there later.”

Observing Adier quietly, watching him keep staring at the tower, the elf guide was suggested.

“Do you need anything to join that tower?” Adier suddenly opened the mouth and said, as if thinking about it for a long time.

The tour guide looked at Adier for a moment, then remembered that the boy was still a high-level wizard.

She thought about it with her head tilted and shook her head: “As far as I know, the Emerald Tower does not recruit wizards to the outside. To enter the Emerald Tower, only through the referral of members in the Emerald Tower, and the consent of some wizards To join … “

“It turned out to be such a closed organization.”

Adier frowned, reacted quickly.

This is not surprising. Races such as elf, which attaches great importance to Bloodline, are generally extremely closed, and it is not a special thing to refuse outsiders to take the initiative to join.

Just like the former Silver Fog Forest in the Mason region, the elf family inside also extremely excludes outsiders from entering. Even Adier had to spend a lot of effort to enter the Silver Fog Forest.

Adier was not surprised by the fact that the Emerald Tower did this.

“But then, if you want to join the Emerald Tower, it will take more effort.”

He flashed the thought in his heart, then smiled, and looked at the female guide on the side: “Excuse me, where is the best pharmacy here?”

In the same month, at the Trading Company, the largest potion in the Emerald City, an elderly elf old man hung his arm weakly, looking at the silver-haired silver eyes on the opposite side. The handsome and exquisite elf boy sent his heartfelt sigh: “I lost, Your accomplishments in pharmacy far exceed my imagination, and I have to marvel at this old bone. “

The voice fell to all around, and immediately caused an uproar and tumult.

“Idra Master lost too?”

“Big Bang! Big Bang!”

At the venue all around, looking at Edla who confessed to lose in the distance, each and everyone took the elf with the equipment in their hands and was excited. Some people even couldn’t help but want to rush forward and go to the two parties in person. Interview.

“Master, your knowledge of pharmacy is amazing, I can win you, and it’s just a fluke.”

Sitting on the top, holding the potion bottle in his hand, looking at the advert who admits defeat, Adier looked sincerely and respectfully performed a decency to the old man in front of him: “I am lucky to win you today, but in In pharmacy, you are my Senior. In the future, I hope to learn from you, and constantly strive to improve my own medicament level and refine better medicaments.

He said very sincerely, the sincerity of his complexion and the seriousness of his expression, coupled with his young and handsome appearance, made Adra in front of him unable to lightly nodded and smiled again: “Your innate talent is me It’s an honor for me to have seen the best, to point you to a younger generation like you. “

“In the days to come, if you have a need, you can always come to me, and I will be happy to work with you …”

He responded so, with a smile on his face, and an appreciation of the younger generation.

After a while, when the competition was over, under the group of their subordinates, the two left in two ends.

Seeing this, a large number of people waiting on the side remembered that they could no longer hold back, and rushed forward like crazy.

Among the two, it seemed that they were accustomed to this scene. Edla was lightly snorted, and a large number of guards stepped forward to block a large number of avid journalists.

But on Adier’s side, it seemed that he had not seen the scene, and that there were not a lot of followers blocking the reporter, so that a large number of reporters flocked to him, making the teenager look “completely unprepared.”

“Mr. Adier, I heard that you teleported to the Emerald City from a foreign country a month ago. Just a few days after you came to this city, you have solved the pharmacy problem that has plagued the 3,000 years in the Silver Zone. What’s your opinion? “

A reporter came quickly, asking questions quickly.

Adier opened his mouth and just wanted to answer, but was interrupted by another elf girl.

“Hello sir, in a month, you have defeated all the Masters including Adela Master in the competition. What’s your opinion on this? Do you think that the level of these so-called Pharmacy Masters is still in doubt? ? “

“What do you think of the level of potions in Emerald City?”

“I heard that you have disclosed in a test that you have studied more than 730 unique pharmaceutical recipes. Do you have any plans to put pharmaceuticals into production and operation and establish your own industry?

Each and everyone is tricky, or formal questions are thrown one after another.

Surrounded by a large crowd, facing these problems, Adier looked a little busy and seemed a little shy and was not good at facing this kind of scene.

But looking at the large number of reporters watching him closely, he still smiled, and each and everyone answered one after another.

“The first question, I can solve the pharmacy puzzle where Silver Realm is. It is not how good my innate talent is, but the typical deficit phenomenon.”

“In the wizarding world, there is a very typical phenomenon. Due to the isolation of time and space, the civilization and technological development of different wizarding places will be very different. Sometimes it may be a major difficulty in one area. A lot of progress has been made in an area. “

“I was able to solve the potion puzzle of Emerald City, and it was for this reason.”

He kept saying that despite the speed of the speech, the voice was clear and could be accurately received by everyone: “As for the masters such as Adela, their level is naturally no problem, even far beyond me Expected. “

“In order to pursue the truth of pharmacy, I have traveled many places and met the Pharmacy Master in many places, but among them, the Masters of the Emerald City are the most amazing for me. Master and the others are not Masters at all! “

“Emerald City’s potion level is amazing!”

“As for the problem of the industry, I do not intend to run the industry myself!”

In the end, Adier kept talking, and then came to a conclusion: “But I am happy to share the wealth of this knowledge, cooperate with professional business talents, and develop the valuable crystals of this knowledge to benefit more. people!”

As the voice fell, the reporter of each and everyone became even more excited. While recording madly, he continued to ask questions. It seemed that he wanted to ask Adier a genius.

But this time, Adier did not continue to answer the question. Next to him, an elf girl led a team and led a few elf women to form a wall. The reporters who were constantly surrounded by the outside tried hard to block the outside, leaving Adier behind. A trace of void.

This elf woman named Tilian was a tour guide who had not been led by Adier before. After witnessing Adier’s pharmacological ability, this smart elf woman immediately moved closer to Adier and became Adier’s first follower in the Emerald City.

Taking advantage of Tilian’s efforts to stop someone, Adier stepped away and quickly left the hall to get out of a hidden room in the hall to get rid of those annoying reporters.

“It’s really troublesome.”

Stepping out of the hall, thinking about the scene surrounded by a large group of ordinary people, even in the nature of Adier, I couldn’t help but shook the head.

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