“But to do this, you have already done everything, and then wait slowly.”

Quietly walking out of the room, thinking about everything he had done during this time, he was a little tired.

Since learning that the Emerald City does not recruit wizards, Adier has returned to his hometown.

He pretended to be an elf pharmacist from afar, and when he came to the Emerald City, he went to several places and stepped on several local elf Pharmacy Masters in order to slowly build his reputation.

As he said before, the level of these elf Pharmacy Masters is indeed very good, and each one is better than any pharmacist Adier has seen in the past.

Even so, compared to Adier, who owns the chip and has studied pharmacy for hundreds of years, these pharmacological masters are still a little worse, and in the end they are defeated in his hands.

Of course, with the vastness of the Higher Domain and the strength of the wizarding civilization, there are naturally higher levels of pharmacists, and the level beyond which Adier is certainly not a few at this time.

But those pharmacists who surpass their own level, Adier will not be stupid enough to take the initiative to get up, but will be more inferior than his own to ensure that every shot will win.

So many times down, but in just one month, the news of Adier spread throughout the Emerald City.

Even ordinary mortals have heard that there is a person The young potion master has come to the Emerald City.

This is because the time is too short, and Adier’s reputation will certainly be even more famous after the reports of those reporters are spread today.

With fame, after being known by the vast number of wizards, it is natural to have the opportunity to contact the wizards of the Emerald Tower, so as to find opportunities to join the Emerald Tower.

Adier is confident and uses his own pharmaceutics to achieve his skill. Even the Emerald Tower, after hearing about it, will definitely leave an olive branch and want to recruit him.

After all, a Pharmacy Master is definitely the most precious person no matter where he is.

While waiting, time slowly passed.

An early morning a few days later.

Under the Emerald Tower, a middle-aged elf wearing a black robe and holding a scepter in his hand slowly walked out of the vehicle.

“Long time, Emerald Tower.”

Stepping down from the vehicle, looking up at the towering towering towering towering towering sky, he smiled on his face, and sighed and nostalgic on a handsome face: “Five years, there are still no change.”

With a slight sigh, he walked forward, ready to go to his residence according to the memory of the past.

Before walking a few steps, around, smoke-free cars were traveling on the road, blocking the original wide road.

Looking at this scene, middle-aged elf did not feel bored, but was very surprised: “Is it a holiday today? Why is it so lively?”

Compared with other cities, although the area of ​​Emerald City is huge, its population is relatively small, and there are very few traffic jams in normally.

So, seeing that the road in front of them is blocked and leaking, the middle-aged elf is not only not annoyed, but rather surprised.

“Sir Culied, you may not have been quite clear just now when you returned.”

Sitting in the driver’s seat of the car, a young girl looked like elf laughed: “In these days, a pharmaceutical bidding on the square is about to start. These people are either going to bid or to watch the lively.”

“Pharmaceutical bidding?” Culied was even more curious: “Which pharmacy master has developed a new drug? Adela, or Syraher?”

“None.” Taking advantage of the traffic jam, the girl parked the vehicle aside and turned to Culied and said, “It is a foreign potion master named Adier.”

“The Adier Master has just been here for more than a month, and has solved the mystery of Silver Pharmacy. He has defeated five Pharmacy Masters in the Pharmacy Competition and won the unanimous praise of those five Masters.”

“Today is the day when he bids for a new drug that he developed independently. It is said that he will give out more than a hundred new drugs at one time.”

“Hundred kinds!” Listening to this amount, Culied’s eyes and pupils shrunk slightly, with some surprise said with a smile: “Interesting, is this new potion Master also elf?”

Seeing the girl driving in front of her nodded, he immediately thought of a thought in his heart, and asked: “I don’t have to go back, let’s go and see.”

“Your Excellency …” The girl turned around and suddenly guessed the thought of Culied: “Invite him to the Emerald Tower?”

“Of course.” Culied nodded: “This Master of Pharmacy can’t be missed at any time, let alone, it’s elf’s Master of Pharmacy, of course, can’t let go.”

“I don’t think it’s that big.” The young girl shook the head: “A pharmacy master is not something that can be cultivated everywhere. This Adier Master may have his own right away, just to go out and study.”

“Whether it belongs or not, I will give it a try first.” Culied smiled. “Elf the elf’s Pharmacy Master is worth my visit even if the other party is unwilling to join.”

The voice fell, the girl was nodded, didn’t say anything, just turned along a certain path, looked towards the other direction.

After a while, when the car stopped slowly near the square somewhere, Culied stepped off the car, and slowly approached a hall under the guidance of the attendant beside him.

In the hall, a lot of equipment is covered in all around, all the scenes of all around are shot in, and one by one walks from time to time in all around, and there are even many acquaintances of Culied.

Looking at this scene, he laughed, and then he turned around. The Spirit fluctuations on his body suddenly changed, and even his appearance became blurred. Even if someone looked at it, he could only roughly see that it was a handsome middle. -aged man without seeing specific appearance details.

After finishing these concealments, he walked in.

The hall all around is a sample of pharmaceuticals, which contains a large amount of video information, which lists the approximate materials required for the pharmaceutical production and the effects of the pharmaceutical one after another, showing them.

“Deere purification reagents can greatly accelerate Spirit purification, good stuff.”

Among the several pharmaceutical samples entering the center, feeling the pulse of that pharmaceutical, and the list of materials displayed on the pharmaceutical, Culied’s eyes brightened: “The pharmaceutical that can enhance the Spirit’s Spirit purity, but the material only needs a little magic crystal ? “

“Good stuff.” On the side, a middle-aged elf in a robe, looking slightly fat, touched the golden purifying medicament, his eyes full of longing.

This kind of potion that can assist the wizard’s promotion has always been a hard currency and will definitely sell well no matter where it is.

In Higher Domain, there are similar effects to purified drugs, and even better drugs are not available, but the materials are cheaper than this drug, and there are not many that have better effects than purified drugs.

Even if it is not well known about the commercial operation of Culied, it is also clear that once this medicine is launched, it will definitely be warmly welcomed by the majority of wizards.

Similar to this purified medicament, so are other medicaments. Either the effect is better than the equivalent medicament, or the cost is much cheaper and more affordable than the cost, and it has its own advantages.

This is all part of Adier’s research results over the years. At this time, just taking out a little is enough to be amazing and turn into amazing wealth.

Looking at these improved versions of the potions, Culied couldn’t help but give a sigh of excitement, and repeatedly commented on Adier, surpassing other potions Master.

For a pharmacist, of course, it is important to be able to refine higher medicines, but creativity is also a very important standard. A master who can continuously bring forth the new through the old and refine new medicines is naturally more important than others. The Master of Pharmacy is more excellent and precious.

After turning around for a while, after a few hours, the crowd in the place gradually dispersed, leaving only a few sparse silhouettes.

The official time for pharmacy bidding is not today. These people are just coming here to see, both to familiarize themselves with the environment and to examine the formula to confirm their goals.

After the rest of the group left, Culied looked up and looked forward.

There, as many guests walked outwards, a teenager stepped out of there gently, his eyes falling on him.

The sights of the two intersect, but for a moment, Culied felt a moment in his heart, and felt a huge and heavy pressure on his body, causing his body to tremble instinctively.

Not from strength, but from Bloodline.

At the moment when the two stood together, Culied clearly felt a majestic Bloodline majesty in the body of the young man in front of him, and that divine majestic, noble, but with a kind, majestic like the elf king Spreading out, shaking his body instinctively.

Just for a moment, looking at the silver-haired silver eyes of the young man in front of him, he seemed to understand something, and an astonishment appeared in his eyes: “You?”

“Sir, what’s the matter?” Beside, the girl who had previously followed Culied side elf turned slightly in surprise, and seemed a little confused.

Compared with side Culied, although she is also a wizard, neither Bloodline nor her strength can match her onion on equal terms. She accurately captures the scent of breath that was not at all, but it feels that the teenager is kind and amiable. She couldn’t help but want to be close, as if she had seen a relative who hadn’t met in a long time.

“No, it’s okay.”

Culied reluctantly laughed, looking at the boy standing in front, couldn’t help but take a deep breath, and dared to move forward: “Hello …”


Ahead, looking at Culied who suddenly stepped forward, the teenager looked surprised, with a surprised expression on his face: “Excuse me?”

“Introduce yourself.” Culied smiled, without holding back at the moment: “I’m Culied, a member of the Emerald Tower.”

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