“You want to invite me to join the Emerald Tower?”

In a quiet living room, Adier looked surprised when he heard Culied’s invitation, looking surprised.

“Not bad.”

Culied nodded, looking at Adier in front of him, staring at his pair of silver-like gemstone eyes, his awe in his heart continued to rise: “If you are the master of the elf family, if you can join the Emerald Tower, you will definitely be able to get vigorous training . With your innate talent and the support of the Emerald Tower, the achievements will be even higher after that. “

“This …” Adier hesitated, and at this moment seemed a little hesitant: “I was traveling around, just to visit the Pharmacy Masters everywhere, to learn from them, to improve my pharmacy skills, I have not thought about participating in other things in the past. ·· “

“Master is really focused. No wonder he can achieve what he is today.” Culied first praised Adier, but then he turned around: “Just, Master, you go to study everywhere by yourself. Although you can continuously improve your own pharmaceutical skills, but Some precious resources and valuable knowledge are difficult to obtain. “

“Some precious inheritance and precious recipes belong to the absolute secret method, which is impossible for outsiders to obtain.”

“You should know this, Master.”

Listening to this, Adier didn’t speak, but just bowed his head slightly, his face fainted, apparently deep in Culied’s words.

“Perhaps, this young Master hasn’t experienced this kind of thing on his way to school.”

Beside Culied, looking at Adier lowering his head, he looked a bit lost. Culied side elf female assistant gently sighed, and suddenly felt a little sympathy for Adier.

“Maybe so, but if I were to join an organization, wouldn’t the ring tower be better?”

Silent for a moment, next moment, Adier asked back.

The ring tower is the strongest pharmacist force in Higher Domain. It is one of the most powerful forces, like the Element Hall and the central high tower. It not only brings together the best pharmacists in the Higher Domain, but the tentacles also involve all directions, has its own branch in a lot of remote sorcerer gathering places, which can be called Holy Land of pharmacists.

“No.” Culied smiled and shook his head: “The ring tower is the largest pharmacist organization in Higher Domain, and it is indeed a good choice for pharmacists.”

“But its internal chaos, the contradictions between the various pharmacy branches are huge. After you join in, you don’t have Strength support on your back, and it is destined to be suppressed by each branch.”

These are some facts that can be understood on the surface, and Adier did not refute, but just continued to ask: “How about the green thumb hut?”

Green Thumb Hut, this is also the Pharmacist power of Higher Domain. Although it is not as large as the ring tower, it is small and exquisite. It even surpasses the ring tower in some unique areas of pharmacy. One.

“The green thumb is good, but it is exclusive. Unless it is a student cultivated by its members, otherwise outsiders enter and are destined to be unable to enter the core.” Culied laughed, so commented on this.

“What about the touch of gems?”

“The business climate is too heavy, management is chaotic, and sooner or later it will be annexed.”

“How about the healing hand?”

“The new pharmacist power, although good overall, is focused on healing potions, and the formula and knowledge of the remaining potions are not as good as other organizations.”

Speaking of which, Adier has stopped talking, but just silently looks at the Culied in front of him, seemingly speechless.

Looking at him, Culied laughed, without any sorry, and said directly, “Instead, the Hand of Jadeite is different.”

“The Emerald Tower was once gathered by countless elf organizations to build together. It has a long history and a rich knowledge base. Although it is not as high as the ring tower, it is not inferior to other organizations.”

“What’s more, compared to other places, the Emerald Tower lacks a great potion Master. If you can join it, you will definitely get the most attention.”

Taking a deep look at the other person, Adier pointed out: “But as far as I know, the interior of the Emerald Tower seems to have a lot of problems. Not only does it not recruit wizards to the outside, it even vigorously persecutes outsiders.”

“For others, these are certainly problems, but for you, these are not much.”

Looking at Adier, Culied’s eyes are deep, and his eyes are full of glory, with faint emotional fluctuations: “With your Bloodline, joining the Emerald Tower is your best choice …”

After saying this, he asked the maid next to him to leave his sorcerer’s mark, and then left, leaving only the silhouette of Adier who was thinking alone.

“Master Culied, do you take the Pharmacy Master too seriously?”

Back in her car, while driving, the elf girl looked at Culied with a little confusion: “I’ve never seen who you value so much.”

“He’s different.” Sitting in the back, Culied closed his eyes and responded impassively: “Even if he doesn’t mention his Bloodline, it’s just his strength, it’s already worth it.”

“Is this Master strong?” The girl was curious.

After entering the Emerald City, because he couldn’t figure out the form here for a while, Adier had previously used the Emerald Seal to hide his breath, and the strength revealed on the surface was only the level 2 wizard. For the Emerald City, It’s pretty good, but for the members of the Emerald Tower, it’s nothing more.

Culied pu chi smiled fiercely, and seemed to be very funny.

He did not speak immediately, but remained silent for a while, until the impatient girl waited in front, thinking that he could not hear the response, he spoke, speaking in a subtle and unique voice.

“A fourth-order wizard, what do you think of it?”

In the front seat, the girl suddenly stared at the words.


It turns out that even in the Higher Domain, a potion master is a very rare and precious Strength.

On the same day, Cuiled declined, saying that he would consider it, and the Emerald Tower immediately began to move.

A few days later, in the bidding for potions, a large number of people from the Emerald Tower came to visit, each and everyone took Adier out of the bidding potion formula at the highest price, and then gave a lot of gifts in respect, mostly some precious potion formulas , Or unique knowledge.

At the same time, Culied began to visit frequently, and brought people with him every time, either as a potion master or some powerful wizards.

As time passed, Adier’s tone also began to soften, from the hesitation at the beginning to the last refusal, which means thinking about it.

This continued until a few months later, when Culied came to visit again.

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