Under the quiet flow of fire, someday, greeted by Culied himself, Adier stepped into the Emerald Tower.

The emerald-colored tower looks very tall and majestic from the outside, like a great Scholar aloof and remote overlooking sentient beings, full of Musu’s solemn atmosphere and charm.

When Adier walked into the tower, he found that the tower in front of him was much larger than he thought.

The tower is divided into hundreds of floors, and the space on each floor is very large. It is not as narrow as outsiders look, but it is extremely huge. Each floor is like a huge city, grand and horrifying.

In the cities within these towers, there are even a large number of wizards stationed and living there. Not only are they full of powerful wizards, but they also have various precious materials and resources in circulation.

The rare and rare materials and Magic Transformed Item that seem to be outside the world are counted everywhere, making Adier look at it a bit more.

“This is the Space Wizard Array.”

Looking at the surprise on Adier’s face, standing in front of him, Culied laughed: “The Emerald Tower, which originated from Zar, the son of the Emerald, was then continuously expanded by the elf emperor in the long years. Today’s scale. “

“The tower is engraved with Wizard Array and rune left by ancient wizards. The space therein has been greatly expanded. Almost every floor is the same size as the Emerald City, which houses the family and descendants of the Emerald Tower members.”

“Maybe speaking of Strength, we can’t compare with the central tower, but this tower alone is never inferior to anyone.”

He smiled and said, with a strong pride on his face.

Aside, listening to his narration, combined with the experience from the road, Adier couldn’t help but utter a deep surprise.

Jade’s son, Zar, is an ancient hero of the elf family. It is rumored to be the son of the mother of the emerald, which is the greatest elf hero.

In the legend, the son of the emerald became the emperor of all elf when he was an adult. Then he brought the elf family to Peak, and his achievements were even inferior to those of the emerald mother.

The tower in front of it is, in legend, built by the son of the emerald himself, owning part of the Strength of the son of the emerald, so no stronghold one cannot overcome, no less than any wizard tower in the world.

As Culied continued to move forward, Adier’s mood continued to become heavy, and he had a further understanding of the formidable power of ancient wizards.

The Emerald Tower in front of it is engraved with the heavy Wizard Array engraved by the ancient elf wizard. Not only can it independently extract the external element particles to maintain its operation, it is also a micro-small world, fully developed, equivalent to a sixth-order The wizard recovered with all his strength, and the combat power erupted in a short time could even overwhelm a sixth-order wizard.

At the bottom of the high tower, there are whole Small Worlds captured and captured.

These Small Worlds not only serve as the energy source for the tower’s operation, but also the source of blood for the Emerald Tower.

A lot of Bloodline’s pure elf Bloodline multiplied in Small World. Among them, Bloodline’s pure, innate talent’s powerful existence was continuously absorbed into the tower, only to sustain the power of the Emerald Tower, and even disdain to outsiders. Gu.

This terrifying force, based on several World-based terrorist strengths, surprised Adier, then felt a bit of pressure.

The power of the Emerald Tower is strong, and it can be regarded as second to none in the entire Higher Domain, but it is also more than weak in front of the most powerful forces.

The emerald towers in front of them are all so horrible. So what kind of scene should a supreme force like the central tower and elemental palace have?

With this doubt, Adier walked into the goal this time, that is, after the 100th 50th floor of the tower, it belongs to the region of Simmar.

After a hundred 50th floor, the Emerald Tower is an absolute forbidden area. Even if it is a full member of the Emerald Tower, it cannot enter without permission.

Adier, as a newly-received student of Simar, is eligible to enter the area occupied by Simar.

“Adier, you are here.”

Walk into it, accompanied by the flickering of the emerald-colored glazed light, a gentle and kind voice sounded in the ear.

Looking back from the teleportation, Adier looked up and saw in front of him that Simal was standing in the center of the scene in front of him, now looking at him.


Seeing Simal, remembering his identity at this time, Adier quickly smiled on his face, stepped away, and quickly walked in front of Simal, saluted.

“Place your hands on it.”

Simmar was nodded first, then took out a transparent crystal ball, and saw Adier, said with a smile.

“This is a test for you, and I want to see your whole body to formulate your future learning plan.”

“Yes.” Adier nodded, without much suspicion, directly extended the hand, placing one hand slowly on the crystal ball in front of him.

Suddenly, the emerald-colored glazed light flickered, and then on the transparent crystal in front of him, a bit of dazzling silver brilliance flashed in an instant, and the star of one after another silver was lit at this moment, pure like It is the Milky Way hanging in the sky, dazzling and pure, beautiful and eye-catching.

One, two, three … Soon, all the stars are all lit, and pure silver threads gradually spread out, gradually interweaving into a complex imprint of a moon.

Looking at this scene, in a moment, Simmar pumps shrank, with one arm shaking slightly, he retracted the crystal ball in front of him, showing a gentle smile on his face, looking calm as usual: “Yes, it seems you Bloodline, and in great shape. “

Before waiting for Adier to reply, he went on to open the mouth and said, “You should walk around first. For the specific situation, I need to experiment carefully to know.”

Seeing this, Adier also had to be nodded, then turned around, and the silhouette looked like an instant, being teleported away by the Wizard Array.

When Adier left, Culied immediately looked at Simmar: “teacher, how is it?”

“Very good, it’s so good.” Simmar’s face was a little complicated, and even with the fixation of a fifth-order wizard, the mood could not be fluctuated at this moment: “He is indeed the blood of Moon Elf, and Bloodline is pure To a degree beyond your imagination. “

When he heard the previous sentence, Culied was excited, but when he heard the words that followed, he was still a little confused and had no idea what it meant.

“In his Bloodline factor, I didn’t feel the slightest strange breath, not even the slightest. In the whole Bloodline, only the Bloodline of Moon Elf exists, and the power and activity of that Bloodline is something I have never had in my life. I’ve seen it. “

After a moment of silence, he began to say: “In other words, even in the same Moon Elf blood, he can be regarded as the absolute king. Bloodline’s activity has already surpassed Moon Elf’s scope to a new level. . “

Listening to this, Culied frowned, as if thinking something.

After a long time, he opened his mouth and looked at the old man in front of him: “Compared to that one?”

Suddenly, Simal wrinkled, and did not immediately reply.


“A strange energy intrusion was detected …”

On the other side, walking out of the transmitting Wizard Array, listening to the sound of the chip in his mind, Adier looked at all around at random, and looked around.

He is not worried about his test results.

During this time, for his own Moon Elf Bloodline, he had early found the opportunity to explain like a few Simmar.

He did not say that he had obtained the Moon Elf Bloodline, but merely claimed that he was born to return to his ancestors. Not at all caused much suspicion.

Because according to Adier’s knowledge, just like him, the existence of Moon Elf who returned to ancestors in the day after tomorrow was a pure blood. Although there are not many in the history of the Emerald Tower, there are many examples.

Even in today’s emerald tower, it seems that elf king who is a person known as pure blood exists as the next generation of the emerald tower.

However, even if he has several pure blood at the same time, Adier is confident that his Bloodline is definitely the purest.

The Bloodline obtained by returning to the ancestors, even if it can be called pure blood, but there are more or less impurities, within the body there is a Parent’s Bloodline factor, naturally cannot be truly pure.

But Adier’s Bloodline is a complete extraction of Moon Elf Bloodline’s factors, and then covers its own Bloodline. As far as purity is concerned, it is definitely 100% without any impurities.

Walking gently in the tower, Adier kept Rogue in all around and collected some rare materials in all around.

In the previous months, through the hard work of this period, he also collected a lot of materials, but most of them can not compare with here.

This is the interior of the Emerald Tower. Most of the materials circulating here are rare and precious things, and it is difficult to find them even if they are bought for a large price.

Spending a lot of magic stones on his body and carrying a pile of materials, Adier returned to his laboratory.

In the laboratory, bright and bright lights were flickering and intersecting, making them look as colorful as rainbows.

The most noticeable is the large vessel of each and everyone in the laboratory, which has a light green liquid flowing, and each or everyone is molding, or the embryo that has not yet formed is quietly sleeping and growing quietly in it.

“Three hundred unique Bloodlines, and only five were left in the end.”

Walking into the laboratory, staring at the vessels in front of him, Adier frowned.

Since the avatar returned from Misty World and completely revised the Gudola Secret Scripture, he began to prepare for the practice of Bloodline Secret Scripture.

Just different from the avatar, Adier is much more cautious in the Bloodline Secret Scripture practice of the ontology.

Bloodline is not about swallowing as much as possible. Sometimes, if some low-quality Bloodline is swallowed, it may not only not enhance their own Bloodline, but will also contaminate their own Bloodline and cause various consequences.

In Misty World, the avatar can swallow up as if you see what is swallowed. That is because the avatar Bloodline is extremely low in essence, and its essence is equivalent to Knight’s red beast Bloodline, even if it is polluted, That’s it.

In addition, in the Misty World, the nature of thousands of beasts is ordinary, and they all originate from the calamity of the corpses of God. Therefore, there is no problem of the Bloodline conflict, and naturally it will not cause much distress.

But these two conditions do not exist for Adier’s ontology.

Adier’s Ontology Bloodline is Moon Elf, and once promoted to adulthood, it is promoted to the fourth order, giving birth to the existence of the origin. The existing Bloodline itself is already extremely pure, with strong Bloodline characteristics.

If it is inferior to Moonline’s Bloodline, after swallowing it, it may not only not enhance the essence of Bloodline, but also the pure reduction of Moon Elf Bloodline because of Bloodline pollution.

In addition, in this world, there is no evil beast of the same nature for Adier to devour.

Therefore, on the road of Ontology’s Bloodline, Adier chose a different path from the avatar.

Moon Elf Bloodline is the main, and the rest of the Bloodline is the fire of Bloodline, so that Moon Elf Bloodline is constantly transmuting and sublimating, instead of letting the external Bloodline melt with itself.

If these two paths are described in detail, one is to make yourself strong by eating the flesh and blood of the animal, and the other is to directly transplant the animal’s Bloodline and limbs to yourself, which is powerful but to the extent Can’t be called a person.

Compared with the latter, the first method is slower, but more stable, and the problems generated are much smaller, and the problem of Bloodline collapse will not occur.

“Redscale snake, purple bird, Erid devil wolf … These types of Bloodline are all up to the third order, and after the rigorous deduction of the chip, there should be no problem with the Moon Elf Bloodline.”

“Unfortunately, those truly advanced fourth-order Bloodlines are not only difficult to find, but also very few that have their origins …”

Thinking of his achievements since this time, he could not help sighing.

Unlike his previous thinking, even in the Higher Domain, the wizard Holy Land, the High Bloodline is still not everywhere, but a treasured and precious thing.

Pureline fourth-order Bloodline is difficult to find. Adier wants to obtain pure higher Bloodline, which can only be extracted from the races with ancient Bloodline, and then purified slowly. The entire process is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the obtained results may not be How good.

The artificially purified Higher Bloodline, although it is indeed pure, needs to be activated. The original Strength is weaker, and its effect on Adier is not at all as imagined.

For this problem, Adier also has a remedy.

Inject the purified higher Bloodline into the corresponding descendants, and wait for the time to elapse. After the corresponding host is promoted to the fourth stage, the origin is born naturally, which makes the Bloodline enter into a great prosperity.

But this method also has a big disadvantage.

That is time.

The lifespan of the ancient Bloodline started at thousands of years. From the infancy to the maturity of the Bloodline, it takes less than one or two thousand years.

This time consuming, even for Adier, is a bit too long.

Thinking of this, Adier could not help shaking his head, looking at the several vessels in front of his eyes, and slowly moved forward.

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