Drop it drop it …

Bits of rain fell on the ground, and in a blink of an eye, several days passed.

In these few days, Adier has not left his own laboratory, while waiting there, waiting for Bloodline to transform.

However, before he was ready to complete it, some sudden events suddenly occurred, which forced Adier to interrupt the experiment and get out of the state of intensive experiment.

The news of Adier being pure blood did not know when it leaked, so that during this time, members of each and everyone of the Emerald Tower came to place one after another, and hardly had a day to stay.

For these people, Adier could shut them out, but ultimately didn’t choose to do so.

In just a few days, I was able to get the news and quickly find his location, not the high-level members of the Emerald Tower, or the backing behind him, so that he could quickly get the news and respond quickly.

As Adier, it’s okay to reject everyone, but it’s not necessary.

Having just joined the Emerald Tower, Adier doesn’t want to be isolated by people around him, and has the opportunity to contact other people. He naturally won’t refuse.

Therefore, during this time, he stepped out of the laboratory, opened the door directly, and waited for the guests.

All around the house, a little hissing sounded slowly, like the sound of a doorbell, which seemed very crisp in this area.

“Please come in.”

Asking the servant to open the door, Adier looked out of the door.

Outside the door, a blonde elf boy stood quietly outside the door with a smile on his face, but there was a slight alienation, and there were several people behind him.

Compared with the normal elf, the elf boy ’s long hair is rare golden, and his appearance is also very handsome and beautiful, carved like the most beautiful gemstone, looks so delicate and so moving.

What surprised Adier was the breath of the elf boy, with a deep and inexplicable meaning, blocking all the detection and unable to obtain the slightest information.

The opponent has a precious magic weapon to cover his body, even with Adier’s strength, he cannot accurately detect it.

“Dear guest, hello.”

A deep glance at the blond boy in front of him, after thinking for a moment, Adier smiled instantly on his face: “Welcome, Your Excellency, Yara.”

“I’m glad to see you.” On the opposite side, the blond boy named Yara was nodded, and he said polite words on his mouth, but the expression on his face didn’t change at all, making people feel no sincerity.

“I heard that your pharmacy accomplishments are very good.”

After simple politeness, Yara was nodded, and she dropped her things directly.

“This is a meteorological formula. Can it be configured?”

He said casually, staring at Adier quietly, the expression on his face remained the same from beginning to end, with some stubbornness and alienation.

Opposite, took the purple crystal carrying the formula of the potion, looking at Yara in front of him, Adier frowned secretly.

The young man’s attitude is not so good, and it can even be called a little rude.

Although the elf family is famous for their pride, the elf that Adier has encountered since this time has rarely felt this.

He is a pure-blood Moon Elf, Bloodline, the elf king.

Standing in front of him, no matter how proud elf was, he could only lower his proud head and talk to him politely.

For the first time, like a blond boy in front of him.

Without much thought, he reached out and held the piece of purple crystal. In his mind, all kinds of messages came to his mind, and instantly imprinted in Adier’s memory.

“A higher potion to stabilize Bloodline?”

Without careful observation, after quietly observing the formula, with years of experience, Adier came to this conclusion, and then couldn’t help but think of something that frowned.

In order to verify the guess in his heart, looking at the blond boy in front of him, he slowly got up, and the breath in his body suddenly changed.

A pure, holy, like Haoyue and a meteor, the brilliance of the bloodline, which is brilliant and noble, slowly spreads. In a moment, the Bloodline, which belongs to Moon Elf, erupts majesticly. At this moment, it is shrouded in place and under the control of Adier , Booming down to the blond teenager in front of him.

Hong long! !

At this moment, in the midst, Adier seemed to hear a trembling sound, and the violent burst continued to explode in the void, making it sound creepy.

But even with such awesome majesty, when it fell on the blond boy in front of him, nothing seemed to happen, nothing happened.

The young man in front of him is the same as before, everything on his body has not changed, his face is still the expression, and Adier is staring indifferently.

Hong long! !

The sky is blooming.

At this moment, in the vision of Adier, the blond boy in front of him seemed to become a fiery sun, flickering high in the sky, emitting an immortal light.

The majestic blooming in the sky, at this moment, Adier took the lead in changing the color, and in the body of the young man in front of him, he felt a bigger and more brilliant Bloodline breath.

It was a Bloodline that belonged to the elf family, but compared to Moon Elf Bloodline, it was more powerful, horrible, with deep arrogance and strength, like the elf emperor of Supreme, destined to rule all elf descendants in the world.

Even if it is strong and bright like Moon Elf Bloodline, in front of this Bloodline, it is also faint to shrink back, and it is not as good as this Bloodline in the order of magnitude.

“This Bloodline !!”

Suddenly, Adier changed color, remembering a lot at this moment.

When he entered the Mason region that year, he once found a mausoleum of the elf emperor in a certain area, and experienced the majesty of the elf emperor up close.

At this moment, the Bloodline majesty brought to him by the blond boy is very similar to the Bloodline majesty given by the elf emperor at that time, although it is not as powerful and pure as the elf emperor, but it is equally horrifying and terror. The power to make everything acknowledgment allegiance.

elf King Bloodline!

Suddenly, Adier flashed this thought in his mind, his face was dignified, and his thoughts flashed countless thoughts at this moment.

But in the end, he still didn’t do much, except that all the breath on his body disappeared, and the bloodline majesty that had exploded completely was completely hidden. The whole person was like an ordinary elf boy, with nothing special.

After Adier took the lead, he lost the stimulation of Moon Elf’s blood, and the boy in front of him also returned to his original state. Looking at Adier in front of him, this moment had a deeper look, with a hint of surprise.

Beside him, the servants all around turned pale, and at this moment had kneeled down, unable to bear the majesty of the Bloodline between them.

In Adier’s induction, at this moment, all around was also looking at each other, and it seemed that they were attracted by the burst of talent.

Among them, there are several shares of deep and firm will, which faintly give Adier a profound meaning.

In this case, Adier took a deep breath, his face gradually returned to calmness, and he looked at the blond boy in front of him, gently nodded: “This potion, I can make it. Prepare the appropriate materials, and you can come to take it after six months . “

He took a deep look at Adier, Yara was nodded, and no matter how many of his servants, he turned around and left.

Watching Yara’s back disappear silently into her eyes, after a while, Adier groaned for a while, then turned to leave, and walked towards his laboratory.

“So scary Bloodline.”

At the top of the tower, looking at the back of Adier turning around, an elf old man wearing a black robe and with a thin torso showed some surprise on his face: “Bloodline facing the Sun Emperor can still achieve this level, terrific, terrific. “

“Simar, you really received a good student.”

Aside, Simmar was in a purple robe, holding a scepter in his hand. Hearing this, it was only laughed: “The Bloodline of Adier is far beyond your imagination, even if Moon Elf Bloodline is theoretically lower than the Sun King Level 1, but it may not be lost to Yarra. “

“After all, compared to Adier’s Bloodline pureness, Yara’s King Bloodline is not stable.”

“It can’t be compared.” The black robed old man who spoke before shook his head: “The emperor is the emperor. Even if Bloodline’s unstable emperor isn’t comparable to the rest of the Bloodline.”

“However, aside from Bloodline, I still prefer Adier.”

After a while, he opened the mouth and said again, with some dissatisfaction in his words: “Yara is too impudent. It used to be this way, and it is still now. Without our permission, I went to look for it privately. Adier. “

“What is he trying to do? Demonstrate to others?”

At this point, his face sneered: “His character is as unstable as his Bloodline. How can such an unstable character inherit our career and become a powerful wizard?”

“Don’t say it.” Aside, listening to the dissatisfied words of the old man, Simmar’s face was calm: “He after all is the child of the tower master.”

“So what?” The black robed old man said indifferently, but after saying this sentence, he didn’t continue to talk, and slowly remained silent.

Time continues to flow slowly.

On that day, after sending Yara away, more and more people came to visit these days, and even several great wizards came to visit and specially sent gifts.

The outbreak of conflict with Yala was an accident, but it also made some wizards see the potential of Adier and confirmed his identity as a pure blood.

In addition, he is also a Master of Pharmacy, which is also of high value.

Time passed so slowly, and it was months later.

One morning, outside of Adier’s laboratory, he walked in quietly.

This handsome young man, wearing a light green robe, with a smile on his face, walked quietly into Adier’s laboratory.

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