“Kulu, you are here.”

Sitting quietly in the hall, looking at the young man walking in the distance, Adier put down the book in his hand, laughed and said.

“I shouldn’t be late this time.”

Kulu laughed, then moved forward and placed the basically heavy book on the desk: “This is the material you want. I mobilized it from the library and remember to return it after reading it.”

“Thanks, I will return it myself at that time.” Adier nodded, said with a smile.

“You’re welcome.” Kulu nodded, then suddenly seemed to think of something: “Yeah, the next World Battle, will start soon, my teacher asked me, are you interested in joining?”

“World Conquest …” Hearing this term, Adier froze, and then opened the mouth and said: “So fast?”

“Unhappy.” Kulu shook the head: “For this expedition, the teachers have been preparing for more than 500 years, before slowly grasping the coordinates of that World and preparing to start invading.”

“This is also a good thing for you.”

He said with a smile: “You are a pharmacist. When you really enter the battle, you must be in the back of the town. You don’t have to rush on the front line.”

“And when that happens, my teacher will be there in person.”

“So.” Adier came back to his senses, and instantly understood what Kulu meant.

Kulu’s teacher is Elder Hermuk, who is tied with Simal. He is also a well-known fifth-order great wizard in the Emerald Tower, and is one of the three most noble wizards.

In the past few months, this Elder admired Adier very much. He not only praised Adier’s medicinal achievements many times in public, but also gave many secret methods many times, and was very close to Adier.

At this World War, if the opponent leads the team in person, Adier will probably receive a lot of care, at least the credit will not be less, and the security is also guaranteed.

Thinking of this, Adier looked up: “How long is it?”

“About five years.” Kulu said, looking at Adier, suddenly said with envy, “teacher said, if you don’t want to join in this time, you don’t need to go there in person, just send a detached person to go through the field. There is a reward for you. “

Walking so blatantly through the back door?

Adier froze for a while, came back to his senses, and shook the head: “That’s not necessary.”

“Although I am a pharmacist, my combat skill is actually good.”

He laughed, and said to Kulu right now.

Kulu nodded: “Then I will sign up for you.”

After saying this, he continued chatting with Adier for a while, and then left in a hurry. It seems that there are still many things to be busy.

After the other party left, Adier got up, picked up the book left by the other party, and started to read it carefully.

Higher Domain’s wizarding civilization is far more developed than elsewhere. After the end of the ancient wizarding era, Higher Domain is one of the few regions that directly inherited the ancient wizarding civilization, rather than starting from scratch like other places.

This has also led to the fact that, for the age of ancient wizards, there are many records in Higher Domain, far more detailed than elsewhere.

In recent times, Adier has been learning about these things.

“Ancient Epoch of Glory, the appearance of the Scourge World, invaded many Worlds occupied by wizards, and gradually evolved into a battle between the two Great Worlds after a long time.”

“In the battle, Jiehai gradually divided into two camps, the wizards led by the above ancient wizards, and the natural disasters led by the King of Scourge …”


“The two Worlds fought in the realm of the sea. Until the final battle, the glory of the ancient wizards was dim, the Scourge Kings fell, and the two Worlds fell into silence …”

“Final battle.” Grabbing this key noun, Adier muttered to himself, and continued to browse the materials.

Soon, in another book, a lot of information about the final war came to light.

“In the final battle, one of the ancient wizard leaders, the mother of the emerald fell, the elf family suffered the curse of the natural disaster, and the Jadeite World elf family became extinct …”

“Curse of Scourge …” After flipping through the book quickly, Adier took a deep breath and sighed.

On his forehead, traces of the Emerald Mark still exist, but by this time, the curse of the Scourge contained therein has been suppressed to invisibleness, and it is about to disappear.

The speed of Adier’s strength improvement is too fast and too fast, even if it is a curse of natural disasters embedded in Bloodline, at this step, it is also completely suppressed by Adier and will disappear completely.

However, after coming to Higher Domain, Adier also had a new doubt.

Among the Higher Domain, there are a lot of elf families. Among them, the number of descendants of Moon Elf is huge, and not only the pure blood Moon Elf often appears, but also an elf emperor.

But in the Higher Domain, the elf family here doesn’t seem to be at all.

This situation puzzled Adier, so he got rid of Kulu and let him second his material from the Emerald Tower.

Putting down the rest, Adier looked towards the last book.

It was an emerald-colored book, inlaid with several gemstones, and a complicated pattern on the paper, which appeared as a one-eyed look.

A magic weapon?

Looking at the book, Adier rubbed his eyes unbelievably before finally confirming that he had no hallucinations.

“Is the Emerald Tower so luxurious?”

He thought about it a little bit complicatedly, but after hesitating, he still reached out his hand gently and opened the book gently.

The moment Adier opened the book, a few faint emerald stars began to flash, and a little bit of light continued to fall, gradually falling on the body of Adier, passing a little picture to the body of Adier, and drawing Adier’s will To an unknown place.

Feeling this, Adier not at all rebelled, but let this magic weapon pull, let the will indulge in the content of this book.

Gradually, in all around, the scenes began to change.

The dim light was flashing, and Adier was in a hall when he opened his eyes again.

“here is···”

Standing quietly in the hall, looking at the hall in front of him, Adier froze, feeling a familiarity: “Inside the Emerald Tower?”

The hall in front of it is very similar to a certain spot on one floor of the Emerald Tower, almost the same, except that the rune in it is deeply volatile, and the atmosphere in it is much stronger.

In the hall, several elf were standing among them, together around an elf youth.

The young man was thin but also tall, wearing an emerald armor, a pair of golden eyes blinking, with a distinguished and vast powerful breath.

His body is strong, his breath is deep and terrifying, but at the moment he seems extremely weak.

Because in front of his chest, a broken black arm was inserted in front of his chest, tearing his chest directly, creating a huge gap.

“His Royal Highness, the news came from the front, Your Majesty was defeated …”

In front of the youth, an old man looked pained and weak.

His breath was extremely weak, and most of the entire body became black, with densely packed spots growing on it, faintly turning into a horrible face, looking strange and terrifying.

The same is true of everyone else. Each and everyone looks weak, with black spots entwined around him, as if cursed.

“This unique breath … Curse of Scourge?”

Looking at the densely packed spots on the few people in front of me, feeling the kind of breath from above, Adier was sinking in his heart and keenly felt the source of this aura.

These people, including the brave youth, have curses of natural disasters, but compared to Adier, the curses on these people are almost tens of thousands of times more horrible, even if a little breath is leaked Out, Adier couldn’t help feeling the palpitations and horror.

It can withstand the outbreak of the curse of natural disasters to this extent. It is conceivable that these people are definitely the most horrible powerhouse. The strength of everyone who is horrified must be above the fifth-level wizard of Simar.

And among these people, the elf youth was even more horrible.

His injury was the heaviest of these people. The black sharp claw on his chest penetrated his entire body and was continuously inducing the power of natural disasters, but it did not cause any slight pollution to the youth in front of him. The curse of natural calamity is still continually defeated, resisted by the youth’s Strength, and slowly engulfed.

“Mother was defeated, and the Scourge’s Strength erupted along the Bloodline, and it will spread to the ordinary people after a while.”

The young man spoke softly, his face looked extremely firm. A pair of golden eyes seemed to be able to look through the darkness and lead people to the light: “We can die, but the only people left must be preserved!”

The voice fell, and the picture suddenly turned.

By the time the picture appeared again, it was already a huge altar.

On the vast altar, the endless Scourge Spirit fell to the ground and was killed by an elf youth holding an emerald blade. Behind the youth, countless elf was crying, and the black Scourge mark on his body flickered.

The youth rose in anger, the emerald-colored long sword was chopped off, and a sword split the dim sky, bringing light to the earth again.

Under one sword, all the haze and horror, all the curses of curse disappeared, leaving only the most pure and ancient things.

In the distance, an old World Tree wailed, in which countless Bloodline lines connected with the elf in front of them were cut off by the Emerald Sword.

When the Bloodline line was cut, along with the Bloodline line, the curse of natural disasters that affected the descendants naturally disappeared, and no longer affected the descendants.

Endless images emerge, and endless messages flow until they finally become a bland word.

“On the day of the natural disaster, Zar the son of the Emerald cut off the blood of the elf and the mother of the Emerald, and at his own cost, he calmed down the natural disaster.”

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