“Emerald son, amazing, really amazing …”

Adier could not help but let out a sigh of silence as she quietly recalled the scenes that she had just seen, and felt the strong strength of the mighty shore, and the brave youth that illuminated the darkness like the sun.

Beside him, the book of magic tools lay there quietly, and after revealing his Strength, he returned to silence at this time, looking like an ordinary book.

But after witnessing the strength of the book, Adier now dare not underestimate the book.

“It is indeed a magic weapon.”

Looking at this book, remembering the kind of Strength context that I felt before, Adier couldn’t help but nodded.

Although the picture of Fang Cai is not true, the Strength, rune, and scene are like real ones, which can be realized by people.

Holding this magic weapon book is equivalent to going back to that scene at any time, you can feel the higher-level Strength at any time, and experience the higher-level scenery.

Even if there are no other features, this alone is enough for this book to rank among the magic tools.

Through this magic instrument, some of Adier’s past doubts have finally been explained.

Higher Domain, even the remnant elf of the entire Wizarding World, not at all the mark of the Scourge, is because of the Emerald Son.

When the mother of the emerald fell and the power of the Scourge invaded the Bloodline, it was the son of the emerald who stepped forward and cut off the Bloodline line of the elf family from the mother of the emerald, and thus has no relationship with the mother of the emerald.

The moment the Bloodline line is cut off, the elf tribe of the Wizarding World declares independence, and naturally it will no longer be cursed by the power of the Scourge along the Bloodline line.

The reason why Adier’s Bloodline is cursed is entirely because of its origin.

His Moon Elf Bloodline originates from the elf corpse in Jadeite World.

Those elf corpses were undoubtedly killed by the power of natural disasters, and the Bloodline line with the Mother of Emerald was not cut off at all.

Therefore, the Bloodline that inherited the elf corpses, and with the reactivation of Bloodline, Adier was naturally found by the power of natural disasters, and once again assumed the curse.

Thinking of this, Adier was suddenly speechless.

“It turned out to be my own problem.”

He shook his head. For a while, his mood was a little complicated, but eventually, as time passed, he gradually returned to silence.

In the final analysis, although the curse of the Scourge exists, it has not affected him too much, but he himself, because of the curse of the Scourge, has gained a lot of benefits.

Moreover, in the case of the natural disaster curse, it is not necessarily a good thing for Adier to have the natural disaster curse.

With the Scourge of Scourge, it means that Bloodline, the last remnant of the Emerald Mother, will receive more favor from the Emerald Mother in the Underworld.

The scenes Adier experienced during each previous promotion, as well as the emerald mark on his body, are proof.

After figuring this out, staying in place for a while, Adier got up and walked slowly towards his laboratory.

The Battle of the World is about to begin, and while there is still time, Adier needs to prepare for it.

For the fourth-order wizard, five years is not a long time, but for Adier, at least he can take the First Step of the Bloodline Secret Scripture.

Thinking of this, he turned away and walked into the laboratory, closing the door and preparing for his own experiment.

When Adier entered the laboratory, he was under the Emerald Tower.

Tearing …

A barbarian cow carcass fell to the ground, and each barbarian cow was full of blood, and a lot of crimson blood sputtered, which stained the entire site red.

And in the middle of the site, Yala stood here quietly, her body was stained with blood, and the body exuded a strong bloody smell.

Despite being bloody, he didn’t seem to care about it. Instead, he opened his arms and opened his mouth, as if embracing and breathing. A handsome face was full of madness and contentment.

Beside, some elf servants watched the scene silently, with a little expression on their faces.

“His Highness is unstable again …”

A woman with a single horn and fine golden texture on her skin shook her head slightly, looking at this appearance of Yala, and she felt a little horrified.

Inside the Emerald Tower, Yala’s instability is notorious. Sometimes when her character falls into extreme madness, she really kills people, even if her cronies want to kill you.

Once a few decades ago, Yala also rushed out of the Emerald Tower, launched a killing ring in the Emerald City, and slaughtered several hundred thousand elf civilians in one breath. The two Elders pressed together without causing widespread panic.

“Did Adier Master run out of medicine?”

Looking at Yala below, she couldn’t help but lightly sighed, and then asked.

What she said was naturally the meteorological formula that Yala had given to Adier some time ago.

Despite being unhappy with Yala’s style, Adier still refined the meteorological potion and gave the finished product to Yala.

After using the medicine, the effect is very good. After many riots, Yala has stabilized for a few days after using the potion.

“It’s been used up, but the Kulu sacrifice is being delivered.” Around him, a man replied.

As soon as the voice fell, a rush of footsteps came from afar.

Kulu, wearing a golden robe, walked hurriedly from the outside, looking at the picture of Yala in front of him, frowned suddenly, and understood what happened.

He waved his hand, and in the forehead, a golden gem slowly bloomed, shrouded Yara directly, and temporarily restored its calmness.

Then he walked forward, took a few bottles of scarred potion in his hand, and handed it directly to Yala: “Hold it.”

I took the potion in one sip and smelled the unique taste above. Yala swallowed the potion without hesitation.

As the potion was swallowed, the originally diffused golden texture faded quickly on him, and the violent Bloodline power was quickly smoothed and calmed down.


After a while, his face returned to plainness, with a deep indifference in his eyes, and he just looked at Kulu.

“This is a potion made by Adier. Thank you if you want to thank him.”

Looking at the blood-stained Yara in front of him, Kulu held back the nausea in his heart and said calmly.

“Oh.” Yara sneered, saying nothing, but finally raised her head and looked at Kulu in front of her.

His eyes were impudent, and he looked a little unscrupulous. With the fluctuation of Spirit’s power, he directly viewed Kulu as innocent, and kept peeping at him, making Kulu’s fists clenched in front of him, a kind of humiliated anger.

“That golden crystal is pretty good, is it a magic weapon?”

After examining it for a while, Yara smiled and said in an unquestionable tone, “Give it to me.”

“You!” Kulu was a little angry, looking at Yara in front of her, and the Spirit on his body skyrocketed for a moment, like the next moment was going to riot.

Yara looked at him with interest. Even if he felt the Spirit riot on him, he didn’t react much, but found it very interesting.

His reaction immediately made Kulu humiliated and his fists turned white.

But in the end, Kulu still didn’t shoot, but the violent Spirit of his body gradually calmed down.

He pans with both hands, and the golden crystal is thrown directly by him, and then he stays without turning and turns away.

But behind him, Yara obviously did not simply let him go.


The fluttering sound sounded in place, but made Kulu stiff, and did not dare to move.

Because around him, a huge and crazy Spirit force has shrouded him. As long as he dares to move, it will cause a crazy blow.

At the same time, a noble, large, great breath like the light of the sun permeated the surrounding, the thick elf imperial majestic filled all around, making Kulu’s Bloodline boil, and there was an urge to kneel.


He cursed, but didn’t dare to move under his feet, he could only stand still.

At the same level, Yara is also a fourth-order great wizard, but if he fights, he will definitely not be Yara’s opponent, and he will be killed by Yara within half an hour.

The elf Emperor Bloodline, this kind of Bloodline is a kind of natural sound for ordinary elf, even if the strength is almost the same, it will be subject to strong restraint, and it is afraid to act on it.

“You’ve already told him about the World War expedition.”

Standing behind Kulu, looking at Kulu’s back, Yara laughed, a handsome smile on his handsome face: “Tell me, will he participate?”

The voice fell, and a violent killing intent emerged. At this moment, only Kulu in front of him was locked, and it was locked firmly, as if he could shoot at any time, giving the most fierce blow.

Feeling this violent killing intent, Kulu opened his mouth, hesitated, and finally closed his eyes, and a little Spirit force spread out.

Feeling the message accompanying Spirit’s power, Yara laughed, judging by the smile on her face, she was very happy.

In a blink of an eye, the original killing intent that was all around disappeared instantly, and the violent majesty that had originally erupted gradually dissipated. Everything seemed like an illusion.

Feeling this, Kulu secretly relaxed, stepping up on his feet, and wanted to leave this place quickly.

“If you dare tell Hermuk Elder about this, then don’t blame me for telling you about it.”

To the rear, Yara’s voice came again.

Kulu stayed, then clenched his fists, and finally accelerated away.

At the rear, looking at the silhouette where Kulu left, Yara’s face showed a slight smile, looking extremely beautiful.

After a while, he looked at the red-colored clothes on his body, smelled the bloody smell, and frowned a little. He turned directly to the silhouette and disappeared in place.

Time passed slowly, while waiting, several years passed quickly.

Even for a formal wizard, a few years is not much, and for a Level 4 wizard like Adier, a five-year period is just an experiment or a perfect one. That’s all the time it takes to spell.

Time passed by bit by bit. In the early morning, the door of the Adier laboratory started to open automatically, and a person slowly walked out of it.

That was Adier. At this time, he was wearing a full moon robe. The whole man looked sacred and deep, with a calm temperament. At the same time, he was infected by the breath on his body, and he couldn’t help calming down his mind. .

This is the breath bonus that Moon Elf Bloodline brings, but at this time there seems to be more changes. The breath in it, in addition to calming people, has a more urge to talk and trust. .

It’s just that compared to Moon Elf Bloodline’s external performance, the feeling of this change is very subtle, and it is difficult to be noticed differently.

“It’s been almost five years.”

Quietly out of the laboratory, looking at everything outside the laboratory, Adier sighed softly.

From the Mason area to the Higher Domain, and then to the Emerald Tower, it is now almost five years.

Five years may not change much for other wizards, but for the current Adier, it is a big gain.

This harvest is not only a transformation on Bloodline, but also a great harvest in knowledge.

The wizarding civilization of Higher Domain is far from being comparable to the Mason region. The details of the Emerald Tower are not comparable to the silver mist King’s Courtyard in the Mason region.

In a short period of five years, through the huge power of the elf family of the Emerald Tower, Adier has gained a lot, not only obtained a further Meditation Method, but also went further, reaching the fourth-order Peak.

Leaving from the Ancient World, he was very close to this step. The reason why he was unable to reach it was only because his will was not strong enough, so that the strong origin could fully bloom his Strength, thus delaying his footsteps.

However, after returning from Misty World, I have experienced the promotion of fifth-order avatars. This defect has also been made up. The road to the fourth-order Peak has been opened, and it can be achieved only by the last time of grinding.

The five-year period of the Emerald Tower just made up for Adier’s link, allowing Adier’s origins to finally bloom and the will and the origins to be initially fused.

When the will and the origin are completely merged and become the last seed of will, it is the moment when Adier is promoted to the fifth order.

“To this day, it won’t be far away.”

Looking at the warm sunshine of the outside world, Adier laughed and had sufficient confidence in his promotion.

This is a rich enough experience.

In Misty World, his avatar has been promoted once to level five. Although it is not the ontology, the kind of heritage still exists, which is theoretically equivalent to Adier’s own promotion.

Based on that clone, when the time is right, Adier can even choose to swallow the clone as the Bloodline food for promotion to the fifth stage, so as to open the way to the fifth stage.

Of course, this choice, if not necessary, will not be made by Adier.

The bloodline that was promoted by the corpse and consumed the corpse, within the body is very powerful, and still has a lot of room for improvement, and should not be wasted.

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