“Is it here?”

Stepping out of the Emerald Tower, and in front of the gate where the central hall is located, Adier quietly looked up, looking at the huge portal in front of him.

The huge portal in front of it is golden, with some emerald light, in the portal there is a cosmic circulation, the great Profound Truth of World Birth and Death is turning quietly, as if looking like a mighty shore of the entire World.

This is the Emerald Gate, one of the true foundations on which the Emerald Tower was founded, the so-called World Gate.

“I have seen the doors of the World many times in the classics, and I have finally seen them … 1”

Looking at the huge portal ten meters high in front of her eyes, feeling the great power of World’s birth and death, Adier couldn’t help whispering, giving out a sincere sigh.

With the Gate of World, there must be a Stone of World as the basis for the construction of the Gate of World.

If it was Adier in the past, and saw the huge World Gate in front of him, the first reaction is to find a way to capture the World Stone and absorb the Boundary Energy in it for his own use.

But at today’s level, a little bit of Boundary Energy, Adier doesn’t have to worry anymore.

With the development of multiple Worlds, through the inside ability of the body, a large amount of Boundary Energy is conveyed to Adier through many Worlds.

As more and more Worlds are affected by Adier in the future, this accumulation rate will continue to accelerate.

With this condition, at this moment, Adier only needs to settle securely, and does not need to go out of the knot like a weak hour.

“How about, did you feel spectacular when you first saw the Door of World?”

Behind him, hearty laughter came from behind.

Adier turned around and saw exactly at the end of the corridor behind him. Kulu, dressed in a black robe, holding a long sword in his hand, was walking from there. He was smiling at him at this moment.

“It’s really spectacular. I’ve never seen anything like this in my hometown before.”

Looking at Kulu, Adier nodded coming behind, said with a sincere sigh.

It has been five years since joining the Emerald Tower, and in the process, Adier has already said about his origins.

Except for hiding his own traversal ability and how to obtain Bloodline, he has nothing else to say, so he explained everything truthfully, and informed the existence of the Maison area.

“The Gate of the World can’t be owned anywhere, even in the Higher Domain.”

Looking at the World Gate in front of him, Kulu’s eyes revealed some complex expressions: “In the entire silver domain, this is also the only World Gate, and it is also the last hope of our elf family.”

Standing aside, listening quietly to Kulu’s words, Adier also nodded, agreeing to this,

The existence of the World Door is a portal for a power.

With the existence of the World Gate, as long as the corresponding coordinates can be found, new Worlds can be continuously found and developed from them, thereby plundering the External World and thereby enriching itself.

Therefore, in the Higher Domain, the criterion of whether an organization is a large force is simple. It only needs to see whether this force has its own World Door.

Having a World Door means that you can continue to explore from the outside, which is very different from those who stay in this World.

However, even if you have the World Door, it will not be easy to open up the World.

Therefore, such events as World Warfare exist.

“Although the main force of this World War is us, people from the central tower and the Hall of the Dead will also participate.”

Walking along the road, while the World Door is still open at this moment, Kulu kept saying to Adier: “The central tower is fine. Although some people are more hostile towards us, there are also some people who have goodwill towards us. . “

“The real thing to be careful of is the Hall of the Dead, and the natives of Strange World.”

Hearing this, Adier secretly frowned: “What is the form of this entry?”

“It’s a dive, it’s a storm.” Kulu continued. “This time for World, the preparation for the Early Stage has been completed, and only the final finish is left.”

“And before that, someone needs to go to Strange World and consume the World-conscious Strength in as many ways as possible to prepare for the end of the Late Stage.”

“Generally speaking, this time is not long, like the time before us, there is at most half a year to finish.”

Having said that, he paused, and looked at Adier in front of him and reminded: “Hemke teacher said hello before, if you want, you can go later, wait until the last month, and it will be a lot safer. . “

“No need.” Adier smiled and shook his head. “I’m ready, just go in now.”

“Okay.” Kulu did not dissuade, but nodded: “After you go down, the Gate of World will automatically bless you with a layer of defense, so that you will not be quickly discovered by World consciousness.”

“But you need to be aware that the greater your influence on the World, the more active your actions are, and the faster the strength of the defense spell will be consumed.”

“I understand.” Adier nodded, then no longer hesitated, directly took a deep breath and walked straight to the Emerald Gate in front of him.

When Adier walked to the door of the Emerald Gate, a layer of golden light shrouded in all around, and a little dim Strength vented in all around, gradually letting Adier’s silhouette blur and disappear.

In situ, looking at the Adier disappearing in front of him, Kulu was deeply sighed. After hesitating for a while, he finally turned around and left.


Layers of ripples passed from the front, a severe block of sensation came from the body, accompanied by a horror feeling that the Spirit force was drained.

When the whole body reached an extreme, Adier suddenly opened his eyes, and a new light appeared in front of him.

“This feeling is really uncomfortable …”

Waking up from the place, feeling the feeling of suffocation, Adier shook the head fiercely.

From the perspective of experience, the portal of World feels far worse than Adier’s own power experience.

At least, through the ability to shuttle from different worlds, Adier will hardly have any strangeness, and through the gate of the world, there will be a feeling of uncomfortable exhaustion of Spirit.

In any case, this was a successful completion of the transfer.

Standing up, Adier got up and looked at all around.

In front of me is a dim meadow. On the surrounding ground, a dark black plant grows tenaciously, dyeing the ground into a dark black.

At the edge of the grass, a red blood stain was stained, and occasionally several bodies were seen.

These corpses are still very fresh. It seems that they were just dead. At this moment, they are still bleeding, and there is sporadic vitality on the corpses.

Walked to the few corpses gently, Adier extend the hand, was preparing to cast spell, and read the memories of these corpses before they were born, but in the end it was a stack.

“This feeling···”

Feeling the strong sense of rejection all over his body, Adier froze.

At the moment of his mana mobilization, a strong sense of repulsion rose sharply throughout the World, coming from all directions, welcoming him into his body and mind.

In the face of this rejection, Adier’s protection was like a thin layer of paper, as if it could be broken in a moment.

“Mana cannot be cast.”

Soon, Adier cleared the cause of exclusion.

This world does not allow the existence of mana, so the moment Adier uses mana, the surrounding world immediately gets a sense of it, which automatically generates repulsion and exposes the true face of its outsiders.

Knowing this, Adier immediately changed his mind, the original mana glory disappeared, a little Spirit force poured out, and quickly poured into the bodies in front of him.

With the rapid influx of Spirit power, a large amount of memory accompanied by Spirit’s rapid feedback, was then organized by the chip in the mind, and one after another was classified.

Soon, Adier gained the language of this world, as well as the habits of the residents of this world.

He glanced down, and at last he thought, within the jade space, a fitting piece of clothing was automatically fitted, and a decoration was changed in the blink of an eye to try to conform to the customs of this world.

After doing this, he looked to a certain direction to the north, and after feeling a little vitality there, immediately took the step without the slightest hesitation and walked towards it.

Not long after, on a flat road, a carriage slowly passed, slowly moving forward from the road in front of him.

On the carriage, a driver was sitting quietly in front of the carriage, while he was driving, he was watching all around vigilantly, and he seemed to be vigilant.

The path in front of me is not easy to look at. The road along the way is rugged. Although there are formed roads above, it is full of stubborn stones and a dirt pit by little by little.

Walking on this road, the driver cautiously avoided these potholes, but in the end he couldn’t help but make the carriage look wobbly and very unstable.

It didn’t take long before the driver suddenly froze as he was about to reach a fork in the road.

Because in the middle of the fork, a person was lying there quietly.

The man was wearing gorgeous cloth clothing, with beautiful long silver hair, and his face was so beautiful that he couldn’t forget it at first glance, just like the fairy legendary Peerless Prince.

But at this time, the Prince’s body was covered with blood, and there was a huge knife mark on his chest, which seemed to be cut by a large knife, and the wound was drenched with blood, which was very scary.

Looking at this person, the driver got out of the car and tried it out. He felt hesitant and felt hesitant.

“what happened?”

Behind the carriage, a voice sounded quickly, and then a dissatisfied woman squeaked out quickly: “Waffle, why did you stop suddenly?”

“Ma’am, something is wrong,” said the driver, hesitantly, ahead. “There is a person lying outside, and there seems to be a tone of breath.”

“Oh, but what does this matter to me?”

The female voice replied, “Dear Waffle, do you want to share your meal money with him, or do you want me, a poor woman, to bring out her poor food to support this unintentional traveler? ? “

“I understand, ma’am.” The driver was still hesitant to listen to the female voice. “However, this traveler is well dressed, maybe a nobleman …”

“Why didn’t you say it earlier!” The sharp female voice suddenly became louder, and the sound was like a big horn blown to the maximum, making people want to cover their ears.

With the sound, a woman quickly emerged from the carriage.

This is a woman wearing a red robe and showing short sleeves. She looks about thirty years old. Her looks don’t match her sharp voice. It seems to be delicate and pretty. If she doesn’t speak, she can still look good. Woman.

She rushed out from the carriage ZTE, followed the driver’s guidance, and glanced at the teenager lying on the road ahead.

“My goodness!”

At a glance, she paused for a moment. It seemed that she had forgotten what she wanted to say. After a while, she said, “Who is so cruel? Even such a beautiful child can bear it?”

“It should have been made by a passing robber.” After carefully examining the wound on the teenager, the driver made such a conclusion: “The wound was cut with a knife. From the wound, it should be an ordinary kitchen knife, but it was severely cut. some.”

“And this ordinary kitchen knife, except for those robbers who really can’t live, is estimated that few people will use it.”

Speaking of which, he was a little strange again: “But strangely, since the robbers dared to chop people, why didn’t they dare to take this out?”

“Who knows? Maybe it was the robbers’ conscience that found out, or maybe they had taken enough from the poor child.”

Gently stroking the boy’s long silver hair, looking at the scary wound on the boy, the woman said with a sigh, “Come on, waffle, bring this poor child up.”

“Hope he can survive it.”

The coachman was nodded, then cautiously got up, and moved the teenager to the carriage.

The scope of this carriage is very large. In addition to women, it can still accommodate several people to ride together, even if you put down the whole person.

After placing the teenager on the carriage, after simply treating the wound on the teenager, he looked at the pale teenager in front of him, the old driver shook the head, and then continued to control his carriage and slowly moved forward.

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