“Here … where is it?”

Waking up from a slumber, in the carriage, a silver-haired boy slowly woke up from the carriage, consciously opened his eyes and made a vague sound.

“You are awake.” Next to me, a soft female voice came, which was slightly inconsistent with the previous sharp female voice, with a weak feeling in it.

Adier turned around and looked right beside him. The two children were sitting in the corner of the carriage, and they were looking at him curiously.

This is a man and a woman with two children. The clothes on her body are a little worn, but they are still intact. Among them, the little girl still has a wet rag in her hand, and she seems to be preparing to help Adier wipe off the blood on her clothes.

Seeing Adier looking, the two children looked a little shy, the girl lowered her head directly, and some sorry put down the rag on her hand.

It was the boy who was staring at Adier, but seemed quite calm. Not only did he not have any special reaction, he raised his head, and stared at Adier with a pair of eyes.

His performance suddenly made Adier smile on his face, opened the mouth and said with a weak voice: “Hello.”

“Hello.” The boy gasped, and returned.

“Child, can you tell me, where is this?” Adier asked immediately, with a pale smile on his face, acting like a real wounded.

“Here is the carriage of my house. You were injured on the road and was rescued by Ferrari Aunt and Waffle Uncle.”

“So.” Adier nodded, his face a little clear.

In fact, Adier naturally knows why he is in this carriage.

However, since it is acting, it is necessary to perform a full set, which is the performance of Adier.

oh la la ···

At this time outside the carriage, it seemed to hear the movement inside the carriage. A rapid pace of footsteps came. Then the curtain of the carriage was pulled apart instantly, a delicate and pretty woman who looked like thirty or so left instantly. Come in.

“Ah, you’re awake.”

When the woman saw Adier sitting on the ground with her eyes open at this time, her face suddenly smiled, smiling, and asking, “You just fell out, I almost thought you were dead.”

“Fortunately, God bless you, you are still alive.”

She said with a happy face, with joy on her face. If Adier didn’t know her previous performance, she would surely be confused by her performance.

Secretly shook his head secretly, but on the surface, Adier still barely stood up, with a pale smile on his face: “Thank you, Madam, I am a doctor. I encountered a group of robbers on the way to Tower Lin City and barely ran. After falling, it fell to the ground. “

Speaking of which, he seemed to be grateful: “Fortunately, you have a lady to help you, otherwise if it is a long time, I will sooner or later become a dinner under the mouth of wild beast.”

“Oh, you’re welcome.” The woman said with a faint smile, at this moment I can’t see a sharp and tricky look before, but it looks like a gentle and courteous lady: “Tenjin once said that helping travelers who are killed is every traveler. It is also my duty not to be excused. “

“Your character is admirable.” Adier looked admired, and seemed to be impressed with his performance: “Allow me to reward your noble behavior.”

“What’s this …” The woman smiled on her face, just wanting to quit, then froze.

Because in front of the eyes, several emerald-colored glass gems are being placed in front of them, and the jump of the Spirit force above them has a faint nature beyond other gems.

This is glazed stone, which can be regarded as a basic material in the Higher Domain, and is widely used.

After absorbing the memory of several poor worms before, Adier was somewhat surprised to find that in this world, this glazed stone is a noble gem, and each one is precious.

“This is real!!”

Grabbing the glazed stone in one hand and carefully looking at the texture on the gemstone, the woman’s expression on the face was shocked, and she did not expect this to happen.

At this moment, looking at Adier in front of her, a sudden remorse rose in her heart.

When Adier was rescued, because of the preconceived notion, she had already been robbed by Adier, leaving little valuable things on her body.

But now it seems that when she rescues Adier, she should rob him of Adier.

Seems to be aware of the woman ’s thoughts, Adier corner of mouth twitching, but could not help but opened the mouth and said: “Although compared to your kindness, this thing is very humble, but because of some previous things, this is already my last possession. . “

“However, if you don’t mind, you can send me to Tower Lin City, where I still have some things left, and I can take out some as your reward.”

“That’s a coincidence.” Adier’s voice dropped, and the woman’s face immediately smiled: “The purpose of our trip is also Tower City, and I want to visit my relatives there!”

“You’ll have a good rest here.” She smiled at Adier, then turned around, looked towards the two children, and the words became harsh instantly: “Kefer, Dilly, you two take good care of here This gentleman, don’t run around! “

“Flari Aunt, we know.” The two children’s heads shrunk slightly, seeming a little afraid, and their instincts should be reconciled.

Listening to the reconciliation of the two children, Flory was satisfied with nodded, and then went to the carriage and went out to work.

Sitting on the carriage, looking at the back of Faryri’s departure in the distance, Adier shook his head secretly, for a moment speechless.

However, after these twists and turns, his goals have been achieved.

In fact, he wouldn’t have had to be so troublesome for some reason.

Along the way, through Spirit’s force extraction, Adier gained a lot of memories of bad luck eggs, and finally learned a little about the form of this generation.

On the earth, the plagues of the undead are rolling up and down frequently.

Ten years ago, in the tombstones of various countries, a large number of undead came out of the grave, invaded the nations, and was known as the disaster of the undead.

These undead invaded countries, not only slaughtering civilians and creating panic, but also controlling the heads of states and waging war, making this world extremely chaotic.

According to the memories of the bad luck eggs read by Adier, this area belongs to the flooding area of ​​the undead. The heads of various cities are almost controlled by the undead. Only a few cities are still complete and still tenacious. Resistance.

That’s why Adier acted so carefully and even mixed into a local team.

“There was a problem transmitting.”

Sitting in the carriage, Adier frowned: “According to common sense, it should be to transfer me to the responsibility of the elf clan. How can I instead transfer me to the responsibility of the Hall of the Dead?”

Although it is only a transmission error, the difference is very large.

The Hall of the Dead, and the Emerald Tower belong to opposing camps. The grievances between the two forces can be traced back to ancient times, and it has been impossible to give up.

Moon Elf pure blood like Adier, once found in the sphere of influence of the Hall of the Dead, will most likely have a terrible ending.

“And this layer of isolation seems to be somewhat unstable.”

Feeling the faint sense of exclusion on his body, he frowned again.

Teleported to the Strange World through the World Gate, Adier naturally covered a layer of isolation to reduce the rejection of World’s power.

But now that Adier hasn’t even done anything, this layer of isolation has faint signs of instability, as if it might disappear at any time.

This performance can not help but make Adier think more, thinking about this time.

“Is it a Transmission Gate accident, or is someone specifically targeting it?”

Sitting in the carriage, remembering the history of this World War, Adier couldn’t help but flash the idea.

“The World War itself cannot be a problem, and Simmar teacher and Hermuk Elder need not use these means if they aim at it.”

Thinking about the situation at this time, Adier frowned: “But if it is a pure accident, it is a bit too coincidental.”

The transmission of the World Door itself does have some unexpectedness, and occasionally there will be coordinate deviations.

However, the coordinate deviation occurs at the same time as the situation of the asylum force. This may be a little small, and it can even be said that it is basically impossible.

“Who misses me the most? Who has the ability to do this?”

Adier thought about it, and a few names popped into his mind: “Yara …”

Thinking of the name, he frowned suddenly.

He and Yala, not at all, were too impulsive. Although Yalla’s impression of Adier was very bad five years ago, in order not to make enemies, on the surface, Adier still left no problem at all. Not only was his courtesy, but the potions he needed were Send it regularly, there is no theoretical reason for impulse.

However, if some external factors are taken into account, this may not be the case.

In the Emerald Tower, Yara’s existence is very special.

He is the child of the contemporary tower master, the elf emperor who is the Bloodline of the sun, the well-deserved emperor Bloodline, and even stronger than Moon Elf Bloodline. In theory, as long as the Bloodline is mature, it can directly reach the fifth level.

With this powerful Bloodline, Yara was nurtured as the next heir to the Emerald Tower since he was a child, and has high expectations from all members of the Emerald Tower. He hopes that he can lead the tower further.

But there is no doubt that Yara’s performance over the years has disappointed countless people with high hopes for it.

His Bloodline is not stable, and even his character is extremely unstable. He is gentle and polite when he is calm, but once crazy, he can even launch a massacre.

After such a long time, the people who had high hopes for them gradually became disappointed. Even Elder Hermuk and Simmar were secretly dissatisfied.

It ’s just that Yala after all is King Bloodline, who is also the child of the emerald tower master. If there are no unexpected variables, even if most people are disappointed with it, their status will still be very stable. No matter how unstable their personality is, the status of the heir is still Will change.

But the appearance of Adier undoubtedly changed this situation and brought some variables to the originally stable future.

On Bloodline, Adier is the Bloodline King of Moon Elf, theoretically inferior to the Sun Bloodline, but Bloodline is stable and pure, unlike Yara’s Bloodline is full of instability.

In terms of identity, Adier is a student of Simal. In the past few years, he has gradually won the recognition and appreciation of Hermuk Elder, which is not inferior to Yala.

As for personal achievements, Adier is not only a fourth-level wizard, but also a rare potion master for the elf family.

In addition, in contrast to Yarra, in the past five years, through his powerful pharmacological accomplishments and knowledgeable attitude, Adier has won a lot of favor from members of the Emerald Tower, and his reputation is far above Yarra.

If Yara looks at these and sees Adier as a potential adversary, it wouldn’t be a surprise that he would start with Adier in the World War.

After all, the other person’s personality is notoriously extreme and unstable, and in an emotionally unstable state, everything is normal.

Thinking of this, Adier sat up slowly, leaning his body against a wooden board. Although his body was Frenched with blood, his eyes looked bright.

“Look again. Just the deviation of the power of shelter and the coordinate offset, although uncomfortable, are not enough to make a fourth-order wizard fall.”

“If someone really doesn’t want to see me, there must be more ways to wait.”

Looking into the distance, Adier’s face gradually became indifferent: “This neighborhood is the sphere of influence of the Immortal Hall.”

“Waffle, we’re rich!”

Outside the carriage, he threw it from the carriage excitedly, and looked at the man in a coarse coat next to him who was preparing to make a fire for cooking. Fralli shouted with excitement, holding an emerald gemstone in his hand.

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