
There was a fire outside the carriage, and looking at the excited Ferrari running down the carriage, Waffle could not help but stare at the emerald-colored gem in her hand.

Suddenly, he frowned.

With his eyesight, it was clear at a glance that the gem in front of him was the real one, and it belonged to the first class.

But because of this, he felt wrong.

What kind of person will trek with this gem?

You know, in recent times, this generation has been uneven.

The other side, did it really fall to the ground because of a robber?

Can’t help but waffle’s mind raised this idea.

It wasn’t until a while later that Adier, who was carefully supported by the two children and stepped off the carriage, appeared, and Waffle temporarily dispelled his thoughts.

The other person looked exactly like a teenager, and the wounds on his body were absolutely real.

While passing the rice bowl to the other party, Waffle also specially observed his opponent’s hands.

The skin is very delicate and fair. It looks like a noble Young Master who has never engaged in rough work. It does not look like a sword.

This discovery made him feel at ease, and the original vigilant heart also calmed down, and the knife in his arms quietly put back.

“I heard Mrs. Falli.”

Sitting next to an extinguished bonfire, looking at the opposite dining, the etiquette looks like an aristocratic Adier, a smile on Waffle’s face, try to make himself look not at all malicious: “You want to go to Lin City is it?”

“Yes.” Adier nodded, a smile on his face, but his face looked pale: “There are my relatives and some of my friends there.”

“I’m going to go there and live a good life. I am going to open a clinic.”

“Are you a doctor?” Waffa respected suddenly, and his attitude suddenly became more eager.

Physicians of this world are high-end talents, and even only those who have some secret methods can serve, and they have a high status in this world.

“Just happened to learn a few.” Adier smiled nodded, then pulled up his sleeves, exposing his forearms.

There was originally a wound on it, but at this time it has become much smaller, and it looks like there is a tendency to continue to heal.

This immediately proved his identity, and both Waffle and Falli were eager.

“You want to go to Tower Lin City, that’s a good idea.”

Waffle was nodded, saying: “We were going to go to Ballary City and heard that there was no disaster, but it seems that it is good to go to Tower Lin City first.”

When he spoke, he didn’t see it. When he talked about the city of Ballari, the Adier corner of the mouth was twitched.

The city of Ballary, a city close by, is an independent small federation.

However, according to the data surveyed by Adier before his arrival, the city was under the control of the Hall of the Dead more than ten years ago. At this time, it was a lamb in a tiger’s den.

At this point in the end of the World War, here is the sphere of influence of the Hall of the Dead, what will happen next, Adier can think of it.

Slaughter, blood sacrifice, curse …

These methods took turns to battle, slaughtering the souls of this world over and over again, in order to weaken the World consciousness as much as possible against Resistance.

If the Waffle family in the front really entered the city of Balali, how the ending would no longer have to be said.

He didn’t say anything intentionally, he just laughed, then put down the cutlery on his hand, and continued to talk to the person in front of him quietly, collecting as much information as possible.

While Adier was talking to the two in front of him, someone in the distance was also talking.

boom! hong long!!

A slight crackling sound came from all directions.

In a hall, a wooden table suddenly burst and was crushed by a young man in front of the wooden table.

An elf youth with a handsome appearance and the same look is very keen to kneel in front of the man. At this moment, as the man moves, the whole body is shaking slightly.

Standing in front of the elf youth, the man was dressed in black clothed. The whole man looked a little thin, his skin was pale and pale, his eyes were turbid, and he was a little deadly.

He was standing there, looking at elf Qing Qingheng, who was kneeling down, “Say, what did Yara tell you?”

“His Highness Yara, I hope you can do him a favor.”

Kneeling on the ground, under the powerful majesty of the man, the young man was trembling, but there was no expression on his face, and he just said quietly.

Along with his opening, a little Spirit idea spread from him, condensing into an image before his eyes.

In the image, a silver-haired and silver-eyed eye looks so beautiful that he looks like a sacred elf boy in every move, causing the black robed man in front of his eyes to stop suddenly.

“Silver eyes, and the breath of this Bloodline.”

Man complexion slightly changed, at this moment there was an inexplicable familiarity: “Well pure Moon Elf Bloodline ···”

“Your Emerald Tower is really full of talents. Even such a rare Bloodline, each and everyone emerges.”

The message contained in the image was received in an instant. After clear comprehension of the other party’s meaning, the man’s face sneered: “It’s a pity that in the end, everyone fights first.”

“Go back and tell Yala, I took this thing!”

“Master McDonald, you shot it, and this time there must be no accidents.”

The elf youth smiled, looking at the black robed man in front of him, with a hearty smile on his face.

boom! !

The moment the words fell, the huge Spirit force exploded in place, which contained a huge peerless majesty, and hit the elf youth in front of him without any concealment.

Just for a moment, the elf youth in front of him was hit by fiercely, his body was cracked directly, and a thick black blood flowed out of the wound, with a faint stench on it, making Mike in front wrinkle suddenly Brow, disgust on his face.

“I don’t need your half-man and half-body thing to compliment me.”

He stared coldly at the elf youth on the ground, with an indifferent look, like an everlasting iceberg, with deep coldness.

“Now get out of here now!”

As the last word fell off, a faint ripple appeared in place, and a spatial pulsation came from all directions, sweeping the elf youth in front of it, and at the moment it had not responded, it was forced to be transmitted away. .

The place suddenly calmed down. On the throne of the hall, McDowell’s complexion grave and stern seemed to be thinking about something.

It wasn’t until a long time before he looked up and took out something.

It was a drop of golden elf’s blood, with surging supreme strength of yang on it, and golden brilliance in the interpretation.

At this moment, what seemed to be felt, the blood of golden’s elf was trembling gently, and it seemed to feel something like Bloodline’s breath. A breath appeared in the blood, guiding a certain direction.

“Yara …”

Feeling the trembling of golden elf’s blood, McDowell sneered, and then the silhouette disappeared in place, not knowing where to go.


“I feel awful.”

Sitting on the carriage, watching the city appearing in the distance, Adier frowned.

It was just before the fact that, in his induction, something inexplicable appeared not far away, causing his instinct to throb.

This induction is very weak, but it does exist, so that Adier can’t ignore it, turning around and looking towards the distance.

“What is it?”

He frowned, feeling the breath that suddenly appeared in the distance, and was a little restless.

Just at this moment, a circle of emerald-colored glass of light flickered beside him, and the power of the World’s shelter above was flashing gently, emitting a faint ripple.

With a little vibration, this circle of emerald light gradually fades, until it finally disappears slowly and cleanly.

At the moment when the Emerald Light disappeared, a faint sense of rejection appeared in Adier’s heart, and a sense of palpitations from World.

The fourth-order creature is an existence that cannot be ignored for World. Once it loses the cover of the power of asylum, it will immediately be exposed to the consciousness of the World, triggering a strong rejection of the World.

Under this kind of strong exclusion and suppression, even the fourth-order wizards have at least sharply reduced their power by at least half, especially since this world does not allow the use of power, which is itself a world that is unwelcome to wizards.

If there are some other accidents in the process of being excluded by World, even Adier will have a lot of trouble.


Feeling the rejection around him, Adier’s face was calm and indifferent, and the atmosphere around him changed instantly.

The secret mastermind for Adier may be all good, but he still doesn’t know much about Adier.

How could Adier participate in such a dangerous thing in the World campaign?

With the flow of the will, in the origin of the will, a little purple is flashing slightly, and the engraved power is triggered instantly, acting on Adier’s body and soul.

In an instant, the repulsive power of Adier’s body disappeared instantly, a little faint power of World flowed around the body, and then quickly disappeared invisible. At the moment of contact, Adier was judged to be the creature of the World, and No longer targeted, no longer excluded.

This is Adier’s power effect, which is far more powerful than the blessing power of the World Gate.

After doing this, Adier continued to look up and looked into the distance.

At this time, with the blessing of crossing abilities, the distant breath that made Adier feel still did not disappear, and still maintained the same intensity as before.

This performance immediately made Adier react: “It’s not a lock on the power of asylum, it’s mostly directed at my breath.”

For a moment, he cleared the comprehension, then turned around and looked in front of him.

With several days of travel, the tower Lin City has arrived.

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