Adier slowly explores a small city.

The city in front of it doesn’t look very large, and many of its buildings also look shabby and rough, with a primitive flavor.

Not to mention that compared with Higher Domain, even compared to many places where Adier has been before, the cities in front of them are far worse.

“The civilization of this world does not seem to be developed.”

Walking on a narrow road, looking at the surrounding scenery, he thought.

After clear comprehension someone traced his breath, he didn’t move on, but remained quiet in this small town without much action.

Leaving the meaning of not at all without permission. During this time, Adier has tried several ways to hide, but in the end, there is no way to shield that induction.

Since there is no way to shield the opponent’s lock and induction, then by the means of a high-level wizard, in this world, no matter where Adier hides, the opponent can find it.

And in this regard, Adier itself did not mean to hide.

Therefore, in the past few days, Adier just quietly found a store in this city, opened a low-key clinic, and used some of his free time to diagnose some people with some of his own medicine.

However, in the past few days, after seeing Adier’s superb medical skills, the Ferrari family came to visit every day, and each time they brought two children together, it seemed that they were thinking something.

Adier naturally knows this family’s plan. It is nothing more than to let the two children learn something from him, which can save rations and plan for future life.

Adier’s differential expression of this, although it is difficult to guarantee at this moment, it seems good to have two children with him.

“It is only half a year before the World Conquest officially ends, and then I will be able to get on the World Gate of the Emerald Tower and teleport back from it.”

Feeling the time carefully, while playing with the potion boringly, Adier thought so.

He has the coordinates of the Wizard World naturally, and there is no problem in going back directly through the power, but this way, it is not easy to explain his problem.

So, as a last resort, Adier still wants to return through the door of World.

After quietly sending a patient away, putting the medicine down, Adier froze.

“What’s wrong?” Beside, the little girl’s pink shout rang in her ear, which sounded strange.

Adier turned around and laughed, and touched the little girl’s head: “I still have something, you should leave now.”

“Oh?” The little girl seemed nodded, didn’t ask much, listened to Adier’s words, and walked towards the door.

When the little girl’s silhouette disappeared from sight, Adier got up, closed the door of the shop, and hung the sign outside the door.

“Unexpectedly, a master of pharmacy like you, and a hobby for these mortals.”

The moment Adier closed the door, a cold voice came from all directions, with a sense of isolation in time and space.


Adier turned around and looked back, the smile on his face had disappeared at this moment: “After all, we wizards, after all, didn’t we come from the process of mortals?”

“Sorry, I’m not.”

Behind Adier, a tall, good-looking man was standing there somehow.

He wore a black robe, exuding a little air and coldness all over his body, which was a harmonious unity from the mind to the body, and there was a faint sense of death and silence.

In Adier’s eyes, although the other person was still standing there, his face was still vivid, but he looked like a corpse.

In other words, the essence of the other party is not a person, but a complete corpse.

“People who don’t die.”

Adier calmed himself, his eyes cleared: “Excuse me, your name?”

“McDodd.” Selling Crodo complexion grave and stern, with his hands naturally swinging, a long sword on his waist seemed very conspicuous.

“Mike, the pale hand, you even came in.” Adier was surprised when he looked deeply at the man in front of him.

The pale hand, McDouglas, is one of the three great wizards who have been called the best innate talent and the highest potential for the past five hundred years. It is known as the future king and has a great potential to be promoted to the fifth-order grand wizard.

Before that, Adier had imagined what lineup he would face, but did not expect to face this one in the end.

oh la la ···

A little bit of crisp sound sounded slowly, it was the sound of bones breaking.

He gently waved his hand and gathered a bone sword at random. Looking at Adier, McDowell was also a bit surprised: “If you don’t stay here, but choose to run away, you can at least delay for half a month before you can catch up with me. Why don’t you run away? “

“Does it make sense?” Adier asked back: “Being caught up early and caught up later, isn’t the final outcome the same?”

“Yes, it seems you have already realized.” McDowell was nodded.

“No, you misunderstood.” Adier laughed, with a bright smile on his face at this moment: “The ending I am talking about is not me, but you.”

“Regardless of time, as long as it kills you, will the end be the same.”


The sky full of elemental particles is boiling. At the moment Adier’s voice falls, all the surrounding particles instantly riot, as if they represent the anger of McDowell in front of him, rushing straight towards Adier.

He waved his hand arbitrarily, and the mighty Spirit force resisted everything, and Adier turned and looked.

I don’t know when, around the same place, a bone sword emerged, with a bit of silver on the blade’s corrosive radiance, and this moment all came back to Adier.

In this heavenly bone sword, Adier can still faintly see a bit of golden dazzling rays of light, which represents the final killing intent.

The rays of light are dazzling, pure and absolute, and contain the power of the will. Under the rays of light, the surrounding space is trembling gently, as if it is unable to withstand the shock of this Strength. Began to tremble spontaneously.

Under the threat of this Strength, all existences below the fourth order must tremble. Even the fourth-ranked great wizard, at the moment he saw the blow, felt a kind of palpitations and felt a peerless killing intent. !!

Feeling this, Adier looked up, and the Spirit force on his body jumped up at this moment, and a little pulsation began to occur.

In the mediocre Spirit sea, the origin of Moon Elf alone is evolving and roaring, and the faintly shaped seed of will emerges, and at this moment controls Adier’s body and sends a blow.

The sky ’s elemental particles condensed at this moment, and the power of the huge luna erupted at this moment. The inch-inch Silver Flower child condensed and smashed towards the bone sword that radiated around it.

In the center of Mantian Silver Flower, there are tens of thousands of shining and condensing centers, a little pure light gradually emerges and erupts.

Silver Flower! !!

boom! boom! boom! ! !

The peerless burst of sound emerged at this moment, the sky’s death and the power of the moon god were irritating each other, they were compressed in a small space, and they all collided against each other.

Although most of these Strengths were removed by both parties, the nature that was unintentionally revealed to them has discolored both parties.

“Fourth-order Peak !!!”

At this moment, both Adier and McDowell were discolored, and they felt that Power of Origin, which belongs to the transformation of the will, dominates all elements of Spirit Spirit.

“You’ve come this far !!!”

In one blow, feeling the breath leaked by Adier, McDowell’s face was horrified, and a anger suddenly rose in his heart: “Yara, you damn it!”

A fourth-order Peak’s pure blood Moon Elf, Yala didn’t reveal such important information, so that the sale of Coke hit him directly.

Moreover, not only is it not the least in terms of strength, but even the world’s suppression and combat effectiveness, it is also not the least in intelligence.

In the information given by Yala, the other party should be under the state of World suppression at this moment, and his strength can not be reached half. In addition, he is a pharmacist. The combat capability should not be strong. Can win.

However, according to McDowell’s experience today, not only has the opponent not been suppressed by the World, but its own combat effectiveness is also a powerful mess. The subtle control of the elements and the keen grasp of the fighter make McDowell feel deep pressure.

The serious mistake in this situation could not help him not be angry, and began to question Yala’s purpose.

However, on this issue, Yara is also estimated to be very innocent.

Adier’s time in joining the Emerald Tower was too short, and he himself showed himself as a potion master, which was too confusing.

He didn’t know that Adier had been promoted to the fourth-rank Peak, nor did he know that Adier had abilities, so he couldn’t guess the result.

All kinds of thoughts flashed in my mind. Next moment, all the thoughts in McDowell’s mind disappeared, and his face became cold again.

Now that you’ve taken it, you simply do it.

After all, the relationship between the Emerald Tower and the Immortal Hall itself is not very good.

At this point, he shot again, with one arm outstretched, the sky began to oscillate, and a huge pressure was coming from all directions, toward Adier.

This is a rare space spell that strikes directly from the level of the standing space. There is no place to hide at all.

Feeling this, Adier silhouette quickly blurred, a little emerald light quickly bloomed, and endless element particles began to collide and boil.

The Warping Barrier is launched in an instant, combining endless element particles on a subtle level to form miniature miniature Wizard Arrays in an instant. Based on this, the force of resistance is formed, and the layer of huge shocks struck from the space scene offset.

After doing this, he stretched out a hand, an immense, overbearing, but sacred Bloodline power swept up in an instant.

With silver scales all over his body, a silver giant beast with a silver unicorn on his forehead emerged, and at this moment a roar broke out, and a pair of pure silver eyes looked towards McDowell.

Moon King Semblance, show again!

Suddenly, McDowell complexion greatly changed.

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