Hong long! !

Inch Moonlight flickered in the four wilds of space, a rays of light rushed towards it, spread out toward the four wilds, and ended up in a silhouette.

In situ, endless rays of light are blooming, billowing clouds of smoke erupt at this moment, and the horror is as horrible as Creation of the World, horrible and chaotic, chaotic and frightening.

In the endless rays of light blooming, a body covered with silver armor, with a single-horned silver giant beast stepped out of his forehead, and a silver giant claw stepped forward.

Great destruction! Great despair! Great fearless!

The majestic Bloodline majestic blooms at this moment, and the endless space debris blooms at this moment. The majesty of the Bloodline majesty and the endless moonlight make all the landscapes at this moment eclipsed by the silver covered with scales. Many beasts seized.

In the endless light rain, the giant beast caught out, and the endless space debris exploded at this moment, rushing towards the opponent in front of him.

“Moon King !!”

At an instant, McDowell changed color, feeling the unparalleled majesty that he had never felt before. At this moment, all over his body was trembling, and he couldn’t help backing away.

However, the faster he retreated, the greater the pressure brought by the giant claw, especially the endless space storm that swept along the road, and it engulfed almost all the violent Strength of this generation in an instant.

Elements, particles, the power of Bloodline … Everything is not important at this moment.

In the eyes of Mercator, the landscape of the entire World at this moment has faded, and the entire World’s picture has fallen into a static state, leaving only the beautiful and tall silver giant beast that is full of danger.

boom! !! boom! !!

Two consecutive crackling sounds came from Shino Skyrim, and then there were countless fast and faint small sounds, as if flesh and blood were chopped thousands of times in an instant, making a terrifying terrifying sound.

It was only a moment when McDonald’s flesh broke and he was smashed by the mighty Luna’s power, and immediately burst into pieces. The immense death gas permeated all around, and Adier frowned secretly.

The next moment, mutation happens in place.

The sky’s death was blooming in place. In the place where Macdo’s body was broken, a skeletal body appeared in place, holding a black long sword in his hand.

A bit of black rays of light bloomed in an instant, pierced the space in front of the eyes, instantly met Adier’s body, cut directly on the silver scale armor, chopped the silver scale armor, and cut out several A huge wound.

The next moment, a little bit of light flickered again, endless moonlight permeated in place, and rushed straight ahead under the control of Adier.

The sturdy Strength rushes down, like the spray of a spray, the endless light contained in it gradually sublimates, with the pure will to suppress it down, and it is entangled with the thick dead air in front of it, and a Series changes.

Just a moment, a silver giant claw slammed into a black long sword, a spark ignited in place, and it instantly affected the mountains and rivers of beyond a thousand miles. The strength that erupted in an instant made the sky a layer shadow.

With the escalation of the confrontation between the two, in the eyes of McDougall, the black long sword suddenly glowed, a dead silence, chaos, and decaying breath spread out at this moment. The Strength contained in it This moment made Adier heart startled.

“A magic weapon?”

Adier lifted his head, and in the eyes of silver, a little pure light bloomed and flickered: “And it is a higher magic weapon!”

A higher magic weapon, something that only a fifth-level wizard is entitled to possess.

In front of Mike, not only is he a great wizard of fourth-order Peak, but he also has a higher magic weapon?

Too late to think, in front of me, the black long sword is already blooming. The rays of light contained in it instantly make Adier grow a little white corpse hair, and all kinds of foul odors appear on the body surface wound, it seems like an instant Make Adier a corpse.

The moonlight flickers in the sky, and with the emergence of the power of the moon god, Adier is full of silver, and drives out all the strange things on his body.

Just in front of me, the black long sword has fallen, accompanied by the black skull of Mike Incarnation, and fiercely rushed towards Adier.

At this moment, an inexplicable palpitation emerged, making Adier clear comprehension. If this sword is scored, I am afraid it will be terrible.

Secretly frowned, standing in place, Adier hesitated for a while, the crossing ability within the body was slowly lit, and he was ready to leave directly from the place.

A fourth-level Peak wizard, plus a higher magic weapon.

This combination, only when the fifth-level wizard comes, can he dare to say that he can win it steadily. With Adier’s current strength, he also dare not say that he can win, but at most he escapes that’s all.

Rather than leave, it’s not too late to return when the World War begins.

As he thought in his mind, the powers deep in the source were slowly lit, and Boundary Energy was being consumed to teleport them away.


In front of him, a black long sword fiercely was cut off, looking at the whole body without any movement in front of him, as if Adier had not yet reacted, McDowell showed a cold smile on his face, as if he was about to see Adier seriously injured and fell to the ground.

However, this scene has not been seen yet, and his face changed suddenly at the next moment.

The sight in front of me started to change, the world around me seemed to shift, all the scenery began to change, and gradually became another picture.

In the eyes of Macdo, Adier in front of him, a little purple light flickering, which radiates the world’s light.

A little purple star shard hung quietly above Adier’s head, carrying the mighty Purple Qi on it, which made McDowell’s face seen at this moment change greatly, and suddenly remembered something in his heart.

Black’s long sword stopped momentarily. In front of him, Adier frowns looked at McDowell, who suddenly stopped in front of him, a little confused.

“I suddenly felt that, as ours, there was no need to die here.”

Standing in place, withdrawing the black long sword, looking at the doubt on Adier’s face, a smile appeared on McDowell’s face: “Two great wizards of the fourth-order Peak, if one of them has fallen for some reason here, then What a loss for the wizarding world. “

“What do you think?”

“I think so.” Adier also smiled.

Despite his doubts, since McDowell immediately took the initiative to close his hands, he naturally didn’t mind stopping.

“There may be some misunderstandings among us.” Looking at Adier in front of him, McDowell opened the mouth and said lightly, with a little expression on the original dead face.

In while speaking, a drop of golden blood flew from him, rushed away towards Adier, and was taken by Adier.

Just a moment, the familiar and unfamiliar majesty contained in golden’s blood moved Adier, feeling a Bloodline breath belonging to the elf emperor alone.

“This is a drop of Yarra’s blood.” Handing the blood over to Adier, McDowell said frankly, “Yara leaks your information and then let me kill you.”

“However, he concealed a lot of your news. It seems that he hit me and you, the idea of ​​two people consuming each other.” Speaking of this, McDowell also put on a sneer: “He is so I don’t think I can do what he wants. “

Hearing this, Adier was silent.

In fact, the news provided by Yarra is likely to be correct. At this point, it is natural that Adier could not justify him.

Standing in front of McDowell, a long time later, he also smiled on his face, and then waved his hand, a little rays of light flashed, and several bottles of medicine fell directly in front of McDowell.

“Your body is unstable and you need to draw a strong Bloodline to stabilize it.”

Looking at McDowell, Adier said, “These potions I made can stabilize your body.”

“Really?” McDaughter froze, and he felt a little surprised when he heard Adier’s words.

Not surprised by the effect of the medicament, but by the level of Adier.

It hasn’t been long since he met with Adier, but in a short time, Adier was able to see the hidden dangers in him. This level really surprised him.

“I will try.”

Put away the potion, McDodd nodded: “If it is determined to be effective, I will continue to contact you later. Of course, I will also pay you accordingly.”

The voice fell, seeing Adier nodded, he turned slightly, and the silhouette disappeared instantly in place.

In situ, after confirming that the other person’s breath disappeared in situ, Adier frowned, a little confused.

The reason for stopping the hand is indeed very reasonable, but Adier still feels a bit wrong.

If you really want to stop, why didn’t you stop when you realized the strength of Adier before, you have to choose to stop after exposing the higher magic weapon?

However, in the case of dominance, the other party is willing to stop, which is undoubtedly a good thing.

Really hit the end, although Adier could retreat all over, but in the end if he was exposed to the power, he was worth it.

In the distance, in a wilderness.

McDowell was in a black robe, walking alone out of the wilderness, complexion grave and stern like iron stones.

“The purple star just now …”

Walking alone in the wilderness, he covered his chest with one hand, and seemed to be aware of the pain there.

“That’s the Star of the World.” An inexplicable voice came to my ears, with the voice of old and cold, like an old man after the world, cold and indifferent.

“With World Star, that Adier is also a Child of Destiny.”

“So, should I be glad that I just stopped fast enough?” Listening to the voice in his ears, McDowell was not surprised, but a sneer appeared on his face: “If I just continued to start, if the strength of the two sides is not much different Not only will I not be able to kill the other party, I may even be killed by the other party. “

“Even if they are not counter-killed and have the power of fate, most of the other party will be able to run away in time. After the return, the first person to die is me.”

“What a joke!”

He sneered, showing a little disdain on his face, as if thinking of something, and his heart couldn’t be calm for a long time.

“Yara is more worried than you.”

The black long sword on McDowell’s waist trembled lightly, and the black halo above it jumped, as if talking: “The outbreak of fate is coming, originally thought that Yala was the future king of the elf family, but It seems that this Adier is … “

“Compared with a Child of Destiny, that Yara, it looks like it will be terrible …”

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