“Yara, it doesn’t matter to us.”

Standing in the wilderness, McDowell looked indifferent: “My concern is that, including this Adier, we have found three.”

“There is one in the central high tower and one in the elemental palace. Now even the elf clan has emerged.”

“It’s normal.” Behind McDowell, the magic weapon trembled gently, and a voice slowly came over it: “The armistice agreement signed by the ancients, the silence between the Wizard World and the Scourge World is coming to an end. During the year, the Strength accumulated by the Wizarding World will erupt, and a large number of Child of Destiny will be born to meet the next battle. “

“During this outbreak of fate, the Child of Destiny, which is rare in normally, will be in pieces by then.”

“But it’s a good thing for you.”

The voice continued to opened the mouth and said: “The practice of the hand of fate requires you to come in contact with fate, and the outbreak of fate is the best time for you to grow up.”

“Find a way to advance to the fifth level, and then slowly take control of the Hall of Immortality, so that no matter how powerful the next era is, there will be a place for you.”

Listening quietly to the sound in his ear, McDowell’s complexion grave and stern, slowly feeling down.

It didn’t take long for him to step forward, and the entire silhouette disappeared directly in place, and went to an unknown distance.

Ten days later.

Inside Tower City, Adier received news from McDowell.

The medicines that Adier had given to McDougall before were very useful to McDougall, so after realizing the effect, McDowell took the initiative to convey the news to thank him, and directly transmitted the reward in advance.

After reading the news from McDowell, sitting in the clnic, looking at the black box in his hand, Adier reached out and opened it.

At a moment, a little brilliance came out directly. In the black box, a bottle of light purple was lying quietly inside, and a faint Bloodline majestic spread slowly.

This bottle doesn’t look large, and the volume inside is very small. In it, a little purple blood flows quietly, and with Adier’s gaze, it condenses into a giant dragon with a unicorn.

“The power of this Bloodline, the fourth-order Bloodline!”

Looking at the contents of the wooden box, Adier’s face showed an accident, and there was a little shock: “Moreover, it is the power of the Bloodline that has been activated.”

The power of the Bloodline that has been activated, in other words, the current Bloodline is not extracted from the juvenile, but from an adult Bloodline creature, and the Bloodline power is extremely strong. With a vitality.

This kind of thing is exactly what Adier needs now, so that Adier’s face has a strange look.

“A coincidence?”

He shook the head and finally put away the purple bottle in front of him.

Anyway, a four-level Bloodline is a precious thing even in the Higher Domain.

McDowell presented this gift, which, in addition to gratitude, may also mean reparations.

“Unfortunately, a fourth-order Bloodline has no effect on me today.”

Turning around, feeling this Bloodline carefully, Adier shook his head secretly.

Today, Adier has been promoted to the fourth-order Peak, only one step away from the fifth-ranked wizard, so that even Moon Elf Bloodline with within the body has reached a peak and entered a Peak level.

If you want to go further and further transform the power of Bloodline to the fifth level, you must have a higher bloodline.

For example, Yala’s Elf King Bloodline.

Thinking of Yala, Adier’s face slowly became indifferent, and there was a little coldness in his eyes.

Outside, as the clinic opened again, some patients came in.

Looking at these people, Adier turned around and slowly walked back.

With McDowell’s endorsement, Adier did not have any trouble in the next time.

He didn’t leave the place to fulfill his original mission, so he stayed in place and watched the World conquest process quietly.

As the World War continues, this world has become chaotic.

The World War is essentially the oppression and plundering of one World by another. In order to weaken the strength of one World as much as possible, wizards can do everything they can.

Within just half a year, this world was full of resurrected undeads, as well as various disasters, plagues, and wars.

The resurrected undead is in turmoil all over the world, and the wizard has targeted a variety of severe plagues and diseases, causing each and every soul on the earth to die.

Some wizards also provoked the lords to stir up war on the ground, causing chaos everywhere and disrupting production.

All kinds of means went down, the whole World was in a state of misery, the horror of death and injury, and the horror of means made Adier a bit indifferent. In the end, he could only stay quietly in the tower Lin City, quietly driving his own clinic without participating Into the World War.

When half a year passed, a strange shape began to come up in the sky.

On the sky, a little emerald door began to unfold, attracting everyone’s attention in an instant.

A magnificent, exquisite, sighing and tall ancient tower appeared on the sky, and the first time it appeared, it shrouded a side World and shrouded the sky.

“That’s … the Emerald Tower.”

Looking at the tower in the distance, Adier raised his head, his eyes suddenly glowing.

The tower appearing in the sky is exactly the emerald tower.

But unlike the previous towers, at this moment, the tower is full of horror. The founder of Profound Truth flows around the tower and gradually condenses into a field of emeralds, covering the entire sky.

The sky is shaking, and the earth is shaking. At this moment, the 100 Million Li rivers and mountains are shaking gently. It seems that they cannot bear this majesty and are about to burst.

It stands on the sky like this, and distributes the emerald-colored field by itself, and gradually spreads throughout the World, enclosing the entire World.

In the process, there will naturally be resistance.

Standing on the ground and looking at the Emerald Tower above, Adier can clearly feel that with the movement of the Emerald Tower, a wailing sound is sounding throughout the World.

That was the voice of World consciousness. At the moment, with the shroud of the emerald field, he was struggling spontaneously, but he couldn’t escape the suppression of the emerald tower. He could only cry in vain, and was gradually shrouded in the emerald field.

The sky full of emerald fields is slowly unfolding. At this moment, endless majesty is blooming, and even if there are hundreds of thousands of thunderbolt flashes in the sky, they cannot be shaken.

The Emerald Tower at this moment, even if the Level 5 wizard came, it was only suppressed instantly. Only the sixth-level wizard had the struggling Strength, but it could not be the opponent of this ancient tower.

This world right now, even in its heyday, may not be worthy of a sixth-order wizard. Not to mention that after decades of tactics weakening, the strength of this world at this moment has weakened to an extreme, and there will be no luck at all in the face of the prepared jade tower.

For the ending of this world, Adier can already anticipate it.

With the rise of various thoughts in the heart, in the upper jade tower, an emerald door slowly opened, and a kind of involvement slowly formed on it, as if calling or pulling.

As the upper door opened, Adier raised his hand.

On the palm of the hand, a complex emerald mark is slowly forming, and a faint heat is being emitted at this moment.

“It’s over, this world …”

Before leaving, he turned around and surrounded the world in front of him, carefully looking at the clnic that accompanied him to spend half a year, as if to keep all this in mind.

“Adier big brother!”

In this case, two voices came from outside.

A little boy and a little girl walked into the clinic and shouted at Adier.

Looking at the two children, Adier gently nodded, Spirit moved slightly, leaving a little mark on the two children, and then the entire silhouette slowly blurred, disappearing directly in the place of the two children’s stunned eyes.

The haze of space gradually came, as if the whole space was turbulent, making people feel uncomfortable for a while.

After this feeling completely disappeared, Adier eyes opened, just looking at a light.

In front of me is a spacious hall. In the hall, soft soft emerald lights are on, and the light in them shines on all sides.

And in the middle of the hall, a thin silhouette stood there.

It was an old man in a black robe, with a thin face, but a pair of silver eyes that looked very Spirit. At this time, he looked at Adier in front of him, with a smile on his face.

“Hemuk Elder!”

When looking at the silhouette of the old man in black robe, Adier’s face suddenly showed a startled expression, and a wizard ceremony was performed subconsciously.

“It’s good to be back.”

Looking at Adier, Hermuk looked soft, without the cold feeling of the other advanced wizards. Instead, it looks very close, making people feel less pressure.

He waved his hand gently, and felt the completely disappearing sheltered force field on Adier. His brows frowned first, and then he stretched out: “I probably understand your business. Wait until you go back to solve it.”

“As for now, come with me.”

The voice fell, a space Strength swept through the place, and instantly wrapped Adier.

By the time the surrounding space stabilized again, Adier had already appeared elsewhere.

There is also a hall in front of me, but it seems much smaller.

Inside the hall, a gate of World was placed quietly in front of her eyes, and in situ, Hermuk placed one hand on the Gate of World, manipulating the Strength of the Emerald Tower, oppressing downward.

Standing in place, Adier can see that in the gate of World, as the field of emeralds continues to expand, a law Profound Truth is blinking, and there seems to be endless Mars skipping, each Mars gives people Infinite inspiration seems to be endless profound mystery.

“This is a collision reaction caused by the collision of World Force.”

In front, Hermuk’s voice came quietly and was accurately conveyed to Adier’s ears: “A closer look at these collisions will be of great benefit to your promotion to the fifth-tier wizard in the future.”

“Yes.” Adier gently nodded, then raised his head, his gaze focused on his eyes.

In front of the World Door, endless Mars is flashing at every moment, two different forces of World collide with each other, and finally the Profound Truth within the World is opened in a short time.

Only in an instant, Adier was indulged, and in his heart there were countless flashes of light in a short time.

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