Endless spiritual light is flashing. In the door of the World in front, a breath of laws appears one after another. With the collision of two different fields, they begin to annihilate each other, slowly turning into the purest rain of light. Show it in.

This is the strength of the World. At the juncture when World consciousness was severely damaged and the two realms swallowed each other, the accumulation of Strength in the World for many years erupted, and finally the Mars that erupted was intoxicating.

Looking at the quiet world gate in front of me, feeling Profound Truth among them, Adier’s eyes are pure, in a pair of conspiracy, a little Silver Flower is flashing slowly and boiling.

A little Profound Truth of the World emerged in his mind, nourishing his will at this moment, deep in the body, a little pure essence is boiling and jumping, at this moment, it continues to expand, with the endless bloom of World Profound Truth in front of him, Began spontaneous deductions, derived.

“Not enough, not enough.”

Standing still, watching Admiral Mars quickly appearing and annihilating, Adier muttered to himself, then raised his head: “Chip!”

It seems that I felt Adier’s heart. In the origin of the body, a bright chip slowly blooms. The computing power is fully mobilized at this moment to analyze and record the endless world brightness in front of the eyes.

After a long time, until the glory of the World in front faded away, Adier slowly sobered up and recovered from the state of indulgence.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw in front of him that the old man in the black robe was looking at him softly, an old face with tenderness and relief.

“Woke up?”

Gently glancing at Adier, Hermuk gently opened the mouth and said, and was not surprised by his condition.

“Hemuk Elder.”

Adier stood up, trying to bow down saluted, but was stopped by the old man in front of him.

“The World War, the collision of two realms, will continue for a long time.”

Looking at Adier, Hermuk gently said, “I will give you permission to enter here during this time. If you are free later, you can come here often to see.”

“In the realm collision, World ’s Profound Truth will all bloom. Looking at these more will be of great benefit to your promotion to the fifth level in the future.”

He looked at Adier and said softly and softly, apparently knowing what Adier is today.

The level of the fourth-order Peak. This level is definitely not weak even in the Emerald Tower. It is the most powerful house under the three Elders.

Adier was able to reach this level so quickly, both to Hermuk’s surprise and to his relief.

“Thanks Elder.”

Adier bowed his head, thanking him wholeheartedly at this moment.

Outside, the Emerald Tower is still blooming, and the circles of emerald-colored borders are constantly unfolding, eventually intertwining with and colliding with the other World’s condensed borders.

This is destined to be a long process. The collision of the two Worlds, if there is no absolute variable, will last at least a hundred years.

Only by depressing the consciousness of World and incorporating the entire World into the realm of the Emerald Tower can we declare the end of this World War.

“But before that …”

Adier turned around, looking in a certain direction through Bloodline’s induction, and a person’s appearance appeared in his heart.

“Hemuk Elder.”

Feeling the breath of Bloodline from a distance, he gently worshiped Hermuk in front of him, and a spur of Spirit surged quickly, and traced back some of the pictures that he had experienced during this period, which made Hermuk repeatedly in front of him. Discoloration.


In the end, Hermuk sighed slightly, looking to the distance opened the mouth and said: “It seems that his life is so comfortable that he can do even such things.”

“Adier, don’t leave it alone, and teach him a lesson.”

Looking into the distance, his eyes were cold, so opened the mouth and said.

It can be seen that he has not been used to some of Yarra’s actions. Just because of identity, it is not easy to end in person.

In front of her, listening to Hermuk’s words, Adier laughed, and then the entire silhouette slowly faded in place, teleported away from the place in the blink of an eye, and reached the other floor of the Emerald Tower.

It was a large and huge square where the left-behind wizards in the tower were welcoming many elf wizards participating in the World War. Among them, Yarra and Kulu are in the list.


Looking at Adier, which appeared suddenly in the distance, the wizard was stunned, Kulu’s face changed slightly, and his head bowed subconsciously.

Watching Kulu’s reaction carefully, Adier shook his head secretly, associating with this one after another series of things, and has already guessed something.

But at the moment, instead of thinking about these others, he turns silently and looks at a man in the middle of the crowd.

In the middle of the crowd, Yara wore a golden robe with an emerald crown on her forehead, and a golden crystal on her chest was so dazzling.

He stood still, with noble and detached temperament, looking at Adier, which appeared suddenly in the distance. Some surprises appeared on his handsome and eccentric face, and it seemed that Adier could still appear alive.

The next moment, looking at Adier, a weird smile appeared on his face, the expression was stiff and weird, as if provocative.


Surprising everyone’s expectations, next, in the eyes of everyone’s surprise, Adier shot directly, a huge field of force shrouded the place, forced Yara standing in the crowd, and came to Adier. before.

boom! !

The sound of interweaving gold and iron came from the place. The sound was so loud that some people in the room could not help covering their ears, and some could not bear the sharp sound.

Following the voice, the eyes of everyone present looked at it, just looking at the other side of the square. Adier was holding a silver long sword and was cutting a sword on Yarra’s body.

The speed of this sword and its immense momentum were unexpected to everyone present. Even Yara, who was close at hand, had to move slightly in the face of a sudden sword, and had no time to react.

A golden barrier opened in response. When Adier’s sword was cut off, in front of Yara’s chest, that golden crystal developed and opened the barrier. At this moment, the brilliance that bloomed on it turned into a strong defense. Adier has a sword with a huge Strength.

The Silver Flower of Mantian is dazzling. Thousands of particles are broken at this moment, and then reassembled into a fiery fiery brilliance.

Standing silently, Adier wore a silver robe without wind automatically, looking at Yara in front of him, and the thick golden barrier, could not help frowned gently: “A magic weapon?”

“You!” In front of him, Yara’s face turned ruddy, with deep anger in her eyes, as if she did not expect Adier to shoot suddenly.

“What are you!”

The crisp voice fell, and a pair of silver eyes fell on Yara in an instant, turning into a huge Strength and crashing down.

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