
In the spacious white jade square, under the watchful eyes of countless people or in shock or shock, a huge Strength fell from the sky and hit him straight.

Silver Flower rages and growls. In situ, a golden barrier unfolded frantically, weakening the layers of Strength that had been hit in midair, blocking them out.

On Yala’s chest, the golden crystal was flashing frantically. At this moment, the Spirit of Demon Artifact instinctively felt the crisis, and was recovering frantically, resisting the attack of the foreign Strength.

However, looking at all this, a pair of silver eyes fell quickly, and the huge Silver Flower surged, gradually turning into a silver storm, and fell straight.

Silver Flower! !!

The terrifying life secrets were performed at this moment. At this moment, Adier didn’t keep his hand, all Strength within the body broke out in an instant, and turned into the most lethal blow and fell suddenly.

“Fourth-order Peak !!!”

Between the most violent offensives, the breath belonging to Adier was leaked without any concealment, making all elf faces unbelievable on the face.

Feeling this huge breath, and the horrible blow like Silver Flower, Yala also changed her face, the expression on her face kept changing, and for the first time in her life, she felt the danger so close.

Suddenly, he opened his arms, and a little golden light bloomed on his body. It rose like a dazzling golden scorching sun, matched with a golden crystal-like magic weapon, and faced Adier’s blow.

The sky full of Silver Flower and golden bloom, in the endless light collision, people seem to hear a roar from a distant space and time, and the power of the surging and horrible Bloodline.

A horrible, horrible, majestic and majestic terror majestic bloomed and sublimated in the brilliance as if it existed in ancient junior high school, as well as the ancestors of the ancient times. Want to kneel down and announce the acknowledge allegiance.

This is the Bloodline majesty of the elf emperor.

The sun elf Bloodline, born above the countless elf Bloodline, is destined to be the emperor of countless elf, dominate and create all glory.

Under the power of this Bloodline, no matter how powerful and strong the elf is, he can’t help but be affected by it, feeling a strong majestic pressure and covering his mind.

Even Kulu, a sorcerer who has already been promoted to the fourth level, is inevitably affected by this majesty. Although he does not kneel at this moment, within the body is full of Bloodline boiling, and there is a huge heartfelt moment. Feeling, making his entire body tremble.

Feeling this majestic Bloodline majesty, everyone looked at the moved toward the center of the venue, only to see that in the center of the venue, a huge ancient beast is standing in the center. At this moment, the posture is dignified and dignified like the ancient Divine Beast. Carrying a breathtaking Bloodline breath.

That ancient beast is covered in golden, with golden scales on the surface of the body, with dignity and majesty. At this moment, the posture is at least 1000 meters tall, and a pair of golden eyes are looking forward, with killing in its undisguised form. intent and crazy.

Sun King form!

Corresponding to Moon King Semblance, Yara, as the Sun King, naturally also has the ability to transform herself into the form of the Sun King. At this moment, the form of the Sun King is unfolding, and the full Strength has begun to expand, directly jumping from the original fourth order. Reached the level of fourth-order Peak.

He looked in front of him, with a pure and undisguised killing intent in his eyes, the golden light blooming in his eyes, and he pressed straight forward.


It was like a sun burst suddenly. After Yala started to move, the golden brilliance of the sky smashed down, and a ray of golden brilliance pervaded the entire white jade square. The inch-by-inch jinhua enveloped the place and turned it into a golden sun field. .

The endless golden light and rain are permeating. When Yala’s will falls, he rushes straight ahead, locking all the groups within ten thousand meters in front, and controlling all the variables within his own range.

After doing this, he stepped down, and the majestic Bloodline majesty was condensed into one point at this moment, and turned into the most violent offensive directly.

boom! !

The earth began to tremble, the space began to ripple, and the inch of radiance annihilated. Faded in the presence of this noble existence, leaving only the purest killing intent, pressed fiercely forward.

This is the purest blow, condensing all the strengths of a four-tiered Sun Emperor, and the contained strength is enough to seriously damage or even kill a fourth-tier great wizard.

Even if it is a fourth-order Peak, in the face of such Strength, it must be severely damaged.


In the crowd, feeling the huge Strength contained in this hit, Kulu’s heart tightened, his eyes looked towards the other side.

There, Adier was standing there quietly.

He was wearing a silver robe and a pair of silver eyes were extremely bright at this moment. So he looked at Yala who had fallen in front of him with a huge Strength, and a weird smile appeared on his face, as if laughing at him.

The golden brilliance is gradually falling, the endless light rain permeates the whole city, and just when the sunlight brilliance reaches the top, a little Silver Flower starts to flash.

boom! boom! boom! !

A dull sound kept ringing in situ, like a giant beast’s unending heartbeat, and like a whole world’s pulse.

At this moment, the brilliance rose into the sky, driving the endless moonlight to permeate.

The huge Yuehua slowly rises and falls in the golden realm, gradually brewing and turning into a pure huge silver moon, which directly breaks through the blockade of the golden realm and rises directly into the sky, like a real moon, soft and sacred , Blooming a faint light.

A sacred, noble, heart-loving Strength bloomed from the silver moon, and the faint Bloodline power flowed from it, so that all the elf Bloodline in the scene began to resonate with it, and the heart raised a sense of intimacy.

Compared with Yara’s Bloodline breath, Adier’s Bloodline breath is equally noble, but not overbearing, but full of a sacred and soft, like two extremes.

The next moment, the Silver Flower suddenly changed, and a huge Strength breeded from it, causing the silver moon on the sky to fall suddenly.

boom! !

The golden field of the sun collided with the silver moon, and the overwhelming Silver Flower and Jinhua flickered on the horizon, and at this moment almost illuminated the entire World.

In the cover of endless light and rain, people saw such a scene.

The brilliance is bright. In the collision of the absolute fields, she has a beautiful figure, a giant beast with a silver unicorn on her forehead, and she smashed down the golden ancient beast of Yara incarnation.

Moon King Semblance! !!

A silver giant claw fell from the sky, causing ripples.

At this moment, the King of Adier incarnation, Strength, which had already reached Peak, became stronger and stronger, faintly surpassing the level of the fourth-order Peak.

He stood on the spot like this, with his eyes shining, the brilliance of silver gradually condensed into a galaxy, bright and gorgeous.

In front of Adier, the ancient ancient beast of Yara incarnation roared upfront, but was struck by Adier again and again, a bit of golden blood on his body was blooming.

The golden light was falling apart, and a silver giant claw crashed down, and forcibly fell on Yarra.

And on Yala, the golden crystal is still blooming, tenaciously playing its role, exhausting the last part of its strength to attack Adier’s offensive.

“The magic weapon is good.” A deep voice sounded in place, like a statement, but also a sigh.

The words fell, next moment, the glory of Silver Flower skyrocketed.

Under the eyes of countless elf, Adier’s arm fell down. At this moment, he didn’t keep any hand. The silver giant claw fell directly, and fiercely fell on Yarra.


The golden light shattered completely. After being hit by the Xeon, the golden crystal was finally unbearable on Yala. It seemed to be directly broken, and the magic structure in it was damaged by the eyes.

In the distance, looking at this scene, Kulu corner of mouth twitching, a complex mood emerged in my heart, with some lightness and some distress.

That magic weapon was originally his.

The rest of the people responded similarly. Despite the doubts on some people’s faces, the vast majority of them did not mean to stop them at all, but were full of joy.

From this we can see how unpopular Yara has been in the past hundreds of years, so that when he saw that he was suffering, most people didn’t even think of stopping it.

boom! !

In situ, the Silver Flower is shining like light and rain, falling into silver sword qi, each one is accurately cut at the same position, and a huge wound is cut on Yarra.

“Doing something on the door of World deliberately will not only teleport me to the position of the Hall of Undead, but also collude with the people in the Hall of Undead to frame me. What would you say to me, Yala?

A cold voice sounded in place.

In the fierce fighting, Adier was also distracted, and the Spirit force oscillated in all around space, directly exposing Yarra’s black history.

A drop of golden blood flickered, and a huge Spirit leaped enthusiastically, traced back and forth in the space.

That was the scene when McDowell attacked Adier, and even after reconciliation, he handed that drop of golden blood to Adier, perfectly fixing Yara’s image completely.

Suddenly, the place was uproaring.

Many people even expressed anger, reminiscent of Yara’s past achievements, a pair of cold eyes stared at Yara.

Being watched by so many eyes, looking at the scene that Adier traced back in front of him, Yala spit fire, his heart was angry, and he was about to speak.


The brilliance of the Silver Flower fell suddenly, directly extinguishing Yara’s voice in the huge Strength collision.

In the same place, Adier’s face was cold, a pair of eyes covered with Silver Flower, his hands waved, and the sky’s elemental particles were suddenly under his control, arranged in a predetermined order.

Small Wizard Arrays stand up one by one, covering the place in a specific form, and wrapping Yala layer by layer.

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