bang! bang!

The layers of the Wizard Array are constantly oscillating, and a piece of rain falls on the sky, turning into the most intense rays of light.

The endless brilliance shrouded. At this moment, all the scenes disappeared from the eyes, leaving only the last two horrible and dazzling rays of light.

A silver moon falls from the sky, which contains the power of the endless moon god, an inch of complicated and profound Bloodline rune is blinking, and a huge circle is built in it, emitting the brightness of Eternal Immortal.

And in this glorious coverage, a silver giant beast raged to the sky, and an endless galaxy bloomed in a pair of silver eyes.


Standing on the spot, at this moment, Adier was fully blooming with the power of Bloodline, every inch of skin on his body seemed to be shining, this moment was like an immortal deity, magnificent and tall, sacred and noble, just like the only one in the world.

At this moment, on Adier, the breath unique to Moon Elf Bloodline is blooming, and the power of Bloodline within his body is blooming to Peak, which is on the verge of reaching a critical point.

A silhouette stepped out in an instant, and then, in the eyes of the public, a slender, unsophisticated teenager stepped forward and punched directly.


Rolling ten thousand li Rivers and mountains tremble, this time, the element particles in the endless space are wailing, it seems to sense the breath of the king, and start pouring into it spontaneously.

The mighty elemental particles gathered in mid-air, and after Adier punched out, forcibly converged into an elementary river, under his control, he rushed toward Yara in front of him.

Even if there are countless kilometers apart, everyone can feel the energy contained in this hit. Once it erupts, it is definitely earth-shattering.


A rage came from the torrent of elements, engulfing the golden waves of light.

That’s Yala. At this moment, standing in the current of elements, the golden scales on his body are broken, and the flesh and blood on his body is washed away by an inch, reaching the limit that the body can bear.

The inch-by-inch golden blood flowed in the air, and then continued to be rolled up.

In the middle of the collision of two Strengths, with the fierce collision between Moon Elf and the Sun King Bloodline, a natural phenomenon began to occur.

A majestic shore, the sacred, majestic and intimate world tree phantom emerges in situ, in which the Bloodline of the sun and the moon stirs up in each other, and together turns into this sacred picture of the majestic shore.

“That is?”

Below, the silhouette of Hermuk does not know when it will appear. Looking at the scene in front of me at this moment, she could not help but feel what she felt.

“Is the Bloodline of the Sun and the Bloodline of the Silver Moon, the two Bloodlines colliding together, are they the complete son of the Emerald?” Looking at the natural phenomenon emerging in the distance, he muttered to himself, as if thinking of something.

Standing in the middle of the battlefield, for the natural phenomenon in front of them, Adier and Yala have more profound experience.

When the Sun Bloodline collided with Moon Elf Bloodline, a strong desire arose in Adier’s heart, stemming from Bloodline’s deepest desire.

That is the desire and affection for the blood of the sun. The two Bloodlines are like blood families who have been separated for many years. They have a great degree of fit with each other. Even the instinctual confrontation between Bloodline will affect the deep changes.

A huge emerald tree phantom slowly unfolds, like the ancient World tree, gently swaying the leaves, which contains endless Profound Truth and mighty power.

And above the ancient tree, a sun mark and a silver moon mark appeared quietly, looking up like the most beautiful ornaments, quietly shining on the old tree.

Feeling this resonance, Adier immediately cleared a lot of comprehension.

The Sun King Bloodline and Moon Elf Bloodline must have a unique connection. The Bloodline particles are extremely compatible. If they can be combined, the next generation may have a more powerful Bloodline.

Unfortunately, both Adier and Yarra are men.

But for Adier, there is a better option.

boom! !

The phantom of the World Tree flashed suddenly, and the moon rune on it jumped continuously. Within a short time, it jumped tens of thousands of times. The endless rune of it turned into the most dazzling rays of light, straight towards Yala. go with.

It was only for a moment that Yala’s silhouette went back and forth, and the original solid body cracked again, looking like a porcelain that was about to break, ready to be broken at any time.

Adier’s face was calm, and he just walked forward, his eyes blinking, the purest killing intent.

Where ordinary people can’t sense it, a killing intent locks Yara firmly, and countless dead ends around him are all targeted at this moment, just waiting for the final blow.


A loud shout came from the distant space, breaking the deadlock in an instant.

In the middle of Adier and Yarra, the silhouette of Hermuk appears directly.

He stood in the middle of the two, floating in a black robe with no extra movements. He just waved his hand gently, and a huge and absolute will power was gushing out, blocking all Strength on the two.

“Let’s stop here.”

Stopping the fight between the two, he looked up at Adier and motioned him to stop.


Adier bowed directly, his face became respectful for a moment, and he didn’t look a little different.

He knew in his mind that to this extent, Hermuk was already able to accept the limit.

Yara after all is the child of the emerald tower master, and the Blood King of the sun emperor. As long as there is no accident in the future, he can be promoted to the fifth-order existence smoothly.

Even if Hermuk didn’t see Yara right, he wouldn’t let Yara be killed in front of him. It would be the limit to be able to beat him.

However, Adier did not expect to kill Yarra once.

For Adier, the purpose of this shot has been completely achieved.

Not to mention the serious injury on the other side, just after this shot, the other party’s reputation will inevitably be thousand zhang.

As the son of the tower owner, he colluded with outsiders to blame his colleagues and was beaten in public.

Such deeds will inevitably cause people to doubt it, and even question the status of their heirs.

For Adier, this one shot is enough to achieve this goal.

Not to mention, he has additional gains.

On the road, Adier waved his hand. At the palm of his hand, a ball of golden blood was shining, shining like a little sun.

This is the blood of the sun on Yala, which was hit by Adier forcibly in the fierce battle.

While Yara was taken away by Hermuk, Adier left the blood directly.

In this regard, Hermuk did not say anything.

This blood is too scarce. Although it contains some of the power of the Solar Bloodline, it is extremely thin and can’t do much at all.

When the other party wanted to come, even if Adier took the blood, it could only be used to do some experiments that’s all at most.

“Bloodline Secret Scripture!”

Returning straight to his laboratory, Adier closed the door of the laboratory and announced closed-door research.

This does not cause any suspicion. To outsiders, Adier has just made a major event, and now it is time to avoid the limelight, and it is normal to choose to stay in the research room.

Saying hello to Hermuk, Simal, and the others, Adier entered his own laboratory and started this experiment.

A complex Wizard Array was quickly portrayed on the laboratory bench. In the center of the Wizard Array, a little golden blood began to shrink, leaving only a few drops of pure golden in the end.

It was the purest blood of the sun, and it was also the Bloodline after concentration.

“come on.”

Looking at the blood of the sun in front of him, Adier directly extended the hand and brought his arm into contact with the golden blood in front of him.

At the moment when they contacted, a few drops of golden blood in front of them slowly disappeared and directly penetrated into Adier’s body.

On Adier’s arm, complex textures began to emerge, slowly extending from the arm, and gradually spreading up and down Adier’s entire body.

boom! !

Like a fierce explosion of the sun, hundreds of thousands of lightnings roared endlessly. At this moment, Adier just felt that his blood was beginning to boil, and the endless Bloodline particles all over his body were leaping and plunged into a kind of fury.

A drop of silver’s blood was boiling, and within the body, a Silver’s Bloodline was condensed, and then a few drops of golden blood were absorbed, which began the process of Bloodline’s transformation.

“This reaction is overdone …”

Sitting quietly on the test bench, within the body Bloodline Secret Scripture spontaneously urged, Adier only felt every inch of flesh and blood, every particle was trembling, as if he had returned to the mother who gave birth to his body, and his body was full of Kind of warm and violent.

In the blink of an eye, Adier’s body quickly became rosy, and his body became red as if burned by fire.

In the body, the power of Yara’s Bloodline was absorbed, and Adier’s Bloodline also seemed to have some kind of gradual change. A change began to occur violently, which made Adier feel a little uncomfortable for a while.

boom! boom! boom!

A violent heartbeat sound spread from the place, from the center of Adier’s body, gradually passed to the entire laboratory, and the whole laboratory trembled.

A faint thin moonlight rose above Adier. That was the power of Moon Elf enthusiastically turning into a sublime gloss.

Just different from the past, at this moment, in this faint moonlight, there is also a bit of golden brilliance.

With the continuous engulfing of Bloodline, time passed quickly.

Until three days later, sitting quietly on the bench, Adier raised his head and slowly opened his eyes.

“So smooth?”

Feeling the change on his body, or the Bloodline that was completely devoured by him, Adier was a little stunned, and never expected that things would go so smoothly.

The power of the fifth-order Bloodline, even if it is only a little thin, but because of its powerful nature, it is also extremely dangerous for Adier today.

But in this bloodline metamorphosis, Adier did not feel the slightest difficulty, but was as simple as drinking water to eat.

It is as if the Sun Bloodline and Moon Elf Bloodline are originally one.

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