“It’s really complicated …”

Sit up from the bench and feel the changes on your body, silently thinking about the connection between the Sun Bloodline and Moon Elf Bloodline, Adier shook the head, a little confused.

The Bloodline of the Sun has a lot to do with the Bloodline of the Silver Moon, which is already a certain thing.

The specific reason is not clear to Adier, but the benefit of this is that it strengthens his original idea.

“Yara …”

Silently reading the name, Adier stood up, thinking silently about some of the news recently discovered.

Yara’s father, the master of the Emerald Tower, has not appeared since more than 3,000 years ago, and it seems that some accidents have occurred, resulting in her never appearing.

It seems that only Elder, Hermuk and Simal, knew that even Adier, a Simar student, could not find out.

Because the owner of the tower has not appeared for many years, all the affairs of the Emerald Tower now fall into the hands of Elder Hermuk and Simal.

Among them, Hermuk was in charge of the external battle, and Simar was responsible for managing the affairs in the tower. The division of labor between the two is clear, and it has been thousands of years.

In this case, Yara’s position is actually a little awkward.

He is the only child of the master of the tower and Bloodline, the emperor’s emperor. In theory, he should be the next generation of the tower’s successor, and he will inevitably inherit the power of the elf family and become a top wizard.

But in this dazzling identity and aura, Yara herself has a big problem.

His Bloodline is not stable, and even his character is very unstable. He is polite when he is calm, but crazy and scary when he is extreme, and even has done the massacre of elf civilians, the impact is inestimable.

After such a long period of time, very few people have a good impression of Yala in the entire emerald tower, and most of them are afraid. Even Hermuk and Simal both showed significant dissatisfaction with this.

This is good news for Adier.

It is precisely because of Yara’s contrast that Adier’s excellence can be shown, thus creating opportunities for him.

“Since the last war, Yala colluded with the Hall of the Dead, and his hands and feet in the World campaign have spread through the tower.”

“In terms of impression points, I barely dominate. What is worse is Bloodline and strength.”

Standing in place, Adier looked to the outside, and in his eyes, a little bit of silver was shining.

In fact, Bloodline and strength are more important than public impressions.

This world is, in the end, the Wizard’s World. One high-level wizard can conquer the entire World, and no matter how many other low-level wizards come, it is only a matter of thought.

At this point, Yara undoubtedly has a great advantage.

As the Sun King Bloodline, Yara’s Bloodline can automatically advance to the fifth level as long as it matures, and even has higher potential.

Because of this, even if Hermuk and Simal are not impressed by him, even if the tower has a response qi, they have to bear it again and again.

The World is the individual, the support and impression of the people is only embellishment in the final analysis, only its own strength is fundamental.

Just like today, in the public impression, Adier is undoubtedly all over the Yara. But as long as Adier does not prove that his potential is stronger than Yara, the name of the heir to the Emerald Tower will not change.

And it’s easy to do that.

“Fifth-order … It’s coming, it’s coming …”

Many thoughts flowed instantly in my mind, standing still, feeling the Bloodline boiling within the body, Adier thought calmly.

Consuming that little Sun Bloodline, Adier’s Bloodline is plunged into a deep level of transformation, on the verge of a critical point. In Adier’s induction, it is only five steps away from five levels.

This is why the blood of the sun is not complete. If the number of blood of the sun in Adier’s hands can be greater, I am afraid that at this moment, the boundaries of Bloodline have been broken, the Bloodline limit has been directly broken, and Bloodline has been promoted to the fifth level.

Even this is not the limit.

After experiencing the feeling of bloodline resonance before, Adier had a vague feeling in his heart.

If he could swallow all of Yara directly, the Bloodline power of him within the body would probably reach a terrifying level.


boom! !

A thick layer of black crystal was instantly broken.

In a spacious and bright room, Yara was full of Bloodline, the flesh and blood on the surface of the body was shaking, a layer of dandruff kept falling off, and then it grew quickly. The whole process looked terrifying.

He was standing in the middle of the hall. No matter how the body was constantly changing, the whole person’s face became distorted and horrible, and the sun mark on his body flashed wildly, faintly to the edge of collapse.

“You are so surprised! You are so surprised !!!”

The horrible Strength tilted, his crazy roar, and the entire silhouette resounded with a huge Strength, even after being isolated by the Wizard Array, still sounding terrifying matchless, like the roar of the devil, with the horrifying Spirit charm.

At this moment, he was covering his head in pain, the whole person’s complexion was distorted and twisted, and the whole body exuded an icy breath of death, which was daunting.

“His Highness Yara …”

In the distance, looking at Yara’s appearance, an elf attendant gently sighed: “Since that day, this has been the case.”

Since being defeated in public by Adier and being dragged away by Hermuk, Yala has fallen into a state of madness, and Bloodline within the body seems to have been unstable due to strong stimulation.

Seeing this, Hermuk simply locked him directly in this hall, not only to let him reflect, but also to calm him down with the help of the heavily arranged Wizard Array in the hall.

But now it seems that it has no effect at all.

In the huge hall, there are countless Wizard Arrays arranged by the elf wizards of all ages. Under normal circumstances, even if it is the most chaotic and maddening existence, after entering it, it will be calm for a few days at most, and countless in the body. Emotions were soothed as much as possible, falling into absolute calm.

But even such a powerful Wizard Array has failed when faced with Yarra.

For several months, although Yara will occasionally calm down, once the emotional moment is reached, she will run away involuntarily and fall into absolute mania, even if the Wizard Array is fully activated, it cannot be comforted.

In some cases, this also shows the excellence of Yara’s Bloodline, the power of the rioting Bloodline, even the Wizard Array laid out by the great wizards of all ages, can not forcibly soothe, only a little auxiliary effect.

This situation continues to this day.

The faint golden light flickered in front of the eyes, as the warm sun rose in the blink of an eye.

In the light shining, Yara slowly opened her eyes, and the sun rune that had constantly appeared on her body flickered at this moment, pressing down all the abnormalities and returning to normal conditions.

At the moment when the power of Bloodline was on the verge of being violent again, he pressed the Bloodline violently within the body with absolute will, forcing it into chaos, maintaining his own will no longer changed, and being able to keep himself awake.

“His Highness Yara!”

Outside, I saw the scene in front of me, several onlookers froze, and then one of them looked towards the display in front of me.

“All data has returned to a stable level, Bloodline Strength no longer fluctuates, Lord Yarra has recovered!”

Looking at the content displayed on the display, an elf girl with a beautiful appearance and wearing a white long dress suddenly choked, and then a smile appeared on her face, with a strong joy.

“Sini, will block the Wizard Array from opening.”

Inside, a voice sounded abruptly, the sound sounded very calm, without the violent and chaotic before.

The girl looked up and looked inside, and in the enclosed Wizard Array, Yara stood silently, and now all the golden rune flickering on her body disappeared, and the flesh and blood on her body had returned to normal, and it looked like it had completely returned to normal.

Seeing this, the girl hurried forward and opened the Wizard Array.

In fact, she didn’t need to do it at this step.

In order to prevent accidents, Hermuk set the index of the Wizard Array long before he left, and it can only be opened when Yala completely returned to normal.

When Yala recovers from the Bloodline runaway state and completely returns to normal, the Wizard Array that was originally blocked by layers will automatically close and release the people in it.

Stepping out of the blocked Wizard Array, Yara took a golden shirt calmly, but didn’t say much, just put it on silently, and then went out.

Occasionally, some wizards of the Emerald Tower encountered them along the way. They looked at Yara’s eyes and looked weird and weird. Although not rude on the surface, they carried a deep layer of indifference and rejection.

This is a bad impression for many years, plus the repercussions brought about by the collusion of the deceased to frame the companion.

Out of identity and Strength, these ordinary wizards dared not treat him and what they did, but did not hinder their rejection and aversion to Yala.

Feeling these emotions quietly, Yara was surprisingly not angry. Instead, she felt that her mind was unprecedentedly calm, and even her emotions were not fluctuated, she just thought quietly.

“The legend really is true.”

Quickly walked to his laboratory, he raised his hand and looked at some kind of imprint on his arm, his face was very excited: “The purest Moon Elf Bloodline, it really can cure my Bloodline disease, let me from chaos Come back! “

He worked hard to open his arms. On his body, Adier’s breath and blood still seemed to exist in his body. The unique Bloodline particles contained in it made his rioting Sun Bloodline seem to be soothed and gradually calmed down.

“Unfortunately, just a little breath and blood, can only temporarily suppress my Bloodline riot …”

He stood there with a beautiful and faint face in the light. “If I can swallow him, my Bloodline disease may disappear.”

Thinking of Adier defeating him that day and smashing him into a severely injured wolverine scene, even if Bloodline had been soothed at this moment, Yara still couldn’t help clenching her fists and her face changed a little.

“Fourth-order Peak ·······”

Thinking of the strength that Adier finally showed, he was sneaked, and his smile was a little distorted: “I look down on you.”

As the voice dropped, he lifted his head, waved his arm slightly, and a moment of image appeared in front of him.

It was a black scene. In the scene, there seemed to be a huge silhouette standing in it. At this moment, most of the body was covered by shadows, and the reality was not clear.

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