“Yara, long time no see …”

In the shadowy darkness, a tall, gloomy shadow stood in it, and only a pair of deep eyes were exposed in the heavy shadow curtain, so he stared at Yara.

“You don’t look very good right now.”

In the deep dark corner, he looked at Yara in front of him, a little surprised in his eyes, and seemed to be surprised at the state of Yara at this moment.


Yara snakeed: “I’m in good shape right now and don’t need you to worry.”

“It’s you, Micho, but your Strength is getting weaker and weaker, and it shouldn’t be long before it disappears.”

He seemed to have a deep understanding of the dark shadows in front of him. He didn’t touch them in person, just looking at the shadows in front of him, and knew the state of Shadowman’s eyes.

In this regard, the dark shadow lurking in the shadows did not mind: “It is true that if there was no accident, it would soon disappear.”

“But isn’t this still you?”

“Yara, as my most loyal friend, I believe you won’t let me disappear, right?”

His body was constantly flowing in the shadows, and a faint light wave radiated all over his body, with words on his mouth that he did not believe.

“Of course, but the premise is that you will help me do things well.”

Yara said coldly, without being polite to this dark shadow.

“Okay, okay.” In the shadow, Mi Xiu sighed slightly, his tone seemed helpless: “Say, what do you want me to do this time?”

“Help me kill someone.” Yara said coldly, telling directly the purpose of this time.

“It can’t be done.” Mi Xiu helplessly said: “My Strength itself is almost exhausted, and it is confined to this emerald space. It has no impact on the outside world at all.”

“Otherwise, where do I need your help, I can restore Strength directly.”

“Relax.” Yila expression gave a slight glance, Yara expression was not in the slightest surprise, but a cold smile on his face: “I will lead him to you.”

The voice fell, and there was a moment of silence in situ. It wasn’t until a moment later that Mi Xiu’s silent voice sounded again.

“That’s fine.”

He said so, and then said the conditions: “But to ensure that no accidents occur, I need to add a little Strength.”

“How many people do you want?” Yara looked up, not surprised by Mi Xiu’s words.

“1 million ordinary elf, or ten thousand elf descendants with royal bloodline.” Mi Xiu’s words sounded coldly.

“Closing!” Yala nodded and agreed directly.

“It is indeed the elf emperor of the future, and the shot is the atmosphere.”

Seeing that Yala directly agreed, Mi Xiu sighed gently, and said with some memory: “Unfortunately, as 300 years ago, if I could come a few more times.”

“This kind of thing is enough for one time.” Yara turned her head and walked backwards without raising her head. “Neither Simar nor Hermuk is a fool. Such things come up occasionally based on the Bloodline riots. One time is enough. If we come a few more times, doubt will sooner or later. “

Three hundred years ago, there was a massacre in the Emerald City.

On that day, the Yala Bloodline riot, who had just been promoted to the fourth tier, fell directly into madness, and began a massacre in the Emerald City, and even aimed the butcher knife at ordinary elf civilians.

By the time Simmar and Hermuk reacted, most of the Emerald City had been slaughtered, and the tragedy was unforgettable.

Afterwards, in order to maintain the reputation of Yara, the heir to the emerald tower, Simal and Hermuk pushed the incident to others and suppressed the matter in various ways, so that Ya was not let Rafia’s reputation was revealed.

On the surface, this is just a riot caused by the instability of Bloodline. But in fact, this is a deal between Yala and Misho.

All the elf civilians who were slaughtered all had their souls in Mi Xiu’s stomach, allowing their originally depleted Strength to be further restored, helping Yala do a lot of things in these years.

Gently reached out to close the image, Yara took a deep breath, then walked to the room and walked towards a place.


“Emerald Secret Realm shook, and the Seal Strength weakened significantly?”

In the spacious laboratory, sitting quietly on a wooden chair, holding a heavy book in his hand, Adier was surprised, looking at the Kulu who was visiting him.


In front of him, Kulu smiled and looked at Adier in front of her, and said, “It was the news that Simal Elder and Hermuk teacher detected together, and soon it should be officially notified.”

“At that time, I’m afraid we’ll all go in.”

Hearing the news, Adier frowned immediately.

The Emerald Secret Realm, which is a Secret Realm that belongs to the Emerald Tower alone. In rumors, it is a Secret Realm created by the legendary son of the Emerald who created the tower. It contains many secrets of the elf family, and Many magical secrets left by the son of the Emerald.

However, because of the original layout of the emerald son, the terrible rune seal remained in the emerald Secret Realm, and outsiders could not enter safely at all.

But this time, for no reason, the seal in the Emerald Secret Realm began to weaken spontaneously, and it will soon enter a flat period sufficient for human passage.

This kind of opportunity cannot be missed. After discussing with Ismail and Hermuk, they decided to let them enter and explore this Secret Realm, which has been blocked for many years.

As a pure-blood Moon Elf, he is also a fourth-order Peak wizard. This time, Adier was named by the two Simmars. After the Emerald Secret Realm was opened, he was ready to enter.

“How long is it before the Emerald Secret Realm opens?”

Thinking of the news from Simar, Adier could not help frowned, and then looked at Kulu and asked.

“At the current rate, it will take about two hundred years.”

Looking at the Adier in front of him, Kulu thought about it before opening the mouth and said.

“Two hundred years?” Listening to this time, Adier nodded: “It’s enough.”

He looked at Kulu in front of him and said casually: “Please help me to sue the two Elders. I have something recently. I plan to take a long trip and it will take some time to return.”

“The corresponding procedures and procedures, you help me do it together.”

“Okay.” Kulu nodded, without asking what it was, got up from where he was and walked outside.

Behind him, looking at the back of Kulu’s departure, Adier’s eyes were deep, and he looked at the silhouette of the other person quietly.

For some of Kulu’s problems, Adier became more aware of that after returning from the World War.

If anyone can manipulate the gate of World so that Adier’s teleportation has such a large deviation, Kulu’s suspicion is definitely the biggest.

Even if there is no other evidence, this alone is enough to alert Adier to it.

Adier’s current enemy is Yara, and Adier will not reveal anything to others until Yara falls.

Therefore, after the last return, except for Yara, Adier’s attitude towards others is as before, and the emotions in his heart have not shown the slightest.

“Emerald Secret Realm …”

Quietly standing up, thinking of the news from Simar, Adier waved his hand to activate a mark.

A little light bloomed in front of me, and in front of me, a scene of light and shadow appeared in front of me. One of the Spirit fluctuations that Adier was familiar with came slowly, and gradually condensed into a phantom.

“Adier, long time no see.”

A silhouette of a handsome young man with a pale face and wearing a black trench coat appeared before his eyes. Although it was just a phantom, every movement still brought tremendous pressure.

“McDodd, long time no see.” Looking at the youth appearing in front of him, Adier said softly, saying the name of the youth in front of him.

“It’s been six months since we last met in the World War.”

McDowell turned around, looked at Adier in front of him, and asked directly, “What’s the matter for me?”

“How much do you know about the Emerald Secret Realm?”

Adier asked politely.

“Emerald Secret Realm …” When he heard the name, McDowell was silent for a while, then opened the mouth and said: “That’s a dangerous place.”

“Dangerous?” Adier was a little surprised.

“In the Emerald Secret Realm, indeed there is inheritance left by the Emerald Son, but there are other things left by the Emerald Son.” A deep look at Adier, hesitated for a while, McDowell opened the mouth and said: Something that the emerald son suppressed. “

“What’s that?” Adier continued.

“How do I know?” McDowell shook the head with a helpless smile on his face. “Emerald Secret Realm’s affairs are very secretive. Although I know some things, I only know so much, and more are unclear. “

“But …” At this point, he paused, then looked at Adier in front of him: “If you are going in this time, it will probably be a little dangerous …”

As he spoke, he secretly murmured: “Even if it wasn’t originally dangerous, your Child of Destiny will probably become dangerous at least once, let alone a ghost place like the Emerald Secret Realm.”

“Is it probably a little dangerous?” Listening to McDowell, Adier thoughtfully nodded and seemed to understand something.

“What else?” Looking at Adier, McDowell continued. “The potion you gave me last time is very effective, is there anything else?”

“I’ll have someone send you some past,” Adier nodded said.

“You’re welcome.” McDonald was not polite, and he said so directly.

The two talked for a while, and did not end this conversation until a while later.

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