The glazed light curtain gradually fell, and when Adier turned back again, the silhouette of McDowell in front of him had slowly disappeared.

Looking at this scene, he looked up and looked into the distance, but his mind flashed a lot of thoughts at this moment.

“Although it has been expected, McDonald’s understanding of the Emerald Secret Realm may be a little bit more.”

Standing in place, looking quietly into the distance, he thought so.

The Emerald Secret Realm is a top secret of the elf family. Even in the entire elf family, not much can be known.

McDowell not only knows, but even understands some of them, which is amazing.

“The members of the Hall of the Dead were created by the ancient wizards who fell in the past. Either the true spirits left by ancient wizards, or the reborn will in ancient corpses, inherited the memory and inheritance of the subject in the past …

“Either way, the members are destined to be out of the ordinary, and it is not surprising to be able to know many secrets that are unknown.”

“McDoo is the next three kings of the Hall of the Dead, and it must be more so.

In situ, thinking of McDowell’s identity, Adier gradually relieved himself and stopped thinking about this issue.

Everyone has his own secret, even if it is Adier, it is impossible to explore one after another.

Since McDowell can know the news of the Emerald Secret Realm, it means that the counterpart’s identity is very large, but it can’t explain anything else.

Having figured this out, Adier turned slightly and looked somewhere in the distance.

“Mason … I’ll be back soon …”

Looking at a certain direction in the distance, he murmured, as if he saw some familiar scene.

Decades later, after being greeted by Kulu and the others, Adier walked into the teleport hall in the Emerald Tower and slowly stepped into the huge golden world gate.

Spreads of golden light spread, a little bit of World waves shook the Quartet, and the texture of the inch-inch was like the waves of the waves. As the light spread, it was unfolding one-inch, covering the whole hall.

“The coordinates of the tower, I have already left in your mark. When you have finished the things you want to do, just transfer them back through the Wizard Array.”

Aside, Kulu debugged the Wizard Array as he told Adier.

“Okay.” In the Wizard Array, Adier nodded, and said hello to the people who came to see him, before slowly walking into the huge and bright world door.

This time he left the tower and returned to the Mason area, using the reason he wanted to get things done in the past.

As a student of Simal, the tower did not have much doubt, and he was very happy to give Adier permission to transmit, and even gave the tower’s own coordinate position to Adier.

With the waves of light, in Adier’s ears, a sound that seemed to be torn from the glass continued to sound, first weak, then strong, and finally quiet.

Before the huge Wizard Array, the original solid space was torn into a myriad of shapes like a thin layer of tofu, the core of which was forcibly penetrated, and a huge space hole was cut out.

One point of coordinates gradually fell before the figure, combined with the power of the surging World around it, perfect and without blemish formed a complete circle, wrapping Adier layers, leaving directly through the distant space hole.

When Adier regains consciousness again, when the light appears again in front of him, there is already another scene in front of him.

A little morning sun shrouded the ground, and a bunch of fresh and tender wild flowers opened vigorously, and the aroma was scattered all around, adding a little color to the land.

Familiar with the earth and climate assaults the senses, the familiar atmosphere loosened Adier’s mind, as if returning to his hometown.

Mason Territory.

This is the country of Adier and the area where Adier has been operating for hundreds of years. The climate and topography of every inch of mountains and rivers is very familiar, and he is well aware of it.

After coming here, he raised his head and looked at all around. After recognizing the landform here, he stepped out one step, the silhouette instantly blurred, and returned to the city of Fax.

Two years is too short for the wizard, so much change in the whole city not at all.

Even when Gloria and Kolar and the others saw Adier, they were very surprised and seemed to think that he shouldn’t return so soon.

“When I got to the Mason area, I had some gains, but there were other things, so I came back early.”

Looking at Gloria and the others, Adier said so, and then ordered directly to let the wizards prepare.

This time Adier returned to Mason, not just for the sake of the old, but for his own business.

Two hundred years later, the Emerald Secret Realm will open. By then, as the few pure-blood geniuses remaining in the tower, Adier will inevitably be sent in by Simar and the others in order to obtain what is contained in it.

At that time, whether it is an opportunity or a crisis in the Emerald Secret Realm, it must be directly confronted by Adier.

So before that, Adier had decided to take the last step.

Promotion to fifth order.

The fifth level, this is the top Strength of the Emerald Higher Domain, even if it is called the top in the entire Higher Domain, with a Strength that is really enough to face all crises, and even an expedition to Strange World, to conquer the entire World alone.

Promotion at such levels is naturally not as easy as it used to be.

But for Adier, his chance to advance to the fifth level is in this Mason area.

A month later.

In the deserted mountain range in the southern Mason region, a large number of wizards entered.

This is the cold mountain range, which originally did not belong to the Mason region, but belongs to the Mason region. A wizarding place called Northland Plains.

Hundreds of years ago, after Adier unified the Mason region, in order to deepen the ties with the Quartet and to better govern these places, Adier took the initiative and, with the power of the fourth-order wizard, forcibly opened up with the Quartet wizard The dark areas between the grounds forcibly annihilated the radiation and a large number of contaminated organisms, which brought the Northland Plains into the Mason region.

For the other wizards in the Mason region, this is just a small corner. Not only is it lacking in resources, it is also a sparse population. Except for a small number of wizards who have been sent out by force, not many wizards are willing to stay here, all of them flood into The center of the Mason region has gone.

But for Adier, this is a special place.

The original Adier rose from a Sea Territory in the south, first took the Southern Continent, then set off from the Northern Section plains to reach the Mason region.

So, this place has a lot of symbolic meaning to Adier.

The cold mountain range in front of us is even more so for Adier.

Stepping into the mountain range, Adier looked up, but found that the original mountain range had changed a lot.

A huge inch of white rock shrouds the entire mountain range, but in the mountain range all around, it was originally a primitive place, and there were already many cities and villages at this time.

Between the mountain road and the road, there is a small road running through it. Forcibly opened up the cold mountain range, which was extremely difficult to transport, and slowly developed this place.

Growing along the road, it is no longer the weeds and wild trees that Adier saw in the past. It is also a patch of wheat and crops. Among them, the busy farmers are sweating and working hard.

This scene made Adier silent, and then laughed a long time later, happy to see this change.

Accompanied by everyone, he continued on a section of the road, and the governor stationed in the area quickly rushed over.

“Your Majesty !”

A young man in a black robe and bowler hat rushed out of the mountains on a tall white horse, followed by a large number of Knights and wizards.

After seeing Adier coming in the distance, the young man quickly dismounted and knelt down, saluted deeply towards Adier.

Watching this scene, Adier looked down and looked closely at the appearance of the young man.

The young man looks very right. Although he is not handsome, he looks very good. He is wearing a messy black robe with sweat marks on his neck. Attire.

It is in the young man’s body that the radiant breath of mana fluctuates with Knight’s Life Energy, and it seems that he has embarked on both the wizard and Knight roads.

Looking at this young man quietly, Adier didn’t care about the fluctuations in his mana and Life Energy, but his appearance and the familiar Bloodline atmosphere made Adier stunned when he saw him.

“Who is Elva?”

It was a long time before Adier calmed down the emotions in his heart and looked at the youth in front of him and said.

“It’s my great-grandfather.” Facing Adier, the youth said respectfully and excitedly, with an inscrutable enthusiasm and excitement in his words.

“A great-grandfather?”

Listening to the youth, Adier was a little silent, but his thoughts unknowingly deviated from this place and went to an unknown distance.

Elva, this was Adier’s childhood friend.

He remembers at the moment that when Adier had just crossed into this world, Elvar and his father Poria Earl took care of it.

He also remembered that when the city was breached, Poria Earl asked him to take good care of Elvar and inherit the Fax family.

Adier always remembered this command and promise, and he did not forget it.

When Adier integrated the entire Mason region, he moved Elva into the city of Fax along with the entire Fax family, and later tried to cultivate Elva well.

It ’s a pity that Elva did n’t have a wizard innate talent. His Knight innate talent was really bad. At the time, he was too old. Even if he enjoyed the full training of Adier, he was only piled up in Azure by countless potions. Firmament Knight.

To him, Erwar himself was very open-minded.

He had talked to Adier frankly. He did not have the innate talent and Bloodline like Adier, nor the powerful will of Adier for decades. He was just a covetous, ordinary person that’s all.

For such an ordinary person, can there be such a result, and what is unsatisfactory?

Therefore, in the end, Adier also chose to respect his choice, instead of forcing him to continue his efforts, but after converting him to Bloodline, he was allowed to play adventures in the Maison area.

A few decades ago, Elva returned to the Southern Continent where he was born with Adier, and finally died there. Before his death, he was peaceful and surrounded by many descendants.

The thoughts in my heart were one after another in my mind, and after a while, Adier returned to God, continued to look at the young man in front of him, and began to ask about his life.

In front of him, the young man talked to Adier with excitement, and every time he said a word, he paused a lot.

The young man in front of her is Ella, and her last name is Fax. She is a descendant of Erhualiu in the vicinity. She is now in her thirties.

Relying on the last name of Fax and some influences left by Elva, Ella became the governor of the area in just a few years, managing a city near the cold mountain range.

Along the way, he talked slowly with Adier and introduced him to the changes of this generation.

“For centuries, many places of this generation with suitable terrain have been settled. There are only places that are not suitable for farming. Not many people have settled.”

He pointed to the distant village and slowly introduced the terrain of this generation.

Adier watched these changes quietly.

In my mind, the images recorded by the chip began to play back. That was the mountain range hundreds of years ago, which is in sharp contrast to today’s mountain range.

The picture is still clear and the scene continues, but the change is the change, which can be discerned at a glance over time.

However, to some extent, this change is also a good thing.

Stop and go like this, it was not until more than a month later that Adier arrived at his destination this time.

It was a remote and small mountain, with white rocks hanging over it, and it didn’t look any brighter.

Even today, today the mountain range has gradually developed, this Xiaoshan Peak is still so desolate, there is nothing more than a few wild beasts on it.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a group of wizards resident, among which the top wizards have reached three levels.

This is sent by Adier, after all, what is contained in this mountain range is too important for Adier, so it cannot be taken too seriously.

When he came here, Adier didn’t take anyone anymore, but left everyone directly, and went up the mountain alone.

On the desolate mountain peaks, an inch of wind and frost blows across his face, as uncomfortable as a knife.

Adier did not at all what it felt, but just thought it was fun, so he stepped up the mountain step by step and came to a node somewhere on the mountain peak.

When I got here, a call for faintly discernable came slowly, originating from this peak, but not in this peak.

“At the top of this mountain, forcibly cut a space available in the gap of space.”

Feeling the call of faintly discernable carefully, after confirming the location, Adier judged so.

The next moment, he disappeared directly in his place, and instantly entered the gap of sight.

A little golden light sounded in the sky, a huge relic unfolded in front of him, and the majesty and eternity remained unchanged, making anyone thrilled.

Even if it is not the first time here, but when it comes again, Adier still feels a great power, beyond the fourth-order, even faintly beyond the fifth-order horror Strength.

“It’s been a long time since the tomb of the Sun King …”

Looking at the huge and boundless Jinyang in the sky and the horrible Strength contained in it, Adier sighed softly and felt the changes in the world.

When in the Northland Plains before entering the Mason region, Adier had accidentally obtained the location of the ruins and finally entered the tomb of the Sun King. From here, he got the coordinates of Jadeite World, and then everything happened.

When he first entered here, he was just a formal sorcerer who had just been promoted, but to this day, a whole whole hundred years have passed, and Adier has already reached the fourth-order Peak, and he can be promoted to a fifth-order wizard just one step away. .

This step is completed by the tomb of the Sun King.

In the tomb of the Sun King, there are the bodies of the Sun King.

This is the Blood King like Yala’s Sun King, and it’s not the kind of unstable existence of Yala, and it has truly grown to the limit, and has grown to Peak’s Sun King.

To a certain extent, the Sun Bloodline that exists here is even more noble and pure than Yara’s body. As long as it is swallowed with Bloodline Secret Scripture, it can immediately break the obstacle that is blocking the last layer of Adier and use the Bloodline road Promotion to fifth order.

That’s why Adier didn’t come here, but only now.

The corpse of a Sun King who has grown to Peak can only be maximized by swallowing it in the fourth-order Peak, which can not only make Bloodline grow to fifth-order, but also let its Strength grow together and break the final The boundaries.

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