The cold, hot breath came from all directions, with a touch of bloodline power.

The breath that belongs to the Sun Bloodline alone, even if it has gone through countless years and endless time baptism, has not completely faded its mark, but it has become stronger because of the environment.

Walking in this mausoleum, Adier alone walked here, slowly admiring the pattern and its legacy.

The huge mausoleum in front of me looks very exquisite. Every mural in the whole mausoleum and every building is so exquisite. It is meticulously carved by the best elf Master. There is a kind of light and elegant beauty that belongs to the elf family.

In all around some murals, Adier can also see some rune left by the ancient wizards, and other things.

Unlike the last time I came here, this time, Adier seemed more calm and leisurely, walking in this mausoleum so slowly, it seemed that he was not anxious about his purpose.

The last time he came here, he was just an official wizard, and he was surrounded by a bunch of blood wizards. He could not understand the pattern and layout of the place, nor did he have the mind to look at it.

But this time, he is already close to the fifth level, and some of the remnants here can already be seen clearly.

Adier just walked around and kept watching in the ruins. Occasionally, when he saw interesting places, he stopped and used the chip inside the body to record it and analyze it slowly.

In this way, it took him exactly half a month to reach the distance he could walk in a day.

After walking through this section of the road, some memorable things also appeared in front of Adier.

It was an elf corpse wearing a silver moon robe with a scepter in his hand.

The corpse looked dark-skinned, with a deep black complex imprint on it, densely packed to envelop the entire corpse.

This corpse is a past generation of high priests from the Silver Fog Forest in the Maison region. When Adier was still very weak, it was from this corpse that he obtained the Meditation Method of the Moon Rite, and entered the wizard of Moon Elf the road.

To this day, the original sacrificial ritual of the month has been re-adapted and adapted several times by Adier, integrated with many advanced Meditation Methods, and has become a new Meditation Method.

But despite this, some of the original things will not change, and this moon sacrifice still has a profound impact on Adier, and many traces can still be seen today.

“Died by the Scourge of Scourge.”

Looking at the black body silently, Adier sighed softly, then waved his hand.

A pure Moon Elf power escaped from within the body. In a flash, the holy and sacred Moon Elf power shrouded the body of the corpse, dissipating all the evil forces on the corpse, leaving only independence. That part of the elf family.

The corpse in front of him was indeed killed by the curse of the Scourge, but it was not his own, but was infected by the curse breath in the tomb.

Thousands of years have passed. Although the power of the natural disaster remaining in the corpse is still there, it is already irresistible in the face of Adier’s Strength.

It was only a short moment that the black on the corpse slowly receded, and a bit of ink-like mist flowed out of the corpse, and was illuminated by the force of Moon Elf and evaporated directly.

The force of the Scourge was expelled, and the true face of the corpse was revealed.

This is an elf old man with very thin and white hair.

It can be seen that the old man was very peaceful before his death, and his face did not change much. Under the influence of the natural disaster, the corpse looked the same as when he died.

Looking at the corpse of the old man silently, Adier waved his hand quietly, put away the corpse in front of him, and then turned around and moved forward.

Moving forward from this corpse, the traces left by Adier were still faintly visible.

In the mausoleum, the bodies of the blood wizards killed by Adier were still here. After hundreds of years, they have completely changed.

Ignoring the enemies of those years, Adier continued to move forward. This time, the pace was faster. He came to the end of the road and stopped slowly.

Lost Gift.

Two rows of small trees, black and silver, isolate the three roads into three, one silver, one golden, and one black.

This is a ceremony of the ancient elf family, which is used to arrange in their own tombs. Only people with the corresponding identity can walk through.

Golden represents the master and his descendants, silver represents the guest, and black represents the enemy.

From the perspective of the elf family on Bloodline, these three paths actually refer to Bloodline.

Golden can only be passed by pure blood, and only the elf family can enter the silver road. As for black, it is a foreign race.

At first, Adier, as Half-Elf, could barely walk across the long silver path. He could not really enter the center of the mausoleum, and he could not get the truly precious sun inheritance in the mausoleum.

Naturally different today.

With a glance over the road in front of him, Adier walked straight down the golden road without any hesitation or staying.

The golden light began to hustle, a little bit of wind and waves began to rise, a little bit of waves, like a calm lake, dropped a stone, and alarmed all directions.

On the road, for a while, Adier seemed to hear an incomprehensible voice ringing, echoing the Bloodline of his within the body, trying to communicate.

This change caused his Bloodline within the body to start to throb, and the blood of the Silver Moon began to burn and boil. The erupting brilliance and the power of Bloodline shrouded his whole body at this moment, exuding pure silver shining.

In the blockbuster of the Silver Bloodline, a bit of golden light is flickering, although it is weak, but it does exist, echoing some existence in the distance.

Blood of the Sun!

It was the blood of the sun that Adier had taken from Yarra, and then smelted to himself. He had been silent until now, but at this moment recovered again and bloomed here.

In the distance, it seems to feel the light of Adier’s Bloodline. In front of him, a little golden rune flashes quickly on the golden path, thousands of Bloodline textures are paved on the ground, like a long golden carpet, and Adier is like a god.

He just took the long road in front of him, walking forward step by step, and at each step, he could feel the call of Bloodline.

It was the call from elf Bloodline, with a little pure light in it, which made Adier look up and look in a certain distance.

In the sky above the ruins, the original hot Jin Yang is blooming. At this moment, a little faint Bloodline power is recovering. With Adier coming, it shines directly on Adier.

“Supreme strength of yang ···”

Feeling the change in his body, Adier looked up and looked at Jinyang in the sky.

The huge golden sun on the sky is condensed by the supreme strength of yang of the Sun King within the body, which corresponds to the power of the moon god of Adier within the body, and belongs to the ultimate Strength of elf Bloodline.

When Adier stepped in here, the supreme strength of yang transformed into Jinyang also began to recover, and the pure supreme strength of yang in it began to slowly inject into Adier, combining with the power of Luna within his body, slowly Slow produces some unique change.

“So pure supreme strength of yang ···”

Walking on the road, looking at the huge golden sun hanging in the sky, Adier’s face was dignified: “Before the Sun Emperor was dying, I am probably extracting all the supreme strength of yang from his body for later Those who inherit. “

This is a huge benefit.

The Sun Emperor in the mausoleum in front of him is absolutely terrible in Peak strength, at least a fifth-order Peak.

Jinyang in the sky condenses all the strengths of such a sun emperor during his lifetime. Once absorbed by the latecomers, as long as he can withstand it, I am afraid that it can even create a fifth-order.

However, it is not easy to accept this Strength.

At least, in front of him, Adier can feel that even with his Constitution Bloodline, it is not impossible to fully accept this Strength, at most only part of it.

If it is an ordinary elf, unless it is superior in strength, the horror who just came into contact with this supreme strength of yang will be immediately assimilated by this fierce and strong, sacred and sole Strength, not only cannot accept the supreme strength of yang, but his own Everything will be consumed by supreme strength of yang.

To receive this Strength in its entirety, only the true Sun Bloodline can.

As the last step was taken, Adier looked up slightly, and in front of him, the core of the mausoleum had been opened to him.

Unlike the collection rooms I have seen in the past, there are only a few things that make the real core of the mausoleum here.

A golden coffin, a golden scepter shining, a crown inlaid with several emerald gemstones, and a golden book.

Except for these few things, nothing else exists in the entire tomb.

Looking at these, Adier looked up, took a deep breath, and then stepped into it.

A little silver’s lunar power began to flash, but just stepped into the tomb. In Adier’s within the body, the pure Moonline couldn’t help boiling, it seemed to feel something important.

In the coffin in the distance, a bit of golden light also flickered, as if the existence of it already felt the arrival of Adier, and the remaining Bloodline could not help boiling.

This is the reaction between the Sun Bloodline and the Luna Bloodline.

Compared to the previous one with Yarra, this time Adier’s induction was particularly strong.

Because the Bloodline in front of the sun is not Yarra’s unstable 5% of the Bloodline, but a corpse left by a true Sun Emperor.

That strong response made Adier pause immediately when he stepped into it, and the whole body bloomed with the Silver Bloodline.

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