“The King of the Sun …”

Standing quietly in the huge mausoleum, feeling the Bloodline boiling within the body, looking at the coffin with golden light in front of him, Adier resisted the throbbing in his heart and walked forward slowly.

A little golden light is blooming. As Adier walks in more and more, in the golden coffin, the golden light is getting hotter and brighter, with an unforgettable color.

After a few steps, Adier slowly walked to the golden coffin, slowly lowered his head, and looked carefully at the coffin in front of him.

The golden coffin in front of him looked very large, and the coffin with a length of five or six meters was straight down. It didn’t look like a coffin, but a huge gold bed made of gold.

And in this huge coffin, a tall, majestic silhouette lay quietly in it.

This silhouette looks tall and tall, wearing a golden suit, and there is no scar on his body. His two arms are placed on his chest like this, and the whole state looks very peaceful, as if this person was not dead, but just fell asleep. general.

A deep, terrifying, majestic Supreme majestic permeates here. Although it has fallen for tens of thousands of years, there is only one body left, which still makes it impossible to look directly at its body.

It can be said that just this majestic remnant on this corpse is enough to make any existence below the fifth level inaccessible, and it will be shocked to death before walking to the coffin.

Adier was a surprise.

As a pure-blood Moon Elf, he seemed to have enjoyed exceptional treatment. Not only was he not locked in by the majesty left on the corpse, but several things around him spontaneously bloomed, and it seemed to welcome his arrival.

Feeling this, Adier turned and looked all around.

A golden scepter came first.

This is a one meter long scepter. The whole scepter is golden and looks like gold, but the material is different.

Above the scepter, a scarlet red gem is inlaid there, revealing a terrifying horror Strength.

“A higher magic weapon?”

Looking at the scepter, Adier raised an eyebrow, and his heart jumped.

A high-level magic weapon, which is something that only a fifth-level wizard is qualified to hold. A fourth-level wizard holds. There are few people below the fifth-level wizard who can fight.

In the previous World War, it was McDowell who held a high-level magic weapon, which once forced Adier to do nothing, and even wanted to escape.

The golden scepter in front of him is noble and sacred, and there is a Strength that is closely related to the supreme strength of yang. It is obviously similar to Adier’s Moon King’s Sword, and it is a sacred artifact belonging to the Blood King of the Sun.

If it is the real Sun Bloodline, holding this scepter, the Strength that can be played, I am afraid that it is still above the ordinary high magic weapon.

After looking at the scepter, Adier continued to look around.

In this spacious tomb, there are several things besides this scepter.

A sacred crown is shining brightly, on which the sun power is gently blooming, and a book of gold is quietly displayed. In it, there seems to be endless Profound Truth, waiting quietly for the comprehend of the latecomers.

The Book of Gold is also a special magic weapon, which seems to record a lot of things.

As for the crown, it is the center of this mausoleum.

With this crown, elf pure blood can manipulate the strength of the entire tomb, and once in danger, he can immediately transfer himself to the mausoleum to protect himself.

Packing three things one after another, Adier turned around and looked at the last golden coffin.

In the golden coffin, the ancient sun emperor still lay there quietly, looking as if he had fallen asleep.

On the emperor’s face, an emerald mask covered the face of the corpse, making it difficult to see the appearance of the emperor.

“Curse of Scourge …”

Looking at the corpse quietly, after a long observation, Adier said quietly, with a deep sigh in his language.

Although it has been falling for a long time, on the corpse of the emperor, the breath of natural disaster still exists, so that something Adier within the body can not be recovered involuntarily, it seems to want to contaminate his Bloodline.

This is the Strength of the Scourge of the Scourge. The Emperor in front of him suffered from the Scourge of the Scourge before he died, and finally died.

“In the Wizarding World, the power of natural disasters will naturally be suppressed.”

Looking at the corpse in front of her, Adier flashed a variety of thoughts: “The Strength of the Emperor will fall because of the curse, and I am afraid that he was fighting on the front line of the natural disaster, even … the mother of the emerald Of followers, and suffered the fiercest attack of the curse … “

But at this time, no matter what the past history is, it has no meaning.

The Sun Emperor of the past has already turned into a corpse, so the glory and achievements of the past can only become a little bit of background in front of the coffin for later admiration.

After standing there for a long time, Adier finally took a deep breath, slowly extended the hand, and pressed down to the corpse of the Sun Emperor in front of him.

A Silver Bloodline seed emerged quietly, accompanied by Adier’s will, slowly emerged at this moment, and gradually fell on the corpse in front of him.

A little bit of flesh began to melt, and a little faint luna power began to mix with the supreme strength of yang. With the Bloodline smelting, Adier gradually fell into a deep sleep, Bloodline, Strength, and even the spirit of the true spirit within the body Began to produce a deep level of transformation and evolution, and gradually spread in a certain direction.

Where ordinary people cannot observe, the power of golden and silver’s Bloodline is gradually mixed, and the Bloodline particles carried by them are gradually combined to gradually form a new type of Bloodline power.

This process is extremely smooth. The Sun Bloodline and the Silver Moon Bloodline are like one original, and there is no rejection of the fusion of the other Bloodlines at all, so that the process of smelting the Bloodline appears to be exceptionally smooth.

At the deeper level of Bloodline, the Blood Imprint of Silver Moon gradually melted, and together with the Blood Imprint of the Sun, it gradually evolved into a new complex imprint.

It just seems that something is missing. The new Blood Imprint is obviously incomplete and lacks one thing to perfect.

Seems to feel this, in the depths of Adier’s true spirit, a long hidden Strength began to bloom.

The faint emerald light shone, and in the depths of Adier’s true spirit, an emerald mark emerged.

This is a mark of the Emerald Mother during the Adier incarnation Moon Elf. It has not been used for a long time after Adier was promoted to the fourth level.

At this moment, it seems that something is being sensed. The emerald mark emerges spontaneously, and the last point contained in the emerald spontaneously injects into the within the body of Adier, injecting the last point of help for the two bloodlines that gradually merge.

The incomplete puzzle quickly became Perfection. The sun and silver moon’s mark quickly merged. With the completion of the last point of the jade power, it finally turned into a new mark of Perfection.

“In the name of the Mother of Emerald …” In the deep world, at this moment there seems to be a voice sounding, ignorant, like the law of aloof and remote, sacred and solemn, it is impossible Infringement.

A Bloodline line slowly spread, with one end connected to World and the other end connected to Adier.

At this moment, he seemed to be the only one in the World, incarnation became the sole protagonist of the World, inherited the Supreme power of the World, and made the entire World start to shake for him.

A deep Strength descends from the depths of the World, and under the connection of a Bloodline line, slowly descends on Adier.

If Adier is still awake at this moment, he can be surprised to find that his Boundary Energy is soaring fast enough to shock Adier.

But soon, the growth rate stopped.

Because with the shining of the power of the world, something unique in Adier began to emerge.

It was a shining star shard. The shard looks small, but it does exist, with a little bit of starlight shining, just like the glory of the World.

Among the star fragments, the mountains and rivers, the birds, the beasts, and the fishes, various scenes began to spontaneously emerge and evolve, and eventually spontaneously evolved into a line of World.

The twilight scene began to skip spontaneously.

On a cruel battlefield of natural disasters, the fierce power of emerald shrouded in a bloody rain. Adier was wearing a golden robe, his face was cold, and he was promoted to the sixth rank in the bloody rain …

A dazzling tall tower shone, and in an emerald tower, the endless elf wizard fell to his knees and worshiped at a teenager in the center of the stage.

Among countless elf wizard worships, Adier’s face was calm and he was promoted to the sixth level in public …

A peaceful laboratory, Adier calmly walked out of the laboratory and was promoted to the sixth stage …


Among the star fragments, scenes about Adier spontaneously evolve. A considerable part of this is the scene when Adier was promoted to the sixth stage.

But in these countless pictures, there is also a small part, which is the scene where Adier failed to advance to the sixth order.

It seems to feel the existence of this star shard. In the meditation, the force of the boiling World suddenly turned around, wrapped in a huge source of power toward this star.

Suddenly, the originally faint tiny star fragments began to change.

The original incompleteness was quickly completed, and the tiny star fragments quickly expanded at the speed visible by naked eyes, from the original dim to bright and complete. Like a real star, it flickered on Adier.

At the moment when this star was formally formed, a faint shock began to take shape throughout the world, which had a little bit of influence, and slowly spread to all around.

This effect is very small, just like the movement of particles at the micro level, let alone a mortal person, even a powerful wizard may not be able to detect it.

Only a handful of people standing at Peak can detect this change keenly.

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