A bit of emerald-colored starlight flickered in a sky leading directly to the sky, which engulfed the sky full of Purple Qi, making countless people trembled.

“Familiar Bloodline Breath …”

In the depths of the earth, in a certain layer of the underground world, a huge one-eyed eye slowly opens, and in a huge pupil, it seems that with the birth and death of the World, the endless world is born of the everlasting ancient scene.

“Did the descendant of the Emerald Mother return first?”

Looking at the changes in the sky, this huge one-eyed man showed a little surprise, and seemed to be a bit surprised by the result.

“The battle between wizards and natural disasters is about to start. Many tens of thousands of years of fate will appear one after another.” A voice sounded aside, unable to hear men and women, with a sense of dryness and husky.

A huge black ancient tree was swaying branches, and at this moment it seemed that a huge human face appeared, just like the one-eye on one side, looking at the changes on the sky: “The mother of the emerald fell, adhering to the mother of the emerald Bloodline ’s clansman was completely destroyed, and the last son of the Emerald also sacrificed himself.

“In this life-changing day, this son of the Jadeite will surely inherit the legacy of the mother of the Jadeite and become the main force to fight natural disasters in the future.”

“I know.” One-eyed mouth said, the voice oscillated in the space around all. As long as mortals hear it, they will break down involuntarily. “It’s just that I didn’t expect that the fate star that appeared for the first time would be the emerald Descendants of the mother. “

“As the first fate star appearing during the outbreak of fate, his future promotion of 7th grade is more than X% X%.”

At that time, as one of the top powerhouses of the Wizarding World, the mother of emerald, even if it fell, the legacy of the legacy will help her descendants clansman rise again.

Unfortunately, during World War I, the power of the Scourge spread to the descendants along the Bloodline line. Within a short period of time, the descendants of the Emerald Mother were almost completely destroyed, even if the Emerald Son burned itself and cut off the Bloodline line.

The Bloodline line is the deepest connection between the ancestors and the descendants. The Emerald son cut off the Bloodline line. Although the elf descendants survived, they also lost the deepest connection between the elf descendants and the Emerald Mother. World consciousness acknowledges that the remains of the Emerald Mother are naturally unavailable.

In this case, if there is a real emerald son born again, he can logically inherit all the remains left by the emerald mother and become one of the protagonists of this era.

“Wait a minute.” Aside, the ancient tree gently swayed the branches, and a huge face stared into the distance: “After all, the mother of emerald has fallen for too long, and there may not be much left behind.

“And, as a descendant of the Emerald Mother, if he can go further, it will be of great benefit to us.”

“The battle for destiny is imminent. Until then, we must do everything possible to improve the Strength we have …”


In the huge splendid mausoleum, Adier is still unaware of what happened to him.

At this moment, he was indulging in the deep metamorphosis of Bloodline, and his entire will fell into a deep doze, without any reaction to everything outside.

On top of his head, after the star of destiny had finished transmuting, it also slowly fell, and one of the lights fell, enveloping Adier’s entire body.

Along this star of destiny, a little bit of light purple World power continued to fall, injected into the star of destiny, and then, under the action of the star of destiny, turned into a pure light, shrouded in Adier.

Under this glorious influence, everything on Adier was turning in a good direction. All the accidents that could have happened could be wiped out, leaving only the ultimate possibility.

If someone can look at this star of destiny and carefully observe the scene contained and evolved in this world star, it can happen, and the evolved scene has changed.

A large number of pictures began to reorganize one by one. At each time point, there are still countless possibilities that may be flickering, thus interweaving different possibilities and endings.

But unlike before, after the star of fate is over, all of Adier’s endings have become one.

Promotion to Tier 6!

The process may be different, but in all the endings, Adier’s promotion to the sixth stage has become inevitable. The ending of the failed promotion has disappeared. Under the shining of the star of destiny, it is completely annihilated, which fundamentally locks this. result.

This is due to the different strengths of the effects.

The original star of fate was obtained by the feedback of World after Adier’s avatar previously saved the world in the ancient World. Although it also contains the great Strength of the World, the lack of the strength of the ancient World itself led to the formation of the fate of fate. Star Strength is also inadequate to support Adier going too far.

But after Adier devoured the Bloodline of the Sun and inherited the legacy of the Emerald Mother, the strength of this destiny star expanded rapidly, and the World power gained was enough to support Adier to go further.

But in front of him, Adier was still unaware of what happened, just so quietly sleeping until the day when the transformation was completed.

In the state of sleep, his Bloodline is spontaneously condensing. In his body, the mark that originally belonged to the Silver Moon Bloodline has slowly disappeared, leaving only the last complex emerald mark.

This mark is not like the past, it is just a trace of Strength transformed into the mark of the mother of emerald, but it belongs to Adier itself, and it is continuously sublimated through Bloodline.

In other words, at this moment Adier can be called a real emerald son, standing on the same level as the former emerald son Zar.

Time is flowing quietly. Above the tomb, accompanied by the transformation of Adier and the appearance of that emerald mark, above the tomb, it seems that something is being sensed. Jin Yang, which originally served as the motive of the tomb, began to move, and a ray of pureness The supreme strength of yang was pulled down spontaneously, and under the pull of that emerald mark, it fell directly on Adier.

The supreme strength of yang spontaneously merges with the power of the moon god, and finally transforms into a ray of pure emerald power through the transformation of the emerald mark.

And when the first wave of jade power took shape in Adier within the body, those jade marks also began to fully revive in his within the body, transforming it from Bloodline and even the true spirit towards the son of the jade.

Time passed in a hurry, very soon, after more than a hundred years.

In a spacious mausoleum, lying quietly in the huge golden coffin, Adier slowly opened his eyes, and a little light flashed in the eyes.


Waking up from a long sleep, he got up from the coffin and didn’t feel the change in himself, but flashed a deep confusion in his eyes.

In the long transformation, after his Bloodline became the son of the emerald, most of the messages flowed down the Bloodline line, and poured directly into his mind.

This huge message coincided with part of the memory of that Sun Emperor’s life, and rushed into Adier’s mind, so that Adier had not slowed down in a short time.

It was only after a while that the confusion in his eyes gradually subsided, and a little bit of Qingming reappeared and appeared on him.

A bit of faint emerald radiance all around, at this moment, the huge power of emerald emerged with Adier’s intentions, enclosing the entire sun tomb.

Adier raised his head and looked up into the sky, only to see that within the mausoleum, Jin Yang, which had been hung high, did not know when he had disappeared. Obviously, he had been absorbed by him during this period of sleep.

Among the original ruins, there is only a little bit of residue of supreme strength of yang, leaving a deep and trembling in great breath.

Feeling this, Adier got up from the spot, and in front of him, a water mirror appeared spontaneously, shining his appearance at this time.

In the water mirror, a young boy looks beautiful and wears a silver moon robe on his body.

The teenager’s skin is fair. Because of a hundred years of sleep and metamorphosis, his face looks a little pale at this moment. On his shoulders, strands of black hair hang straight, matching his deep black eyes, it is unforgettable.

He stood here just like that, but the gentle and calm atmosphere, like the weather at the center of the World, could not be covered anyway, with a majesty emerging from the roots, in With majesty in affinity, people will remember it whenever they see it.

“Black hair …”

Standing in place, looking at his black hair at the moment, Adier was a little surprised.

After Bloodline’s metamorphosis was completed, in appearance, he did n’t change too much, just because the power of Bloodline changed, the original silver-haired silver eyes began to change, and turned into the original black hair.

It seems to feel Adier’s intentions. In the next moment, the silhouette in the water mirror changes rapidly.

The original long black hair began to change. With the advent of Adier, the emerald blood that had already been transformed seems to start to boil, and spontaneously changed to another form.

Silver’s long hair and eyes reappeared, and a little luna’s power was deep, permeating all around, and it was extremely holy against Adier.

Looking at this scene, Adier’s heart moved.

“Can you change your form with your own mind?”

Emerald Blood is the Bloodline transformed by Adier after swallowing the blood of the sun with Moon Elf Bloodline. It combines the advantages of the original two Blood elf Bloodline with the blood of the moon god and the blood of the sun. It also has the two major forms of the moon god and the sun king. .

As long as Adier is willing, at this moment he can not only be transformed into Moon Elf, but also incarnation the blood of the sun, and become the sun king like Yala.

For Adier, this is not necessary.

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