Standing up from the dark room, Adier sighed softly, feeling Strength at this moment, and then stepped outward.

Consuming the corpse of the Sun Emperor brought much more gain than he imagined.

The Sun King in front of him is indeed a fifth-order Peak.

While being eroded by the curse of natural disasters in front of him, the Sun Emperor stripped the strength of his whole body and turned it into Jinyang in the sky, leaving it for future generations to inherit.

This part of Strength was previously absorbed by Adier when Adier smelted the Blood King Bloodline together, and turned it into Adier’s own heritage and Strength, which promoted him to the fifth level completely.

Not only that, but on Bloodline, the combination of the Solar Bloodline and the Silver Moon Bloodline yielded far greater results than Adier imagined.

At least in front of his eyes, Adier can feel that the road to the sixth stage has been completely smoothed, as long as the accumulation thereafter reaches and can directly lead to the sixth stage.

“Unfortunately, the Sun Bloodline is incomplete and partially missing.”

Walking in the large and huge mausoleum, feeling the flesh and blood of her body, Adier said with some regret.

After all, the corpse of the Sun Emperor has fallen for too long, and although the power of Bloodline on him has been locked, it still has passed away, and is not as complete as before.

Therefore, after the combination of the Solar Bloodline and the Silver Moon Bloodline, Adier’s Bloodline at this moment is still somewhat unstable, and it will take a long time to be polished before it can gradually stabilize.

This time is destined to be long, and according to Adier’s estimation, it will take at least thousands of years to end. Therefore, he was not interested in waiting for such a long time, but was prepared to focus on the other person.

Yala, this is also an emperor born from the blood of the sun. Although the Bloodline within the body is not stable, it is enough for Adier right now.

As long as the Sun Bloodline is swallowed, Adier’s last missing piece can be complete, directly saving thousands of years of polishing time.

Walking from the tomb, Adier took the golden golden scepter and walked straight to a spacious stone chamber.

In the stone chamber, well-preserved items are displayed silently here, and at least tens of thousands are looked at, which is dizzying.

These are the collections of the former Sun Emperor, who were buried together after his death and became funerary items.

In the past, when Adier first entered, he got something from here and found the coordinates leading to Jadeite World.

“Speaking of which, with my current strength, I don’t know if I can go to Jadeite World again.”

Walking in this exhibition room, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar scenes all around, Adier’s mind suddenly raised this idea.

The idea had just arisen, and then Adier shook the head with a smile.

For Jadeite World, he had no idea at this moment.

In the final analysis, after the destruction of the elf family, the Wizard of Jadeite World has fallen, and it is not very useful to Adier at this moment.

However, after integrating the Emerald Tower, you can take the coordinates of Jadeite World and put Jadeite World under the rule of the elf wizard again.

Pieces of exhibits are skipped in front of the eyes, but for Adier at the moment, most of these exhibits have lost their usefulness, as long as some of the rare materials are still useful for Adier.

In the final analysis, these exhibits are just something that the Emperor Sun used to donate to elf clansman. Although the number is large, most of them are only effective for wizards below level four, and those who have been promoted to level five now. For Adier, the impact is not that great.

He waved his hands at will, and put away all the funeral items. Adier stepped out of the tomb and left the tomb in front of him.


Somewhere far away in Secret Realm.

When Adier incarnation, the son of the emerald, awakened from his slumber, in Secret Realm, a little change began to occur.

A little bit of emerald light is blooming, Secret Realm all around, one after another The huge ancient tree slowly drops branches, and young leaves grow on it, and another round of growth begins.

In the depths of Secret Realm, in an absolutely dark place, the radiance of the emerald is brightening.

An emerald color, the whole is like a beautiful long sword made of emerald lightly trembled, there seems to be endless rune texture skipped, Profound Truth among them slowly spread outward, as if it contains the birth and death of the World, everything is born and The absolute true meaning of death.

After feeling the familiar Bloodline breath, this long sword began to tremble gently, and the brightness on it began to change. The original dull sword body began a transformation. The original dim jade sword gradually changed, and the The light is slowly blooming, and it scares countless existences in the dark space.

“Do not!!”

Angry roar diffused from nothing. At this moment, it evolved into countless forms. Among them, the old man was unwilling to reach out his hands, some wild soldiers roared to the sky, some half-length humans were sullen, and then all roared to the sky. Growling.

The thick and unwilling emotions diffused from the sound, and the sound seemed to contain the anger and unwillingness of millions of people. The first sound you heard, you will feel an unbearable pain and stubbornness in your heart. Heart-broken lungs, boiling self-discipline.

However, in the face of this, the emerald-long sword is only softly trembled, and a little emerald light spreads slowly, like a bit of vitality contained in the opening of the World, suppressing all the anger and despair in the surroundings, even the pain There is no chance to be upset.

Not only that, under the stroke of the Emerald Sword, the sound and the will behind it are instantly cut off, the countless emotional concepts contained in it are cut off with a single sword, and its Strength changes instantly and declines. Go on.

“Zar, you damn it!” A voice roared in the dark space.

In the dim space, a little bit of deep black mist gradually rises, condensing into a black corpse body, which is covered with thick layers of black scales, and a ugly face is even more boneless, With a kind of hatred and distortion that is trembling in fear: “Emerald Sword unexpectedly revives in advance … Has a new generation of Emerald Sons appeared …”

“I can’t stay here anymore … Otherwise, when the new generation of emerald sons grow up and get back the emerald sword, I will …”

In the dim space, this ugly monster looked at the emerald sword quietly inserted on the stone wall in the distance, and the emerald radiance blooming on it, and he couldn’t help raising his heart.

As the monster who was cut off by the emerald son Zar himself, no one knows the Strength of the emerald sword better than him.

This is the weapon of the Emerald Son, and it is also a World Tool that is forged with the Bloodline Strength of the Emerald Son.

In that year, Zar, the son of the emerald, fought on the battlefield of the first line of Scourge. He used this sword to slay several Scourge Kings, and then cut the Bloodline line with a sword to restore the elf family.

He was contaminated with the blood of natural disasters and the blood of emeralds. Since then, the son of emeralds has incorporated the power of his Bloodline into this sword. It can be said that just this emerald sword will not be inferior to a world master.

If there is a new emerald son coming, holding the emerald sword, let alone the strength of the emerald son itself, it is the emerald sword that he can’t fight.

At this time, the son of the emerald spontaneously recovered. With the boiling of the emerald will, it was obvious that the son of the emerald appeared with pure blood.

This change of events fell into his eyes and immediately made him a certain determination.

“This time the Emerald Secret Realm opens, you must find a chance to escape!”

He looked at the distant seemingly close-up, but like the son of a few emeralds separated by the World, the expression in his eyes was faint, flashing countless thoughts in an instant.

As his thoughts gradually faded, in his mind, a handsome, elf with blond hair and a proud complexion appeared in his mind, instantly sneering on his face.

Time passed slowly, and soon, several months passed.

When Adier adapted to the strength of his body and was about to leave the Maison Region and return to the Emerald Tower, something happened, but he changed his mind.

“Dark elf pouring out of the underground world?”

Sitting on the throne, listening quietly to Kolar’s obituary, Adier frowned.


Under the throne, Kolar nodded: “In the gap between the surface world and the underground world, dark elf civilians have recently appeared and are desperately walking towards the surface world.”

“These dark elfs who came to the surface World were mostly just civilians, and the old and the weak accounted for a large part of them. It didn’t look like an invasion, it seemed to be a refuge.”

“Evacuation?” Hearing here, Adier frowned.

“The Governor below is asking for instructions to drive him out, or is it?” Below, Kolar seriously reports, and hesitates about this issue.

As an old elf who has been guarding the Silver Fog Forest for many years, and as a past high priest of the elf family, he naturally does not lack a cruel heart. If necessary, let alone expulsion, even if it is a massacre of unarmed civilians. .

The dark elf and the elf family were originally dead, and the two sides had fought for many years. As an elf family, even if they are usually expelled, they have nothing to say.

But this time, things are different.

The dark elf from the ground did not come to fight, it was more like an act of seeking asylum. Hastily expelled, not at all seems too necessary.

“Send someone to understand the situation.”

On the top, Adier gently nodded: “Let the governors of all places resettle these dark elf civilians. Pay attention to separate the wizards and send them to the guard in Fax City.”

“Yes.” Next, Kolar gently nodded, and after a while, walked slowly.

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