Sitting quietly in the city of Fax, Adier waited quietly.

Kolar’s action was very fast. In just a few days, he collected the information of the underground world and finally sent it to Fax City in a short period of time.

A few days later, in the palace of the city of Fax, several dark elf wizards slowly walked to the hall.

These dark elf wizards seem to have a weak Strength. The one with the largest Strength is just a formal wizard. Compared to the Strength left behind in this palace, it is not worth mentioning at all.

In a way, this is also caused by the seal between the underground world and the surface world.

At first, the seal of the underground world was declining, and the dark elf invaded the surface World. After being repelled by Adier, in order to take a good rest, Adier personally strengthened the passage of the underground world, and strengthened its seal Strength again.

Civilians without the slightest strength may be able to barely enter the surface World through the channel, but those wizards cannot.

The more powerful the underground creatures are, the stronger the repulsion they will encounter when passing through the channel. Underground creatures above the formal wizard are unlikely to enter the surface world.

The formal sorcerers in front of them can enter the surface world from the underground world, and I am afraid they have paid a very heavy price.

“Underground world has been invaded?”

Sitting on the top, looking at the dark elf wizards in front of him, looking at the records on his hands, Adier raised his head with a little surprise on his face.

Underground world has always been a chaotic and spacious place. Underground world has never been invaded by others, but no one wants to go to the underground world to open up.

This time, the underground world has been invaded by others. Even Adier can’t help but feel a little weird.


In the lower part, a dark elf headed nodded old wizard, looking at Adier sitting on the throne in the distance, can not help but show some awe and fear on his face.

In the base camp of the elf clan, although these dark elf wizards appear calm on the surface, they always feel depressed and nervous at all times.

Especially at this moment, the person in front of them is a person who has never really faced in the past.

The surface elf king, moon king, elf wizard

These identities are destined for the glory and status of this person in front of him. Even with the chaos and disorder of the dark elf, in front of such people, he has to lower his head and feel deep awe.

Standing before all the dark elfs, the dark elf old wizard could feel even deeper.

In the eyes of Adier, the noble and huge, like the deep breath born at the time of Creation of the World, and the familiar and strange Bloodline power, almost at the moment he just stood here , Can’t help but feel Bloodline boiling, can’t help but want to kneel and acknowledge allegiance to the king in front of him.

Dark elf is also elf.

Although living in the underground world for many years, affected by the strength and environment of the underground world, the dark elf’s system and temperament have changed from ordinary elf, but the Bloodline, which belongs to the elf family, undoubtedly has the same origin.

Bloodline, also an elf family, is naturally sensitive to the breath on Adier.

It is the blood of the emerald, the purest blood of the early Yuan among the elf clan. It can be called the elf Bloodline of the emerald mother. Any elf clan standing in front of it can only acknowledge allegiance.

With this kind of Bloodline, even if Adier did n’t show it intentionally, but just a little breath leaked out unintentionally, it is enough to make people trembling in fear. It feels a kind of throb in the depth of Bloodline. .

It’s nothing about personality, nothing about innate talent and emotions, just the throbbing of Bloodline, that’s enough.

Sitting on the top, Adier was aware of the emotions of several dark elf, but he didn’t care, just lowered his head, a pair of pure eyes looked down, and waited for their answers quietly.

“About one hundred years ago, the underground world was invaded by unknown Strength.”

In the next song, under Adier’s gaze, he was silent for a while. The old wizard who looked very old but still looked Spirit said, “A plague appeared in the underground world …”

“Plague?” Listening to this sentence, someone was surprised at the scene, but didn’t say anything, just stood still and listened quietly.

“In the underground world, plagues and deaths are common. This kind of plague didn’t attract attention at first, and it didn’t react until after a full-scale outbreak later.”

In front of it, it seemed that some scene was thought of, and the old wizard’s mouth was bitter: “Since it was discovered, this plague spread all the way quickly, and even the official wizard was infected and became the victim of this plague.”

“A plague that even formal wizards can infect?” Sitting at the top, even Adier was a little surprised when he heard this.

The essence of a wizard’s life is far beyond ordinary people. Terminal illness and disease in the eyes of ordinary people are not life at all for wizards.

Not to mention a formal wizard, even if it is an ordinary third-class apprentice, its physiological structure and life essence greatly exceed ordinary people, and the concept of infection is greatly reduced.

If the plague that appears in this underground world can be infected even by formal wizards, then there is a great possibility that it is not naturally formed, but is affected by something to cause such terrible destructiveness and pollution.

“Not only that, but later, when this plague broke out to Peak, even more horrible things happened.”

The old wizard had a bitter smile on his face. When he remembered what happened over the years, he inevitably carried fear on his face: “Overnight, all the residents of the whole city were infected with the disease, and they became terrible overnight monster. “

“These alienated monsters not only have a strong Strength, but also have a strong infectivity. As long as ordinary people touch a little skin of this monster and breathe a little of this monster’s breath, they will be infected immediately and change rapidly. Into the next monster. “

“So horrible and infectious?” Listening to this, Gloria’s face slowly dignified as she stood beside Kolar.

The snake woman itself has strong toxicity and infectivity. In legend, there are often legends that people died holding snake scales.

But even Gloria, a snakelined Bloodline, is far less infectious than this terrible plague.

“After the outbreak of the plague, the sacrifices of several ethnic groups joined together to explore the environment of the underground world, and finally found that the rivers in the entire underground world were full of that strange Strength particle.”

At this point, the old wizard had a bitter smile on his face: “If this continues, the dark elf of the entire underground world will be finished, and it is precisely because of this that we are trying to migrate to the surface world, hoping to pray for the blessing of the great elf king.”

The words fell, and he knelt down directly towards the throne in front of his eyes, a face full of bitterness, and a kind of despair and sorrow.

But around, after hearing his story, several people around his face changed.

Kolar walked straight forward, looking at the dark elf wizards in front of him, and his face was a bit bad: “Your underground world has been plagued. If you move to the surface world, are you afraid of transmitting this plague to the surface?”

“No!” In front of him, the old dark elf wizard shook the head: “In the previous decades, we have not only tried.”

“The plague of the underground world seems to be based on the special environment of the underground world. It is very contagious and destructive in the underground world, but once it comes to the surface world, it will disappear immediately.”

“I was instructed to bring several monsters infected with the Mutation City to the surface World after the plague. After the monsters came to the Surface World, it didn’t take long for them to die. Corpse. “

“Who knows if you’re telling the truth?” Kolar looked cold and didn’t think much of these dark elf wizards.

This is no wonder.

In that year, the dark elf of the underground world repeatedly invaded the Silver Fog Forest in an attempt to occupy the surface of the elf. The two sides had a fierce fight more than once. If the blood and tears were one after another, I ’m afraid I could n’t finish it. .

As the elf high priest of King’s Courtyard in Silver Mist, if Kolar had no feeling for these dark elfs.

Waiting for the dark elf sorcerer in front of his eyes to finish speaking, the eyes of everyone present gradually looked upwards, gradually focused on the throne, and waited for the resolution of the Supreme King.

As the absolute king of the Mason region, the elf wizard, Adier is the supreme king in the Mason region. As long as the decision is made, no one dare to make sense.

At the top, watched by everyone’s eyes, Adier lowered his head and gradually fell into a groan.

To be honest, the plague of the underground world is completely invalid when it reaches the surface. Most of the wizards present don’t believe it.

But Adier has a different perspective.

“Underground world and surface world are not originally the same world.”

Sitting quietly on the throne, Adier looked at the dark elf wizard in front of him, but his thoughts drifted away at this moment, and he came to an unknown distance.

In the two years of the Emerald Tower, he has read many books in the tower and learned many secrets that he had never known before.

The relationship between underground world and surface world is one of them.

In the year when King’s Courtyard of Silver Mist and Dark Elf fought, Adier had a doubt.

Why is there such a huge difference between the underground world and the surface world?

As the same World, the underground world is not only more confusing than the surface world, but it also has a powerful world suppression to isolate the channel between the underground world and the surface world.

The former may be explained by environmental differences, but how should the latter be explained?

Adier’s doubts were officially resolved only after reaching the Emerald Tower later.

The underground world and the surface world are indeed not the same world at first.

At the beginning, in the glorious era of ancient wizards, I once encountered countless Worlds.

Some of these Worlds, like Jadeite World, eventually belonged to the wizarding camp, but there are also some Worlds, which are infected by natural disasters.

The Scourge World is huge and its Strength is not inferior to the Wizard World. The power of Scourge represents the Scourge World. Once it is infected with a trace of it, it will not be able to wash away the traces of Scourge for life.

Those Worlds that are deeply infected by the power of the Scourge and are deeply affected by the Scourge World, even the ancient wizards ca n’t completely purify them, and can only put them into the Wizards World. With the power of the Wizard ’s Great World, Come to suppress it, slowly purify it through long years, and eventually become part of the Wizarding World.

And these repressed and purified worlds became the underground world.

As a World infected by the power of natural disasters, the underground world is not only affected by the natural forces of the natural disasters, but is incompatible with the surface world itself. Therefore, it is rejected by the surface world and suppressed by the will of the world. Seal to isolate it from the surface World.

At the moment, if the plague that rages in the underground world is related to this, then it is not surprising that it will completely fail after coming to the surface world.

In a flash of endless thoughts, looking at the dark elf wizards in front of him, Adier finally made a decision.

Dark elf is also elf.

The so-called dark elf was actually an ordinary elf in the beginning, but because of its long-term existence in the underground world, it was gradually influenced by the strength of the underground world and gradually evolved into another form.

But in the final analysis, these are also elf Bloodline, which exist in line with the elf lineage on the surface.

Dark elf has multiplied in the underground world for tens of thousands of years, and has already developed a large population and Strength. If it can be absorbed, it is a good supplement for elf King’s Courtyard in the Mason area.

The reproduction ability of the elf family is not strong. In Silver Mist King’s Courtyard, the number of elf and clansman in the Silver Fog Forest was not much. Even after hundreds of years of reproduction, it is still nothing. Compared with those large families.

With such a small population, it is already very difficult to rule such a large Mason region.

The addition of dark elf is a good addition to elf King’s Courtyard.

Although Adier doesn’t care about it, he can do it if he can do it easily.

And there is a second reason.

As the son of the Emerald, although Bloodline is not yet fully stable at this moment, Adier still has a faint feeling.

The strength of the elf family is very important to him.

It is not the emotions and tendencies in the heart, nor the so-called paranoia, it is just an inexplicable hunch from Bloodline. Although weak, it is firmly engraved in Adier’s mind.

Out of this hunch, Adier was enough to make a decision in this incident.

So, under the gaze of many wizards below, he raised his head and slowly got up from the place. At this moment, the whole body bloomed with a slight majesty, with a Bloodline breath of Supreme, which made many elf wizards present. , Feel the horror Strength that made Bloodline throb.

“Send the wizard to the seal site and lift the seal off.”

With the faces of several dark elf wizards below, Adier raised his head slightly and said so.

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