In the Mason region, a huge crevice stands in a small mountainous area.

This is the gap between the surface world and the underground world. Through the passages, the souls of the surface world and the underground world can be linked to each other to achieve the effect of entering and exiting.

In the past, this channel was under a heavy seal. Not only was the seal covered by a large number of Wizard Arrays, but also a large number of wizard groups were stationed at all times to prevent the invasion of the underground world.

This is why the dark elf in the underground world has just migrated and was quickly discovered by elf King’s Courtyard.

“Your Majesty, you don’t need to enter in person.”

Before this crevice, Kolar looked dignified and looked at the silhouette in front of him, admonishing: “Just going to investigate the situation that’s all, it can be given to other wizards, there is no need for you to venture in.”

“If Your Majesty is not assured, I am willing to lead the team in person and find out what’s going on inside Your Majesty!”

Looking at Adier in front of him, he solemnly said.

“I’m willing to look down.” Beside, Gloria also spoke gently, looking at the gap in front of her eyes, feeling the breath in it, with some surprise on her face: “I also like this plague of the underground world. Very interested. “

“No need to say more.” In front of him, Adier’s voice lightly sounded.

Standing quietly in front of the aisle, he was wearing a pale white gown, a pair of pure silver eyes looking down quietly, and the breath on his body was deep, as if it were ancient mountains, towering and tall. Just standing there, there was Share Unshakable Will with Spirit.

“I’ll go and see for myself, teacher, and you’ll bring someone here to wait.”

He turned to look at Kolar in front of him and said so, apparently having made a decision.

“This …” Kolar’s face was a little hesitant, but he finally said, “If Your Majesty must go down, please bring me and Gloria Young Lady too.”

“Even if you can’t help Your Majesty, at least you can clear up some harassment along the way.”

He looked at the several dark elf wizards standing beside him and said with a hint.

Adier nodded, and has no objection to this. Turn around and walk slowly down the opened stable passage.

A little streamer flickered in all around, and when the long passage was over, a somewhat dim, but shimmering World gradually revealed in Adier’s eyes.

Unlike in the imagination, the underground world does not look dark, but it is full of light, just a little darker than the world on the surface.

All around in the wilderness, there are flickers of fireflake flickering, which are some plants that spontaneously emit light, which are widely growing in the entire underground world, bringing a wide range of light sources to this space.

On the sky, bits and pieces of elements are also gathering, and huge elements react at all times above the altitude of several hundred meters, simulating the effect of the sun, shining the light in the entire space.

“Underground world is also different from day to night.”

Next to him, a dark elf wizard with an underground world said, “It’s just different from the surface world. The day and night of the underground world do not depend on the sun, but on the active level of the elements.”

“When the element is active, the sky automatically appears light, which illuminates the entire underground world, and when the element is not active, the light disappears and turns into night.”

“The period from when the element is active to when it ceases to be active is one day in the underground world, which is roughly equivalent to two days in the surface world.”

“A day in the underground world is equivalent to two days on the surface of the world.” Next to him, Adier gently nodded, then raised his head and slowly looked at all around.

Strictly turning round, this is the first time he has actually come to the underground world and feels very fresh about everything in the underground world.

He looked all around, only to see in the bushes, the little by little fluorescent fruit hung on the branches, emitting a multi-colored luster.

In the distance, a unique underground creature multiplies in the wild, making his own voice all the time, accurately conveying to Adier’s ears.

This was a very calm and peaceful scene, but in the end, it made Adier frowned aware of the discordant scene.

A little gray Strength is spreading from all around, like the basic element particles, starting from the most basic level and slowly spreading around.

The impact of this Strength is very small, and the speed of its spread is very slow, let alone ordinary people, even a powerful wizard cannot be found.

Only Adier, who has been promoted to the fifth level and has the blood of the emerald, can feel this happening sensitively.

The son of the emerald was born in the Strength of the mother of the emerald. It was born from the origin of the mother of the emerald.

The scene in front of you may be able to hide from others, but it can’t completely shield Adier’s Bloodline induction.

Raising her head quietly, and sensing for a while, Adier raised her head and gradually locked in a certain direction in the distance.

In telepathy, the source of this weird Strength is from that direction, and it slowly spreads to all directions.

“It was originally home to the Heart Seizing Devil clan. It turned into a Danger Land decades ago, and now it has no residents.”

Aside, seeing Adier looking in the distance, an old dark elf wizard stepped forward and opened for Adier introduction.

“Heart Seizing Devil.” Adier nodded, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Heart Seizing Devil, a famous race in the underground world, has a huge reputation even in the surface world.

In that year, when Adier had not been promoted to the fourth level, he had personally seen several powerhouses of the Heart Seizing Devil family, and had seen the strange Strength that could manipulate the human heart.

“Go and see.”

Looking into the distance, feeling the turbulent source of power in the distance, Adier looked up, and the silhouette instantly blurred, causing the surrounding space to start faintly.

A stream of light silver wrapped the surrounding wizards, and instantly led them to disappear together, with Adier’s silhouette going to the distance.

It didn’t take long for Adier to see a desolate piece of land.

On the black land, a huge worm crawled on the ground, and a drop of dark gray liquid flowed on the ground, with a deep gray Strength on it. The unique Strength property made all the wizards in the scene indifferent. Feeling palpitated.

“Really strong pollution!”

Looking at the ground in front of him, feeling the heart-warming breath around him, Kolar stroked his chest, his face changed for the first time.

The land in front of him is filled with a strong radiation pollution, unlike the strong radiation that spreads all the time on the wizard, but a more polluting thing.

At the moment when several wizards appeared, the strong pollution that flooded here immediately surged in, directly penetrating the layer of radiation expansion on the surface of the wizard, and wanted to contaminate the body of Kolar and the others.

This intense pollution and destructiveness suddenly changed the colors of several powerful wizards present and felt the horror of such things.

A layer of faint emerald light rises slowly, I do not know when, in front of him, Adier’s body rises a faint light, spreading down with the power of the holy and sacred emerald, and turns into the most solid layer A barrier that envelopes everyone behind, and isolates the polluted Strength from the outside world.

After doing this, he looked forward.

In front of me, a huge gap of space stood there quietly, looking up into darkness, looking like a deeper layer leading to the underground world.

“This is the deeper passage of the underground world!”

Behind him, several dark elf wizards brought by Adier issued cry out in surprise, looking at the huge gap in front of them, the expression on their faces changed again and again.

Unlike the surface world, the underground world was artificially divided into many levels by ancient wizards because of its particularity.

Among them, the higher the level, the shorter the time for suppression, and the lower the degree of fit with the surface World.

The lower level, like the World in which the dark elf lives, has actually been assimilated by the Wizard World for a long time. Although it is still different from the surface World, the difference is not too great, and it can be called the same World. .

Deeper is different.

It is the real Absolute Death Region, a natural disaster zone that has not been assimilated. It is full of huge natural disasters. Let alone ordinary life live there, even if you enter there, you will be stricken by the natural disasters. Assimilation of pollution.

“Did the underground passage of the underground world have been opened unconsciously?”

Looking at the completely open channel in front of me, feeling the continuous flow of it, like the horror of natural disasters, Adier could not help frowned, within the body Bloodline instinctual discomfort, an aversion of emotion emerged spontaneously: “Speaking of which, this The traces of this plague are like pollution by the power of natural disaster … “


In place, a sullen thunder suddenly came to mind.

A little gray smoke gathered in mid-air. At this moment, it seems that some level hidden in the deeper depths of the underground world is also aware of the change, and the will in it is about to wake up.

It was a very tall demon, covered by a layer of deep black mist, unable to see the truth, two arms were huge, and a bone spur was grown on it. The whole form looked like a cannibal on the surface of the world. magic.

But compared with the ordinary ogre, the breath of this existence is too much horrible.

A little bit of black liquid dripped, and the mist of the sky was rising, like the dark will existing in the underworld is reviving. At this moment, everything around it is collapsing, whether it is mountains, rivers or living beings. Trembling trembling, feeling a great extinction terror.

However, looking at this silhouette silently, Adier was stunned and felt an inexplicable familiarity.

“It’s you?”

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