With Heavenly Demon Qi boiling, the endless force of natural disasters is raging at this moment, and it seems to be entangled with the emotional strength of endless souls. At this moment, it becomes a real thing, and this place is completely transformed into a Ghost Domain.

The sky is full of blooming flowers. In the ten thousand meters of natural disaster, a tall demon phantom stepped out of it.

“It’s you?”

A bit of crisp sound is completely in place, and it penetrates through the space of ten thousand meters in an instant, which is accurately conveyed to all around.

Looking at the horrible demon phantom appearing in the gap in the distance, Adier froze and felt an inexplicable familiarity.

Once, before he was fully promoted to the fourth level, he once fought against a demon god from the dark elf summon outside the Silver Fog Forest.

In that battle, Adier had not yet been promoted to the fourth tier, but he had already reached the third tier Peak, held Moon King’s Sword and incarnation the king of the moon, and finally defeated the devil, and finally protected the silver mist King’s Courtyard.

But after that war, the demon suddenly disappeared, even if Adier had been searching for hundreds of years since then, he could not find the trace.

In front of him, the demon who guarded the passage was the escaped demon of that year.

Only compared with that year, the strength of this demon god has more than ten times increased.

The turbulent natural calamity, and the infinite will of terror, all illustrate the strength of the other party, far ahead of the moment of the war with Adier.

“It’s the demon Algang!”

Beside them, the faces of several dark elf wizards changed dramatically, looking at the phantom, a demon god that appeared in the distance, full of incredibleness, and there seemed to be a cool air all over their heads, which filled them with their bodies. Coldness: “How could he come out of trouble?”

At that time, the dark elf clan summoned the demon god in the World on the ground. Naturally, the demon god would not be unfamiliar with it. Various deeds and stories about the demon god still circulate widely in the dark elf clan.

In front of Adier, the dark elf wizards around him, each of them is a distinguished and knowledgeable character in the dark elf, so he just recognized the demon in front of him.

“Since the devil is called the demon and is suppressed in the depths of the underground world, there is no doubt that it is the remnant of the defeat of the year and it is related to the Scourge World.”

Adier looked up and looked at the distant demon God Allagang, and thought a lot in this moment.

oh la la ···

It seemed like a mountain was suddenly depressed. At this moment, there was a stunned magic eye in the distance. In that eye, thousands of emotions changed in it.

Mortals die when they grow old, wild beasts of hunger and thirst, and revenge of killing fathers and mothers … All kinds of emotions are brewing in them, and then they finally evolve, and they finally turn into an extinct human eye, pressing straight down.

There is no extra action, just a single line of sight, but the will contained therein, and the thousands of emotions contained therein, are enough to cause collapse. The entire Spirit body immediately disintegrates, and is ultimately affected by its Spirit Strength and becomes disordered. Unwise monster.

A jade light burst into the sky, and at this moment, the boundless blood was boiling.

Standing in place, Adier stood quietly, a silver hair drifting with the wind, and the emerald texture gradually formed on the entire body, spreading on the entire body, making him look strange and mysterious. .

The azure light soars into the sky, and the endless brilliance is shining in the air. The breath revealed at this moment makes all the elf wizards behind Adier feel trembling.

“This Bloodline, this Strength !!!”

Kolar opened his eyes suddenly. At this moment, he felt as if he had fallen into a sun. He was suffering from the scorching sun, so that the Bloodline was boiling, every particle and every inch on his body. The skin is sending out a lot of signals, and I want to kneel down to the person in front of me and announce my own knowledge allegiance.

In his eyes, at this moment, Adier seemed like incarnation to become the supreme king of elf, the magnificent Bloodline atmosphere, the majestic emerald texture, all filled with the majesty of the supreme king, and could not face it at all.

In the past, Adier’s majesty was also very heavy, and he could be called the king of the elf family, but compared to this moment, he was like a little witch seeing a big witch, MSI and Haoyue, could not compare Billun!

As an old elf sorcerer who has been in contact with Adier all year round and infinitely close to the fourth order, Kolar feels that way. The feelings of the remaining elf sorcerers are even more horrible. At this moment, each and everyone kneels uncontrollably, and the whole body and mind are lost. It was like being smashed by a Spirit hammer, without any idea at all, leaving only a frenzy and throbbing from the depth of Bloodline.

In the distance, Adier stood still, without any extra movement, just a flick of his arm and a faint band on one finger.


The space began to oscillate. Within a few moments, within ten thousand li rivers and mountains, a large expanse of space was instantly sunken like a fragile piece of paper. The endless space fragments and endless storms contained in it all surged forward under the control of a will. go with.

The body has no movement, it is just the power of the will, and it immediately envelopes this area. Forcibly puts its own brand on this area raged by the power of natural disasters, and turns this moment into its own home field. With one move, it seemed as if the entire World were working together to press down towards the center of their goals.

There is no doubt that this method has far surpassed the original level. It is truly reaching the fifth-order level. With a thought, the mountains and rivers are seized by itself, and the endless space is turned into its own home field. Even the most basic particle is accurate. Driven into the sharpest sword and pressed down.

Big Shattered! Big Hentai! Big infinite!


Sudden change in an instant, in the middle of the storm, that the demon god roared, a like a smile yet not a smile, on the face like anger, non-anger, sorrow, flashes of emotion one after another, Then he straightly punched, bursting into boundlessness, and with Supreme’s fierce might, he forcibly smashed into the whole space and the huge Strength formed by the whole land.

boom! boom! boom! boom! !! !!

It was like going through the process of Creation of the World again in an instant. At this moment, the entire space became void, and everything, whether it was elemental particles or basic matter, disappeared, even the concept of space. It completely disappeared, with only the pure will remaining. There were thousands of correlations in this place. With that space channel as the core, thousands of collisions broke out.

In just a few seconds, two completely different wills ran into the center of that space channel and hit them hundreds of times. Each time they were confrontations of absolute will. If the remaining aftermath of each other ’s battles escaped, , Each time can directly hurt a fourth-order wizard.

By the aftermath of the thousands of strikes, the Strength of everything in place has been shattered, everything has been transformed into the most basic particles, reorganized, and the evolution has begun again.

Taking advantage of this gap, the devil finally saw the appearance of Adier, feeling the breath that was once briefly contacted, but then never seen again.

“It’s you!!”

Some surprises, some surprises, and some disbelief.

When I saw it at the beginning of the year, the opponent ’s Strength was only worthy to reach the fourth level, and even he had n’t really reached the fourth level, and was able to incarnation the King of the Moon, still relying on the magic weapon of Strength.

But just over a hundred years later, the other party not only promoted the fourth-order, but also broke the threshold of the fifth-order, and even collided directly with him at this moment was not insignificant, but faintly made him fall into the wind.

This unreasonable progress and change, even if he is a demon, has a long history and a long history, and has seen many changes in things. At this moment, he has to be persecuted and shocked. There is a sense of this unscientific.

Before he could reflect on this emotion carefully, he had to stop all the thoughts in his mind and look towards the distance.

In the distance, a more violent offensive assaults the senses.

The endless emerald light spread the earth. At this moment, the endless emerald light shone Adier, making him look as dazzling as a demon.

Elemental particles are broken up and then recombined, and a stream of emerald light is scattered and condensed. Outside the sky, accompanied by a cold and decisive will, the endless particles turn into the sharpest swords, suddenly descending Beheaded.

Silver Flower! !!

The endless light is blooming. At this moment, the space is completely broken. Thousands of space fragments have been swept together by the endless space sword, and finally turned into a sword under the will of Adier, becoming the most violent offensive, pressing down directly .

Hong long! !

The earth began to tremble, the endless light began to flash, and a scene emerged among the endless forces of natural disaster.

A phantom of a World tree emerged quietly in an ancient world. With the surging of the World, the branches and leaves were gently waved, and each branch fell, representing the Strikes of the entire World.

boom! !

An endless burst of sound erupted here, a great and huge will occupy the origin in an instant, coldly looking down at everything around, a pair of pure silver eyes gradually transformed.

Standing in place, the sun and the moon emerged from Adier’s eyes, one representing the Sun King and one representing the blood of the Silver Moon.

The supreme strength of yang is gradually mixed with the power of Yinyue, and a huge power of destruction is gradually emerging, turning it into the purest mighty emerald power, completely suppressing and suppressing this place.

Roar! !

Angry roar erupted from a distance, with endless roaring, as if endless wild beasts were screaming at this moment, erupting Strength and emotions throughout the body, turning this moment into another realm.

In Adier’s eyes, in the original space channel, the arms of that demon’s phantom were spread out, every inch of skin and every inch of flesh and blood carried endless pollution on the body. The Bloodline will immediately expand into an unpredictable monster.

And at the moment, under the light of the power of the emerald, the body of this giant demon is rapidly shrinking, and the will that exists in it has receded quickly.

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