The Silver Flower flickered in the sky, and the supreme strength of yang appeared in the sky. In the end, the two combined and turned into a pure emerald power to illuminate the Quartet, illuminating the muddy and dim earth.

Under this dazzling and sacred Strength, in the middle of the shallow and deep passages below the ground, the huge dim demon phantom slowly disappeared and disappeared directly in this passage.

In situ, with the disappearance of the demon shadow, the power of endless natural disasters was quickly dissipated, and the remaining will of the slightest will condense for a long time, and still persist tenaciously.

If there is no accident, the power of the will left by these demons will linger on this land for a long time, completely turning this land into a magic soil, even the time of the past thousand years will not change at all.

There is a fifth-order existence, the will is derived from the depths of the true spirit, and the will is condensed between every move. It is engraved in the World. Even if baptism has not withdrawn for thousands of years, it will become deeper with the past.

This is the horror of the fifth-order existence.

Standing quietly behind Adier, watching the distant demon god phantom disappearing, Kolar and the others then gently sighed in relief, looking into Adier’s eyes, he could not help bringing more awe.

The battle before them was completely beyond their imagination.

If the strength revealed by Adier in the past is still within their acceptance range, then the strength revealed by Adier at this moment really shocks them, and even dare to imagine that it is a strength that people can master.

A bit of breath contaminated the earth and imprinted it. In a single thought, everything between heaven and earth turned into nothingness.

In the battlefield of Adier and the demon in front, everything disappeared, the earth and the rivers and rivers were one after another, even the basic particles that were irritating in the space all the time. They were all gone, as if they were entangled here. All the will was squeezed out in general, and the whole scene was horrible.

In a way, this is the huge gap between fifth-order existence and fourth-order existence.

There is a fourth-order existence. Although Strength is already like a demon, it is just the same for World. It cannot really fight against World consciousness, and it will also be subject to World constraints.

But the fifth-order existence is different.

At the fifth level, the wizard himself has risen to the level of the World, the birth of the true spirit, the birth of the power of will, and even his own will to confront the World consciousness.

Of course, there are not many people who do such a stupid thing to confront one’s World consciousness.

Even the ancient wizards’ expedition to Strange World must be assisted by various means to weaken the World consciousness before they dare try to attack.

“Your Majesty, did the devil fall?”

Behind him, looking at Adier’s back, a dark elf wizard asked with bravery, his face looked flushed, his eyes seemed frantic and excited.

“not yet.”

Standing quietly in place, looking at the distant space, there is no trace of closed space passage, Adier frowned.

As in the past, the demon that appeared this time is not the same, but just a separate avatar.

Only compared with that, this time, because of the outbreak of the power of the natural disaster, the demon does not need to bother to add Strength, so the strength of the avatar is more powerful, directly mentioning the five levels.

However, it is also because of the avatar, that the power of the will contained in it is limited, which was defeated by his forcibly shortly after fighting with him.

“The passage deep in the ground …”

Looking at the deep passage in front of his eyes, Adier murmured, in a pair of eyes, a sun and a silver moon manifested at the same time, and the great Strength, which evolved from the highest to the highest, circulated throughout the body.

From that deep passage, he saw many things.

On the deep earth, a demonized creature lives on the earth.

The layers of natural disasters swept through him. In the endless chains, he seemed to see the spread of chains, trapping the horrible demons.

That was the Scourge Lords who were suppressed in the underground world in the past.

Just as the ancient wizards such as the Emerald Mother were defeated and suppressed in the Scourge World, during the glorious times of the ancient times, the Scourge Lord defeated by the Scourge World was also suppressed here, together with these layers of the underground world, they were suppressed at the bottom of the World, every time Every moment is suppressed and assimilated by the power of the Wizard World’s World, slowly turning into the background behind the World.

He looked at it like this until next moment, a pair of familiar eyes continued to look at him.

It was Arlan. Through the passage, Adier could see him like he was locked in a relic not far from the passage. He was surrounded by heavy chains around him, and he was blocked off by layers without leaving. The slightest gap.

However, at this time, Al Gang’s body had a gap in the seal locked by this General, causing most of his body to break away from the seal, so he could repeatedly leave and rushed to the surface of the world.

In the depths of the underground world, he looked up, a pair of evil eyes staring at Adier, and in his eyes, a kind of natural disaster swept through the multi-dimensional world, and the endless world was plunged into disaster. One after another emerged.

“It’s a great honour. I didn’t expect that I went out casually and I could see the son of the legendary emerald.”

Under Adier’s gaze, Arlan’s face showed a smile, a face lifted slightly, the flesh and blood on it was rotten, and a horrific force of natural disaster appeared with the flesh and blood, showing extreme horror.

“Scourge World is destined to return, this time I lost, but next time …”

A little dark voice reached the ear. On the opposite side, Arlan did not continue to speak, and the subsequent pictures disappeared, swept by a little natural disaster, directly isolating all the pictures in front of him.

“Scourge World ···”

Standing in place, watching the scene quietly, Adier sighed gently, then turned around and looked at the many elf wizards behind him.


He said so, and then the silhouette faded, leaving the wizards around him.

Leaving from the passage, after clearing the root cause of the underground world plague, Adier not at all stayed too much in the underground world, but left the matter directly to Kolar, and I left the underground world directly and returned to the city of Fax. In the palace.

This time back to the Mason area, Adier’s goals have been fully achieved.

After devouring the corpse of the Sun Emperor and being promoted to the fifth level, the son of the incarnation of the Emerald Jade, Adier has no more nervous about the opening of the Emerald Secret Realm 80 years later.

This time, the insights from the underground world made Adier’s sense of urgency even stronger.

“The repressed Scourge Lord of the Underground World is starting to recover. How long is it before Scourge World and Wizard World again fight?”

In the empty palace hall, sitting quietly on the throne, quietly thinking about the changes in the underground world, Adier’s mind flashed this idea.

From the moment he devoured the corpse of the Sun Emperor, the son of the incarnation emerald, there was a sense of urgency in Adier’s heart.

Not from Bloodline, but from World.

After the incarnation of the Emerald Son, I do not know why, Adier and the Wizard World’s World consciousness are much more closely linked, and even in the midst of it, some of the inspiration given by World can be obtained.

It is this part of the revelation that made Adier feel a sense of urgency, and made Adier faintly feel a hunch like this. It is not far from the battle between Wizard World and Scourge World again.

This is the revelation given by World, conveyed by the star of fate on Adier.

“After the promotion to the fifth level, the inheritance and danger after the Emerald Secret Realm should be stable for me.”

Adier has already been promoted to fifth order at this moment. Even if there is something unknown in the Emerald Secret Realm, it should not be too dangerous for this level.

After all, even if the emerald Secret Realm suppressed the enemies of the son of the emerald, but now such a long time has passed, those beings themselves have only one breath, and it is difficult to say how much Strength can play.

Just like the Underworld’s demon God Arlan, as the Suppressed Scourge Lord, the strength of this demon God is definitely above Adier at this moment.

However, after a long period of repression of the seal, it has been wiped out with only a ray of will left. Without the supplement of natural disasters, even if it had barely escaped from prison, it was secretly elf with blood sacrifice summon to the surface of the world. But Kankan played a fourth-order Strength.

The existence of those suppressed by the emerald son has been suppressed for such a long time and has not been supplemented in the slightest. Even if it was once high in nature, it is really difficult to say how much strength can be left today.

As for inheritance, it is no longer a problem.

If even one of the emerald sons can’t get the inheritance, then Adier estimates that no one can take the inheritance among them.

Sitting quietly on the throne, in the mind, each and everyone thought one after another flashed.

Eventually, Adier made a decision in his mind and closed his eyes silently.

A bit of pure will fell into the true spirit. In the origin, a complex imprint of purple flickered, and then the power in Adier’s body was instantly activated. Under the influence of Adier’s will, it instantly turned into a purple envelope.

A faint light flickered. In the origin, Adier hesitated for a moment, and then a ray of will split instantly and plunged into that pure purity.

This time he activated the ability, he did not choose to take the body away, but directly differentiated a little source and Strength, and put it into one of the coordinates within the body.

A large amount of Boundary Energy flooded into the complex imprint of purple. Under the power of Strength, deep in the origin of Adier, a pure golden coordinate slightly flashed a faint golden light, and its coordinates slowly absorbed Boundary Energy’s Strength. , Slowly blooming out of the glory of the World.

This golden imprint is not the other, it is the coordinates that Adier got when he devoured the corpse in Misty World in order to promote the avatar to the fifth level.

God World!

These are the two highest coordinates that Adier has obtained. In addition to the ancestor World coordinates given by Zi Nu in the Ancient World, this is the highest World coordinates that Adier has obtained.

At this moment, after Adier has been promoted to the fifth level, the ordinary World has little effect on Adier. Only such Great Worlds that can rival the Wizard World can have greater gains for Adier.

He once devoured the corpse and obtained part of the memory of the corpse. Although he did not know the specific situation of God World, Adier understood that it had at least six levels or even 7th grade.

For him, knowing that was enough.

With the movement of thought, purple’s Boundary Energy is turned into a source of power, which is slowly injected into the world coordinates, which makes God World’s coordinates slowly light up, and the world’s brilliance becomes more and more bright, as if it might open at any time.

This process continued for a long, long time, until Adier’s face changed on the throne.

“Just opening the door to the World has consumed so much Boundary Energy?”

Looking at the uncoordinated World coordinates in front of him, and feeling the Boundary Energy consumed within the body, Adier was unbelievable.

The door to World has not been fully illuminated, and just now, Adier has consumed tens of thousands of Boundary Energy.

Moreover, this is far from the limit.

In Adier’s induction, the door to World was successfully opened at this moment, and at least 50,000 to 60,000 Boundary Energy was needed.

The sum of the before and after consumption is at least the hundred thousand Boundary Energy.

hundred thousand Boundary Energy!

What is this concept?

Once Adier has walked from a small child to the present, he has traveled several Worlds and the Boundary Energy consumed has not necessarily been so much.

So far, nothing has been done. Just turning on the coordinates of a World has consumed so much Boundary Energy.

This consumption, even with the rich and imposing of Adier, cannot help but stay.

He closed his eyes and carefully felt the Boundary Energy still remaining on his body. There were still more than 800,000 at this moment.

These 800,000 Boundary Energy are saved by Adier in the past.

Along with his unification of the Maison region and the impact of dominating several Worlds, his within the body Boundary Energy has been accelerating faster and faster, so over the years, Boundary Energy has gradually accumulated to this amount.

However, this amount has some problems in the face of such huge consumption.

“The door to the world is hunted thousand, and the return is hunted thousand. This time, it is 200,000 Boundary Energy.”

Standing still, feeling the Boundary Energy consumption within the body, Adier frowned.

Like the Great World of God World, he originally planned to enter it for the first time, just need to go in and explore the situation, and the real gains can be left for the next time.

But now it seems that this plan is not working.

Enter once, and back and forth is 200,000 Boundary Energy. If you enter more times, even if he is at the moment, he will soon go bankrupt.

“That being the case …”

Hundreds of thoughts flashed in his mind, thinking of this, Adier quickly changed his mind.

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