A little Purple Qi tumbles and rises in place. Within the source, a purple mark glitters. At this moment, the mark on it seems to be alive. Every texture on it, every stroke looks so delicate and beautiful. , Looks like the most beautiful sculpture, beautiful and moving.

With the infusion of a large number of sources of power, a golden World’s door slowly opened, one of which was quickly put into it, with the help of abilities to quickly enter this unknown World.

After doing this, Adier got up and felt the little power left on his body, and couldn’t help sighing.

“Probably hundred thousand.”

After this shuttle, there were originally more than 800,000 sources of power reduced to hunted thousand, and the consumption of these was naturally not just to open the door to the World.

From the cost of the previous clear comprehension shuttle, Adier understood that the plan for multiple trials was no longer possible.

The source of power required to enter God World is too huge. If you only enter one or two times, once you enter the number of times, you will lose more than you pay.

Rather than increase investment from the beginning, try to get the most out of it once.

After thinking about this in his heart, Adier made a decision and directly invested most of the source of his body into it, grafting on that original will.

“I have invested more than 600,000 energies, even if it is the child of the World of the ordinary World, I am afraid that is the case. The power of fate generated from this is enough to ensure that my avatar will not rise and have a good start. “

Standing in place, feeling the Boundary Energy exhausted on his body, Adier’s face was calm, and he thought quietly: “With this foundation, and then carrying the memory and insight of the body, it must be enough to step onto the world’s central stage. . “

World Power, this is World ’s most precious kind of Strength. The reason why the Children of Destiny and World are so powerful, encountering the enemy, breaking up and upgrading is like drinking water to eat, no matter how desperate you can survive, it is because of your body. With World Power.

As long as the world’s power is not exhausted, unless it is in an absolute certain death situation, it will be able to find that possible vitality from the dangers, and then it will rise to the sky and bloom its own glory.

Adier marries his own power to the avatar, and by consuming his own power, forcibly artificially creates a son of the world, so that the avatar can enjoy the treatment of the world’s son.

Such a start, coupled with Adier’s own memory and insights, can ensure that Adier, as an avatar, can go to the end as much as possible without dying in the middle.

“I’ve done everything I have to do, and then wait quietly.”

Quietly shook the head. After doing this, I felt that Boundary Energy and Adier shook the head were exhausted, forcing myself to stop thinking about these things, and then leave alone, ready to find a place to rest.


In time and space, every bit of time passed quickly.

In a dark place, a little blood was rising.

The earth is full of blood. On the surrounding black land, some black red blood stains on the earth. It looks like it has dried up, apparently it has been dry for a long time.

This is a deserted battlefield. On the red dyed land, a soldier’s body is lying quietly on the ground. Many of the bodies are incomplete. The blood on the wound has completely dried up.

In the distance, some unknown black wild birds are lingering in this place, seemingly attracted by the bloodstains here, so they wander here for a long time and refuse to leave.

The soldiers here seem dead, in the marginal area of ​​the battlefield, some silhouettes are constantly moving around the edge, cautiously exploring all around.

Those were ragged people who looked like residents in the neighborhood, including adults, adults, and children.

They searched around, trying to turn the corpse of the body that had fallen all around, to find something on it.

Obviously, this is a group of scavengers who are trying to pick up leaks on the battlefield. Obviously, their ragged clothes look like they are not having a good time.

They turned over the corpses one after another, and worked hard to pull several corpses out of the corpses and turn them over to better explore the remaining items on the corpses.

They don’t need any precious items, they just need a bit of metal products, and a piece of cloth is enough to make them feel excited and put away their cautiously.

They began to explore from the margins of the battlefield, and walked all the way to the center of the battlefield. When they finally saw the scene inside, they were a little stunned.

In the middle of the battlefield, the scavengers saw a bloody hand suddenly pierce out of a pile of dead bodies.

This sudden thriller scene made these scavengers in the presence suddenly widened their eyes, and several of them even widened their eyes, subconsciously trying to scream, but was covered by the men around him.

They stared at the scene in front of them. The dusty faces were full of terror and fear. Because of excessive fear in their minds, they automatically recalled some scary legends.

Fortunately, soon, the following scenes dispelled these people’s speculation.

“Not a ghoul! It’s a human!”

With a clearly suppressed scream, in the corpse pile in front, a man with long hair covered with blood, climbed out of the corpse, and walked towards the outside.

Because the body was full of wounds, the man who climbed out of the corpse had a hard time walking, rather than crawling.

He slowly crawled out of the pit full of corpses, and then couldn’t support the wound on his body, so he fell straight down.


A fierce pain came from itself, and a violent exhaustion and a long-lost hunger surged from all parts of the body, accurately conveyed to Adier.

Feeling the pain in his body, he slowly opened his eyes, and instinctively looked at all around.

In front of me is a shabby straw hut. The whole house looks small. The main body is made of scattered pieces of wood, and there is a lot of straw around it.

Lying there quietly because of the wind, Adier could feel that cold wind was blowing from outside, making his weak body instinctively tremble.

After waking up, with the return of the true spirit of the origin, a little bit of memory gradually flowed into his mind, causing Adier’s eyes to flash a clear comprehension.

This is a young man named Yasuo Ba Kulu. He was born into a Knight family since he was a child. He is a third child of contemporary Kulu Baron. He has been trained by Knight since his childhood, has a quiet personality, and rarely communicates with others.

Three years ago, Yasuo’s Kingdom of Tamru fought with several countries. During the war, Yasuo was recruited into the battlefield, but his army was defeated. He was killed by arrows and his young life died directly until Adier’s arrival.

In my mind, all kinds of memories are continuously traced back, and a little trace is constantly recalled in my mind, and finally turned into a pair of clear eyes.

“This experience has an inexplicable sense of familiarity …”

Lying quietly on a pile of straw, feeling the pain and coldness coming from all over his body, Adier laughed, not paying much attention to the sight in front of him, but rather quite interesting.

The scene in front of him is very similar to that year. When he first came to the Wizarding World, his identity seemed to be Knight who had just entered the battlefield.

Lying quietly on this line of straw, smelling the unpleasant smell around him, it seems that he noticed something, Adier barely stood up and looked towards the outside of the room.

Outside, with a crisp footstep, a girl in gray old clothes with straight hair tied up holding a gray earthen jar is coming from the outside.

When she walked in, she saw Adier standing in front of her, and she let out a cry.

“Yeah, you woke up?”

When she realized that Adier was waking up, she made a cry of surprise, then lowered her body, and looked closely at Adier’s appearance.

Just waking up from a deep sleep, Adier’s body looks very bad, not only his face is extremely pale, there is no trace of blood, and he even looks like a person who may fall at any time.

But despite that, after Adier awakened, the sparkling, unyielding Spirit like the most brave and fierce warrior, and the aloof and remote, like the king, were unthinkable. It is clear that this person is by no means an ordinary person.

The girl stared at Adier like this and looked at it, and finally Sorry bowed her head and put down her hand: “Are you hungry?”

She lowered her hand and opened the lid, exposing the hot soup steaming inside.

“It’s cold outside. Let’s have some hot soup.”

She lowered her bowl and whispered to Adier.

Adier glanced down.

In the old wooden bowl in front of me, a little hot soup was steaming, there were some local wild vegetables, and some small pieces of meat.

He looked carefully for a while, and finally judged that this bowl of hot soup was not harmless, and then nodded, politely smiled: “Thank you.”

After the words fell, he picked up the wooden bowl and took a sip.

The bitter taste flows from the mouth. Although it is warm enough, it has a pungent and bitter taste, not to mention that it is inferior to ordinary foods of Adier in the past, even compared to ordinary human food. A lot.

Adier didn’t show anything, just calmly drank the hot soup, then returned the wooden bowl to the girl, thank you seriously.

“you are welcome.”

Thanks to Adier, the girl waved her hands in a hurry, then sat there watching Adier for a while, and then left.

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