aaaaaah! !! !!

A scream screamed from a distance, like the sorrow of a dying person, gradually spreading here.

In situ, with a light sound, a wooden bowl fell to the ground.

Looking at Adier’s face in front of her, the girl turned blankly, gradually looking in the direction of the sound, her mind was blank, and she didn’t seem to understand what happened.

“what happened?”

She froze and stayed there for a while, and then it took a while to react.

“Ghoul !!”

Suddenly her face turned pale, and she seemed to think of something terrible. When she turned around and glanced at Adier in front of her, she immediately put down the things she had brought and ran straight out.

Soon, what happened in the distance reached Adier’s ears.

At night, another person was attacked, and the whole person was torn directly in two halves of the city. The intestines and flesh were all gone, and it seemed that they were all eaten by the attacking ghoul.

Not only that, on the corpse, all the large pieces of meat disappeared, the deep bite marks and the horrible cracking were trembling in fear.

This is exactly how a ghoul kills people, tearing people forcibly, and then eating all the internal organs and important muscles, leaving only a horrible face with fear remaining.

Immediately after this incident, the entire village fell into panic.

The existence of scavenging in the daytime was scared all day. At this time, he was afraid to leave his village and continue to explore on the battlefield outside.

As a widely distributed monster, the habits of ghouls are well known to the general public.

If they gather together, they may be able to make the ghouls dare not start easily, but if they disperse, they may be broken one by one by the lurking ghouls and swallowed one by one.

Feeling this atmosphere in the village, Adier sighed softly in the village camp.

After these few days, most of the injuries on his body have been healed. Although he did not fully heal, he barely recovered a little Strength.

Although it is insignificant compared to Adier’s body, it is enough compared with ordinary person. With Adier’s manipulation, it is enough to face a Knight.

Even if it wasn’t because most of the time was spent restoring this body, and life has been too bad since then, Adier has now officially activated the seed of life and become a real Knight.

In just half a month, from an ordinary person who has undergone part of Knight’s training, to an existence close to formal Knight. If this progress is talked out, I am afraid it will scare people.

According to this physical memory of Adier, the strength of approaching Knight is already a hegemony in this area, which is enough for him to find a better place to avoid.

He originally planned to find excuses to leave in the past few days, and then to find an opportunity to give these scavengers some compensation, be regarded as these scavengers dragged him out of the battlefield, and take care of the rewards so far.

But after these incidents, his original thoughts were unknowingly dispelled.

If you leave now, these scavengers will have only one last result, and sooner or later will be resolved by each and everyone. After death, skeleton doesn’t exist.

Thinking of this result, Adier thought for a while alone, but eventually did not move, but just lay there quietly.

A few days passed slowly. In these days, it seems that because these scavengers have been staying together, the ghoul not at all continues to start, but silently lurks.

But this situation can not last long.

The reason why scavengers go to scavenge, in the final analysis, is because of poverty.

Gathering together for a long period of time can make the ghoul afraid to start, but it also makes these scavengers unable to go out to scavenge, and can only rely on past savings to survive.

The threat of death is terrifying, but poverty is equally crazy.

Such a long confrontation, the first ones who can’t hold it, are these scavengers.

In addition, because of this period of peace and peace, some people are also lax in their hearts, and began to tentatively leave the station, go to the outside world, and finally return to peace and peace.

After this result appeared, the scavengers who had been gathered up immediately sighed in relief, and the string that had been tight was immediately loosened.

For a while, this small scavenger village seemed to be restored to its original scene, as busy and peaceful as it used to be.

Another night.

Adier lay quietly on the straw bed, eyes closed silently, as if he were asleep.

Outside, a slight footstep sounded, and then the girl named Wendy came from outside, holding a bowl of steaming hot soup in her hand.

She looked very new, with joy on her face, and it seemed that something good had happened.

“You look happy.”

In front of her, feeling the girl coming in, Adier slowly opened her eyes, a smile appeared on her face, and she just looked at Wendy in front of her.


Looking at Adier’s wake, Wendy’s face was even more intense.

She put down the hot soup she held in her hand and looked at Adier in front of her, her face looked red and red, although her appearance was not beautiful, but this time it looked particularly vivid.

“Uncle, he hit a big boar today, and after he brought it back, he gave it to everyone. Everyone got a piece of meat!”

She was happy to tell Adier about this, with a clear joy in her words.

“It’s really easy to satisfy the child.”

Adier shook his head secretly, not knowing what else to say.

Wendy’s uncle is a hunter in this village. It is said that because of his superb skills, he has great prestige in this village of scavengers.

During this time, Adier has heard the girl heard her uncle’s deeds more than once, and a rough image has been formed in her mind.

Drinking the hot soup in the wooden bowl, Adier suddenly stunned, seems to feel something, looked silently towards the outside world.

He saw that the moon outside was very round, and under the deep night, the bright moonlight shone on the earth and illuminated the whole land.

Looking at the scenery, feeling a breath around here, Adier sighed slightly, then turned around, looked towards the girl in front of her eyes, could not help but speak softly.


“En?” Listening to Adier’s shout, the girl looked up in confusion, just in the eyes of Adier.

Under the bright light of torch in the night, Adier wore a shabby shirt, and was urged by the clean and tidy long hair. A face looked so beautiful in the night, with a pair of soft eyes in his eyes, soft and gentle It’s undeniable.

“Can you stay tonight?”

Looking at the girl in front of him, feeling the thick imprint left on the other side, Adier said gently, and his eyes looked at the girl like that.

“Ah?” The voice dropped, listening to Adier’s words, the girl exclaimed, a face became extremely blushing instantly.

She looked at Adier lying on the straw in front of her eyes, and looked at his face, her face was as red as bloodshot, and all kinds of scenes occurred to her in an instant.

Obviously, she misunderstood what Adier meant.

However, in front of Adier, looking at the soft eyes of Adier, she finally lowered her head, just sorted out the side each and everyone item without saying a word.

Only after a while, she cautiously took some clothes from her house and sneaked into Adier’s tent.

This process was also accidentally seen by the rest, so much that it caused cheers and whistles.

Watching this process carefully, lying quietly on a pile of straw, Adier shook the head.

At first he just wanted to keep the girl by his side, but he didn’t expect to cause this misunderstanding.

However, at this point, there is no need to explain.

At night, under the gaze of the girl’s nervous face, Adier remained motionless, but closed her eyes silently, lying there silently.

This kind of performance suddenly made the girl’s heart a little complicated, with an inexplicable loss, but also sighed in relief.

In her mind, all thoughts surfaced at this moment, and then slowly became blank, letting her sleep slowly.

At night, when the whole world is covered by darkness, a silhouette slowly appears outside Adier’s camp.

It was a silhouette that looked very tall, tall and burly, with animal skin on its upper body and a rough expressionless face.

He just stared at the camp in front of him, feeling the mark left by him, with a sneer on his face.

Gently waved, the camp in front of him was automatically separated, and then he took a gentle step and went straight in.

Head in, and the silhouette of Adier and Wendy is in front of you.

Looking at the neat camp with no traces of mess, and Adier and Wendy lying apart, there seemed to be a surprise in his eyes.

However, he didn’t care so much about this accident and turned to look at his goal this time, that is, the girl lying far away.

When she came to Adier’s camp, the girl was wearing a complete red. Although the clothes on the top were a little worn, they were still relatively complete.

She was so lying down, she seemed to sleep soundly.

After the silhouette entered, the traction from some kind of breath caused the girl to frown unconsciously, then woke up directly.

Waking up from deep sleep, she looked a little sleepy and awake.

But after seeing the tall man who appeared in front of her, she became sober and suddenly became nervous: “Uncle.”

The tall man who appeared in front of her was really her only relative, that is, her uncle.

“Wenty …”

A slight, husky voice sounded in place.

In front of him, the man looked at Wendy in front of him, a weird smile appeared on a rough face, looking like a smile yet not a smile, a little weird.

“What are you doing here?”

He looked at Wendy before him and asked, with a weird smile on his face.

“Uncle, I …”

Asked by the man, the girl’s face became a little nervous.

This is normal.

No matter what kind of girl, when their elders see themselves lying in a man’s camp, they will instinctively feel nervous and upset.

Not to mention, the girl’s only relative is standing in front of the girl.

She spoke quickly, looking at Adier lying beside her, trying to explain.

A huge arm stopped her motion.

In front of Wendy, the man had a weird smile on his face, his face looked like a smile yet not a smile, but he just stretched out a hand to the girl in front of him.

oh la la ···

A slight crackling sounded, the sound of a ripped shirt.

In front of Wendy’s eyes, the man’s arm changed rapidly, expanding rapidly into a huge black arm, with a sharp spur growing on it.

On the bone spurs of the arm, a little bit of black flickering, making people who smell it want to vomit.

Wendy stared blankly at this scene. The original voice was directly pressed into his throat. Looking at the man in front of him, his mind was blank, and it seemed that he could not react.

“Uncle, you !!!”

It was a long time before she reacted to what happened, looking into the eyes of the man with a deep disbelief.

She had a pale face and a slightly open mouth, as if trying to say something.

In front of her eyes, however, the man not at all gave her a chance.


A huge arm swept across, bringing a huge storm, sweeping Wendy directly in front of him, hitting the ground in various ways.

In front of the man, the man’s chest gradually changed, and a tiny grain of texture appeared on an originally rough face, making him look terrible.

“It’s tempting.”

He looked at Wendy in front of him, with greed on his face, and a deep appetite in his eyes.

“Heart, liver and lungs … It all looks delicious.”

The low voice sounded in place, sounding more awkward and hoarse, like forcibly squeezed out of his throat.

In front of Wendy’s face, with deep fear, quietly watching the monster in front of her slowly walked, and then a sharp claw fiercely grabbed her, tearing her directly, and turning it into the end of several previous people.

Aaahhhhhhh! Ah! !!

A violent voice resounded in place, it was the girl’s cry of despair.

Looking at the girl’s look of lose one’s head out of fear, a weird smile appeared on Monster’s face, and it seemed that he had already thought of the scene of flesh and blood flying.

boom! ! !

The next moment, a metal intersect sound sounded, quickly resounded in situ, the air flow carried in it caused the surrounding straw to fly horizontally.

At the critical moment, a arm that looks small compared to the monster’s arm, but with a strong and powerful arm outstretched, at this moment directly held the sharp claw that waved down.

In place, I don’t know when, Adier was already standing in front of the girl.

He looked pale, a face that had no blood because of prolonged hunger and cold, and there were huge wounds wrapped around him, and the steps seemed to fall down at any time.

But despite this, his posture was very upright. Despite the expressionless expression on a handsome face, the sharp eyes blooming in those eyes fully revealed the firm and vast will to fight.

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