“you you!”

In situ, a confrontation is ongoing.

In front of the girl, Adier stood quietly, and his eyes were silently looking in front of him. The calm and calm temperament was heartbreaking.

He stood there like this. This moment was like a fairy tale legendary Great Knight, but he stood there quietly, with one hand, blocking the giant claw in front of the monster.

He was blocked by Adier, caught off guard, and looked at Adier in front of him. Monster’s face showed some shock, and seemed to be unbelievable to the scene in front of him.

After devouring the owner of the original body, he also knew a little about the message of the young man in front of him, but he was just an ordinary soldier retreated on the battlefield. He had been lying there motionless for a while and looked weak. After the wind.

Because of this, in the beginning, he didn’t take Adier to heart, but never wanted to see the scene in front of him at this moment.

A pair of deep eyes light up in front of them, and then a little cold breath permeates all around instantly.

In front of him, a little black line spread quickly, and with a thunderbolt, Fiercely struck down from the top and pressed him tightly.

boom! !

The metal intersect sound sounded in situ. Under one blow, the big man incarnation of the monster in front of him was immediately pumped away, and a little bit of black red flesh was directly pulled away, leaving bits and pieces of black red blood.

The blood dripped on the ground, while emitting a sound of corrosive sounds, it also exuded an unpleasant odor, as if the smell of the dead body was generally unpleasant, which made people instinctively disgusted.

“Mr. Yasuo!”

Behind him, a trembling voice came in crispness.

Adier turned around and looked on the ground. Wendy was weakly falling to the ground. At this moment, the clothes on most of his body were torn and he seemed to have lost his strength. He could only rest quietly there.

She just leaned there, staring blankly at Adier in front of her. For a time, she just felt that this young and polite young man was so strange, full of a noble and powerful charm, making him stay in place directly.

Under the moonlight, Adier turned back and looked at it. The lance made of rough stones was stained with black blood. At this moment, he stood upright. The tall and straight figure pulled out the long shadow of the old Elder under the moonlight, a handsome face. Yingwu, with a unique charm, just stood there quietly, and his posture was impressive, and he couldn’t forget it.

Roar! !

In the distance, a growl screamed, and then a dark shadow quickly emerged from the side, a huge black claw had been pressed down, and fiercely grabbed Adier’s head.

boom! !

A crisp crash sounded again.

Looking at the shadows coming in front of him, Adier’s face was calm, but he quietly extended the hand. A rough lance made of a rough stone was pressed down, and a little pure Life Energy was attached to it. Silhouette The silhouette came straight down.

It was only then that Adier saw the true face of this monster.

After being hit and flew by Adier before, this monster couldn’t restrain his emotions anymore, and his flesh and blood flew up and down, and he became the original form directly.

The original man, who was tall and rude, disappeared quickly, and was replaced by a horrible monster that was more than two meters tall and covered with black flesh.

This monster is two meters tall and has a huge body. Not only does it have two sharp sharp claws, it also exudes a weird force field, which makes the creatures near it feel dizzy and feel a sense of disgust and nausea.

He just growled and stood in front of Adier, with greed and anger flashing in his huge black eyes, with a little undisguised killing intent.

A black lance was instantly depressed, and a glory of Life Energy fell off. Under the control of Adier, it quickly fell on the monster in front of him. It was like breaking a thin layer of tofu, and easily drawn a huge body on it. Potholes.

Unfortunately, the vitality of the monster in front of him is too strong, only for a short time, the original wound on this monster will heal quickly, and an inch of shredded meat will grow quickly, which will quickly recover the damaged body.

“Life Energy, you are officially Knight!”

Repelled by lance, feeling the powerful Life Energy contained in it, the surprised and angry addition on the monster’s embarrassed face did not expect this result.

For ordinary people, a ghoul is already extremely powerful. When faced alone, unless you find a weakness to specifically target it, there is only one way to be swallowed.

But for the official Knight, a ghoul is nothing, with no difficulty he will be defeated, or even die in his hands.

Feeling Life Energy on Adier, the thought of each and everyone quickly flashed through Monster’s mind, keenly feeling a danger, and wanted to leave this place.

A black lance stabbed far away, sealing all retreats.

In front of him, Adier did not know when he had come up, a pair of eyes were staring at the eyes, looking at the monster in front of him, his face was full of apathy.

“It’s ugly …”

He looked at the ghoul in front of him, and observed the force field and the disgusting corpse smell on the other side, he couldn’t help secretly frowned, and then struck directly.


Violent Mars blooms in place.

It’s just a spear, but when this spear strikes, it seems to lock all the results in an instant, so that the ghoul can’t escape the blockade of this strike anyway, and can only forcibly bear all the Strength of this spear.

Perhaps in terms of Strength, Adier’s Strength at this moment is close to or even slightly inferior to those who have activated Life Seed, but in the manipulation of Strength, no Knight can be compared with Adier, a former fifth-order wizard. ratio.

A low-level ghoul can’t even manage to resist it. It can only be squeezed into the corner by Adier in vain, and it starts to slowly suppress and harvest slowly.

Opposing Adier’s offensive, this ghoul only felt as if he was facing a high mountain. No matter how hard he resisted and how he struggled, he couldn’t get rid of it. He could only be weakened and locked in the suppression of Dashan In this corner.

He kept roaring and fighting hard. At this moment, all the strengths in the whole body were mobilized, and under the effect of the desire for survival, he rushed outward, trying to get a life.

Unfortunately, that rough black lance shattered all hopes. In a piece of black blood drifting, Adier’s face was indifferent and he reached out his hand and pressed it. The rough stone lance in his hand became sharp and rigid under the blessing of Life Energy Fierce, directly with an unstoppable momentum, Shengsheng hole penetrated the ghoul in front of him.

“How … How is it possible …”

After being pierced by black lance and losing all his strength, the ghoul’s face still bears disbelief: “How could someone like you exist in an ordinary village …”

He whispered, his voice was hoarse and weak, and then it became lower and lower, the consciousness in his eyes gradually disappeared, his body became cold, apparently he could not die anymore.

Looking silently at the ghoul in front of him, looking at the tall but smelly body of the ghoul, Adier looked calm, but just silently plucked up his temporary lance, then walked to the corner to see As the girl sitting on the ground was still afraid to move, she silently stretched out her hand and pulled it up.

Staying silently in the corner of the camp, witnessed the whole process of Adier killing the ghoul, the girl’s entire head was blank, looking at the ghoul’s body, and the animal fur that Uncle Rita wore in the past Object, a small face with strong sadness, a little tear shed in the eyes, crying directly from here.

This is the sorrow and grief of the loss of a loved one. The intense pain is brewing in the girl’s heart, making her cry directly here, unable to reply for a long time.

In the process, Adier watched so quietly without disturbing the girl.

It wasn’t until a long time before he got up and turned to prepare to walk out.

“Are you leaving?” A voice sounded slowly behind him.

Behind Adier, looking at the silhouette of Adier as if to leave, the girl stared at him blankly, a little more color appeared in her eyes.

“No.” Adier looked back and said gently, looking at the girl who fell to the ground, “I just want to go out and see.”

“That’s good … That’s good …”

Sitting quietly on the ground, looking at Adier, the girl kept talking, her face was full of sorrow. At this moment, her mind was blank, but she asked subconsciously, afraid she would lose the person in front of her.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Adier turned silently and sighed gently, but there was nothing to say, he just raised the lance on his hand and was going to go out.

“Can I follow you!”

Behind him, looking at the black lance that Adier was holding, and the back that was about to turn away, the girl hesitated for a while, and finally said.

“If you want.”

Adier said that he also had a little gratitude for this young girl who had taken care of herself for more than half a month, and her request was not rejected.

Young girls are not too old, they are only 15 or 6 years old this year, and because of living in poverty all the year round, they are very weak.

After losing her last loved one, the life of the young girl will be very difficult, and the ending is likely to be very bleak.

It is precisely understand this, and since this time, every night, the girl will personally bring him food and take care of his daily life, so Adier did not choose to refuse his request, but let it be Decide.

After staying there for a while, and seeing that the girl behind had nothing else to say, Adier turned and walked slowly towards the outside.

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