Stepping out of the shabby tent, Adier raised his head slightly and looked at all around.

It was late at night, and the residents of each and everyone in the surrounding wood house were asleep, and only a few people were awake.

Because of the fright of the ghouls some time ago, the scavengers in the whole village have not yet completely recovered from the state of alertness, so each and everyone gathered together, all gathered in the middle of the village.

Stepping out of the tent, Adier didn’t go elsewhere, but directly followed the smell of the ghoul and walked towards a certain corner.

It was a very remote corner with a large, shabby tent inside. It looked like it had been in disrepair for a long time and no one had lived there for a long time.

Following the breath, Adier stepped into it, then picked it directly with his fingers, and a dirt pit appeared directly on the ground in front of him, revealing a gray curtain inside.

The curtain was opened, and the contents stored in it were suddenly revealed. A drawing made of yellow paper carefully stacked, several fairly good weapons, and some scattered coins.

Looking at the contents, Adier took the lead in opening the drawing.

A very rough, but detailed, topographical map is revealed. Some rough terrain around it is marked on it. Although many places appear rough, they are still relatively detailed.

Looking at this topographic map, Adier was stunned and felt an inexplicable familiarity, which originated from the original memory of the body.

This map records the topographic map of the southern area of ​​Tamru. This topographic map even records some military fortresses nearby, as well as some soldiers’ Legion.

The detailed content and detailed terrain make Adier feel wrong for a while and instinctively feel abnormal.

Looking at the map in front of him, Adier’s face was calm, but his thoughts turned in an instant, and he drifted away unknowingly.

A ghoul who likes to record terrain, even wandering in various military places?

If such things are said out, I am afraid that everyone will be surprised.

On the map’s atlas, Adier also saw a letter, the handwriting on the envelope was correct, and he had a wealth of knowledge at a glance.

The number of handwritings above is not much, but the content revealed in it is very rich.

“The order issued by the Duke of Assyria, you must immediately go to the southern fortress to investigate, as soon as possible, find out the nearby terrain station as soon as possible, prepare for the Duke’s subsequent attack, and search for …

That’s it for the above handwriting.

It can be seen that the letter originally had more content, but the lower part was torn off, so that the content was broken a lot and not all appeared.

But just this part of the content is enough to make Adier feel something.

“The Duke of Assyria … This is the king of the Senay …”

Looking at the letter in his hand and thinking about the content, Adier had a weird expression on his face: “It actually drove the ghouls to wait for the existence to inquire about the news. The Duke of Assyria is really powerful …”

“However, this also explains why in the battle some time ago, the opponent came from afar, but he was more familiar with the local terrain than the original owner of the body, and even used several misleading information to let Yasuo’s side The army eats crickets. “

In the previous war, the army of the Kingdom of Tamru was a complete defeat.

In addition to the weakness in the domestic situation and insufficient military capabilities, the same is true in terms of information.

In the battle, the army of the Senai Kingdom came from afar, never before set foot on the land of the Tamru Kingdom, but showed great familiarity with the local terrain, without the fatigue of a long distance. .

This horrible manifestation should not be so horrible even if the opposing army is carrying a local guide.

But if the head of the other party sent a ghoul to exist in Tamru territory before the battle, and the intelligence was constantly inquired in the vicinity, then this situation would make sense.

Mortal guides have a big gap with the existence of ghouls.

As a ghoul, not to mention its own powerful strength, just its own powerful camouflage ability is enough to win many people.

Just like the scavenger village in front of me, if Adier is keenly aware of the existence of this ghoul’s breath mark, I am afraid that this ghoul will continue to lurk, and it will not take long to be able to race the entire village. People killed.

If this horrible camouflage ability is used on the battlefield, whether it is used to collect spying information, or directly replace Knight and the army in the opposing camp, it is a very horrible thing.

If the Duke of Assyria really can drive these aliens like ghouls, even the previous record makes sense.

“Unfortunately, this method will probably only be used this time. If it is found next time, it will not work.”

Standing still, thinking about the fierce offensive of the Senai Kingdom, Adier shook his head secretly while admiring it.

Absorbing aliens for their own use is indeed very effective, but few people use it.

On the one hand, the existence of these ghouls is alien because their existence is a horror in itself.

Just like a ghoul, the ghoul’s habit is to tear people alive, and then eat all the internal organs and flesh.

This horrible habit is destined that this existence, regardless of where it is placed, is definitely the kind of thing everyone yells at and is widely hostile and feared by everyone.

Coupled with the existence of such ghouls, although they have weak intelligence and the possibility of communication, they are often wild country rationalities. If they are not careful, they will immediately backlash and directly swallow their own clansman.

In the history of this world, there have been many countries that have captive aliens, and even regarded aliens as god-worshipped kingdoms.

But in the end of these kingdoms, all of them are alien backlashes that have been raised in captivity, and even the king himself was eaten by ghouls, which is shocking.

The second reason is the church.

This world is a godly world.

In the memory of Adier’s predecessor, this world is full of large and small churches, and each church has its own deities and sacrifices.

Unlike other Worlds that Adier has experienced in the past, sacrifice is the mainstream of World in God World.

In the world, large and small churches are floating in the world, vying for believers on the earth, and even launching a Holy War for this purpose.

And within the nations, a sacrifice to Mu Shou, while spreading his faith, also guarded the peace of one side of the world, and settled areas.

However, in this world, many churches that can be widely spread, among which more than 90%, are extremely hostile to such aliens as ghouls, and even killing such aliens with their own hands will gain more favor from the gods.

Therefore, although the ghouls can be regarded as extremely horrifying creatures among the civilians, within the scope of the entire continent, these alien species are suppressed and are nothing at all.

Sernet duchy tends to fight differently for himself, once and for all, but if discovered by Tamru duchy, it will inevitably be reported to the nearby church, leading to sacrificial intervention.

“However, even if it can only be used once or twice, it is enough to establish the advantage of Early Stage.”

Standing in place, thinking of the previous defeat of the Kingdom of Tamru and some internal chaos, Adier shook his head gently: “And, with the virtues of those nobles, I’m afraid I haven’t responded yet.”

Adier didn’t care about the tragic defeat of the Tamru army.

The memory of the past is the past, and in the final analysis, he is not the original Yasuo, just a strange alien visitor that’s all.

Compared to the defeat of the Kingdom of Tamru on the battlefield, Adier was more concerned about another part of the letter.

“What is it looking for …?”

Standing still, thinking carefully for a while, Adier shook his head and gave up thinking about it. Instead, he lowered his head and looked towards several other things around him.

The thing in front of it is obviously the private collection of the previous ghoul, except for the map and the letter, there is nothing else.

Several weapons seemed to be very keen, and each weapon was forged with good materials and placed outside, at least also a weapon that trainee Knight was eligible to wear.

Looking at these weapons, Adier picked a very keen light gray long sword from it, and then stowed the rest of the things at will, looking towards the last coin.

There are a lot of coins buried in front of them, and the system of which is also very complicated. The currency of several countries is put together, it seems that the number is rich.

“Approximately one hundred and twenty golds.”

About the value of the coins buried here, Adier was a little surprised, not surprised that this ghoul would collect human coins, but rather the amount in front of him.

Ghouls, of course, need money.

Despite being fond of cannibalism, ghouls are not savage creatures, but possess some wisdom.

With wisdom, you will naturally need something in Human Kingdom.

For example, a variety of food and wine, a variety of well-made weapons, and each and everyone lives alive, within the body, complete internal organs, cheap and precious slave.

Just as people have all kinds of living methods, so are ghouls.

The ghoul in front of Adier’s hand was just a ghoul.

Really well-mixed ghouls do not need to take huge risks to go hunting at all. Instead, they are big nobles of some kingdoms. Not only are they wealthy, they also have a lot of land and have a large number of slaves in captivity.

At this point, individuals who want to eat do not need to take risks to go out at all. Buying a few slaves is not the same.

Even as the nobles recognized in the kingdom, even if some people knew they were ghouls, they could not do anything.

Even if it is the church and the sacrifice, if they do not want to conflict with the kingdom and eventually cause serious consequences, they can only compromise it. Even the nobles who saw the ghoul incarnation enter the church to pray and still dare not to tear their faces.

The ghoul that was killed by Adier now wants to move in this direction, so he has accumulated so many net worths, ready to go to some kingdoms to buy a title and land, so as to “reasonably and legally” eat people.

But now, these things are undoubtedly cheaper for Adier, but they save a lot of effort.

Waking up from the battlefield, Adier at this moment can be called a poor and white. The armor and sword worn on the original battlefield were always swept away. There was nothing left on the body except a little clothing to cover the body. When the ghouls fight, they must rely on themselves to go to the nearby stone grind to make weapons in the most primitive way.

But with this legacy left by the ghouls, Adier can quickly become a little landlord, and some things that need to be done can be done immediately.

Thinking of this, he got up and put away all the coins in front of him, then looked away and walked out step by step.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye.

After that night, with the testimony of that huge ghoul and the story of the girl, Adier’s deeds quickly spread through this small village, and a big wave of rendering was heard in this village.

There is no doubt that this is a true noble Knight. He is a powerful man. In the case of serious injuries, he can still kill a scary ghoul with only a stone spear.

In particular, what the girl Wendy said about Adier’s promise to take him away is to make the surrounding residents envy and regret.

With such a powerful Knight, the girl’s life will inevitably change. Not only can she get rid of her humble identity as a scavenger, but she can also move into a beautiful manor and enjoy her life with peace of mind.

Some scavengers who first discovered Adier with Wendy, and even carried Adier out in person, regretted it, and regretted why they couldn’t bear a few bowls of broth, so that they missed this opportunity.

However, despite the envy and jealousy of many people, this remote village is surprisingly united. Some residents may be jealous, but no one does something bad.

Soon, time lasted for three days.

One morning three days later, under the gaze of many scavengers, a huge carriage slowly walked in from the outside, and slowly entered the narrow village race through the winding road. .

This carriage looks very large, showing a black, heavy white cloth as a whole to block the scene in it, making it difficult to see the scene in it.

In front of the carriage, a bright white tall horse quietly pulled the horse in front of it, and on it sat a middle-aged driver with a rough skin.

Overall, this carriage is nothing, even in the eyes of Adier.

But for these poor scavengers, this carriage is already an inexplicable luxury and honor.

With a sound, the seated person walked out gently.

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