In the dilapidated village, a carriage stopped slowly, attracting the attention of all residents.

With the eyes of all residents, a silhouette emerged from it.

It was a handsome, handsome young man, with a straight and elegant posture, a pair of deep eyes that were as beautiful as a pair of pure black gemstones, exuding indescribable charm.

He just walked slowly from the carriage, standing in the light of the sun, his neck and arms exposed with fair skin, his straight long hair meticulously drooping, slowly rising and falling with the breeze blowing.

Compared with the past, the person at this moment is still unchanged. It is just the noble, peaceful, and inviting temperament around him. It is amazing with that striking style, but just looking gently, he is involuntarily caught by him. attract.

Looking at this boy, scavengers rubbed their eyes unbelievably, and it was almost impossible to believe that this person had crawled out of the battlefield.

When he had just climbed out of the battlefield, Adier’s body was still dying. There were wounds all over his body, and his body was contaminated with blood everywhere, so he couldn’t see his original appearance.

At that time, although these scavengers dragged him out of the battlefield, they almost thought that he could not live long after seeing the injuries on his body. Naturally, no one would spend effort to take care of a “dead man”.

But now, when Adier regains his will and detaches from the dying state, it makes them feel incredible and has a very strong impact.

Looking at all around silently, Adier finally looked in a certain direction forward.

There, the girl Wendy was standing there idly, looking at the appearance of Adier at this time, also a little dreadful, feeling a strong strangeness.

“Come up.”

Looking at the young girl standing in the distance, Adier didn’t care, a smile appeared on his face, and moved towards the other waved his hand to signal the other to go directly to the carriage.

There were no overwhelming setbacks and no accidents. Adier successfully picked up the girl without any accidents on the way.

However, after picking up the girl, Adier distributed some of the things that he purchased in the future, all of which were given to the residents of the village, and even distributed some coins to the people who had brought him out of the battlefield. Be regarded as a reward for their behavior.

Taking into account some accidents, the amount of coins given by Adier is not too much in value, but for the existence of scavengers, it is already rich enough, and it will not cause others to have a life-threatening mentality. , Can also make their lives a little richer.

If these people are smart enough, they can directly use the money to enter the city in exchange for a formal identity and some arable land, so that they will not continue to be savages and live such a difficult life.

Right now, driven by the coachman, carriage slowly and firmly moved forward.

At the last moment when he left the village, Adier turned and looked in the direction of the village, right in the middle of the village. The tall corpse of the ghoul was standing there, and his expression was still so terrifying.

Shook the head gently, looking down and lying there, Wendy, who was already asleep at this time, Adier didn’t think about the village anymore, but just quietly thought about the next trip.

The war between the kingdom of Senai and the kingdom of Tamru has been going on for a long time.

According to the memory of the predecessor of the body, at this moment the southern part of the Kingdom of Tamru is probably occupied, and it is only a matter of time before it is completely captured by the kingdom of Senai.

The kingdom of Tamru itself has many problems. Not only are many noble territories in the country opposing each other and they do not obey the royal call, the royal family itself is also very problematic because the heirs have experienced several large-scale internal disturbances.

In this case, suddenly facing several large kingdoms led by the kingdom of Senai, they were suddenly attacked. I am afraid that within a short time, the Kingdom of Tamru could not regain this area.

The territory of Adier, the body family, lies in this area.

Facing the attack by the Senai kingdom, the Ba Kulu family was unable to resist at all, and only two results remained.

Either surrender directly or relocate to the north with the army of the Tamru kingdom.

The outcome of these two results is not very good.

If you stay in the original territory and accept the rule of the Senai kingdom, as the defeated, the treatment will inevitably be biased. Even if the Ba Kulu family has not been entrenched in the local area for a while, it will definitely be carried out in secret. Kind of suppression.

Moreover, if this choice is made, there may be more difficult difficulties in the future.

Although defeated in this war, in reality, the true Strength of the Tamru Kingdom is above the Senai Kingdom.

If it wasn’t for civil strife in the kingdom, real power aristocrats would attack each other and be attacked suddenly by the kingdom of Senai and several kingdoms. Most of this battle will not be lost.

But when the battle between the successors of the Tamru kingdom comes out, the next king officially appears, and after the entire kingdom is integrated, it will inevitably go south again, and all the territories swallowed by the Senai kingdom will return.

If by then, the kingdom of Tamru successfully expels the kingdom of Senai, what will happen to the Ba Kulu family who surrendered the kingdom of Senai?

But if you change your mind, give up your territory, and your family goes north with the army, this is not a good idea either.

The civil strife in Tamru does not know how long it will last. If it lasts too long, after losing its territory, the power of the Ba Kulu family will decline rapidly, and even some existing interests may be destroyed. Those jealous other nobles were divided up.

This is bound to be a very difficult choice. Once the wrong choice is made, it will immediately lead to the decline of the entire family, and it is not impossible to fall from the noble class.

But for Adier, what they choose will not matter for the time being.

His next purpose is to go all the way north to leave this area.

Several days have elapsed since that night of fighting.

In these days, Adier has activated the seed of life through the Strength given by the ontology, and has become a real Knight, which is also the official Knight of this world.

This is far from over.

The point where Adier differentiated, although insignificant relative to the ontology, is unimaginable terror for the lower level.

According to Adier’s estimation, if all the previously differentiated Strength is consumed, at least the strength of Azure Firmament Knight can be restored, which is equivalent to the silver Knight of this world.

At this level, the danger of this world has greatly decreased, and some dangers for ordinary people are no longer a problem. Even if they face siege by the army, there will be no pressure at all, and one person can be an enemy.

Only at that level can Adier be assured a little bit, and start to try to explore this world, and explore the secrets of this world in depth, so as to obtain more hierarchical information.

“It’s coming soon …”

Sitting quietly on the carriage, feeling the pulsations of breath on his body, Adier said softly: “I can digest this Strength up to three months …”

A burst of sounds kept ringing in place, accompanied by the creaking sound of the carriage wheels, the carriage slowly advanced to the distance, and gradually entered a certain city in the distance.


One day after more than half a month.

In the early morning, the setting sun rose slowly, shining the whole land extremely bright.

In the early morning of this day, in a dilapidated village very close to several battlefields, several guests came from outside.

It was a middle-aged man wearing a fur coat with a feather hat on his head and a dark complexion. He was burly and muscular with a strong muscle.

He walked in quietly from the outside, not at all difficult to walk on the rugged path outside the village, but instead walked on the ground as if he was walking on the ground.

Entering the edge of the village, he looked at the village in front of him and couldn’t help but look at it.

Because in front of me, several people are carrying things here, wearing full clothes, and their faces are full of happiness and joy.

On the side, there was a hired coachman and a emaciated old horse, who was standing impatiently at the moment, looking a little impatient with the scene in front of him.

Looking at the scene in front of me, the dark-skinned middle-aged man froze. I didn’t expect to see this scene. Then I reacted, walked forward, and walked directly to the driver with a warm voice. “Good morning, my friend, did you come here to collect the goods?”

In front of me, listening to this, the driver raised his head in amazement, carefully looked at the looks of the middle-aged man in front of him, and even the weak skinny horse behind him. Then he was a little cold and nodded: “No, I It’s not. “

“I’m here to help these movers,” he said, in addition to impatience in his tone, with a little envy.

“Move?” The man froze, looking at the scavengers dressed in front of him, and said with some doubt: “They have money to enter the city?”

In this world, not everyone is eligible to enter urban areas.

If you have a savage who has never been recorded before, if you want to enter the city to live, you must have an identity that can be recorded.

If those outsiders want to enter the city, they must spend money to buy a certain area of ​​land in the city.

In his opinion, this money is not much, but for ordinary people, it is a huge number.

At least, some people who scavenge on the battlefield all day and rely on picking up the remains of their bodies to survive must be unbearable.

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