“These people are also lucky.”

Standing quietly on the edge of the village seems to be because the residents who have moved have not been cleaned up, and the driver responsible for pulling the car is a little impatient. He looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and said casually: “These people were originally ordinary scavengers. The whole is hovering on the battlefield, doing some profanity. “

“But some time ago, these people were lucky.”

“Oh, I don’t know what kind of Universiade?” Listening to the coachman’s speech, the burly man was also very knowledgeable, and seemed to be curious to ask.

“These people saved a real Knight from the battlefield.”

Looking at the man’s curious face, the driver then said, and when he talked about it, he also had a strong envy on his face.

“A real Knight!” The middle-aged man paused for a moment, seeming to be shocked by the incident, and then asked after a while: “Are you sure it’s really Knight? Aren’t some trainee Knights?”

There is a big gap between trainee Knight and formal Knight.

Knight is the backbone of a kingdom. Each Knight has a Strength that is comparable to a small army. If no one is restrained enough to kill ordinary soldiers, it can be called a humanoid monster.

However, Life Seed is not activated. It is only a trainee Knight who has undergone Knight training, which is much worse than that.

Even though Strength itself has its limits, there is only one dead end in the face of siege by the army.

However, for some inexperienced villagers and savages, it is difficult to distinguish the difference. Only men can ask this question, hoping to confirm it again.

“Of course it is the real Knight.”

The coachman suddenly jumped up: “Do you think I’m the kind of fool who can’t distinguish the trainee from the official Knight?”

“Look at it.”

He pointed to the distant village and said to the middle-aged man in front of him.

Looking in the direction the coachman was pointing, the middle-aged man suddenly froze.

I saw a tall, burly, horrifying corpse lying quietly in a corner of the distant village.

The corpse is very tall, if it can stand up, I am afraid it is at least two meters tall. The body was gray, with thin bone spurs on his arms, looking terrifying, and a beast at a glance.

An unpleasant stench was spreading on the body, smelling like the rotten smell of the body.

This corpse had been placed in the corner of a house before, because it was covered by a large number of objects, so it was inconspicuous. It was seen by men not at all before.

“That is!!”

Looking at the tall corpse in the distance, the burly man opened his eyes wide, and his face appeared shocked, seeming to be very shocked at the appearance of the corpse.


In the places that ordinary people can’t see, his fists were secretly tight. At this moment, his mood was very complicated, both shocked and doubtful.

“See it.” In front of him, seeing the reaction of the man, the driver thought he was scared, so he opened the mouth and said: “An adult ghoul’s body, and it’s so big, only the official Knight It’s ready. “

“According to these villagers here, it was only half a month after the Knight was rescued from the battlefield that he could drag a seriously injured body and kill such a ghoul.”

“I don’t know how powerful Knight was when he was not injured.”

Seeing the man, the driver spoke endlessly, with a clear envy on his face: “That Knight is still a good gentleman. After helping the poor scavengers to kill the ghoul, he also hired The carriage rewarded them with wine and meat, so that these people could drink good wine and meat, and a lot of money was given to these people so that they could qualify to live in the city. “

“I tell you, the driver who drove that Knight that day, or one of my cousins.”

“Oh?” The driver then asked the man to mention Spirit, and asked quickly: “Do you know what that Knight looks like and what are the obvious features?”

“Obvious characteristics?” The driver looked at him in surprise, listening to the man’s question, and although he felt a little strange, he asked: “According to my cousin, that Knight is very young and looks like he should be I’m just an adult and very handsome, and as my cousin said, it’s enough to be a lover to those ladies. “

“No more, I don’t know.”

He shook his head and signaled that he didn’t know more.

In fact, all he knew was what his cousin boasted to him after receiving the reward, and how much of it was real, and he didn’t know.

But in his eyes, listening to his story, the burly man thought, as if thinking about something.

It happened that at this moment several villagers in the distance came with their luggage and asked the side driver to help bring things to the car.

The man walked away, walked directly to the village in front, and communicated with some scavengers who were still inside.

He pretended to be a trader who came to acquire, which is not at all doubtful.

The scavengers scavenge near the battlefield. After all, these found things must be sold. Therefore, in the past, there are occasionally some small businessmen coming and going around, trying to get some good things here.

During the transaction, the man pretended to have just seen the ghoul’s body, and asked the residents inquisitively, inquiring the news in silence.

After the transaction was over, he made a small request.

“I bought all these things here. Can you give me this ghoul’s body?”

The man pointed at the stinky gray body in front of him and said with a smile to the scavengers.

“What do you want this to do?” Aside, looking at the man who bought a lot of things in one go, a scavenger was trying to agree, but in the end, he remembered something, and some city officials said, “That won’t work.”

“This is the corpse of rarely seen ghouls, at least eight bronze sons are needed!”

“Eight bronzes? Why don’t you grab them?” The man frowned, looking excited: “Up to three bronzes!”

After fierce bargaining between the two sides, the body was finally taken away by the man, and the price was five bronzes.

The corpse was also bought. The man did not continue to stay here, took his own horse, and walked towards the path outside.

As he left the village behind, looking at the village looming behind, the man shook the head with a disdainful smile on his face: “A bunch of fools.”

“A ghoul’s body, this is a rare material. If it is sold to those churches, it will cost at least a hundred gold coins.”

“In particular, this corpse is still so complete …”

As he spoke, he looked at the corpse pulling behind him, and his face couldn’t help becoming dignified.

The identity he just said is naturally fake, even the name he just said is fake.

The real name of the man is Gagar, and his real identity is not a merchant, but a lurker in the Senay kingdom.

Lurker, this is a Strength exclusively owned by the Duke of Senai. Every official member in it is at least a trainee Knight, who deals with some troublesome things for the Duke of Senai.

Slowly walked out of the path, and when he reached a certain unmanned distance, Karga stopped slowly, walked to the back, and carefully looked at the ghoul’s body.

“There was a fatal injury on the chest … directly penetrated by lance, and this aura, Life Energy, even brought a little Battle Qi change …”

“If it was really done under dying conditions, as those scavengers said, then I am afraid that the strength of this Knight, at least also the Peak of the official Knight, will soon be promoted to the bronze Knight …”

Examining the body of this ghoul carefully, Gaga’s face was dignified. At this moment, his mind was quickly reminiscing: “I am young, handsome, and still have this strength. Which genius Knight will be around here?”

Standing in place, carefully recalling the recent genius Knight who participated in the war, but finally found that none of them can be completely matched.

In the end, a name came to his mind and moved him.

“Is it him?”

With a movement in Karga’s heart, at this moment, I thought of a silhouette: “If it is him, then this time, he must be seized anyway, and this opportunity must not be spared!”

“Even if it wasn’t for him, a genius Knight who is only one step away from the bronze Knight, can’t let it go. If you can catch it, Your Majesty must be rewarded.”

When he felt this in his mind, he suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Holding the old horse, he looked towards the ghoul corpse behind him, and a sneer appeared on his face.

“One hit, Sink, you are conscious enough, knowing that I will come and kill you sooner or later, so I will find a place to decide for myself …”


“This weather is really cold …”

In a strange city, Wendy was shaking on a street, feeling a deep coldness.

It was really cold at this time.

Judging by the memory inherited by Adier, this time is exactly the cold plastic season of this world, that is, the winter of this world, and the coldest time.

Early in the morning, some snow and ice had appeared on the ground outside, and it was not surprising that the girl felt cold.

Looking around all around, the girl looked curiously at Side Adier: “Master Knight, aren’t you cold?”

“Not cold,” Adier said softly.

Compared to the heavy clothing worn by people around him, Adier is indeed striking.

He wore a white robe, a long sword on his waist, and a calm face without any traces or traces of wind and rain on it, which was very surprising in this weather.

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