Standing on the street, feeling the snow outside, Adier looked out.

Inside the streets and streets, the broken streets looked sparse and few of them appeared outside.

This is a normal phenomenon. In such a cold weather, no one wants to go out in the cold wind and freeze in vain unless forced to do so.

However, excluding the weather, the reason for this situation is related to the ongoing war.

The war between the Senay and Tamru kingdoms continues.

This is the news that Adier probed from various places in the past few days.

After capturing the southern fortress and occupying several provinces of the Kingdom of Tamru, the army of the Senay kingdom is now displayed at the border to confront the army of the Tamru. Although the two countries did not continue the battle, the small-scale battle It is always going on, making the atmosphere around this place too solemn.

The city where Adier is located at the moment belongs to the kingdom of Veruba and borders the kingdoms of Senai and Tamru at the same time. During this period, it has also been continuously affected by external wars, and the number of businessmen has greatly decreased.

If in the past, even in the winter season, there are still many foreign merchants in the city, but now they are almost extinct.

Standing there silently, as if feeling something, Adier looked back.

I saw a group of people walking slowly from outside the city gate not far away.

This is a group of people in shabby clothes, looking a little ragged, about seven or eight people, walking hard in the cold wind without saying a word.

Far away, Adier can feel the faint bloody smell of these people, as well as the vestiges of the battle.

“A group of disguised soldiers?”

Looking at the people coming forward, Adier turned around and pulled Wendy to hide in the corner.

During this time, Adier has seen a lot of remnants like this, basically camouflaged by the defeated army of the Kingdom of Tamru, and there are often several nobles.

Adier turned around and didn’t want to be seen by these people. After all, the size of this body’s predecessor can be regarded as a nobleman. In the vicinity, someone familiar with it may recognize him.

Although carefully, there is nothing to be recognized, but Adier still feels instinctual, and it is better to have less trouble.

In Adier’s dodge, the group walked straight ahead of Adier without seeing Adier.

It was just that when walking past Adier, one of the people looked up and looked at Adier’s back. There seemed to be some confusion on his face, and it seemed that Adier was familiar.

However, in the end, he did not fully recognize Adier, but he was slowly rushing to his destination this time surrounded by people around him.

Under Adier’s secret gaze, the group slowly walked before a huge building, and then disappeared.

“That guy just seemed a little familiar …”

After the group went away, Adier stepped out of the corner and looked at the back of the group with doubts in his eyes.

Only in the middle of the group was a young man who seemed to be the leader looked at him, and he naturally noticed this detail.

On the man’s body, he also felt a sense of familiarity, but the appearance of the other side was strange, and he had never seen it in the memory of this body.

“Have you covered up your looks?”

Looking into the distance, he muttered to himself.

Although there is no human skin mask in this world, there are many things that have the same effect.

Whether it is the magic of a mage, or the sacrificial Divine Technique, similar effects can be achieved.

Looking at the silhouette that the other party is disappearing, Adier took a look at the building the other party was moving towards.

There is a tall church, and on the periphery of the church, a little dark black complex imprint is decorated, which looks simple and gorgeous and impressive.

“The Church of the Dim God …”

Adier looked up, looking at the gorgeous and dim badge, the thought flashed in his mind.

The dim god, which is the sacrificial deity of several nearby kingdoms, governs the boundary between dusk and darkness. It is the only deity of the Tamru kingdom, and it is also spread in the kingdom of Veruba.

Standing in place, looking at the church, Adier hesitated, and after confirming the place, he took Side Wendy and walked towards a street.

Ahead, in the church, the young man who had previously looked at Adier was standing there quietly, looking in the direction of the gate with solid eyes, as if waiting for someone to follow.

After waiting for a long time, he raised his eyebrows and realized that the other party not at all followed.

“Perhaps an illusion.”

He shook his head and saw that no one came forward, so he gave up his thoughts and slowly walked forward.

In the front church, an old man wearing a black robe with intricate black texture on his face, gray hair, and dry skin was standing there, wearing a dim robe.

“Welcome, Ruger Prince.”

Seeing a few people walking in front of him, the old man’s eyes gradually focused on the young man in the center, and a smile slowly appeared on an old and gentle face, looking very happy: “I’m glad to see you again.”

“I’m glad to see you too.” When I saw the old man, the young man also smiled, and looked deeply out of breath: “Illura cultivator, being able to see you here, this is my past few months Hear the best news. “

“You have won the prize.” Ilula shook his head and looked at Rugel in front of him, his face gradually getting serious. “His Highness first come with me, now the city is searching very tightly, I will take you to a more hidden Somewhere to go. “

“Thank you.” Rugel nodded, responding with a smile without rejecting Yllula’s kindness, apparently knowing his situation at the moment.

The frontline army was defeated. At this moment throughout the southern region, the lurkers of the Senai Kingdom are looking for his trace, trying to seize him and dedicate it to King Senai.

Although the kingdom of Veruba was neutral in this battle, with the defeat of the Kingdom of Tamru, the attitude at this time tended to be closer to the kingdom of Senai and the search for him was also very strong.

If it wasn’t for his escape, he had a lot of alchemy items on his body, and it would be very difficult to escape at this moment.

“Right, what about other people?”

Seems to remember something, Gruul continued to ask, Mei Yu paid great attention to this issue.

“Others, I haven’t seen it for the time being, Your Highness you are the first to arrive here.”

Yllura said, “My task is just to send your Highness back to your country safely. If you send too many people at one time, I’m afraid it will increase your chance of being exposed.”

“Yeah …” A grin appeared on Gruul’s face, seeming to remember something, and gradually fell into silence.

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