In the quiet house, looking at the silhouette of Yllura going away, Gruul gently sighed.

In the room, the pale white candle was quietly lit, and the burning lamp above was shining on Gruul’s face, making his complexion look glomyy and uncertain.

“Your Highness, is there anything wrong?”

Beside him, an attendant looked at Gruul’s face and asked.

“It’s okay.” Gruul turned, his face returned to normal instantly, and gently shook the head, indicating that he was fine.

Seeing this, the servant on the side didn’t think much, just quietly nodded, under the leadership of the servant on the side, ready to go to change clothes.

For several months of fleeing, Gruul, along with his servants, had never been practised in the process, and now when it is safe, it is time to take a good rest.

A little bit of time passed quickly, and it was very late at night.

Late at night, when everyone around him fell into a deep sleep, Ilulla, who had already fallen asleep, walked out of a room gently.

He walked out of Gruul’s room gently, looking at the dim room inside, as well as the uniform breathing sound from inside, couldn’t help sighing lightly, his face looked a little complicated.

“Is everything done?” A voice came from one place.

Ilula raised his head, looking in the direction of the sound, just to see a silhouette coming from the outside.

It was a tall middle-aged man, who was also wearing a dim dress, and the mysterious imprint on his face was similar to that of Ilula’s face, but also a little different.

Compared with Ilula, this man has a greater majesty and a faint murderous aura, which is daunting.

“We have already done.”

Ilula sighed lightly: “A sufficient amount of crystal flower medicinal liquid, even a mammoth can be overturned. As long as you drink it, you will immediately fall into a lethargy, at least for a few days will not wake up.”

“Good job.” Middle-aged man nodded: “Leave it to me next.”

“I have informed the guards of Veruba, and after a while, they will send someone to search, and naturally find Gruul who is still asleep.”

“After this step, it has nothing to do with us, we will not personally be infected with King Descendant’s blood, and no one knows that we have been here …”

“That’s fine.” Yllura sighed, his face seemed to be a little tangled and confused: “It’s just Hill, are we really good like this …”

“There is no need to have extra burden …” The man named Hill looked at Ilula and seemed to understand the hesitation in his heart from the tangled expression of the old man: “The war in the kingdom has been going on long enough, We are all getting older. “

“It’s time to resolve this dispute.”

He stepped forward slowly, walked out of the window of the room, and looked at Gruul, who was quietly sleeping inside, and said gently, “From a Tamru perspective, everything we do is for this Controversy in the Tamru Kingdom ends soon. From a dim sacrifice status, everything we do is also for the glory of our Lord to better spread the world. “

“Third Highness has promised that when he succeeds, he will let go of the restrictions in the past, so that we can freely establish an established Sect in the kingdom and enjoy all the rights we should have.”

“Whatever it is, we all have a reason to do so.”

At the end, he closed his eyes and put his hands on his chest, his face calm and sacred: “For my lord Carlin …”

“I see.” The expression on Ilula’s face gradually firmed, looking at the Hill in front of him, and then he made a gesture of prayer. All the hesitation and intolerance in his heart disappeared at this moment, and only one piece of piety remained. And calm.

A faint dim light spread on his body, and a little afterglow shone on his body, setting him up like a messenger of God, and he could not help raising a kind of admiration at a glance, feeling the glory of the dim master.

At this time, a light sound suddenly appeared outside, accompanied by the sound of peng peng peng, as if someone was coming from outside.

“Someone came to pray so early?”

Listening to the ringing bells and crisp footsteps from outside, the two faces were surprised.

The church is naturally open to the outside world. Normally, it will not only open to the outside world, but also regularly hold some activities, and even give food to some victims in some disaster years to attract believers.

But at this moment, it’s really time for the church to open, but it’s just that nobody’s all that old.

“I will go see it.”

Gently getting up, Yllura said.

This time, in order to carry out this operation and to cover up some things, the original sacrifice here has been temporarily removed. The prayers and rituals during these days are arranged by Ilula.

“You go, I’m staring here.”

Next to him, Hill said without looking back, at this moment his eyes were still staring at the room in front of him, looking at the silhouette lying on the bedside.

Looking at this scene, Irura did not speak, turned directly, and walked towards the hall outside the church.

After coming to the lobby, I saw the person who was here at the moment, Ilula could not help but shine.

It was a handsome young man, wearing a luxurious black robe with a complex texture of light silver on it.

The soft long hair hangs down casually. On the young man’s body in front of him, a unique temperament is revealed quietly, which makes people look bright at a glance.

“It’s a nobleman, and it’s not an ordinary nobleman.”

Looking at the young man in front of him, Ilula lighted up, and he couldn’t help smiling.

For the gods of aloof and remote, no matter whether it is a low-level slave or a noble noble, it can be treated equally.

But for the sacrificial sacrifice, this step is impossible.

Promoting the doctrine of oracles, organizing events to help the victims, and developing believers, each step requires a lot of money.

Although on the surface it is the same, it is certainly more important for the noble believers to be able to make a lot of donations and provide various help than ordinary civilians.

Looking at the young man who was walking slowly in front of him, Ilula with a kind smile on his face, holding a dark gray badge in his hand, went straight forward: “Hello, what can I do for you? ? “

“Hello.” The young man looked very polite, with a mild smile on his face: “Excuse me, but I’m here for the first time. May I look around here?”

“Of course you can.” Irura nodded, with a smile on his face: “In fact, if you don’t mind, I can introduce it for you.”

“I’ll trouble you then.” Adier laughed, looking interested.

Of course, this is not actually installed.

When he came to this world, he walked into a deity’s church for the first time. If he had no interest in it, it would be completely deceiving.

Therefore, he came here early in the morning, on the one hand to see if the group was not here yesterday, and on the other hand, he was very interested in the church.

With all the thoughts in his mind, after a while, he looked at Yllura in front of him, and his eyes gradually deepened.


Looking at Ilula in front of him, the idea first appeared in Adier’s mind.

Limited to the situation at the moment, he could not see how much Strength was in front of Ilula.

This is also caused by the special nature of sacrifice.

As a deity sacrifice, the strength of the sacrifice is derived from the deities, and it has a lot of concealment. It is difficult to determine how many strengths a sacrifice has before it is actually shot.

However, although it is not true, Adier can feel that in the body of Irura in front of him, there is a continuous strength that cannot be cut off at all, and Adier brings a sense of danger.

“Roughly equivalent to the Peak Knight’s Peak, as a sacrifice, it may be weaker in actual combat, but in this church, Strength may be stronger.”

Feeling the danger that the other party brought to himself, Adier’s face remained unchanged, thinking in his mind.

The Peak of Great Knight, converted to the Strength of this world, is the bronze Knight Peak, which is already a very strong Strength.

Adier’s physical father, the most powerful house of a traditional Knight family, is just a bronze Knight that’s all.

“A such a powerful sacrifice, it is not good to sit in those major Sect districts in the country, but ran to the remote small town of Veruba …”

Looking at the back of Ilula in front of him, Adier shook his head secretly: “And this familiar Strength …”

On the other side, Adier felt a very familiar Strength and had experienced it many times in a certain World.

The power of the soul.

Flowing on Ilula at this moment, it is the soul power of Adier that he has experienced many times in Misty World.

It ’s just that the power of the soul that World simply uses to sign the blood deed and strengthen the deed of the beast, in the body of the sacrifice in front of him, the power of the soul is more pure, with a strong mark on it A deep brand.

This discovery made Adier feel a little bit thoughtful.

They walked in the church and soon walked to both sides of the hall.

On both sides of the hall, huge murals are displayed in all around, giving an extremely shocking sense of viewing.

At the very beginning of the mural, a small man was holding a little baby and cautiously caring for it.

“this is?”

Looking at the mural in front of him, Adier stood still, seeming a little surprised.

“This is the moment of the birth of the great deity, the dim Lord.” Silently made a prayer, Yi Lua said with a kind smile on her face.

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