“Is the shrine born by a human?”

Looking at the mural and the text on it, Adier asked.

“Of course.” Yllura’s face remained the same as before, “Since everything in this world exists, it has a reason for its birth.”

“Man was born because of his parents, so is God.”

“The only difference is that mortals always like to decorate this point and decorate their birth with various colors, and the true sacredness never hides their humble past.”

Ilula said earnestly, expressing concern and seriousness.

“I agree with that,” Adier nodded agreed.

Under Ilula, he continued wandering in this hall, visiting the entire church.

However, to his disappointment, until the other apprentices gradually entered the church, he did not see the slightest trace of yesterday’s group.

In the end, he shook the head and gave up this temptation.

“I’m very satisfied with the commentary on the Yilu La sacrifices.”

Looking at the Ilula in front of him, Adier laughed, and looked at the silhouette that is gradually increasing outside: “Sorry for delaying your time. As a thank you, I hope to donate thirty large gold coins to express my gratitude to you. “

“I’ll use your donation in the right place.” Hearing the figures donated by Adier, Ilula couldn’t help it.

Thirty big gold coins, this number is already a lot.

At this time, just after the war, even if you want to buy a healthy slave with complete hands and feet, you only need two big gold coins. Thirty big gold coins, this is already a very large number, and in the past, a church may not have received such a donation for a whole year.

Of course, for Ilula, this money is actually nothing, but Adier, who can donate this money at will, undoubtedly must also pay attention to him.

Thinking of this, he smiled on his face, and then sent Adier out of the church himself before walking back to the church slowly.

Just walking back to the church, soon the smile on Ilula’s face disappeared completely.

“What? His Highness Gruul is gone!”

His complexion changed, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, and he looked solemn, stepping forward, and went straight to the room where Gruul was last night.

In the room, Hill complexion ashen stood there, pulling his hand on the quilt.

Following his eyes, Ilula looked towards the head of the bed, and on the clean head, a black baby lay quietly there, still exuding a faint breath and sound.

On the doll’s body, the breath was exactly the same as that of Gruul.

“It’s golden puppet!”

Standing in front of the bed, looking at the arrival of Ilula, Hill complexion ashen’s mouth said: “This tadpole needs to be manipulated from a short distance to be effective. He must not have gone far now!”

“Start backtracking now and get him back!”

“En?” Outside, just as he walked out of the church, Adier froze.

In the induction, at this moment in the church behind him, a huge reaction of soul power filled all around, as if there was any large ceremony being opened.

“What’s wrong?”

Subconsciously, Adier whispered to himself, looked down and walked towards his carriage.

Adier suddenly felt a bit wrong as he slowly walked over the carriage he was driving on.

Around him, a faint bloody smell came, and the source of the scent was the carriage that belonged to him right now.

Oh la la !

A sharp sword light stabbed in an instant, and immediately stabbed with a violent killing intent, and even attached to the fiery Life Energy directly stabbed the sword of lore.

The prestige of this sword is horrified. It is surrounded by Knight’s Life Energy, and the unexpected sword is shot with a heart to kill, even if it is a Knight who has activated Life Seed. Under this sword, even if it does not die Serious injuries.

boom! !

A violent sound of gold and iron came, and the two long swords collided in an instant, and the resulting force would knock them apart in an instant.

Standing outside the carriage, Adier’s face was calm. He waved a sword with one hand, and a little silver mang breeded in mid-air, directly suppressing the opponent’s sword momentum, and couldn’t continue to swing the sword.

The fierce Strength surged out, and the Strength that erupted in an instant made the other party stared wide-eyed in an instant: “Battle Qi !!”

At this time, the carriage’s cover was smashed by the sword wind, and Adier could see the other person’s appearance clearly.

It was a very heroic young man with blond hair and a handsome face full of astonishment. The entire silhouette gave Adier a touch of familiarity.

“you are!”

Before Adier recognizes the other person, in the carriage, looking at Adier’s face, the other person seems to have seen a ghost: “Yasuo?”

“Do you know me?” Adier frowned, looking at some strangers in front of him, just trying to say something.

Step on …

A rush of footsteps came from afar, and Da Lao Yuan heard the old distance, as if someone was hurrying and ran quickly from all directions.

Listening to the rapid footsteps, Adier frowned and looked at the young man lying halfway in the carriage in front of him. After hesitating for a moment, he picked it gently and threw the long sword in the other hand. Set up the carriage directly and ran out quickly.

On the street, he didn’t stop all the way, rushed all the way out of the city, rushed to the place where Adier is currently living, after confirming that no one behind him continued to follow, and then slowly stopped, into the carriage behind him.

In the carriage, the young man was half-lying there at the moment. The whole man was pale and seemed to have no energy, but could only lean on the wooden board behind him to support his body.

At this time, Adier noticed that there were large and small wounds and fissures in each other’s body, and many of them still had blood on them, which made people feel painful at first glance.

“who are you?”

Looking at the young man in front of him, looking at the other person’s apparently disguised face, Adier frowned indifferently said. The sword in his hand was slowly raised, and he faintly pointed at the other person’s neck. Kill the other party in general.

On the opposite side, watching Adier’s movements, watching Adier quietly, the man’s face looked a little complicated, a little surprised, and a little shocked: “It’s me …”

A voice slowly sounded, and at this moment coincided with a majestic voice in Adier’s body memory.

“His Highness Gruul?”

Listening to the sound, carefully comparing with his own memory, Adier frowned asked.

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