“His Highness Gruul?”

In the narrow carriage, he paused the opponent’s long sword and looked at the other familiar silhouette, and Adier frowned. At this moment, he thought of a silhouette in his memory.

For Adier’s body, the name Gruul is very deep.

According to common sense, the predecessor of this body, as the third son of Baron, is different from Prince Gruul, the kingdom, and I do n’t know how many gaps there should be.

However, things in this world often cannot be calculated according to common sense.

In the Senai Kingdom, the blood relationship between the nobles is very chaotic. Some families with a long inheritance often have Bloodline of other families, so they are connected with many nobles.

Although Yasuo’s family power is not strong, inheritance is very long. Even his ancestors were once glorious and became a noble.

In addition, in the southern Carlo area, the Yasuo family, as the native Knight family, has great convenience. So three years ago, when Gruul Prince had just left the capital and came to Carlo, he had called Adier’s father many times, and even something had happened.

Yasuo’s second sister was married to Gruul in front of her.

Of course, marriage is actually just like a side chamber, not an official wife.

In front of Gruul, there are at least four or five people similar to Yasuo’s second sister.

However, because of this relationship, coupled with the fact that the family behind Gruul and Yasuo was in the honeymoon period, Gruul also took the time to instruct Yasuo for a period of time.

Because of this, Adier will be impressed by him, even if the other party specifically conceals his appearance, he will instinctively feel familiar.

While Adier was thinking, looking at the Adier in front of him, Gruul felt a strong sense of strangeness.

Because of his previous relationship, he spent some time with Yasuo.

During that time, Yasuo was a bit dumb and impressed. Except for being active during training, he had nothing to say and was not noticeable at all.

But Yasuo in front was different.

The look is still that look, the person is still that person. But compared to the past, Yasuo in front of him was full of a sense of calmness and calmness, and there was a distinguished breath from the bone marrow that looked like a true nobleman.

At the moment, the other party didn’t say much, but it never gave people a sense of silence, but it was even more impossible to ignore.

In addition to the change of temperament, the opponent just shot, which also shocked him.

In order to accelerate the escape from this place, his sword was shot with all his strength. Under one sword, even if he was a bronze Knight under his sword, he would be severely wounded and even killed on the spot.

However, such a fierce sword was ineffective in front of Yasuo.

It’s just a sword. For the convenience of completely blocking his sword, he even took away his weapon directly, and his courage was directly suppressed, which made him lose the strength of the fight.

This strength has definitely reached the level of bronze Knight.

Before he could recover from the shock, a rush of footsteps kept ringing outside, and it seemed that someone was running out of the church.


Acutely aware of the footsteps coming from inside, Gruul stood strong and weakened, and said, “It’s dangerous here!”

Adier frowned as he quietly listened to footsteps from the outside, looking at Gruul in front of him.

He hesitated, then lowered his sword, set up the carriage directly, and ran outside.

The carriage is fast, it only takes a while to run out of the church and slowly walk to the city gate.

But at this time, Adier not only did not relax, but frowned even deeper.

“In front of!!”

A shout came from all directions, but it was only a moment when a large number of guards gathered from all directions and surrounded the carriage where Adier was.

At the city gate in front, I do not know when I was wearing a dark black dim sacrificial robe and a middle-aged sacrifice with long gray hair was standing there. Hill in the dim church.

At this moment, he was standing quietly under the city gate, without anyone beside him, but the majestic power that appeared on his body made anyone who could feel it tremble.

With just one person, the threat is greater than all the surrounding guards combined.

Looking at this scene, Adier frowned, turning to stare at Gruul behind him, with a deep meaning in his eyes: “Your body has those dark sacrifices …

“It’s a dim mark!” Gruel complexion ashen, at this moment his face was very ugly: “When …”

“At this point, you can only charge ahead.” Adier turned and looked at Hill at the city gate ahead, his face remained unchanged.

By now, even if he wanted to surrender Gruul, it was useless. In the case where the other party thinks it has an advantage, it is impossible to let go of his Gruul party and not let him leave.

Moreover, his identity prevented him from severing disputes with Gruul.

The girls of the Ba Kulu family are married to Gruul Prince. Although there are not many people who know this thing, there are definitely many.

As a member of the Ba Kulu family, Adier is wearing this body. No matter how he says he has nothing to do with Gruul, no one will believe it.

What’s more, at this moment, it’s not the time to surrender.

Pulling the reins gently, in front of the eyes, the huge white horse rushed straight ahead towards the city gate, pulling the carriage behind him to charge forward together.

In the carriage behind him, feeling the shock of the carriage and the direction of the charge, Gruul first widened his eyes, then resoluteness appeared on his face, struggling to support his weak body, picking up his sword, and preparing for the next battle.

“Give up and struggle under God’s gaze.”

Looking forward, looking at the carriage that was rushing towards him, a cold smile appeared on Hill’s face, and the dim god pattern on his arm flickered at this moment.

In Adier’s induction, the majestic power of his body surged at this moment, turning into a solid barrier, firmly blocking the city gate in front of him.

Seemingly nothing, indestructible!

After the barriers were formed, countless lances rose from the mid-air. Above the city gate, a dazzling divine pattern was covered on it, and a huge bronze statue with majestic divine power condensed out with majestic power. Fiercely smashed directly in front of me.

Suddenly, the countenance of many people present changed.

As a matter of fact, with the official appearance of Gruul, many people from all over the place appeared early and all around this moment, including the lurkers of several great kingdoms and Knights of various families.

At this moment, watching Hill’s shot, all of them were cold.

“Dark statue, this is the fourth-order Divine Technique!”

Looking at the front, Gruul smiled bitterly: “I really deserve me …”

The words fell, and around, each and everyone wore a dark black armor and the soldier with a short gun came out, a pair of eyes with red, looking like blood.

Looking at this scene, Gruul’s heart cooled down instantly.

This scene is too scary.

A dark blood sacrifice who is about to arrive in silver and nearly a hundred drinks of crimson blood survives. This kind of scene, even if a real silver knight comes, I am afraid it will take a lot of trouble to solve it.

This is not a hunt, but an ambush.

“who is it?”

At this moment, he remembered the attendants who were left in the dim church, and then a bitter smile appeared on his face.

At this point, it doesn’t matter who is a traitor.

The most important thing right now is to charge ahead.

Although the hope is dim, Gruul has pride in his heart. Even if he exhausts his last strength, he will continue to fight. He will never be obliviously surrender.

He had just been mentally prepared, and looking at the next scene, he suddenly hesitated.

A light silver long sword flew through the air.

In the mid-air, a little bit of silver’s sword light fluttered and fluttered. Silver Flower flew for a long time, just like a beautiful starlight, very beautiful and beautiful.

And in this most brilliant silver brilliance, a sword qi with a fierce killing intent was cut off suddenly.

Silver Flower! !!

The sky full of Silver Flower erupted. At this moment, everyone present couldn’t help changing the color, and felt a scalp-like burning killing intent, and that rapid long sword flying.

boom! !

The violent sound of collision came from all directions, but in an instant, the lance originally emerging from Shino disappeared directly and was blocked by the flying silver sword qi.


A dull sound came from the ear.

Adier lifted his head, and just saw in front of him, a huge dim bronze statue standing in front of him, and a huge arm, like a sharp knife, cut directly at Adier.

Enormous divine power emerged. The dim bronze statue in front of me was not an entity, but a dim sacrifice from Divine Technique summon. The body was filled with huge dim divine power and sacrifice faith. Spirit was hit hard.

Feeling this, Adier was unmoved, the strong Spirit was as stable as ever, and was not affected in the slightest, but the long sword in his hand was lifted, and a little bright sword light was directly cut off.

boom! !

A sword was cut off. In front of the eyes, there were many tiny openings in the huge bronze statue, and then healed quickly and recovered as before.

The next moment, a huge fist forcibly fell down, which contained a little Strength of Adier’s body, at this moment directly blessed on the body, and hit the idol in front of him.

Hong long! !

A violent crackling sounded in front of me.

In front of Adier, a three or four meter tall idol exploded directly. Numerous rare cracks appeared on the original intact idol, and then it smashed apart directly, looking like a whole tofu was forcibly It exploded, and the pieces were scattered everywhere, leaving only a residue.

This fierce prestige caused many soldiers who had rushed to step over with Knight, looking at the teenager sitting on the carriage in front of him, his face could not help but look dignified.

“It’s useless.”

At the city gate in front of him, looking at the statue that was hit by Adier, Hill’s face became a little surprised. It seems that Adier was able to achieve this degree: “The strength of the dim statue is not a fourth-order Divine Technique. Excellent, but the most resilient. “

His face was calm, with a faint smile on his face: “As long as the idol is not completely destroyed with one blow, otherwise this Divine Technique will not disappear unless I die.”

The words fell, and the smile on his face soon stagnated.

I saw in front of me, standing on the carriage, silently looking at the dim statue restored in front of my eyes, Adier’s face remained unchanged, and the long sword in his hand slowly raised.

At the moment, with the horrified eyes of countless people watching, on Adier, the violent silver Battle Qi surged up, and a little bit of violent Battle Qi like Silver Flower swept up, turned into the most solid armor, and covered Adier directly. .

Armor of Battle Qi!

This is the ability that you can have after being promoted to Azure Firmament Knight. Within the body Battle Qi is transformed into a substantial armor, and Knight ’s Strength is maximized.

The huge Battle Qi armor rose into the sky, and then in front of him, Adier waved a sword, and the Battle Qi roared and chopped off, drawing ripples in the mid-air, like a silver dragon, directly covering the dim statue in front of him.


Like the crisp sound of metal collision, under the suppression of a silver long sword, the idols in front of them flew apart instantly, and the Divine Technique Strength contained in them was completely broken in the first time.

Divine Technique was destroyed on the spot. Hill had a pain in the chest on the spot. He felt that all the flesh and blood on his body was being eroded by a Strength. The Divine Technique that had been easily maintained disappeared directly and could no longer be maintained.

A horse’s whistle came from the ear.

Adier gently pulled the stables, carrying the carriage, and immediately broke through the blockade of the city gate and rushed directly outside the city.

In place, watching Adier rush out of the city, the red blood soldiers who had gathered originally stood in place, and one of them, Knight, raised his head slightly.

This is a very young looking Knight, wearing a pure black armor, most of his face is covered by the face armor, showing only a pair of scarlet eyes.

“Battle Qi armor, a silver Knight?”

Looking at the escaping carriage in the distance, I remembered the appearance of the young boy swinging a sword in his mind, and a little interest gradually rose in Knight’s mind.

“Can you think of such a small place, can such a genius appear?”

This thought emerged in his mind, he turned around without looking at the hill standing in front of him, turned directly, and walked in the direction it came.

“When did you get promoted …”

In the distance, in the Carriage of Bianpo, looking at Adier driving the Carriage in front of him, thinking of the horror scene just before, Gruul twitched slightly, trying not to change his face, so he said.

“Not long ago.”

Sitting at the forefront of the carriage, listening to Gruul’s question, Adier was silent for a moment before he opened the mouth and said: “After climbing out of a pile of corpses on the battlefield, I found myself promoted.”

“Is the crisis of Life and Death tough?” Gruul’s mouth was a bit bitter: “I didn’t expect you to go to the battlefield …”

“No way,” Adier looked up and said calmly. “The war swept Carlo, father didn’t want to let his brother enter the battlefield, and it was only up to me.”

The words fell, and Gruul moved in his heart as he heard the words.

“Don’t Baru don’t know about Yasuo’s promotion?”

The thought suddenly rose in his mind.

Because of the second sister Yasuo, he probably knows something about the Yasuo family.

Yasuo’s father, Doru Baron, doesn’t pay much attention to Yasuo.

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