As a long-established Knight family, the situation in the Ba Kulu family is somewhat complicated.

Yasuo’s father, this generation of the Kulu family’s patriarch Baru Baron, can be counted as a multi-child Baron, only has an adult son, at least five.

Among them, with the exception of Yasuo’s elder brother, which is Eldest son of Doru Baron, the other children are actually not valued.

Adier’s physical predecessor was always ignored by Doru Baron because of his quietness in normally and the fact that he did not show anything extraordinary.

The reason for this time to come to the battlefield is also to replace the elder brother, on behalf of the Ba Kulu family came to participate in the war.

In Gruul’s view, Yasuo did not tell Doru Baron of his promotion to Knight. This is very likely.

How precious is a Knight. For ordinary lords, let alone a bronze Knight. Even if it is just the official Knight who has just been promoted, they are rare talents and treasures. Each one is worthy of being cherished and solicited in person.

The battlefield between the two countries is dangerous and horrifying. If Doro Baron knew that Yasuo had become a bronze Knight, he would never send him to the battlefield to risk it, or even immediately abolish his inheritance of eldest son and transfer it to Yasuo inherit.

But now, since nothing is heard and Yasuo is sent to the battlefield, it is very likely that Yasuo not at all will tell these to others.

Thinking of this, Gruul had a look in his eyes and suddenly felt a little excited.

Found the treasure.

After quietly leaning against the carriage, he looked at Adier, who was driving in front of him, and his heart suddenly became hot.

A silver Knight, if he can use it for his own use …

As soon as this thought was raised, the severe pain came to him.

He raised his head, feeling the severe pain from his body, and the violent shock from the carriage. His face couldn’t help showing a wry smile, temporarily cancelling the thoughts in his mind.

What will happen in the future is the future.

The most important thing today is how to get through this level.

“No one has been coming for the time being.”

After a while, the shock on the carriage gradually diminished. Next to a forest, Adier stopped the carriage and then opened the mouth and said: “At this distance, they can’t catch up temporarily.”

“What do you want to do?” Gruul reluctantly stood up and asked, looking at Adier’s movement in the carriage.

“I’m going back.” Adier raised his sword and looked back. “My friend is still in that city. I need to pick her out first.”

Because of the critical situation, Wendy, the girl who followed Adier, was still in the city. At this time, she was waiting for Adier to go back in the hotel where she stayed before.

“Besides that, we need some wounds.”

He lowered his head and looked at Gruul’s tormented body, and said so.

“I’m afraid the normal medicine is useless to me.” Gruul smiled bitterly on his face. “However, at most half a day, I can recover a little strength, and it will be more convenient at that time.”

“Okay.” Adier gently nodded: “I’ll be back soon, be careful yourself.”

When the words fell, he pulled up his sword, and the silhouette flashed, leaving directly in place.

“It’s really straightforward.” Behind, looking at Adier’s back, Gruul had a bitter smile on his face, with a very unique feeling.

If it was Yasuo in the past, he would definitely not, and dare not leave him here under such circumstances.

But now, the other party not only did so, he didn’t even hesitate.

“Is this what changed after the battle?”

Looking at Adier’s fading back, he couldn’t help raising this thought.

Time is constantly disappearing between shuttles.

Without the drag of Gruul, Adier was on his way alone, much faster than when he had fled the city.

After a while, he returned to the city gate.

At this moment, just before, the atmosphere around the city seems a little stagnant.

However, the people here probably didn’t expect Adier to come back, so the city’s door is still open, and pedestrians come in and out intermittently, which brings a little popularity to the city.

Adier changed a pair of clothes, then disguised his appearance, disguised as a foreign traveler, after paying a few coins, he went straight into the city and found the hostel he had stayed in before.

Just now, Adier stopped and frowned slightly.

The place where he originally stayed was a pub with a good environment. Among them, the pub was on the first floor, and the rooms were on the second floor and above.

But at this moment, the sky outside was completely bright, but there was no sound coming from this tavern. It sounded a dead silence, and it made people stand panic.

Vaguely, a bloody smell came faintly, giving Adier a kind of ominous premonition.

Without hesitation, he looked up, took a step forward, and walked towards the room where he had been before.

A faint ripple appeared around him. At this moment, Adier’s Spirit was a little hesitant, only to feel that in all directions, there were countless blood-colored warriors rushing towards him. That gigantic blood and killing intent were even separated ten thousand li are shocking.

The next moment, a faint silver Spirit rose, driving everything away.

In the end, Adier is not an ordinary person. Although there is only a avatar in front of him, Spirit is equally tenacious and powerful. At this moment, although he is only able to recover a little Strength, Spirit is huge, even if it is not inferior to some second-level wizards.

The huge Spirit force is raging at this moment, and the horrible, trembling in fear murderous aura disappears instantly, as if it never appeared.

“No! No!”

Adier opened his eyes suddenly, but found that the scene before him had changed again.

At this moment, he was in a battlefield of slaughter. In all around, countless scarlet soldiers were killing frantically. The blood was infecting his entire body, and a huge slaughter desire involuntarily rose in his heart.

“Can’t rely on Spirit’s power, can only be offset by pure will?”

Before the last point of Spirit’s power was consumed, Adier frowned, flashing the thought in his mind.

The idea has just risen, next moment, the endless desire of the slaughter comes to mind, like forcibly putting countless bombs in the head, leaving the brain blank for a moment, leaving only a pure slaughter desire.

kill! kill! kill!

The huge slaughter’s desire is full of his mind, shocked by this slaughter’s desire, Adier’s ego is like a boat in the ocean, and it seems that it can tilt at any time.

Pat … pat … pat …

A slight applause sounded slowly around him.

I saw in the room, a young man wearing black armor, with a tall figure and a half-faced face, was sitting on a chair in front of him, looking at Adier in front of him, with admiration on his face: “Amazing, really amazing ··· “

“I’ve seen many geniuses on Strength, but like you, I’ve only broken free from the desire of the slaughter by my own will. I’ve seen it for the first time.

With admiration on his face, he looked at Adier in front of him, with a smile on his face.

Listening to the sound, Adier looked up coldly.

At this moment, he was standing in front of the man, about five or six meters away, and his body was wet with sweat, and his face looked pale and without blood.

Deep in his brain, a deep exhaustion struck his mind, making him have the urge to fall asleep in despair.

“You made the movement here?”

He looked at the man in black armor, and a little sweat dripped from his forehead.

“Of course it is me.” The man laughed, with one hand reaching out slightly, grasping the handle on the chair to support his body: “Introduce yourself, I’m Orff.”

“Not long ago, I watched you defeat the sacrifice at the city gate and escaped directly from my eyes.”

Adier froze, looking at the man in black armor before him, only to feel a little familiar.

Earlier at the city gate, the man in front of him led nearly a hundred red blood guards to participate in the hunt, leaving a little impression on Adier.

However, because there is no exact match, Adier is not so impressed with the man in front of him, because he failed to recognize it at first.

“Having this Strength is just a Knight of Veruba?”

He reluctantly got up, looking at the black armor in front of his eyes, with a crimson and strange man in his eyebrows, some with a sneer.

“Knight of Veruba is long? No, of course I am not.”

Looking at Adier, the man laughed. A handsome and seductive face seemed to have an extreme charm. The noble breath on it slowly dissipated, making me depressed: “I just came here, borrow this Use only one identity. “

“I originally planned to leave after two months, but I didn’t expect to be surprised by you.”

He said with a smile, looking at Adier in front of his eyes, with some glow in his eyes: “Don’t panic, your girl is fine, just temporarily asleep.”

“You don’t have to think about resistance …”

Seems to remember something, he sighed softly: “Silver Knight, this is a good place in this small place, but in front of some people, it is …”


The words fell, and a shock suddenly changed in place.

In place, a sharp sword light was suddenly cut off, which instantly brought hundreds of changes, and the absolute Strength contained in it was enough to make people scary.

This is Adier’s full-strength blow in the current state. He took the decisive moment of the opponent and shot decisively, without any hesitation, he cut it with a sword, with a boiling, strong Mountain-like strength burst out.

Battle Qi, blood, Spirit … All strengths all converge into a line at this moment, with the purest point of strength as the core, cut straight down.

Silver Flower! !!

A sword fell and the Silver Flower fluttered in the sky, and the endless Strength contained in it all pressed down on the person in front of him.

At this moment, Orff, who had always been calm and calm, had finally changed his face, and felt something that made him tremble in the sword of Adier.

It’s not just Strength. In fact, even if all of Adier’s Strength at this moment erupts, he won’t hurt any of his hair.

For him, not to mention Silver Knight, even if it is the real Golden Knight, he has not been killed.

But although Strength is nothing, the core of will contained in it really makes him feel discolored.

That’s one of the origins of Adier’s ontology.

Once promoted to the fifth level, the power of will was born automatically. Although it is just a clone of the origin, but the essence of it has not changed, the power of will also exists, and at this moment, it is fully interpreted and exploded.

boom! !

The metal intersect sound came violently, and then everything in situ disappeared into nothingness.

In situ, Adier’s face was pale. At this moment, all his strength had disappeared, and he had no strength left to stand. He could only half-knelt on the ground and supported his body with the long sword on his hand.

Opposite Adier, Orff was still standing.

He stood quietly on a chair, his armor intact.

Drop it drop it …

A little blood dripped slowly. In front of him, Orff lifted his head, and the veil that had been covering the face had been completely crushed, and a large opening was pierced on the palm of his hand. The blood is dripping.

He slowly raised his head, looking at the collapsed Adier in front of his eyes, but without a little anger on his face, but with a little appreciation: “OK, good.”

“Yasuo, I really like you more and more.”

He looked at Adier in front of him, with a pure appreciation on his face, and a confusing joy.

Looking at Orff, Adier was a little surprised at his attitude.

The person in front of us is weird.

Just before that sword, Adier has shot with all his strength, and within the body the last Power of Origin broke out, even if the third-level wizard came here, he would be seriously injured under that sword.

However, such a fierce blow fell on the opponent, but it just made a little more speech on the opponent, leaving no decent injuries.

This strength has already exceeded the scope of the ordinary third-order, at least it is also a senior among the third-order, even the third-order Peak.

In this world, the second order is already the level of Golden Knight, and there are not many in the entire Tamru Kingdom.

As for the third order, I’m afraid the number is even more scarce.

With this kind of strength, the other party is still a little Knight in the Kingdom of Virupa?

This really puzzled Adier.

But in front of him, Orff didn’t mean to puzzle Adier.

He looked at Adier who was barely supporting his body in front of his eyes, with an appreciation on his face, and slowly said, “In return for this sword, I will leave you a little gift.”

The words fell, a drop of crimson blood slowly fell, and in the struggling body of Adier, slowly fell on him.

A huge amount of pain swept up instantly, not just for the body, but for Spirit and even the soul, which made Adier feel a pain in his heart all over his body.

This was unprecedented pain. In front of me, struggling with a weak body, and endured the pain from his body, Adier held the sword in his hand and gritted his teeth without saying a word.

In front of the forehead he saw, a little scarred complex mark was gradually taking shape, with a complex mark on it, with a thick bloody air, which made people feel thrilled and horrified at first glance, as if See the sight of endless slaughter.

Looking slowly at this scarlet Red Seal note, Orff smiled, at this moment expression seemed so happy.

“Hahahaha !!”

“I finally succeeded”

He looked at Adier’s forehead and the slowly formed Scarlet Red Seal, and the smile on his face couldn’t be suppressed.

On his body, a few complicated marks also emerged, with a strong bloody air breath, which looked similar to Adier’s forehead at first glance, but it was sharper.

“Take my present well and try to be stronger.”

He looked at Adier, his body slowly blurred, and gradually walked away from the outside.

Under Adier’s stunned gaze, his silhouette disappeared directly in place, leaving only a fluttering sentence.

“In the future, we will meet again.”

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