“This unique treatment and this inexplicable sense of sight …”

Standing in place, struggling to stand up, feeling the weakness and pain in my body, thinking about everything that has happened since reincarnation, Adier could not help corner of mouth twitching: “I really became the protagonist … “

Since he was reincarnated to this world, what has happened in less than a month?

First he was rescued from the battlefield mountain, and then he met a ghoul. After that, he inexplicably rescued a prince. In return, he simply found someone but met Orff.

The thing in front of him does not look like a simple thing.

This one after another made Adier just think that the corners of his mouth twitched, and he missed his past life.

“The original Boundary Energy was transferred to this clone, in order to ensure that this clone can grow faster …”

“But now it seems that if I continue to play like this, I’m afraid I might as well reincarnate, at least not be involved in a lot of mess.”

Feeling the pain in his body, Adier secretly voiced, barely supporting his body, struggling to move to the side.

On the large bed beside the room, a young girl was lying there quietly.

She was wearing a thick black robe, her hair was soft, and her hands were in front of her chest. Although her looks were not too beautiful, she was just delicate and pretty, but at this moment she looked like a beautiful Princess. , People can’t move their eyes.

Looking at the girl quietly, Adier’s mind was a little stunned. At this moment, something deep in his body seemed to be rising, making his eyes gradually become red.

A crimson Red Seal came up quietly, and then in my mind, a huge slaughter desire suddenly came to my mind, and Adier was all stunned, one hand quietly stretched out, as if trying to draw a sword.

Just when his arm was outstretched, he reacted, and the scarlet Red Seal that originally appeared on his forehead was suppressed immediately.

“That feeling just now!”

He suddenly awakened, carefully recollecting the feeling that he was full of slaughter, and he could not help frowning: “It’s that mark …”

At this moment, with a soft moan, in front of him, a pair of eyes fell fiercely on Adier.

The girl Wendy opened her eyes with sleepy eyes and looked at Adier in front of her. She didn’t respond for the first time and was in an aggressive state.

“Master Knight, why are you in my room?”

After a while, looking at Adier, who was pale and wet with sweat, she reacted slowly and looked at Adier and asked, “You look very uncomfortable …”

“Get up right away.” Holding on to her body, Adier turned around without looking at the girl on the bed, and walked out slowly: “This city can’t stay anymore, we need to leave immediately.”

Throwing down this sentence, he turned and walked out, leaving only a little time for the girl to prepare.

In fact, there is nothing to prepare.

Because of Adier’s original plan and itinerary, the two did not intend to stay here more. Some things were packed early, and naturally there was not much to prepare.

After a while, the girl walked from the room, carrying a small box in her hand.

The two slowly walked out of the hostel, preparing to leave the city.

However, just after stepping out of the hostel, Adier froze.

At the moment when he stepped out of the hostel, with the slow recovery of Strength, Adier clearly felt that a touch of bloody air was coming, which made him all excited.

At this moment in Adier’s eyes, every bit of blood and black breath fluttered in the sky, which is a mixture of blood and the dead spirit qi. At this moment, all around the city is constantly drifting away, making the whole city a ghost.

A little bloody red slaughter field will be the entire city, and endless undead roars and mourns, and huge divine powers are spreading in all directions.

Faintly, Adier vaguely saw such a scene.

In the streets and alleys of the city, pieces of corpses fell to the ground. In the city, an assassin who was blood-red and wearing a dark black armor was holding a slaughter blade and was hacking in the city.

The whole city has become a sea of ​​blood, and only a few places have survived.

There were several churches blooming with radiance. At this moment, a huge amount of divine power was being stirred into different Divine Realm, which completely covered the area where their churches were located, sheltering the believers on one side.

Looking at this scene, Adier’s heart was throbbing like never before. Under the influence of that scarlet Red Seal, he almost couldn’t hold back charge ahead and started slaughter with those slaughter soldiers.


Relying on his strong will, Adier quickly sobered from the desire of the slaughter, looking at the scene in front of him, his face was a bit ugly: “Crazy!”

In front of this city, a massacre is unfolding, among which many residents of the city have been slaughtered, and only those churches and churches are left, because they have the protection of their gods, they have not completely fallen, and still Glowing in bloom.

It has completely become a slaughter realm.

Adier flashed this thought in his mind, and then without hesitation, he directly pulled Wendy on the side, and with a little effort left, rushed out of the city.

Because within the body is the mark of Orff, being in the domain of this huge slaughter, even Adier itself will be slowly affected, and slowly produce various bad consequences.

His will is impeccable, but this body is not.

After reincarnation, this body is not his own body, but just owns the Strength that’s all that is part of his body. It is only equivalent to a formal wizard, and it is impossible to be unaffected in such a huge slaughterer’s domain at this moment.

Not to mention, there was a mortal with him.

Knowing this in his heart, Adier exhausted his last strength, took Side Wendy, and rushed out all the way.

Along the way, as the length of the stay increased, the desire of the slaughter in his mind also grew stronger.

Fortunately, at the end of the body’s imminent end, Adier finally left the area covered by the slaughter realm and left the city.

Quietly bowed his head, he looked towards.

By her side, the girl had passed out long ago, and was affected by the huge field in the city. At this moment, she was all red, as if she was sick.

Secretly shook the head, with the girl, Adier continued to move forward, rushing towards the place where Gruul had been lowered.

For Adier, the outbreak of slaughter in the city was not entirely a bad thing.

At least, after such a huge massacre, for a long time, the attention of many forces will be attracted by this incident, so Adier cannot be jealous.

More directly, after this outbreak, the people who originally pursued the killing of Adier and Gruul may no longer care about them.

“The domain of slaughter …”

In a small, broken house, Gruul’s face was a little ugly, listening to Adier’s story: “I am a believer in the God of Slaughter!”

“God of slaughter?” Adier looked at him, asking in confusion.

The god of slaughter, for this name, inherited Yasuo’s memory, Adier is no stranger.

It is only in Yasuo’s previous memory. In countless years before, believers of the God of Slaughter have long since disappeared, and even their churches have disappeared.

“This kind of movement is in the style of horrific killings. There should be no one except them.”

Gruul shook his head and looked at Adier and said, “In recent years, they have been raging in the Central Empire and have been hunted down by the major forces. It seems that they are coming to us now.”

“But it may not be a bad thing for us.”

He groaned for a while before he said, “Slaughter devotees are raging here. At least for a short time, the dim church and the kingdom of Senai have no strength to pay attention to us, and it is estimated that our pursuit of Strength will also weaken a lot.”

“Indeed,” Adier nodded agreed.

“Yasor, what are you going to do next?” Seeing Adier nodded, Gruul turned and watched him suddenly asking.

“Me?” Adier laughed, then looked at the girl who was sleeping beside her, and after a moment of thought, she said, “I don’t know yet.”

“Aren’t you going back to the family?” Gruul asked with a smile. “With your current Strength, go back to the family. Mostly Baru will change your view and let you be the heir to the Kulu family.”

“Does it make sense?” Adier asked calmly, rising from his place.

Gruul couldn’t help but be dumb.

Indeed, with Adier’s current strength, a small Kulu family has lost its meaning.

With the strength of Silver Knight, even if you do n’t look at Adier ’s progress, but only look at his current strength, no matter which kingdom he goes to, a baron that is sealed is with no difficulty, and he can even get a lot of land.

If you choose to inherit the Ba Kulu family, you can get it, basically that’s all, not to mention that now that the southern fortress was captured by the Duke of Senai, whether the Ba Kulu family’s territory can be maintained or not, it is attractive to a silver Knight. The force will be even smaller.

Having figured this out, Gruul shook his head and a smile appeared on his face again: “Can’t help but go to Tam.”

“There is the best Knight Academy in the whole kingdom, and the biggest and best stage in the whole kingdom.”

He had a bold smile on Pats Adier’s shoulder and his face: “You are still very young, and when it is time to open up, it is better to take advantage of this opportunity to fight once.”

“Up to two years, the kingdom’s counterattack against Senai will begin. At that time, if you take advantage of it, you may get some military achievements, and you may become a new noble.

“By then, the Ba Kulu family will re-emerge in your hands and your clansman will be proud of you.”

He looked at Adier, said encouragingly, and then a smile appeared on his face: “On my estate, your elder sister misses you too.”

Adier corner of mouth twitching.

Family, Glory, Knight Academy, Military Opportunity, and Family Relationship …

Each of these was what Yasuo wanted.

Inheriting this body, from the past memories, what Yasuo normally desires most is to be able to enter Tam’s Knight Academy to learn, and then participate in the war to gain military merit and rejuvenate the family.

Even the second sister who married Gruul had a good relationship with Yasuo in the past.

If it was Yasuo before, even if he had the strength of Adier, he would be tempted in the face of Gruul’s solicitation and he would immediately agree.

Adier was slowly thinking.

The things that Gruhr has said are indeed attractive to Yasuo in the past, but to Adier, they are another matter.

He is not a person in this world. This family and relatives are meaningless to him. If the situation is appropriate, he will not have to bear the burden of leaving this area directly.

What Adier is thinking about is just not appropriate.

“The so-called military merit is meaningless to me, but it is Tam ’s Knight Academy, which may be able to find something that helps me …”

With that in mind, Adier moved.

Tam Knight Academy is the best Knight Academy in this area. It was established by the first King Tamra himself. It has been going on for hundreds of years and enjoys a great reputation in this generation.

Every year, countless Knights come from nearby countries and want to study at Tam Knight Academy to become a powerful Knight.

For Adier, the Knight training at this Knight Academy is second.

Not to mention that he now has Silver’s Strength of the Knight, let’s say Adier’s ontology, I don’t know how many Knight Breathing Techniques he has, and there is no need for others to teach.

What Adier really cares about is the hidden information that may be contained in this Academy, such as the part about the oracle.

God World, the two gods have said it all.

This is the world where oracles occupy the mainstream, and oracles are the center of this world.

Adier wants to reach Peak in this world, he must inevitably contact these deities, in order to slowly obtain higher-level information.

He originally planned to go to the family where this body is located and see if he could find some ancient records, but now it seems that there is a better choice.

Like the inherited kingdoms such as Tamru, there must be a lot of records of deities in their kingdoms.

Right now, through the relationship of Gruul Prince in front of me, we may be able to access these messages faster and accomplish the purpose.

Aside from this opportunity, Adier has no better choice at the moment.

Thinking of this, Adier slowly raised his head and slowly nodded in the expectation and surprise of Gruul’s face.

“Good.” Looking at Adier in front of him, watching his reply, Gruul smiled, with some surprises and surprises.

He originally thought that Knight, like Adier, was probably proud and arrogant in his heart, and he had to try a few more times to get to his side.

But he did not expect that the other party agreed so easily.

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