In the early morning, a heavy rain had just fallen, which slightly wet the ground.

On a small road, several Knights on horseback were slowly moving forward, with dozens of followers behind them.

In front of them, a huge majestic castle came into view, and it seemed that they were not far away.

“Sir, Viscount Aziri’s castle is coming.”

Riding at the forefront of the line, Adier looked at the stern castle in the distance, beside him, Hilaya, who had changed his clothes, came over and reported.

In just a few days, those behind Adier followed, and the original bandit members had all changed their clothes.

Although Gruul is in trouble, Prince is also in trouble. Even if he loses the tracer who was surrounded by the past, he still has a lot of coins on his body.

Therefore, in the past few days, while passing by a bazaar, he also specially paid for changing uniform clothes for these robbers in the past, so as to make them look as good as possible, so as not to damage him and Adier. Decent.

It was raining just now, the weather outside was humid, and in the middle of winter, the cold wind was blowing straight, making the whole body tremble.

Adier looked up and saw that in the distance, the castle’s door had been opened, and some of them were coming out of it.

It was a team of Knights. From the number of people, there were at least hundreds of people, each wearing rude leather armor, and one of them was walking towards Adier and the others.

In the center around Knight, the man was wearing a light black armor with a long beard. Although his appearance looked like a middle age person, his skin was rough and covered with thick stripes. , Looks very unique and hard to forget.

This person is Gruul’s target this time. His father-in-law to some extent, the master of the castle in front of him, Viscount Asiles.

Seeing hundreds of people rushing towards him, Adier didn’t feel anything, but behind him, the ex-thieves who had been subdued exclaimed, each and everyone flushed, if you look closely, you can see your legs All trembling.

Adier was not disappointed with their response.

In the end, they are just a group of thieves, without formal military training, and never on the battlefield, after all, it’s all that’s all.

For this group of people, Adier did not expect anything from beginning to end, and naturally he will not be disappointed at this moment.

But beside him, Hilaya’s performance surprised Adier.

Facing hundreds of Knight ’s prestige in the distance, although the former robber’s body was also shaking slightly and looked very nervous, he did not show the slightest expression on his face, and even took the initiative to pick up his long sword and walk to Adier’s body. Before, put on a guard posture.

This performance is higher than those of the men behind him, making Adier nodded.

As the trampling sound of the distance approached slowly, a large number of Knights in the distance slowly arrived in front of them, without any politeness, they directly put out a surrounding posture, enveloping the Adier and the others groups, forming a surrounding circle.

Watching this posture, Adier turned and looked towards Gruul behind him.

The person who came is not good.

If it was just a greet, it would not be possible to bring so many Knights, let alone meet them, and put on a stance of siege.

The number of five hundred Knights is even more scary.

The castle in front of me is not big enough. Excluding the peasant households and the like, five hundred Knights are probably the largest standing army of the castle. In order to welcome Gruul, all this time was taken out.

Behind Adier, looking at this stance, Gruul’s face was also a little unsightly, but he looked at the middle-aged man who was slowly showing a silhouette in front of him, but he quickly converged and walked up with a big laugh: ” Haha, Viscount Aziri, my father-in-law, it’s been a long time since I met. “

“Of course, Gruul, my son-in-law.” Gruul looked towards himself. There was also a smile on Asiliri’s face, the expression of joy, and the sincere expression, enough to be believed.

Had it not been for the five hundred heavily armed Knights around, I’m afraid Hillaya and the others would have believed it.

As for Adier, sitting silently on the carriage from start to finish, without saying a word, staring silently at the two in front of him, looking very silent.

Because it was so silent that Viscount Aziri just looked at him, then turned his attention, apparently treating him as an ordinary follower.

“Gruel, my son-in-law.”

In front of his eyes, Viscount Aziri smiled, looking at Gruul sincerely: “A few months ago, I heard the news of your disappearance on the battlefield, and I prayed for you, worrying about what happened to you.”

“I saw you here with my own eyes, and I finally felt relieved.”

His face was filled with relief and joy, as if the husband really saw his son-in-law safe and waved to Gruul: “Come, come here from Carlo all the way, you must be tired, go in Go to my castle and take a good rest. “

“Let me prepare a grand banquet for you and treat you well.”

He loudly said, and waved his hand without looking at Gruul’s ugly face behind him.

Beside him, two Knights came out, and the horse came to Gruul, with an expression like a smile yet not a smile on his face: “His Highness Gruul, please.”

“Okay.” Looking at the posture in front of him, Gruul’s face was a little ugly, but looking at Gruul and the side Adier standing in front of him, he secretly gritted his teeth and prepared to enter the castle in front of him.

Seeing Gruul ready to enter, Asili smiled.

Aside, seeing Gruel’s movement, Adier lifted the stable and was about to follow in.

Two big hands suddenly reached out, stopping Adier’s movement.

In front of them, the two Knights were wearing light black armor, and they still had the expression like a smile yet not a smile on their faces. They looked at Adier and said, “Sorry, you can’t go in.”

“His Highness Gruul is a guest of the Viscount. If you want to go in and have a good rest, just rest in the camp outside the city.”

In the distance, looking at the actions of the two Knights, Gruul complexion changed and immediately understood what the other party wanted to do.

Isolate the inside and outside, and isolate all Gruuls from all followers. This is where the guest posture is clearly under house arrest.

With an ominous pre-examination in his heart, Gruul looked up and looked at Adier ahead.

To this day, his struggle is useless and can only rest his hopes on Adier.

Adier did not disappoint him either.

Raising his head slightly, looking at the two Knights in front of him, Adier slowly raised his sword.

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