oh la la ···

The soft trembling of the blade continued to sound. In front of me, a silver long sword suddenly burst out of the sky, and at this moment bloomed.

In an instant, the two Knights in front of Adier were discolored and felt a fatal crisis, which was life-threatening.

“you dare! ”

They changed color instantly, brace oneself raised the blade, and the body gathered into a substantial Battle Qi turbulent, which changed the color of Gruul in the distance.

Bronze Knight!

And it’s two.

Two Bronze Knights. Viscount Asilie has this kind of strength?

He hadn’t waited to understand that in front of him, the confrontation between the three had ended.

A bit of silver’s brilliance flickered, and the endless whistling sounded like a bird tossing in the sky, making a long sound.

Sitting quietly on the white horse, Adier’s face was calm, but he uttered a sword silently. The sword’s body swept a fierce sword wind in the air, with a little Silver Flower on it, as if it was chopped on tofu. The two Knight’s blades were cut in front of them.

boom! !

The crackling sound of the long sword crackled.

In front of them, the two Knights had horrors on their faces. The expressions like a smile yet not a smile had long disappeared. Only horror and fear remained at this moment.

It was only a split second that the victory and defeat were separated. The long sword on the two of them was cut off directly, and a little crack appeared directly on the armor of the chest. The crimson blood dripped in and out. It looked like it was forcibly accepted. That sword.

On the wound, the afterglow generated by Life Energy is still agitating on it, and they are constantly fighting against the Strength within their body, making them lose their last strength at this moment.

Looking at this scene, Aishiri changed his face, and then shouted: “Sir!”

咴 咴 …

A slight horse sound came from a distance.

Gruul looked up, and saw at the edge of the encirclement in the distance, a Knight wearing a silver armor, covered with armor all over his body, without revealing any gaps or traces. , The powerful Battle Qi rising up and down all over the body is like substance.

“Another bronze Knight?”

He frowned, looking at Aisyrah in front of him, and seemed to remember something.

In the distance, seeing the white armor Knight coming from Mercedes-Benz, Adier raised his head, and didn’t care much.

boom! !

The sound of metal collision sounded in place, and the sound was so loud that anyone on the edge could hear it.

The next moment, a scene in situ, dazzled everyone.

I saw it in place, with the two blades fighting, the huge force was transferred out, and the ground was torn apart like a spider’s web and collapsed directly.

And in the space in situ, a hot breath was slowly rising and gradually stuck.

The Battle Qi, which became a little bit of substance, slowly surged up. At this moment, it turned into a huge armor and directly attached to the two Knights, making them look as powerful and sacred as the mythical legendary Knight rebirth.

Raising his hand slightly, looking at Knight in front of him, through the gap flowing out of his face armor, Adier was able to see the kind of solitude from the opponent’s eyes.

“Silver Knight! Or two !!”

At this moment, looking at the scene in situ, both Gruul and Aishiri’s face changed.

Silver Knight, this kind of Strength is already the backbone of the kingdom. Everyone in the kingdom is a Legendary with a great reputation, and even many of them are nobles in the kingdom, with their own territories and subjects.

In the usual moment, it was difficult to see only Silver Knight, let alone Silver Knight’s confrontation.

“This is by no means his own Strength!”

In situ, Gruul changed his face, and at this moment thought of a lot.

Asiri is only a Viscount. If the two bronze Knights were barely justified, the silver Knight is impossible to own now.

Two bronze Knights, one silver Knight. If Viscount Aziri could have this kind of Strength, would he now only be able to cling to this desert place?

“Someone instructed.” Came back to his senses, he looked at the sound of Asiliri on his face, his mind flashed a lot of thoughts.

“Has been defeated and fled, Wolverine fled here, still there is a person Silver Knight follows allegiance?”

Looking ahead, looking at the two Knights who were facing each other, Aishiri frowned, feeling faint in his heart: “And, so young …”

Hong long! !

The heavy crackling sounded at the first moment, attracting everyone’s attention.

In front of me, looking at Knight in front of him, Adier exerted his strength, the flashing light on the silver long sword swelled to the extreme in an instant, and there was a little bit of Jianhua flashing on it, cutting it forward with the deadliest killing intent.

Silver Flower! !!

Suddenly, the white heart Knight heart startled in front of him, the long sword in his hand had just been raised, and was about to face the blow, but found that it was too late.

The speed of Adier’s attack was much faster than he imagined, and the Strength contained in it broke through the range of Silver Knight and entered a deeper level.

In the face of this Strength, he just reacted in his heart, but had no time to respond to the action, and could only passively defend.

boom! !

A violent sound erupted in the place. Under the stunned eyes of Aisiri, the white armor Knight was directly hit by a sword. The silver armor on his body appeared a little crack, and the Battle Qi armor originally covered by his body was faint. Stable, it seems that it may escape at any time.

This violent combat strength and sturdy Strength made the knowledgeable Gruul jump in his heart: “So strong?”

As a kingdom Prince and also one of the commanders of the Southern Fortress, he has seen many silver Knight battles, but it seems that few of them can compete with Adier in Strength and speed.

The Strength shown by the other party at this moment is even more faint than the ordinary Silver Knight, and it is almost going to rise to another range.

However, Silver Knight is just Silver Knight after all.

Just for a moment, Knight struck by Adier struggling to get up, looking at Adier angrily, and wanted to raise his sword and fight again.

“Enough!” A yell came from a distance, stopping the two men from fighting.

In the distance, Asilice came from the horse, blocked directly in the middle of the two, and looked directly at the silver Knight in the distance, seemingly scolded: “His Highness Gruul is our distinguished guest, how can you do this to his subordinates? Impolite? Don’t hurry in to prepare the room for His Highness Gruul to rest! “

He shouted, seemingly scolded, but in fact was to avoid further conflict.

At this moment, the situation is clear. The silver Knight in front of him knows that he is not the opponent of the young Knight. Continuing the conflict will be of no benefit to Asilie.

With such a strong silver Knight as a follower, even if Gruul was singlehanded, he could kill it out. The so-called 500-person Knight encirclement could not be blocked at all.

“His Highness Gruul, I’m sorry, it was my subordinates who just didn’t make sense.”

He turned around and looked at Gruul aside, still with a warm smile on his face: “His Royal Highness wants to take your subordinates to rest together, this is naturally no problem.”

“I’ll let someone get the room ready, Your Highness, please wait a moment.”

“Thank you for the generosity of Viscount Asilie.” No matter what he thought, at this moment, Gruul’s face was smiling again, and he could not see the gloomy face before.

At this moment, neither for him nor for Asilie, there is no benefit in turning his face.

With Adier, the silver Knight, the Viscount Aziri could not help him, but to Gruul, he could not do anything to the Viscount Azir.

The five hundred Knights around here are not furnishings.

One silver knight, two bronze knights, plus these five hundred horse riding knights. Once these strengths conflict, Adier alone can’t please them.

Having figured this out, he turned and looked in the direction of Adier, with a smile on his face: “Yasuo, let’s go.”

Adier gently nodded, glanced at the white armor Knight who had gone far away, and slowly put away the long sword, then took Side Wendy and followed Gruul’s steps forward.

Beside, looking at the silhouette of Adier, and the faint and somewhat familiar figure, Asili’s face remained unchanged, but a little doubt raised in her heart: “Yasuo … the name is a bit familiar ··· “

The territory of Viscount Aziri, located on the border of the Carlo area, is a distance from the territory of the Ba Kulu family, but it is not far away.

In the long past, there was a natural communication between the two noble families, and even Viscount Aziri had seen Yasuo a few times with his own eyes.

However, compared to Adier at this moment, the past Yasuo is too inconspicuous, neither showing outstanding talents, nor the successor of the Ba Kulu family, naturally not more noticeable.

Although Viscount Aziri had seen Yasuo once, but forgot it at this moment, just faintly felt that Adier was somewhat familiar with that’s all.

But it doesn’t matter.

As the largest aristocrat of this generation, as long as Viscount Aziri knew the name of Adier’s body, he would soon know Adier’s identity.

Soon, just that night, sitting in his study, Viscount Asilie knew Adier’s identity.

“The second son of the Ba Kulu family, the child of Doru Baron?”

Sitting in the study, listening to the news from his men, and carefully confirming it several times, Aisiri still felt a little weird: “A baron second son, not even the next-generation successor of the Bar Kulu family, such a person, Even a silver Knight? “

He was a little weird, and even when he heard the news, he thought that his men were joking with him.

“This is the truth, my lord.”

In front of him, an old man with a bitter smile on his face, looking at the unbelieving Asiliri, he couldn’t help but say: “It has been confirmed that both the name, appearance and some details on the body are with that of Sir Yasuo. It’s exactly the same, it’s almost impossible to be a coincidence. “

“This is really beyond everyone’s expectation.” Asili was silent for a while before opening the mouth and said: “The second son of the Baron family, who was declining, could even have this strength. Why is this such a good thing not to fall on my home···”

“However, since it became Silver Knight, the performance of Sir Yasuo in the past is doubtful,” he said after a moment of contemplation, “Dou Baron deliberately concealed it, or the idea of ​​Sir Yasuo himself?” ? “

“It should be this idea of ​​Sir Yasuo.” In front of him, the old man said, “Doro Baron’s character, you are not unaware of the adults, almost dreaming of reviving the reputation of the Ba Kulu family, if Knowing that my second son has this innate talent, how could he not be revealed for so many years. “

“Either the sir has recently had a special encounter, or the sir has been at odds with Doru Baron, so he didn’t tell his father at all.”

“Oh?” Asiliri looked up, thoughtfully on her face: “What do you think it is?”

“It should be the second kind.” Old man nodded, said with some certainty: “Strength can be obtained by external forces, but superb combat skills and superb combat consciousness must be accumulated by little by little to become superb.”

“Just now, Your Excellency Chris has told me that this Sir Yasuo is not only strong in Strength, but also his combat skill is superb, and he is not inferior to him.”

“This is undoubtedly a performance that can only be obtained through perennial training.”

“You’re right.” Asilie was nodded, with a playful smile on her face: “It seems that Sir Yasuo is really a genius.”

While speaking, he put one hand on the desk in front of him, and then the whole man stood up and stared into the distance.

“What is Gruul doing.” It seemed to come to his mind that he suddenly opened the mouth and said.

“His Highness Gruul is resting in the room, and he seems to be assured of it here,” the old man said truthfully.

“Of course he is assured.” Asilie lightly snorted: “A silver Knight is in close personal protection. Is there anyone in this castle who can do nothing to him?”

Thinking of the conversation with Gruul during the day, his head hurt.

During the day, Gruul and Aishiri talked “very happy”. In the process, Gruul made a reasonable request to Asil.

He hoped that Viscount Aziri could send a team of Knights to escort him to Tam City to avoid the intrusion of robbers and robbers along the way.

To him, Asileri was naturally unbelieving.

The so-called robbers, the so-called robbers, have no problem at all with the two of them.

Even if Adier, who is Silver Knight, is just Gruul himself, he is also a top bronze Knight, an ordinary robber and robber. There is really no room for prestige in front of him.

What the other person really wants is his attitude.

Sending Knight to escort the other person to Wangdu seems to be fine, but at this moment, it matters.

In the eyes of other aristocratic lords, this means a certain degree of statement, indicating that Viscount Asilie has already leaned towards Gruul Prince to a certain extent, and will soon stand in this battle for throne.

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