There is no love and hate in the world for no reason. The so-called destiny is, in the final analysis, a Strength, not a rootless existence.

In the past, Mar has met several fate caregivers, and has thoroughly understood the fate and experiences of these fate caregivers.

Some of these destiny patrons were miserable in the first half of their lives, and people started to rise after mid-life, and others have been smooth sailing from birth to now.

But these fate caregivers are no exception, and there are other Strength influences behind it.

They are either the reincarnated bodies of the oracles, or the revival of the Son of God, or the appointed pope, destined to assume the fate of a church revival …

Of course, these people are excellent. They have more or less fate in their bodies, but most of them have the power of fate, but most of them are the influence and strength behind the deities.

Adier is different now.

As a destiny visitor, his own destiny visitor is extremely powerful. In Mar’s eyes, even if compared with the previous destiny visitors, he is definitely not weaker. He is definitely a destiny visitor.

However, as a fate’s caregiver, there is no external influence at all on the young Knight. All the cares are from himself, without the slightest impurities, and extremely pure.

This means that his future destiny will be indeterminable, and will depend on his own will and struggle.

“It’s really exciting …”

Looking silently at the silhouette of Adier disappearing in the distance, Mar smiled on his face, and could not help but expect.

An unforgettable fate visitor who has not been affected by the slightest rendering.

Just thinking about it, she couldn’t help expecting it.

“Zamana … I took one step before, but in the future, our battle has just begun.”

There was a thought in her mind, and then in the blink of an eye, his breath slowly faded, and he gradually looked like an ordinary maid, looking inconspicuous.


“Coming soon, coming soon …”

A long sword waved quickly, and the sharp sword wind driven by him screamed in the air.

Adier put down the long sword and felt the Battle Qi surge inside the body, and a smile appeared on his face at this moment.

After coming to Tham City for more than two months, his Strength is gradually recovering, and will soon reach a new peak.

At this moment, he could foresee that, for a few days at most, he would be able to break that layer of isolation and be promoted to the level of Radiant Knight.

Radiant Knight, in the Wizarding World corresponds to Level 2 Wizards, and in this world, it corresponds to Golden Knight.

Once at the level of Golden Knight, in this world, it is already considered as the top level. Even the bishops of Major Sect will salute you on the bright side.

“Master Baron, the person you are looking for has arrived.” At this moment, a voice came from outside.

Adier turned and looked around, just outside the door, and his steward was wearing a black robe, and he was bending over to speak to him.

“Let him come in.”

Not paying much attention, Adier casually said, then walked to the room aside and changed his clothes first.

After changing clothes, he walked to the lobby where guests were welcomed.

In the spacious hall, a little flowers and plants are displayed everywhere. In the central area, there is a fairly delicate wooden table, there are some meals on it, and it is steaming on it.

At the wooden table, a middle-aged man wearing a blue robe with a serious face was sitting there, sitting solemnly and solemnly, looking meticulous.

“Glad to see you, Dear Yasuo Baron.”

Sitting on the wooden table in the middle of the hall, after seeing Adier’s silhouette outside the door, the middle-aged man reacted quickly, with a smile on his face, and said hello to Adier.

“I’m glad to see you, Sir Ferry.”

With a smile on his face, Adier looked at the bald middle-aged man in front of him, sitting directly on the wooden table, facing each other.

The bald middle-aged man in front of him is the mage of Knight Academy in Tam City.

As a kingdom known as Knight, there are many Knights in the Tamru Kingdom, but the number of mages is very scarce, and it is far less powerful than Knight’s Strength.

The middle-aged man in front of him is the mage who works in Tam Knight Academy. It is said that he is a Scholar who has returned from the Southern Kyle Kingdom and is very famous among the nobles in the vicinity.

There are many little aristocrats nearby who will be invited to join the Hang Family to give a preliminary mage education for the descendants of the family.

“… A while ago, Lord Baron just took away the books I recommended. I don’t know how it is going now?”

After talking in place for a while, Ferry asked casually, trying to ask Adier how he was doing.

“It’s all over,” Adier answered truthfully.

The content of several books is not much for Adier.

Although the chip hasn’t brought it, Adier’s Spirit is still very powerful. You can easily remember the contents of several books by reading them at will.

“Yasuo Baron is really easy to learn.”

Ferry complimented him, but he didn’t care.

For a long time teaching to the local nobles, he has long understood what these nobles are.

This is a group of people who are both lazy and diligent. Let them go horseback riding in the wild, or play against them. Maybe they can practice for a whole day.

But if they are going to read the books seriously and finish reading one after another the complicated and esoteric and incomprehensible spell books, then it is estimated that they will give up in a few minutes. It is impossible to understand thoroughly.

In Tam City, Adier is known for his reputation as Knight’s genius. In Ferry’s view, I am afraid that he is also the type who likes sword dancing more than books.

However, although he didn’t mind it, on the surface, he still kept a good smile, and even deliberately asked several questions in the name of examining the progress.

These questions are extremely simple and do not require deep understanding. You only need to flip through the book to get the answer, which can not only satisfy the other person’s desire for expression, but also make his next praise not appear so false.

However, to his surprise, Adier didn’t hesitate in the face of the questions he gave. He even answered directly, and even asked back, doubting some omissions in the book.

Soon, the topics they talked to each other quickly changed, from being easy to understand to becoming complicated and esoteric, and finally becoming like chatting with Heavenly Book, reaching a level that ordinary people could not understand at all.

On one side, Wendy, who was wiping the wall carefully, listened to the conversation between the two of them constantly, and for a while brows tightly knit, she only felt a little dizzy and doubted her IQ.

“Master Yasuo, your talent is amazing …”

For a long time, after Ferry stopped from the conversation, he looked at the boy with a handsome appearance, a tall figure, a dignified posture like a noble, and could not help exclaiming: “If you are in the kingdom of Kyle, you will become famous Scholar, enthusiastically taught by major academics. “

Opposite, admire Ferry, what does Adier not at all feel like.

As a wizard, although the strength is not visible because of the reincarnation, the previous knowledge and accumulation will not change, and it is easy to understand the contents of several books.

Therefore, looking at Ferry in front of him, he was not at all contented in his heart, but only slightly nodded, and then asked, “Kell Kingdom, what kind of place is that?”

“That’s the Holy Land of the mage, and the source of spell.”

Ferry said: “Like the prevalence of Knights in the Kingdom of Tamru, in the Kingdom of Kyle, wizards are most prevalent, and powerful archmage can be seen everywhere, and the powerful ones are stronger than the golden Knight.”

“More powerful than Golden Knight?” Adier was doomed to this sentence.

“Yes, more powerful than Golden Knight.” Ferry nodded, seriously.

“In Kyle’s Mage Academy, there are powerful mage spells that can change Celestial Phenomenon and the movement of the earth.”

“Such a mage, titled King of Mage in the kingdom of Kyle, is beyond the existence of Golden Knight and Golden Mage …”

“How is this existence in the kingdom of Kyle?” Slowly came back to his senses, looking at the baldness in front of his eyes, but at the moment, Ferry was a little excited, Adier said.

“Not quite clear, but the number should not be much.” Ferry shook the head, not clear about this: “In the Kingdom of Kyle, I was just an ordinary person, and I couldn’t get in touch with that powerful existence. “

“But in the kingdom of Kyle, the number of golden mages is not too much. It is even more rare to think of the existence of the kind of king known as the mage.”

“Also.” Adier was silent for a while, and then nodded and said: “If there are too many such existences, I am afraid that the power of the Kyle Kingdom is already more than that.”

“Indeed.” Ferry smiled nodded: “The kingdom of Kyle is not without enemies. On the distant glacier, I heard that there is a powerful Kingdom of Knights. Among them, the Great Great Knight has surpassed gold and reached the shoulder of the Master King. Levels. “

“This powerful kingdom of Knight, even the kingdom of Kyle, is not willing to provoke it.”

“Even if it is only within the Tamru Kingdom, it may not exist.”

Seems to be remembering something, Ferry suddenly spoke.

“En?” Adier looked up, looking at Ferry in front of him, with some doubt in his eyes.

“I spent a full ten years at Tam’s Knight Academy and learned a lot of secrets, many of them about King Tam.”

Looking at Adier in front of him, Ferry settled down, and then smiled opened the mouth and said: “Three hundred years ago, King Tam led a thousand Knights to kill the dark snake on the glacier and expel this area. Coiled magic beasts and savages, this slowly gained a foothold, and gradually developed into the current kingdom of Tamru … “

“With the power of the Dark Snake, if the record is true, then King Tam will certainly go beyond the scope of Golden Knight and reach the same height as the Master King.”

“And such existence, as long as no accidents have occurred, more than three hundred years is not enough to let him die.”

“What do you mean …” Adier thoughtfully understood the meaning of the other person in an instant.

“That’s right.” Ferry nodded: “It was very likely that King Tam was alive …”

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