“The myth of the founding of the Kingdom of Tamru, the legendary first king of Tam …”

Sitting quietly in the courtyard, facing Adier in front of him, Ferry continued to say, “In these years of the Kingdom of Tamru, I have traveled throughout the kingdom, searching for many relics and ancient nobles, and turning everything All the information gathered was collected before a conclusion was reached. “

“The King Tam was very likely still alive now and still active on this land.”

“King Tam …” Adier’s slightly invisible frowned, but also nodded, agreed with Ferry’s statement.

“If King Tam is still alive, it must be the level of the Master King, which is enough to be comparable to the most powerful group on the Continental.”

Looking at Adier, Ferry hesitated before he continued to say: “Even in Tamru, there may be more than one of these.”

“More than one?” Adier frowned, somewhat puzzled.

“Dark church,” said Ferry, and Adier’s eyes suddenly appeared.

Although first arrived, after receiving Yasuo’s memory, Adier also knew some major events in the history of the Kingdom of Tamru.

More than a hundred years ago, the dim church spread from afar and suddenly appeared in the Kingdom of Tamru. Despite being heavily restrained in official laws, it has not been easy for more than a century. China is firmly rooted and has never declined.

This performance can explain something in itself.

At least, if the first Tamu was still in the Tamru royal family, the external strength shown by the dim church today is simply not qualified to discuss the conditions with the Tamru royal family.

The fact that the dim church can take root in the Kingdom of Tamru and develop to the present is something that itself can tell.

“In the dim church, it is likely that there is a level of Master King, and even more than one …”

Looking at Adier in front of him, Fili said softly, and began to slowly recount in an old and vicissitudes of voice: “I have carefully investigated … Over the years, there have been at least 34 gold sacrifices and 100 73 silver sacrifices. “

“These people were undoubtedly influential figures in their respective eras. But in the end, the final outcome of these people was either missing or dying. Although there seemed to be no problem at the time, now if I go to read the records, but I find it strange … “

“What do you mean …” Adier froze, then his face slowly became dignified, with the middle-aged mage in front of him to create a tense atmosphere.

“Dark church, has been saving Strength …” Ferry’s voice continued to ring in his ears, at this moment with an inexplicable sigh: “What are they going to do?”


Time passed slowly, quickly, and hours passed quickly.

Standing silently in the hall, watching Silly’s silhouette in silence, Adier’s dignified expression slowly disappeared, restoring the calmness of the past.

“Wendy, ask someone to clean up the table here.”

He looked at the silhouette that Ferry was disappearing in the distance, and gave a command to Wendy, who was standing aside, then picked up a few books on the wooden table, and walked away.

“Teacher, why did you say so much this time?”

On the other side, out of the manor where Adier was, a voice sounded slowly.

Ferry turned and looked around, but saw beside him, his favorite student, a teenager around the age of seventeen or eight with doubts on his face, and was looking at him at this moment.

Seeing this, he laughed, then a large rough hand reached out, and touched the boy’s head.

“Moore, do you think I have a lot to say?”

The boy named Moore was nodded: “teacher you never told these things to people before, even Gruul some time ago, and that jazz, you never said that.”

“They are different from him.” Silently stroking the boy’s head, feeling the touch from the rough hair, the expression on Ferry’s face slowly calmed down: “Moore, you remember, I told you What happened to the era of recovery? “

“I remember.” Moore nodded, as if remembering it, recalling: “When the world recovers, the gods will return one after another, and the earth will turn into a hero’s battlefield. After chaos and war, it is completely new. brilliant····”

“The recovery of the World as stated in the prophecy is actually this era in terms of time …” Listening to Moore’s words, Ferry said, “Over the years, Major Sects will frequently change. It’s actually preparing for the revival of the gods. “

“The stage is fully prepared. As long as the protagonists on the stage and the heroes born of the gods and the era begin to play, we can push this era to Peak.”

“You mean … this Yasuo Baron, may be a hero?” Moore said speculatively, inexplicably.

“Yes or no, what does it have to do with us?” Silently touched the boy’s head, and Fili smiled on his face: “The tide of the age is coming, on this World-centric stage, as long as Outstanding people can become heroes. “

“My person is standing in front of him, no matter if he speaks more or less, for me will not have more bad influence. In that case, why not say more?”

He turned around and thought for a while, saying so in his mouth, he couldn’t help remembering the scene of the previous meeting with Adier.

As the memories in his mind gradually became clear, on his body, a little complicated tattoo was slowly heating up, and the complicated patterns depicted on it seemed to be alive.

“Interesting … Really interesting …”

Standing inside the manor, holding a long pair of scissors in his hand, watching the direction in which Ferry left, seemed to feel something, a maid-like woman raised her head quietly, her face looked like a smile yet not a smile.

“Unexpectedly, in such a small place, I can meet someone who has touched the pattern of destiny.”

Looking quietly into the distance, holding a pair of rough scissors, feeling the familiar Strong pulse, Mar smiled on his face: “After touching the pattern of fate, he is also very sensitive to the power of fate. I’m afraid I already feel something at this point after contacting fate caregivers. “

“Perhaps this is also an opportunity …”

After a little thought, she lowered her head and smiled.

Touching the pattern of destiny means that you have not only touched the Strength of the god of destiny, in a way, it can also be regarded as the sacrifice of the god of destiny.

As long as it is the sacrifice of the destiny god, in the face of her, there is only one choice to obey.

In silence, time continues little by little.

One morning, when the sun slowly shrouded the sky, a bit of the sun was spreading around, and the world was illuminated, a silhouette appeared in the empty courtyard.

“Turn water into ice.”

The sound of indifference and clearness sounded around, then in the courtyard, the bits of water began to rise, and finally began to slowly change under the influence of Strength, and began to change to another form.

It didn’t take long, just a few seconds, a basin of water in front of me turned into thick ice cubes, and the air conditioner was still blowing on it, constantly bubbling outward.

“That can only be done.”

He stretched out his hand quietly, relieved his body for a while, looked at the ice cube in front of him, and felt the Spirit power consumption in the body. Adier nodded: “It’s not bad.”

In the period after Ferry’s visit, thanks to the other side, Adier got something through the other’s channels.

The content of these things is not much, a few thick spell books, some crude spell materials, and some science books about common sense of mage.

During this time, Adier also made some achievements based on these things, and the current casting is one of them.

“The optimization of templates can only achieve this point for the time being, and that’s the usefulness of these materials.”

Quietly feeling the process of casting just before, Adier flashed this thought in his mind.

During the period of obtaining this world spell information, he has been trying to study the spell of this world, trying to find the difference between this world and the wizard World spell.

The final result was somewhat unexpected.

Compared to Wizards of the Wizarding World, the wizards in this world look a little backward and somewhat different.

The Wizard’s Strength originally originated from the intersection of himself and external elements. Through meditation, the Spirit’s body and elements reacted in a complex way, and finally gave birth to the original Spirit and Mana.

The body reacts with external elements, the birth of mana, and the birth of mana in turn acts on the body, making the body continuously strengthened, and eventually the strength of the body will be reflected to Spirit to a certain extent, so that the wizard ’s Spirit and body are Enhanced synchronization.

When casting a spell, the wizard’s mind first constructs a complex spell shape, and finally uses Spirit to shape it, and finally uses the mana within the body as the Strength source to actually build the spell.

The mage in this world is different.

This world’s mage has only a simple exercise of Spirit, but no such existence.

Compared to wizards, the wizards in this world have fewer steps. They focus on training Spirit to converge on the elements, but they do not involve the body in the two and participate in the reaction together.

The final result is that compared to wizards, the magic of this world’s wizards within the body is extremely thin. Most of them are the result of Spirit’s instinct to drive growth, rather than conscious enhancement like wizards.

This result led to a huge difference between wizards and wizards.

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