“I’m a little familiar with this name, Orff. He is the Pope of the Slaughter Church for three thousand years. He suddenly disappeared 3.000 years ago and disappeared between nations.”

Walking in the wilderness, looking at the side Adier, Mar continued to say, “After he disappeared, the entire slaughter church was silent, slowly declining under the pressure of many churches, and it has been slowly active until the last ten years. “

“It now appears that he was not missing that year, but that he deliberately kept the entire Strength of the Slaughter Church intact and waited for this opportunity.”

“What does he want to do?”

Adier frowned, looking at Mar in front of him.

“Nature is the god who wants to revive the slaughter.”

Looking at Adier, Mare laughed said: “Orff was the former Pope of the Slaughter Church and the most pious believer of the Slaughter God. He deliberately saved the strength of the entire Slaughter Church to the present in order to ensure the God of the Slaughter. Recovery. “

“The drop of Slaughter’s blood on the lord is one of the means of reviving the Slaughter’s God.”

With that said, Marr’s face was dignified: “The blood of slaughter carries the divine power of the god of slaughter. Once the host can’t resist the temptation, or its own will is not enough to resist the will of the slaughter, it will be taken by the power of slaughter. Makeover, incarnation becomes the son of slaughter. “

“Son of slaughter …” Hearing here, Adier frowned, and there seemed to be a flash of light in his mind, reminding him of something in a flash.

“The son of the so-called slaughter is the caller of the god of slaughter …”

As he walked along, Mar continued to say, “Upholding the deity of the god of slaughter, as long as these sons of slaughter perform slaughter, they will gain a steady stream of slaughter power, and thus become stronger.”

“Slaughter’s son, slaughter among the nations, will slay a slaughter, so that the slaughter on the continent will be full of energy. After all the sons of the slaughter have grown up, it will be time for the god of the slaughter to recover.”

“Killing each other?” Adier looked up, recalling previous records of the Slaughter’s son, raising his head and asking.

“Yes.” Mar sighed and then nodded: “Because of the homology of divinity and divine power, the slaughter between the sons of slaughter, the victor will get all the strength and divinity of the loser, and finally all the slaughter When the blood converges on the last son of the slaughter, it is time for the god of the slaughter to recover. “

“This is a trap from start to finish. All the sons of the slaughter are sacrifices. They are just sacrifices for the ultimate recovery of the god of the slaughter.”

She said softly, and seemed to think of some horrible scenes. She could not help lifting her right hand and holding her chest: “The more slaughter children the slaughter caused in the world, the greater the strength obtained, and the strength after the revival of the slaughter God will also be strong. The stronger. “

“Orff was looking for innate talent as a host in various places, and spread the blood of Slaughter to get more Strength after the revival of Slaughter.”

She said that she couldn’t stop her footsteps, then raised her head and looked at Adier in front of her, and fortunately opened the mouth and said: “Fortunately, although the Lord was injected with Slaughter’s blood by Orff, he resisted by his own will. After the erosion of the slaughter’s blood, there is no incarnation as the son of the slaughter. “

Looking at her face calm, handsome, Adier with no expression of Slaughtering Qi in China, she couldn’t help sighing, with deep admiration in her eyes.

Defend the blood of slaughter with your own will and the erosion of a god Strength. Very few people can do this kind of thing, even in the long history, there are few, only those who have the blood God the saintess can do it.

Adier is the first to resist the erosion of slaughter’s blood with a pure mortal body.

“Such will and potential, even if it is not a caretaker of fate, can certainly rise in this era and obtain a glorious future.”

Looking at Adier, her face was always calm and calm. There was no movement of Adier. She sighed in her heart, but her face gradually began to smile.

In any case, the stronger the destiny followers she follows, the better it will be for her future.

The stronger Adier’s will potential, the more she liked it.

“Son of slaughter …”

Standing still, after listening to Mar’s words quietly, Adier murmured, feeling a sense of crisis at this moment.

“Even if there are no sons of incarnation slaughter, but I have the blood of slaughter on my body, I am afraid I will be followed by other sons of slaughter.”

“This, I’m afraid that’s the case.” Mar was stunned, and then smiled bitterly on his face: “The merger of the blood of Slaughter is irreversible. Under the influence of the God of Slaughter, the sons of Slaughter will instinctively look for other Slaughter’s blood, trying to integrate it into himself within the body. “

“Master, you have the blood of slaughter, whether or not the son of incarnation slaughter, is destined to be followed by these people.”

“That’s it.” Adier nodded, thinking of this, couldn’t help but be speechless: “I don’t go to others, but others will come to me, it’s really strange.”

“So, in order not to be killed by the slaughter’s sons in the future, the Lord must become stronger as soon as possible.”

Mar raised her hands, took out a round complex coin, and kept thinking about it: “With my ability, I can easily find some hidden relics nearby, and get something from it. Lord your innate talent, naturally you can quickly become stronger. “

“Of course, the coming of Slaughter’s son, this is a future thing. In recent months, Lord you need to worry about other things.”

“Anything else?” Adier’s eyes flickered, and this time it was really a bit of a surprise.

“The bloody jazz, an ambitionist who wants to captivate God.”

Under Adier’s gaze, Marr slowly said a name: “The Demi-God sins that the Lord had killed before were sent by the bloody jazz.”

“Demi-God?” Adier froze, then responded: “Sir Bloody, the man who killed my brother?”

“The prince has been targeted.”

Marr said quietly, and seemed to be aware of the doubts in Adier’s heart, then he paused and said again: “The bloody Sir holds the resurgence ceremony left by the Blood Moon Church, which is the key to the God of Blood Moon’s recovery. . “

“In order to control the blood moon god, use the strength of the blood moon god to achieve his ambitions. This bloody wants to collect the essence of blood of various powerful lives to cultivate a body that can bear the advent of the blood moon god.”

“The prince’s brother died for this reason.”

She said quietly: “The transformation of a vampire is very difficult. Each vampire is a valuable resource. The lord’s brother fits into the vampire’s Strength, and he is fortunately transformed into a vampire.”

“A silver and even a gold Knight has the same vitality, and it is also a rare material for the bloody jazz.”

Adier listened quietly, listening to Mare’s conversation, and didn’t speak for a long time.

It wasn’t until a long time before he began to say, “As a mortal, he wants to control a deity. Why can he confidently do it?”

“Who knows?” Marsh shook the head: “Maybe he has any other means, or maybe he’s already insane, it’s all possible.”

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